Yves MAHÉO – Publications
Articles dans des journaux
- F. Guidec,Y. Mahéo, C. Noûs.
Supporting conflict-free replicated datatypes in opportunistic networks,
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, décembre 2022.
- F. Guidec, P. Launay, Y. Mahéo Causal Broadcast and Δ-causal broadcast in opportunistic networks,
Future Generation Computer Systems, 118:142-156, mai 2021, Elsevier.
- N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo, F. Baklouti. Multi-Strategy Dynamic Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks,
Information, (11)4, mars 2020, MDPI.
- A. Sánchez-Carmona, F. Guidec, P. Launay, Y. Mahéo, S. Robles. Filling in the missing link between simulation and application in opportunistic networking,
Journal of Systems and Software, 142:57-72, août 2018, Elsevier.
- N. Le Sommer et Y. Mahéo. Location-Aware Routing for Service-Oriented Opportunistic Computing,
International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, 5(3&4):225-235, décembre 2012, IARIA.
- N. Le Sommer, S. Ben Sassi, F. Guidec, Y. Mahéo. A Middleware Support for Location-Based Service Discovery and Invocation in Disconnected MANETs,
Studia Informatica Universalis, 8(3):71-97, septembre 2010, Hermann.
- F. Guidec, N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo. Opportunistic Software Deployment in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), 1(1):24-42, janvier 2010, IGI Publishing.
- D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo. Middleware Support for Ubiquitous Software Components,
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 12(2):167-178, février 2008, Springer.
- F. Guidec et Y. Mahéo POM : une machine virtuelle parallèle incorporant des mécanismes d'observation,
Calculateurs Parallèles, 7(2), p. 101-118, juin 1995.
- F. André, O. Chéron, M. Le Fur, Y. Mahéo, J.-L. Pazat,
Programmation des machines à mémoire distribuée par distribution des données : langages et compilateurs,
Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, 12(5), octobre 1993.
Articles dans des conférences et colloques
- H. D. Nguyen, N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo.
Over-the-Air Firmware Update in LoRaWAN Networks: A New Module-based Approach ,
21st International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2024), Huntington, WV, USA, août 2024, Elsevier.
- Y. Mahéo, F. Guidec, C. Noûs.
CRDT-based Collaborative Editing in OppNets: a Practical Experiment,
17th Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (Ubicomm 2023), Porto, Portugal, septembre 2023, IARIA.
- L. Touseau, Y. Mahéo, C. Noûs.
A Smartphone-Targeted Opportunistic Computing Environment for Decentralized Web Applications,
46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021), Edmonton, Canada, October 2021, IEEE.
- F. Guidec, Y. Mahéo, C. Noûs.
Delta-State-Based Synchronization of CRDTs in Opportunistic Networks,
46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021), Edmonton, Canada, October 2021, IEEE.
- F. Guidec, Y. Mahéo, P. Launay, L. Touseau, C. Noûs.
Bringing Opportunistic Networking to Smartphones: a Pragmatic Approach,
45th Conference on Intelligent and Resilient Computing for a Collaborative World (COMPSAC 2021), Madrid, Spain, July 2021, IEEE.
- F. Baklouti, N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo.
Performing Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks,
in IFIP Wireless Days Conference, Manchester, Royaume Uni, avril 2019, IEEE.
- F. Baklouti, N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo.
Choreography-based vs Orchestration-based Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks,
in 13th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2017), Rome, Italie, octobre 2017, IEEE.
- F. Baklouti, N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo.
Opportunistic Service Composition in Pervasive Networks,
in Wireless Days, Porto, Portugal, mars 2017, IEEE.
- N. Le Sommer, L. Touseau, Y. Mahéo, F. Raimbault, M. Auzias.
A Disruption-Tolerant RESTful Support for the Web of Things,
in 4rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2016), Vienne, Autriche, août 2016, IEEE.
- A. Boutet, S. Frénot, F. Laforest, P. Launay, N. Le Sommer, Y. Mahéo, D. Reimert.
C3PO: A Network and Application Framework for Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networks,
in International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2015), Miami, FL, USA, novembre 2015, p. 348-358, LNCS 9419, Springer.
- N. Le Sommer, P. Launay, Y. Mahéo.
A Framework for Opportunistic Networking in Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networks,
in 10th Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS'2015), Paris, France, Septembre 2015, ACM.
- N. Le Sommer, P. Launay, Y. Mahéo, S. Frénot, F. Laforest, D. Reimert. Demo: C3PO - Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networks,
in 10th Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS'2015), Paris, France, Septembre 2015, ACM.
- M. Auzias, Y. Mahéo et F. Raimbault.
CoAP over BP for a Delay-Tolerant Internet of Things,
in 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2015), Rome, Italie, Août 2015, IEEE CS.
- F. Laforest, N. Le Sommer, S. Frénot, F. de Corbière, Y. Mahéo, P. Launay, C. Gravier, J. Subercaze, D. Reimert, E. Brodu, I. Daikh, N. Phelippeau, X. Adam, F. Guidec, S. Grumbach.
C3PO: a Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networking Framework for a Collaborative Creation and Publishing of Multimedia Contents,
in International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNeT 2014), Rome, Italie, septembre 2014, pp. 214-219, Elsevier.
- A. Makke, Y. Mahéo et N. Le Sommer. Towards Opportunistic Service Provisioning in Intermittently Connected Hybrid Networks,
in 4th International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC 2013), Honk Kong, Chine, décembre 2013, p. 28-32, IEEE CS.
- N. Le Sommer, A. Makke et Y. Mahéo. A Soft Handover for Service Delivery in Intermittently Connected Hybrid Networks,
in 5th International Conference on Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications (Mobilware 2012), Berlin, Allemagne, novembre 2012, p. 122-135, Springer.
- A. Makke, N. Le Sommer et Y. Mahéo. TAO: A Time-Aware Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Service Invocation in Intermittently Connected Networks, in 8th International Conference on Wireless
and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2012), Venise, Italie, juin 2012, p. 118-123, Xpert Publishing Services.
- Y. Mahéo, N. Le Sommer, P. Launay, F. Guidec et M. Dragone.
Beyond Opportunistic Networking Protocols: a Disruption-Tolerant Application Suite for Disconnected MANETs,
in 4th Extreme Conference on Communication (ExtremeCom'12), Zürich, Suisse, Mars 2012.
- F. Guidec, P. Launay, N. Le Sommer et Y. Mahéo, Experimentation with a DoDWAN-based Application Suite for Opportunistic Computing (demo paper),
in 4th Extreme Conference on Communication (ExtremeCom'12), Zürich, Suisse, Mars 2012.
- N. Le Sommer et Y. Mahéo. OLFServ: an Opportunistic and Location-Aware Forwarding Protocol for Service Delivery in Disconnected MANETs,
in Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (Ubicomm 2011), Lisbonne, Portugal, novembre 2011, p. 115-122, Xpert Publishing Services.
- Y. Mahéo et R. Said, Service Invocation over Content-Based Communication in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
in IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'10),
Perth, Australie, p. 503-510, avril 2010, IEEE CS.
- R. Said et Y. Mahéo. Toward a Platform for Service Discovery and Invocation in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
in International Conference On Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2008),
Shanghai, Chine, p. 238-244, décembre 2008.
- N. Le Sommer, R. Said, Y. Mahéo. A Proxy-based Model for Service Provision in Opportunistic Networks,
in 6th International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing (MPAC'08),
Louvain, Belgique, Décembre 2008.
- Y. Mahéo, R. Said et F. Guidec. Middleware Support for Delay-Tolerant Service Provision
in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
in Workshop on Java and Components for Parallelism, Distribution and Concurrency at IPDPS'08,
Miami, FL, USA, Avril 2008.
- F. Guidec et Y. Mahéo. Opportunistic Content-Based Dissemination in Disconnected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
in International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2007),
Papeete, Tahiti, novembre 2007.
- D. Hoareau, T. Abdellatif et Y. Mahéo. Architecture-Based Autonomic Deployment of J2EE Systems in Grids,
in International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC'07), Paris, France, mai 2007.
- T. Abdellatif, D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo. Automated Deployment of Enterprise Systems in Large-Scale Environments,
in 8th International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA'06),
Montpellier, France, novembre 2006.
- D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo, Ubiquitous Fractal Components,
in 5th Fractal Workshop, European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'06),
Nantes, France, juillet 2006.
D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo, Constraint-Based Deployment of Distributed Components in a Dynamic Network,
in Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2006), LNCS, Frankfurt, Germany, mars 2006.
D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo, Propagative Deployment of Hierarchical Components in a Dynamic Network,
in 3rd International Working Conference on Component Deployment (CD 2005), Grenoble,
France, novembre 2005.
D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo, Distribution of a Hierarchical Component in a Non-Connected Environment,
in 31th Euromicro Conference - Component-Based Software Engineering Track,
Porto, Portugal, septembre 2005.
D. Hoareau et Y. Mahéo, Distribution d'un composant hiérarchique dans un
environnement partiellement connecté. in Journées Composants 2005,
Le Croisic, France, avril 2005.
Y. Mahéo, F. Guidec et L. Courtrai, Middleware Support for the Deployment of
Resource-Aware Parallel Java Components on Heterogeneous Distributed Platforms,
in 30th Euromicro Conference - Component-Based Software Engineering Track,
Rennes, France, septembre 2004.
Y. Mahéo, F. Guidec et L. Courtrai, Towards Resource-Aware Parallel Components,
in International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'04),
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, juin 2004.
Y. Mahéo, F. Guidec et L. Courtrai, A Java Middleware Platform for Resource-Aware Distributed Applications,
in 2nd Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Ljubljana, Slovénie, octobre 2003.
L. Courtrai, F. Guidec, N. Le Sommer et Y. Mahéo , Resource Management
for Parallel Adaptive Components, in Workshop on Java for Parallel and
Distributed Computing, IPDPS 2003, Nice, France, avril 2003.
L. Courtrai, F. Guidec et Y. Mahéo, Concerto : gestion de ressources pour composants parallèles adaptables.
École d'hiver GRID 2002, Aussois, France, décembre 2002.
L. Courtrai, Y. Mahéo et F. Guidec, Gestion de ressources pour composants
parallèles adaptables, in Journées Composants, Systèmes à composants
adaptables et extensibles, Grenoble, France, octobre 2002.
L. Courtrai, Y. Mahéo et F. Raimbault, Java objects communication
on a high performance network, in 9th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel
and Distributed Processing, PDP 2001, Mantova, Italie, février 2001.
L. Courtrai, Y. Mahéo et F. Raimbault, Expresso: a Library for Fast
Java Objects Transfer, in Myrinet User Group Conference, Lyon, septembre 2000.
F. André et Y. Mahéo, Cidre: Programming with Distributed Shared Arrays,
in International Conference on High Performance Computing, Trivandrum,
Inde, décembre 1996.
F. André et Y. Mahéo, CIDRE: A Distributed Shared Arrays Library,
in Proc of 6th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, Aachen
Germany, décembre 1996.
F. André et Y. Mahéo, Programmation distribuée avec partage de tableaux :
la bibliothèque CIDRE, in Journées sur la mémoire partagée répartie,
LABRI, Bordeaux, mai 1996.
F. André et Y. Mahéo, CIDRE : une bibliothèque pour la distribution
de tableaux partagés, in Actes des 8e Rencontres sur le Parallélisme,
LABRI, Bordeaux, mai 1996.
L. Massari et Y. Mahéo, Performance Analysis of Automatically Generated
Data-Parallel Programs, in 4th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel
and Distributed Processing, p. 534-540, Braga, Portugal, IEEE Computer
Society, janvier 1996.
F. Guidec et Y. Mahéo, POM: a Virtual Parallel Machine Featuring Observation
Mechanisms, in International Conference on High Performance Computing,
New Delhi, Inde, décembre 1995.
M. Le Fur et Y. Mahéo, Efficient Communications in Parallel Loop Distribution,
in International Conference on Parallel Computing (PARCO'95), Gand,
Belgique, septembre 1995.
F. Guidec et Y. Mahéo, POM: a Parallel Observable Machine, in
International Conference on Parallel Computing (PARCO'95), Gand, Belgique,
septembre 1995.
Y. Mahéo et J.-L. Pazat, Distributed Array Management for HPF Compilers,
in High Performance Computing Symposium, p. 119-129, Montréal,
Canada, juillet 1995.
F. André, M. Le Fur, Y. Mahéo et J.-L. Pazat, The Pandore Data Parallel
Compiler and its Portable Runtime, in The International Conference
and Exhibition on High-Performance Computing and Networking, LNCS 919,
Springer Verlag, p. 176-183, Milan, Italie, mai 1995.
Y. Mahéo et J.-L. Pazat, Distributed Array Management Scheme for Data-parallel
Compilers, in 5th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers,
p. 367-379, Malaga, Espagne, mai 1995.
F. André, M. Le Fur, Y. Mahéo et J.-L. Pazat, Parallelization of a
Wave Propagation Application using a Data Parallel Compiler, in
9th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Santa Barbara, Californie,
USA, avril 1995.
C. Bareau, Y. Mahéo et J.-L. Pazat, Parallel Program Performance Debugging
with the Pandore II Environment, in International Conference on
Parallel Computing (PARCO'93), Grenoble, France, septembre 1993.
Y. Mahéo, Evaluation de performances dans l'environnement Pandore II,
in Actes des 5e Rencontres sur le Parallélisme, Laboratoire
Informatique de Brest, mai 1993.
- Y. Mahéo. Intergiciels pour applications distribuées sur réseaux dynamiques,
habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Bretagne-Sud / Université Européenne de Bretagne, avril 2011.
Y. Mahéo, Environnement pour la compilation dirigée par les données : supports d'exécution et
expérimentations, thèse de doctorat, IFSIC / Université de Rennes I, juillet 1995.
Rapports de recherche
Y. Mahéo, L. Courtrai et F. Guidec. Concerto : composants parallèles adaptables,
Rapport de fin de projet ACI-GRID 2001:JE2-Concerto, Valoria, Université de
Bretagne-Sud, décembre 2003.
L. Courtrai, Y. Mahéo et F. Raimbault, Expresso: transfert d'objets Java sur réseau haut
débit, Rapport de recherche Valoria, Université de Bretagne Sud, mars 2000.
F. Guidec et Y. Mahéo, POM: a Virtual Parallel Machine Featuring Observation Mechanisms,
Publication interne Nº 902,
Irisa, Rennes, janvier 1995.
F. André, M. Le Fur, Y. Maheo et J.-L. Pazat. The Pandore Compiler: Overview and Experimental
Results. Publication interne Nº 869,
Irisa, Rennes, octobre 1994.
F. André, M. Le Fur, Y. Maheo et J.-L. Pazat. Parallelization of a Wave Propagation Application
using a Data Parallel Compiler. Publication interne Nº 868, Irisa, Rennes, octobre 1994.
Y. Mahéo et J.-L. Pazat. Distributed Array Management for HPF Compilers.
Publication interne Nº 787, Irisa, Rennes, décembre 1993.
Dernière mise à jour : septembre 2024