Data Mining and Visualization course webiste - ISTIC

A course of Master 2 SIF


Mail: first name [dot] last name [at]


ISTIC at Beaulieu Campus of Rennes 1 University


Last updated: 2023/09/12

Date Day of week Contents Instructor Room
12/09, 16h45 Tuesday Introductory course - KDD 101 A. Termier Guernesey
15/09, 16h45 Friday Frequent itemset mining (1/2) A. Termier Guernesey
19/09, 15h Tuesday Frequent itemset mining (2/2) A. Termier Guernesey
26/09, 15h and 16h45 (3 hours) Tuesday Introduction to data visualization F. Argelaguet Guernesey
29/09, 16h45 Friday Sequence mining (1/2) P. Cellier Guernesey
03/10, 15h Tuesday Sequence mining (2/2) P. Cellier Guernesey
10/10, 15h Tuesday Subgroup discovery and Discriminative pattern mining A. Termier Guernesey
10/10, 16h45 Tuesday Declarative and interactive data mining A. Termier Guernesey
13/10, 16h45 Friday Sequence mining (2/2) P. Cellier Guernesey
17/10, 15h Tuesday Pattern mining with deep learning A. Termier Guernesey
20/10, 16h45 Friday Pattern-sets and Information theory based pattern ming P. Cellier Guernesey
24/10, 15h and 16h45 (3 hours) Tuesday Periodic pattern mining and wrap up A. Termier Guernesey
25/10, 16h45 Wednesday Graph mining (slides by F. Bariatti) P. Cellier Guernesey
10/11,16h45 Friday Exam A. Termier Guernesey


Homework subject (PDF).
Deadline: Sunday the 12th of November, 23h59

Submission: send me an email (first name DOT last name AT irisa DOT fr), with the string HOMEWORK_DMV_2023 in the subject, followed by your name.
These mails will be automatically routed to a specific folder in my mailbox. Failure to comply may lead to your homework being buried under many other mails, (considerably) delaying its evaluation.

Last year's exam (for training)

You can get an idea of the final exam with the exam of last year: Exam of 2022-2023 (PDF).