Eighth European Dependable Computing Conference

Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, April 28-30, 2010


Presentations of the main track now on-line
Registration is now open
Fast Abstracts Deadline Extended
Second Keynote speech by Prof. Jose Duato Marín


Modern society increasingly relies on mission- and safety-critical computer systems whose failure can have extreme and catastrophic consequences. As the range and nature of computer technologies expand, insuring the dependability of these systems is becoming increasingly difficult, and must encompass a swathe of complementary approaches to provide emergent dependability properties such as quality of service, availability, survivability, confidentiality, and fault and intrusion tolerance. These efforts must further consider all phases of a system’s life cycle, from its inception and design, through to its use, maintenance, and decommissioning.

Organised every two years, EDCC is the leading regional conference series to discuss advances on the dependability of computer systems in Europe. As in previous years, its eighth edition aims at providing a European-hosted venue for researchers and practitioners from all over the world to present and discuss their latest research results on fault-tolerance, dependability, security, and testing. Original papers are solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems, covering any fault model, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions.

Major topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Architectures for dependable systems;
  • Fault tolerance in databases and transactional systems;
  • Architecture and protocols for security;
  • Security and dependability benchmarking;
  • Security and dependability assessment;
  • Computer and network security;
  • Security and privacy policies;
  • Fault tolerance in real-time systems;
  • Critical infrastructure protection;
  • Fault tolerance in multimedia systems;
  • Dependability and security for mobile systems;
  • Hardware and software testing, verification, and validation;
  • Dependability in high-bandwidth and system area networks;
  • Human factors;
  • Dependability and security measurement, modelling, and evaluation;
  • Formal methods for dependability and security;
  • Dependability in SOA and middleware;
  • Information assurance and survivability;
  • Intrusion tolerance;
  • Dependability and security in wireless sensor and ad hoc networks;
  • Internet dependability and quality of service;
  • Dependability in high performance and grid systems;
  • Safety-critical systems;
  • Dependability and security in business and e-commerce applications;
  • Software reliability engineering;
  • Dependability and security in data streaming;
  • Software engineering for dependability;
  • Fault-tolerant distributed systems.

Important dates

Abstract submission: 25 September 2009 (optional)

Full paper submission: 9 October 2009

Author notification: 8 January 2010

Final version of papers: 20 February 2010 (new)