All submissions must be made electronically through the submission web page, and should clearly indicate in which category the paper is being submitted.
Submission format
The title page of each submission should include a 150-word abstract, five keywords, authors’ names and addresses and include a line specifying the submission category. The full mailing address, phone, fax and email address of the corresponding author should be indicated.
Except for information on the corresponding author and the submission category, the submission format is the same as the camera ready format. In particular, submissions must adhere to the IEEE Computer Society camera-ready 8.5″x11″ two-column camera-ready format, and respect the length requirements of their submission category. This format includes 10 point font on 12 point spacing for body text, and other details described in the author guidelines below. Pages must be numbered. Templates and further details can be found at:
Each paper must be submitted as a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file. We recommend that you embed fonts where possible to improve portability. We also strongly recommend you print the file and review it for integrity (fonts, symbols, equations etc.) before submitting it. A defective printing of your paper can undermine its chance of success.