Head: Sophie Pinchinat
Team: Blaise Genest, Sophie Pinchinat
No prerequisite knowledge
Content and links to lecture notes
- Automata, logics, and infinite games: A guide to current research.
Eds : Grädel E., Thomas W., Wilke T., outcome of a Dagstuhl seminar, February 2001, Springer, ISBN 3-540-00388-6, 2002.
- Principles of Model-checking. C. Baier and J.-P. Katoen. MIT Press, 2009.
- The Complexity of Temporal Logic Model Checking. Philippe Schnoebelen. Advances in Modal Logic 2002: 393-436.
- Vérification de logiciels: Techniques et outils du model-checking. Ph. Schnoebelen, B. Bérard, M. Bidoit, F. Laroussinie and A. Petit. Vuibert, 1999.
- Temporal verification of Reactive Systems: Safety. Z. Manna and A. Pnueli. Springer Verlag, 1995.
- Model-checking. E.M. Clarke, O. Grunberg and D. Peled. MIT Press, 2000.
- homework 50%
- examination 50%
Additional material