

Workshops Day I Day II Day III
08:00 Bus service (Hotels -> Conference) Bus @ 8:30
8:00-8:30 Registration Registration Registration
8:30-9:00 Workshop
9:00-9:30 Conf. Opening &
Keynote 1
Keynote 2 S4 (I):
10:30-11:00 Break Break Break Break
(taxi calls
if needed)
11:00-11:30 Workshop
S1: Fault
SF +
S6: Dep.
S4 (II):
12:00-12:30 S7: Embedded
sys. & HW
12:30-13:00 Closing sess.
13:00-13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
(taxi calls
if needed)
14:30-15:00 Workshop
MW &
SF +
Approaches &
16:00-16:30 Excursion
& dinner
16:30-17:00 Break Break
17:00-17:30 Workshop
Diag. &
SF +
19:15 Bus service
(Conference -> Hotels)
20h30 Welcome

Note: The whole conference will take place the 3rd floor of the building 8E of the Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación on the Campus of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV).

Tuesday 27 April 2010 (EDCC Workshops)

8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-19:00 CARS@EDCC2010 (programme)
1st Workshop on Critical Automotive applications: Robustness & Safety
8:30-19:00 DYADEM-FTS 2010 (programme)
1st Workshop on DYnamic Aspects in DEpendability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems
14:30-19:00 DD4LLCI 2010 (programme)
Workshop on Data Distribution for Large-Scale Complex Critical Infrastructures

Wednesday 28 April 2010

8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:30 Conference Opening (ppt, pdf) and Keynote 1: (Chair: Karama Kanoun)

“Developing accurate risk models requires mathematics, domain knowledge and common sense, although not necessarily in that order” (pptx, pdf)
Brendan Murphy (Microsoft Research Centre in Cambridge)

11:00-13:00 Session 1: Fault Injection (Chair: Cristian Constantinescu)
  • Comparing and Validating Measurements of Dependability Attributes. (pdf)
    Daniel Skarin, Raul Barbosa and Johan Karlsson
  • Slice Your Bug: Debugging Error Detection Mechanisms using Error Injection Slicing. (pdf)
    Ute Schiffel, André Schmitt, Martin Süßkraut and Christof Fetzer
  • Emulation of Transient Software Faults for Dependability Assessment: A Case Study. (ppt, pdf)
    Roberto Natella and Domenico Cotroneo
  • Evaluating and comparing the impact of software faults on web servers. (ppt, pdf)
    Naaliel Mendes, Joao Duraes and Henrique Madeira
11:00-12:55 Fast Abstracts & Student Forum (Session A):
Architectures, platforms, and mechanisms
(Chair: Juan-Carlos Ruiz)

Fast Abstracts

  • Generic Interface to a Safe Processing Platform.
    Karsten Hoffmeister, Rafael Zalman, Marc Graniou and Bertrand Delord
  • A Proposal of a Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Microprocessor Buses.
    Luis-J. Saiz-Adalid, J.-Carlos Baraza-Calvo, Joaquin Gracia-Moran and Daniel Gil-Tomas
  • Dependable IP based messaging for real-time control over challenged wireless networks.
    Jaime Martin Losa
  • e-NOTIFY: A Proposal to Improve the Responsiveness of Emergency Services.
    Francisco J. Martinez, Juan C. Cano, Carlos T. Calafate, Pietro Manzoni and Jose M. Barrios
  • About the Feasibility of Transactional Support in Cloud Computing.
    Francisco Maia, Rui Oliveira and José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo
  • Vertical integration on Real-Time Ethernet: A proposal.
    F.-Javier Sánchez-Bolumar, Juan-Carlos Baraza, Juan-Carlos Ruiz and Pedro Gil

Student Forum

  • A reliable distributed desktop for collaborative environments.
    Carlos Gómez-Calzado
14:30-16:30 Session 2: Middleware and mechanisms (Chair: Miroslaw Malek)
  • Towards On-Line Adaptation of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms. (ppt, pdf)
    Jean-Charles Fabre, Marc-Olivier Killijian and Thomas Pareaud
  • Scalability Evaluation of the Replication Support for JOnAS, an Industrial J2EE Application Server (Practical Experience Report). (ppt, pdf)
    Alberto Paz, Francisco Perez-Sorrosal, Marta Patino-Martinez and Ricardo Jimenez-Peris
  • On Hardware Resource Consumption for Aspect-Oriented Implementation of Fault Tolerance (Practical Experience Report). (ppt, pdf)
    Ruben Alexandersson and Peter Öhman
  • Partitioned Embedded Architecture based on Hypervisor: the XtratuM approach (Prototype-Tool description). (pdf)
    Ismael Ripoll, Miguel Masmano and Alfons Crespo
14:30-16:10 Fast Abstracts & Student Forum (Session B):
Formal methods, verification, and tool support
(Chair:Marco Vieira )

Fast Abstracts

  • Enhancing Program Verification for SPARK
    Eduardo Brito, Luís Pinto and Jorge Sousa Pinto
  • Towards a Worst-Case Execution Time Calculation Platform with Certificate Production
    Diogo Fialho, Nuno Gaspar, Simão Sousa, Jorge Pinto and Rogério Reis
  • Formal Modeling of Safety Requirements in the Model-Driven Development of Safety Critical Embedded Systems
    Dominik Sojer, Alois Knoll and Christian Buckl
  • System Architecture, Dependability and Modes
    Linas Laibinis, Elena Troubitsyna, Alexei Iliasov and Alexander Romanovsky
  • Robots, Software, Mayhem? Towards a Design Methodology for Robotic Software Systems
    Dietmar Schreiner and Franz Puntigam

Student Forum

  • Abortable Consensus for Group Membership in Partitionable Systems
    Léon Lim
17:00-19:00 Session 5: Diagnosis and monitoring (Chair: Luca Simoncini)
  • Assessing the Impact of Imperfect Diagnosis on Service Reliability: A Parsimonious Model Approach. (pptx, pdf)
    Jesper Grønbæk, Hans-Peter Schwefel, Jens Kristian Kjærgård and Thomas S. Toftegaard
  • Analysis of Inter-Module Error Propagation Paths in Monolithic Operating System Kernels. (ppt, pdf)
    Roberto Jung Drebes and Takashi Nanya
  • Narrowing Down Possible Causes of Performance Anomaly in Web Applications (Practical Experience Report). (pptx, pdf)
    Satoshi Iwata and Kenji Kono
  • Finding Error Handling Bugs in OpenSSL using Coccinelle (Practical Experience Report). (pdf)
    Julia Lawall, Ben Laurie, René Rydhof Hansen, Nicolas Palix and Gilles Muller

17:00-18:30 Fast Abstracts & Student Forum (Session C):
Testing, fault and attack injection, and benchmarking
(Chair: Dietmar Schreiner)

Fast Abstracts

  • Improvement of the fault injection effectiveness rate on data memory area
    Carlos Carrión, Nacho Piqueras, Pedro Yuste, Rafael Ors and Juan Jose Serrano
  • Resilience Benchmarking for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Challenge
    Raquel Almeida and Marco Vieira
  • On-line wire diagnosis for vehicles
    Marc Olivas Carrion
  • An attack-goal driven approach for web applications security assessment
    Rim Akrout and Anthony Dessiatnikoff
  • Towards Benchmarking Software Requirements Documentation for Space Applications
    Paulo Véras, Emilia Villani, Ana Ambrosio, Marco Vieira and Henrique Madeira
  • Key Factors for Attack Injection on MANETs: Towards Enhancing Experiment Representativeness
    Jesús Friginal, David de Andrés, Juan-Carlos Ruiz and Pedro Gil

Thursday 29 April 2010

8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:30 Keynote 2: (Chair: Francois Taiani)

“Addressing heterogeneity, failures and variability in high-performance NoCs” (pptx, pdf)
Prof. Jose Duato Marín (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

11:00-12:00 Session 6: Dependability modelling (Chair: Felicita Di Giandomenico)
  • Beyond attack trees: dynamic security modeling with Boolean logic Driven Markov Processes (BDMP). (pdf)
    Ludovic Piètre-Cambacédès and Marc Bouissou
  • Online Monitoring of Software System Reliability. (ppt, pdf)
    Roberto Pietrantuono, Stefano Russo and Kishor S. Trivedi
12:00-13:00 Session 7: Embedded systems and hardware (Chair: David de Andrés Martínez)
  • Codesign and simulated fault injection of safety-critical embedded systems using SystemC. (ppt, pdf)
    Jon Perez, Mikel Azkarate-askasua and Antonio Perez
  • How to Speed-up Fault-Tolerant Clock Generation in VLSI Systems-on-Chip via Pipelining. (ppt, pdf)
    Matthias Függer, Andreas Dielacher and Ulrich Schmid
14:30-16:00 Session 3: Approaches & Methodologies (Chair: Johan Karlsson)
  • Software Process Synthesis in Assurance Based Development of Dependable Systems. (pptx, pdf)
    Patrick Graydon and John Knight
  • Towards Understanding the Importance of Variables in Dependable Software. (ppt, pdf)
    Matthew Leeke and Arshad Jhumka
  • Reliability and availability requirements engineering within the Unified Process using a Dependability Analysis and Modeling profile. (ppt, pdf)
    Simona Bernardi, José Merseguer and Robyn Lutz
16:00-late Social Event: Excursion and dinner
  • The tour will end at the Torress de Serrano (Serrano’s Tower) at 20h00. From there a bus will take us to the dinner.
  • The dinner will take place in the restaurant “El huerto de Santa Maria” in the village named “El Puig”.

Friday 30 April 2010

9:00-10:30 Session 4 (I): Distributed Protocols (Chair: Mikel Larrea)
  • Early Consensus in Message-passing Systems Enriched with a Perfect Failure Detector and its Application in the Theta Model. (pdf)
    François Bonnet and Michel Raynal
  • HP: Hybrid Paxos for WANs. (ppt, pdf)
    Dan Dobre, Matthias Majuntke, Marco Serafini and Neeraj Suri
  • Eventual Leader Election in Infinite Arrival Message-passing System Model with Bounded Concurrency. (pptx, pdf)
    Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni and Roberto Baldoni
11:00-12:30 Session 4 (II): Distributed Protocols (Chair: Ricardo Jimenez Peris)
  • D2HT: the best of both worlds Integrating RPS and DHT. (pdf)
    Marin Bertier, François Bonnet, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Vincent Leroy, Sathya Peri and Michel Raynal
  • Dependability Analysis of Diffusion Protocols in Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Node Capabilities. (pdf)
    Paolo Masci, Silvano Chiaradonna and Felicita Di Giandomenico
  • A Membership Service for a Distributed, Embedded System based on a Time-Triggered FlexRay Network (Industrial Track Paper). (ppt, pdf)
    Martin Mitzlaff, Rüdiger Kapitza, Michael Lang and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat
12:30-13:00 Closing Session