Publications de Nicolas Belloir
- Imane Cherfa, Nicolas
Belloir, Salah Sadou, Régis Fleurquin, and Djamal Bennouar.
Systems of systems: From mission definition to architecture description.
Systems Engineering, 22(6), pages 437-454, November 2019.
- Manzoor Ahamd, Nicolas
Belloir et Jean-Michel Bruel.
Modeling and verification of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of ambient Self-Adaptive Systems.
Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, volume 107, pages 50-70, september 2015.
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel et Raphaël Faudou.
Modélisation des exigences en UML/SysML.
Génie Logiciel. Numéro spécial sur l'ingénierie des exigences, N:111:6-12, décembre 2014.
- Nicolas
Belloir and Jean-Michel Bruel.
Développement basé composant : une approche centrée composition.
Méthodes Avancées de Développement des SI. Numéro spécial de la revue
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 10(6):59-80, 2005.
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- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and
Franck Barbier.
Intégration du
test dans les composants logiciels.
Ingénierie des composants dans les systèmes d'information. Numéro spécial
de la revue L'Objet, 10(1):89-102, 2004.
(PDF, 66566 bytes)
- Jean-Michel Bruel, Franck
Barbier, Nicolas
Belloir, and Fabien Roméo.
Test de composants logiciels.
In Mourad Oussalah, editor, Ingénierie des Composants : Concepts,
techniques et outils, chapter 8, pages 229-245. Vuibert, June
- Nicolas
Belloir and Jean-Michel Bruel.
Model-Based System Engineering with SysML, 29-31 July 2013.
Half-day tutorial shared between SIMULTECH and ICSOFT 2013.
- Nicolas
Belloir, Wassila Ouerdane, Oscar Pastor. Characterizing Fake News: A Conceptual Modeling-based Approach. In Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2022), pages XX-XX, Online, 17-20 October 2022, LNCS, Springer.
- Paul Perrotin, Nicolas
Belloir, Salah Sadou, Davis Hairion, Antoine Beugnard. Using the architecture of Socio-Technical System to analyse its vulnerability. In Proceedings of the 17th annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE 2022), pages XX-XX, Rochester, NY, USA, June 7th – 11th 2022, IEEE.
- Nicolas
Belloir, Wassila Ouerdane, Oscar Pastor, Emilien Frugier, and Louis-Antoine De Barmon, A Conceptual Characterization of Fake New : A Positioning Paper. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Sciences (RCIS 2022), Forum@RCIS. pages XX-XX, Barcelone, Espagne, 17-20 May 2022, LNCS, Springer.
- Paul Perrotin, Nicolas
Belloir, Salah Sadou, Davis Hairion, Antoine Beugnard. HoS-ML: Socio-Technical System ADL Dedicated to Human Vulnerability Identification. In The 26th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS'22), pages, XX-XX, Hiroshima, Japan, 26 - 30 March 2022, IEEE.
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jérémy Buisson, Lionel Touseau. Model-Driven Engineering as the Interface for Tactical Operation Order of Mixed Robot/Human Platoons. In Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense and Security (Micrads 2021), published in Developments and Advances in Defense and Security, pages, 205-214, Cartagena, Colombia, May 26, 2021 - May 28, 2021, Springer.
- Nan Messe, Vanea Chiprianov, Nicolas
Belloir, Jamal El Hachem, Régis Fleurquin and Salah Sadou. Asset-Oriented Threat Modeling. In The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2020), pages 491-501, Guangzhou, China, December 29, 2020 - January 1, 2021, IEEE.
- Nan Messe, Nicolas
Belloir, Vanea Chiprianov, Jamal El Hachem, Régis Fleurquin and Salah Sadou. An Asset-Based Assistance for Secure by Design. In The 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2020), pages 178-187, December 1-4, 2020 Singapoure. IEEE-CS.
- Jérémy Buisson, Jean Levrai Mbeck M., Nicolas
Belloir. Digitalization in Next Generation C2: Research Agenda from Model-Based Engineering Perspective
In Proceedings of the 15th annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE 2020), pages 243-248, December 2-4, 2020 Budapest, Hungary. IEEE.
- Nan Messe, Nicolas
Belloir, Vanea Chiprianov, Imane Cherfa, Régis Fleurquin and Salah Sadou.
Development of Secure Systems of Systems Needing a Rapid Development
In Proceedings of the 14th annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE 2019), pages 152-157, Anchorage, USA. May 19-22, 2019. IEEE.
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jérémy Buisson et Olivier Bartheye.
Metamodeling NATO Operation Orders: a proof-of-concept to deal with digitalization of the battlefield
In Proceedings of the 14th annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE 2019), pages 260-265, Anchorage, USA. May 19-22, 2019. IEEE.
- Imane Cherfa, Salah Sadou, Nicolas
Belloir and Régis Fleurquin.
Involving the Application Domain Expert in the Construction of Systems of Systems
In Proceedings of the 13thSystem of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE 2018), pages 335-342, Paris, France. June 19-22, 2018. IEEE.
- Alexandre Le Borgne,Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, Thuy Nguyen.
Formal Requirements Engineering for Smart Industries.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Smart and Suistainable City 2016, IEEE CPS, organised in association with the Smart World Congres 2016 and associed to the IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing 2016, pages XXX-XXX, Toulouse, France. July 18 2016, IEEE CPS.
- Jörg Kienzle, Gunter Mussbacher, Omar Alam, Matthias Schöttle, Nicolas
Belloir, Philippe Collet, Benoit Combemale, Julien Deantoni, Jacques Klein and Bernhard Rumpe.
The Three Dimensions of Reuse
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2016), pages 122-137, Limassol, Cyprus. June 5-7, 2016. Springer International Publishing.
- Nicolas
Belloir, Vanea Chiprianov, Manzoor Ahmad, Manuel Munier, Laurent Gallon and Jean-Michel Bruel.
Using Relax Operators into an MDE Security Requirement Elicitation Process for Systems of Systems.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-systems, in the field of 8th European Conference on software Architecture, pages XXX-XXX, Vienna, Autria,
26 August 2014. ACM Digital Library. (PDF)
- Manzoor Ahmad, João
Araújo, Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel,
Christophe Gnaho, Regine Laleau, and Farida Semmak.
Self-Adaptive Systems Requirements Modelling: four related approaches
In Proceedings of the Comparing Requirements Modeling Approaches
(CMA@RE'13) workshop, in the field of IEEE International Conference on
Requirements Engineering 2013, pages 37-42, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil,
16 July 2013. IEEE Digital Library. (PDF)
- Manzoor Ahmad, Iulia Dragomir,
Jean-Michel Bruel, Iulian Ober, and Nicolas
Early Analysis of Ambient Systems SysML Properties using OMEGA2-IFx.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and
Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH'13),
pages 147--154, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2013. SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
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- Youssef Ridène,
Belloir, Franck Barbier, and
Nadine Couture.
A dsml for mobile phone applications testing.
In proceedings of 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling in the field
of SPLASH 2012, pages 25-30, Reno, NV, USA, October 17-18 2010. ACM
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- Eric Cariou,
Belloir, and Franck Barbier.
Ocl contracts for the verification of model transformations.
In proceedings of OCL Workshop in the field of MODELS'2009,
DENVER, CO, USA, October 5 2009. Electronic Communications of the EASST.
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- Natacha Hoang,
Belloir, CongDuc Pham, and
Sentilles Séverine.
Valentine : a dynamic and adaptive operating system for wireless sensor
In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Component-Based
Design of Ressource-Constrainted Systems (CORCS08) in the field of COMPSAC
2008, pages 1297-1302, TurKu, Finland, Jul 28 - Aug 1 2008. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
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- Nicolas
Belloir and Jean-Michel Bruel.
Component Based Development : a Composition Oriented Approach.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Research,
Innovation and Vision for the Futur (RIVF'07), pages 101-106.
Universalis Publishing, 2007.
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- Nicolas
Belloir, Fabien Romeo, and
Jean-Michel Bruel.
based Composition Approach: a Case Study.
In Magnus Larsson Ivica Crnkovic, editor, Proceedings of the 30th
Euromicro Conference on Component-Based Software Engineering, pages
66-73, Rennes, France, September 2004. IEEE Computer Society Press.
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- Franck
Barbier and Nicolas
Behavior Prediction and Monitoring through Built-In Test.
In Proceedings of the 10th Annual IEEE International Conference and
Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS'2003),
Huntsville, USA, 7-10 April 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
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- Franck Barbier,
Belloir, and Jean-Michel Bruel.
of Test Functionality into Software Components.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Commercial
Off-The-Shelf (COTS)-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS'2003), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2580, Ottawa, Canada, 10-12 February 2003.
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- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and
Franck Barbier.
Relationships for Software Component Combination.
In Gerhard Chroust and Christian Hofer, editors, Proceedings of the 29th
Euromicro Conference on Component-Based Software Engineering, pages
86-91, Antalya - Turkey, September 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
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- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and
Franck Barbier.
Component's Testability in
Real-Time Systems.
In Proceedings of the 1st CARTS - Worshop on Advanced Real-Time
technologies, Aranjuez, Spain, 10-11 October 2002.
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- Christian
Sallaberry and Eric Andonoff and Nicolas
WDBQS: A Unified Access to Distant Databases via a Simple Web Tool.
In Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Databases and
Expert Systems Applications 2000 (DEXA 2000), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1873, pages 815-825, Kuwait, 4-8 September 2000. Springer.
(PDF, 145600 bytes)
- Eric
Andonoff and Christian Sallaberry and Nicolas
WDBQL: A Web-Based Query Language for Remote Relational and Object-Oriented
In Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Computing and
Information'2000 (ICCI 2000), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Kuwait, 18-21 November 2000. Springer.
(PDF, 99630 bytes)
- Manzoor Ahmad, Nicolas
Belloir et Jean-Michel Bruel.
Modeling and verification of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of ambient Self-Adaptive Systems.
Présentation dans la session GLACE des Journées du GDR GPL 2016, juin 2016. Présentation de l'article de JSS 2015.
- Fernando Wanderley,
Nicolas Belloir,
Jean-Michel Bruel, João Araújo et Nabil Hameurlain.
Des buts à la modélisation système : une approche de modélisation des exigences centrée utilisateur.
In Actes du XXXIIeme congrès Inforsid, pages 113--128, Lyon, France, 20-23 mai 2014. (PDF)
- Natacha Hoang,
Nicolas Belloir,
Xavier Detant, and Cong-Duc Pham.
Un modèle de composant pour la reconfiguration dynamique de réseaux de
capteurs sans fil.
In Actes de la 4ieme Conférence francophone sur les Architectures
Logicielles(CAL'10), pages 49-61, Pau, France, 9-12 March 2010.
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- Jean-Michel Bruel,
Nicolas Belloir, and
Ahmad Manzoor.
SPAS : un
profil SysML pour les systèmes auto-adaptatifs.
In 15ième Colloque National de la Recherche en IUT (CNRIUT), Lille,
08/06/09-10/06/09, 2009.
(PDF, 684762 bytes)
- Eric
Cariou, Nicolas
Belloir, and Franck Barbier.
Contrats de transformations pour la validation de raffinement de modèles.
In Actes des Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les
Modèles(IDM'09), pages xx-xx, Nancy, France, 25-26 March 2009.
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- Nicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel
Bruel, Natacha Hoang, and Cong-Duc Pham.
Utilisation de SysML pour la modélisation des réseaux de capteurs.
In Actes de la conférence Langages et Modèles à Objets
(LMO'08), pages 171-186, Montreal, Canada, 2-7 March 2008. RNTI.
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- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and Eric
Implémentation d'un modèle UML de composition hiérarchique.
In Actes de la conférence Langages et Modèles à Objets
(LMO'07), pages 35-47, Toulouse, France, 27-29 March 2007. Hermès
Sciences / Lavoisier.
(PDF, 99571 bytes)
- Nicolas
Belloir and Fabien Romeo.
Vérification a priori de modèle de
composition logicielle.
In Actes du XXIIeme congrés Inforsid, pages 163-178, 25-28 May
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- Nicolas
Belloir and Fabien Roméo.
de composants testables avec testeur distribué.
In Actes du Workshop OCM-SI : Objets, Composants et Modèles dans
l'Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, Nancy, France, 3 June
(PDF, 242094 bytes)
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and Franck
Application de la théorie de la
relation Tout-Partie à la composition de composants logiciels.
In Actes du XXIeme congrès Inforsid, pages 35-50, 3-6 June 2003.
(PDF, 656419 bytes)
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and Franck
Intégration du test
dans les composants logiciels.
In Actes du Workshop OCM-SI : Objets, Composants et Modèles dans
l'Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, Nantes, France, 4 June
(PDF, 76627 bytes)
- Nicolas
Belloir and Jean-Michel Bruel.
Intégration du test dans
les composants logiciels, 13 December 2001.
Actes de la journée de travail des Ggroupes 3.1 et 3.2 - GDR I3.
(PDF, 58040 bytes)
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and Franck
de la relation Tout-Partie : application à l'assemblage des composants
In Actes des Journées Composants : flexibilité du système au
langage, Besançon, France, 25-26 October 2001.
(PostScript, 10 pages, 311129 bytes)
- Nicolas
Composition logicielle basée sur la relation Tout-Partie.
PhD thesis, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, December 2004.
- Nicolas
Vers un environnement d'assemblage de composants logiciels.
In Résumé des communications des 3e journées de l'Ecole Doctorale des
Sciences Exactes et de leurs applications, Pau, France, 5-6 June
- Nicolas
Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and Franck
BIT/J Library - User's Guide.
Technical repport, Component + Consortium, 2003.
- Franck Barbier and
Nicolas Belloir.
D6.1 and D6.2 BIT Technology Assessment and Evaluation.
Technical repport, Component + Consortium, 2002.
- Component+
D3 - Built-in testing for component based-development.
Technical repport, Component + Consortium, 2002.
- Nicolas
un environnement d'assemblage de composants.
In Forum Jeune Chercheur, Proceedings of XXeme congrés Inforsid,
pages 417-418, Nantes, France, 4-7 June 2002. Hermes.
(PDF, 15443 bytes)
- Component+
D4 - BIT case studies.
Technical repport, Component + Consortium, 2001.
- Nicolas
Une approche navigationnelle pour l'interrogation de bases de données via le
Rapport de DEA, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse,
Toulouse, France, June 1999.