2023/09/19 Computing the PoA in atomic network congestion games
FORMATS'23 (Anvers, Belgique)
2023/09/11 History-deterministic automata
Sumo seminar (Ploƫrmel, France)
2022/08/05 Temporal logics with forgettable past
LICS'22 test-of-time award (Haifa, Israel)
2021/06/15 Synchronizing automata with LTL constraints
Sumo seminar (Dinard, France)
2019/09/02 A quantitative semantics for Strategy Logic
GandALF'19 (Bordeaux, France)
2019/04/15 Quantitative Temporal Logics for Multi-Agent Systems
Réunion SUMO (Rennes, France)
2018/11/11 Efficient timed diagnosis using automata on timed domains
RV'18 (Limassol, Chypre)
2018/03/03 Dependences in Strategy Logic
STACS'18 (Caen, France)
2018/02/01 Variations on the semantics of Strategy Logic
Séminaire 68NQRT (Rennes, France)
2017/08/23 Temporal logics for multi-agent systems
MFCS'17 (Aalborg, Danemark)
2017/06/29 Energy Games
Workshop Robolog'17 (Rennes, France)
2017/01/27 Average-Energy Games
Réunion SUMO (Rennes, France)
2017/01/18 Networks of Register Protocols under Stochastic Schedulers
GT 'vérification paramétrée' (Rennes, France)
2016/04/28 Optimal strategies in weighted timed games
WATA'16 (Aalborg, Danemark)
2016/01/29 Temporal logics for multi-agent systems
Séminaire CFV (Bruxelles, Belgique)
2015/12/19 Optimal strategies in weighted timed games
Averts'15 (Bangalore, Inde)
2015/11/09 ATL with strategy contexts
Séminaire du LACL (Créteil, France)
2015/10/01 Optimal strategies in weighted timed games
Séminaire 68NQRT (Rennes, France)
2015/09/22 Average-energy games
GandALF'15 (Gênes, Italy)
2015/08/10 Temporal logics for multi-agent systems
École d'été ESSLLI (Barcelone, Espagne)
2015/06/15 Weighted timed automata and games
Journées du GT Vérif. (Créteil, France)
2014/11/28 Robustness issues in timed models
Journées SASEFOR (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
2014/04/12 Robustness issues in timed models
QAPL'14 (Grenoble, France)
2014/04/16 Temporal logics for multi-agent systems
FAC'14 (Toulouse, France)
2014/12/15 Synchronizing words for weighted timed automata
FSTTCS'14 (New Delhi, Inde)
2013/01/21 Temporal logics for multi-agent systems
Journées nationales du GDR IM (Lyon, France)
2013/02/08 Robust verification of timed systems
Journée industrielle Digicosme (Saclay, France)
2013/10/28 Quantified CTL
Congrès de mathématiques NPdC-BE (Valenciennes, France)
2013/09/22 Satisfiability of ATL with strategy contexts
Highlights'13 (Paris, France)