* Mathematic Park, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, February 29, 2020.
Structures automatiques et logique du premier ordre
* Centre Fédéré en Verification Formelle, May 5, 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Model checking over infinite structures: Automatic Structures and Regular Automatic Trees
* Inria SecDays 2019, Januray 9-10, 2019, Rennes, France.
Assisted design of attack trees
* 1st Workshop on Formal Methods in Artificial Intelligence FMAI 2019, 2-3 May, 2019, Rennes, France.
Journées sur les aspects Multi-Agents, Flexible, Temporel, Epistémique et Contingent de la planification MAFTEC 2018, December 5-7, 2018, Rennes, France.
Automatic structures, chain Monadic Second-Order logic, Epistemic planning synthesis.
* Dynamics of MultiAgent Systems, December 17-21, 2018, Lorentz Center.
Dynamics of knowledge (inivted talk)
* 1st Workshop on Formal Methods in Artificial Intelligence FMAI 2017, February 22-24, 2017, Naples, Italy
Relating paths in game arenas: a unifying approach for logic-based strategic reasoning
* Workshop "Logics for Rational Agents", Februray 10, 2017 Evry, France.
Relating paths in transition systems: the fall of the modal mu-calculus
* Game Theory in AI, Logic, and Algorithms, Dagstuhl seminar 1711, March 12-17 , 2017.
Relating plays in game arenas
* To Be Announced! Synthesis of Epistemic Protocols, Lorentz Center, Leiden The Netherlands, August 2015
Relating paths in transition systems: the fall of the modal mu-calculus
* French Symposium on Games, Paris, May 2015
Uniform Strategies
* 18th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS), London, April 2015
Unifying Hyper and Epistemic Temporal Logics
* GT ALGA - Annual Meeting 2015 LIAFA (Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7), 30-31 March 2015
Unifying Hyper and Epistemic Temporal Logics
* GImInAL workshop on Games of Imperfect Information via Automata and Logic, Chennai, December 2013
Specifying Robustness
* Journée IPR 2013, ENS Rennes, September 2013
(Formation spécifique pour les Inspecteurs de mathématiques de l'Éducation nationale).
Jeux à durée infinie : applications à la synthèse de circuits et de programmes
* GT FORWAL, LIP6, July 2013
The project LogicA
* GT Verif, ENS Cachan, June 2013
Extensions of the mu-calculus for strategic reasoning
* GT FORWAL, LIP6, May 2012
Opacity issues in games with imperfect information
* LSV, ENS Cachan, November 2011 and IMSc, Chennai, December 2011
Uniform strategies
* Advances in Modal Logic 2010 Moscow, Russia, August 2010
Future event logic: axioms and complexity.
* Formal theories of Communication. Lorentz Center, Leiden, NL, February 2010
A Theory of Interfaces
* Logic, Automata, and Games (video)
The annual Logic Summer School of the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering (The Australian National University, Canberra).
* Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, India, January 2009
Diagnosis of Pushdown Systems
* Réunion annuelle du GT Jeux, GDR IM, Bordeaux Juin 2008
Intended Objectives
* Meeting ANR DOTS-AVERISS Bordeaux 2008
A generic constructive solution for concurrent games with expressive constraints on strategies
* Wodes Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, May 2008
A Topological Perspective on Diagnosis
* ATVA 2007, Tokyo, Japan
A generic constructive solution for concurrent games with expressive constraints on strategies
* OMEGA 2007, Tokyo, Japan
A Control-Theory Standpoint for the Non-emptiness Problem of Automata
* University of Western Australia, Perth 2007
Logics for Multi-player Arenas
* Dagstuhl Seminar 06411 on Specification, Verification and Test of Open Systems. V. Goranko , R. Grosu, S. Merz, H. Schlingloff 2006
Specifying and Synthesizing Open Systems and their Controllers
* Conference on Decision and Control 2005
On the Architectures in Decentralized Control
* Dagstuhl Seminar 05241 on Synthesis and Planning, H. Kautz, W. Thomas, M. Y. Vardi (Eds.) 2005
Second Order Quantification in Temporal Logic and their Application to Control
* Talks at the Center for Intelligent Machines, Mc Gill University, Montréal (2004)
Control Problems fpr DES are Model-Checking Problems
Intentional Labeled Transition Systems
* 7th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event System 2004
Maximally Permissive Controllers in All Contexts
* BIRS Workshop on Decentralized Discrete Event Systems: Architecture, Communication, and Control. May 2004
* Habilitation à Diriger les Recherche 2003
Contribution à l'Analyse des Systèmes Réactifs (The Movie of the Defense)