Deep Learning for Vision (DLV)
- Denis Coquenet (
- Elisa Fromont (
ISTIC at Beaulieu campus (Rennes University)Schedule
Warning regarding rooms: they might be changed without noticing the teachers. I will try to keep this page updated. However, if you notice a difference between this website and the university planning, please send me a mail so that everyone can have the information.For PhD students, I think only those who do some teaching or are registered as students at Rennes University can access the planning with here
In the left-hand tree: Etudiants > Beaulieu > ISTIC >M2 INFORMATIQUE > M2 INFO-Parcours SIF > M2 INFO-SIF.
Date | Hour | Location | Course | Teacher | Slides |
2024/11/06 | 8:00 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Introduction | Elisa Fromont | CM1-Introduction.pdf |
2024/11/06 | 16:45 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Neural Networks Basics - part I | Elisa Fromont | CM2-Neural_Networks_Basics.pdf |
2024/11/12 | 15:00 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Neural Networks Basics - part II | Elisa Fromont | CM2-Neural_Networks_Basics.pdf |
2024/11/12 | 16:45 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Deep Learning - part I | Elisa Fromont | CM3-Deep_Learning_Bases.pdf |
2024/11/13 | 16:45 | Building 12D - Room I54 | Deep Learning - part II | Elisa Fromont | CM3-Deep_Learning_Bases.pdf |
2024/11/18 | 15:00 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Classification - Part I | Denis Coquenet |
CM4-Classification_part1_with_correction.pdf |
2024/11/20 | 16:45 | Building 12D - Room 53 | Classification - Part II | Denis Coquenet |
CM4-Classification_part2_with_correction.pdf |
2024/11/25 | 15:00 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Practical session 1 on Google colab (Bring your laptop!) |
Denis Coquenet |
TP1-Pytorch_Basics_with_correction.ipynb |
2024/11/27 | 16:45 | Building 12D - Room 52 | Object Detection & Segmentation | Denis Coquenet |
CM6-Segmentation.pdf CM6-Segmentation_with_correction.pdf |
2024/12/02 | 15:00 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Handwritten Text Recognition | Denis Coquenet |
CM7-Handwritten_Text_Recognition_with_correction.pdf |
2024/12/02 | 16:45 | Building 02B - Room E208 | Practical session 2 on Google colab (Bring your laptop!) |
Denis Coquenet |
TP2-Image-to-sequence-(HTR)_with_correction.ipynb |
2024/12/04 | 16:45 | Building 12D - Room 53 | Image generation | Denis Coquenet |
2024/12/09 | 15:00 | Building 12D - Room 50 | Practical session 3 on Google colab (Bring your laptop!) |
Denis Coquenet |
2024/12/11 | 16:45 | Building 12D - Room I60 | Written exam | Denis Coquenet, Elisa Fromont | |
2024/12/16 | 15:00 | Building 12D - Room 53 | Oral presentation (projects) | Denis Coquenet, Elisa Fromont |
You can register for the subjects on the following shared document: hereThe main goal of the projects is to evaluate a pre-trained model on a given dataset. This includes:
- Understand the provided architecture, the required input pre-processing, how to perform a prediction and how to interpret the output
- Compute appropriate metrics
- Comparing results between training/validation/test sets
- Visual examples of predictions (hypotheses on failure cases)
- Prediction on your own data and analysis of performance
- Evaluate on another dataset
- Evaluate another architecture on the same task and dataset
- Train from scratch / finetune a model
- Classification with Vision Transformer (ImageNet dataset)
- Object detection with SSD (COCO dataset)
- Segmentation with FCN (PASCAL VOC dataset)
- Text line recognition with FCN (IAM dataset)
Project | Files | Students |
Classification 1 | |
Classification 2 | |
Object detection 1 | |
Object detection 2 | |
Segmentation | |
Text recognition 1 | |
Text recognition 2 | |