Call for Tool Presentation @ DYADEM-FTS
First Workshop and Tool Session on DYnamic Aspects in DEpendability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems (DYADEM-FTS 2010, Valencia, Spain, April 27 2010)
You may either submit:
- Novel tools: a two-page abstract describing your tool
- Established tools: a full-length submission already published elsewhere. In this case, your contribution will not appear in the DYADEM workshop proceedings.
All tools will be presented in a hands-on session during the workshop. For more details and the scope of the workshop, please refer to the workshop website.
Important dates
Submission deadline: 21 February 2010 23:59 GMT
Author notification: 1 March 2010
Camera ready due: 19 March 2010
DYADEM-FTS workshop date: 27 April 2010