I am responsible for the scientific animation of the D1 department of IRISA, on Large-Scale Systems. This page gathers various information about it.

D1 seminars

We organize every year a seminar in november. 2nd- and 3rd-year PhD are given the opportunity to present their work, first through a teasing slide and 3 minutes, then through a poster. Each session also feature a keynote on methodological issues that the students may be facing. In 2017, it was on applying to academic positions. In 2018, it was on foolproofs tricks to FAIL your experiments. In 2019, it was on How to Be a Terrible HE Teacher (in 7 Easy Steps).

These seminar serve several objectives. They give an opportunity to students to present their current work in two complementary ways. The whole department can see what the other teams are working on through the advance of the PhD students. It gives a broader view to the freshmen PhD students that discover topics related to but different of their own. Some individuals of differing teams discovered during these seminar that they were tackling the same problem from complementary perspectives, leading to very instructive discussion for each part.

The agenda of these seminar is as follows:

  • 8.30 am: poster installation by the 2nd year and 3rd year students
  • 9am-9:30am: Quick presentation of the department, by Martin Quinson and team leaders (about 3mn per team).
  • 9:30am-10:30am: Teasing slides. Each student presenting a poster afterward is given exactly 3mn to present his/her work with a single poster.
  • 10:30am-11:30am: Coffee break + Poster time.
  • 11:30am-12:30am: Keynote.
  • 12:30am-2pm: Free food for all registered participants! The pizza are on the department budget!

I will soon add some example poster and slides of previous years here, as soon as I have the approval of their authors.