Library first_results
Main result is established in a more general way (proj_prefix and proj_equal).
Require Import label.
Require Import seq.
Require Import control.
Require Import data.
Require Import assert.
Require Import set_relation.
Require Import semantics3.
Require Import proj_vs_traj.
Require Import last_state.
Lemma proj_prefix : ∀ p (L:set label),
set_stable (control_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (data_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (assert_depsR_prog p) L →
∀ q, q = keep_L_prog p L →
∀ n ste,
prefix (proj_traj_prog n ste p L) (proj_traj_prog n ste q L).
intros. revert n ste p L H H0 H1 q H2.
apply (proj_traj_prog_ind
(fun n ste p L ptr ⇒ set_stable (control_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (data_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (assert_depsR_prog p) L →
∀ q : prog,
q = keep_L_prog p L → prefix ptr (proj_traj_prog n ste q L)));
- apply PR_nil.
- apply PR_nil.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e3 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. apply prefix_single. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{SKIP << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e3 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with (l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some st) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{SKIP << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
+ apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e3 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. apply prefix_single. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{i::=a << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e3 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with
(l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some (update st i (aeval st a))) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{i::=a << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply set_mem_complete_iff in e3.
rewrite ass_not_preserved_proj_equal_ok with (a:=a) (l:=l); try assumption.
apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. rewrite e4. apply prefix_single. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H6. inversion H6 as [q3 [q4 [H11 [H12 H13]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_l; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H11. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ symmetry. apply keep_L_prog_app.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with (l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some st) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H6. inversion H6 as [q3 [q4 [H11 [H12 H13]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_l; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H11. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. replace (keep_L_prog p1 L) with {{}}.
reflexivity. symmetry.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply ifb_not_preserved_stable_not_preserved_l with (l:=l) (b:=b) (p2:=p2);
+ apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. rewrite e4. apply prefix_single. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H6. inversion H6 as [q3 [q4 [H11 [H12 H13]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_r; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H11. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ symmetry; apply keep_L_prog_app.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with (l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some st) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H6. inversion H6 as [q3 [q4 [H11 [H12 H13]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_r; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H11. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ symmetry. rewrite keep_L_prog_app.
rewrite ifb_not_preserved_stable_not_preserved_r with (l:=l) (b:=b) (p1:=p1).
reflexivity. assumption. apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0.
apply H0.
+ apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. rewrite e4. apply prefix_single. apply H.
+ pose proof H0. apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H6. inversion H6 as [q3 [q4 [H11 [H12 H13]]]].
replace ((WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END);; q)
with ({{WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END}}+;+ q) in H13
by reflexivity.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H13. inversion H13 as [q5 [q6 [H14 [H15 H16]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3+;+q5)+;+q6).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in H15.
apply IFOS_while_loop; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- seq_assoc. rewrite <- H14.
rewrite <- H11. assumption.
+ pose proof H2. apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ symmetry. rewrite keep_L_prog_app. simpl. rewrite e4. reflexivity.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with (l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some st) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H.
+ pose proof H0. apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H6. inversion H6 as [q3 [q4 [H11 [H12 H13]]]].
replace ((WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END);; q)
with ({{WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END}}+;+ q) in H13
by reflexivity.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H13. inversion H13 as [q5 [q6 [H14 [H15 H16]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3+;+q5)+;+q6).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in H15.
apply IFOS_while_loop; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- seq_assoc. rewrite <- H14.
rewrite <- H11. assumption.
+ pose proof H2. apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ symmetry. rewrite keep_L_prog_app. simpl. rewrite e4.
rewrite while_not_preserved_stable_not_preserved with (l:=l) (b:=b).
reflexivity. assumption. apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0.
apply H0.
+ apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. rewrite e4. apply prefix_single. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+p1).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_while_end. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ reflexivity.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with (l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some st) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+p1).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_while_end. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
simpl. rewrite e3. rewrite e4. apply prefix_single. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> b =>> _x}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_assert. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ reflexivity.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. rewrite H3.
apply prefix_trans with (l2:=proj_traj_prog n' (Some st) (keep_L_prog q L) L).
+ {
apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H5.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> b =>> _x}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_assert. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply le_S; apply le_n.
- simpl in H2. rewrite e4 in H2. rewrite H2.
simpl. rewrite e3. rewrite e4. apply prefix_refl.
- apply PR_nil.
- apply PR_nil.
Fixpoint index_proj n ste p (L:set label) N0 :=
match N0 with
| 0 ⇒ 0
| S N1 ⇒
match n with
| 0 ⇒ 0
| S n' ⇒
match ste with
| Some st ⇒
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ 0
| s;;q ⇒
match s with
| SKIP << l >> ⇒
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n' (Some st) q L N1)
S (index_proj (S n') (Some st) q L N1)
| i ::= a << l >> ⇒
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n'
(Some (update st i (aeval st a))) q L N1)
S (index_proj (S n')
(Some (update st i (aeval st a))) q L N1)
| IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI ⇒
if (beval st b) then
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n' (Some st) (p1+;+q) L N1 )
S (index_proj (S n') (Some st) (p1+;+q) L N1 )
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n' (Some st) (p2+;+q) L N1 )
S (index_proj (S n') (Some st) (p2+;+q) L N1 )
| WHILE << l >> b DO p END ⇒
if (beval st b) then
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n' (Some st) (p+;+(WHILE << l >> b DO p END;;q)) L N1 )
S (index_proj (S n') (Some st) (p+;+(WHILE << l >> b DO p END;;q)) L N1 )
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n' (Some st) q L N1 )
S (index_proj (S n') (Some st) q L N1 )
| ASSERT << l >> b =>> l' ⇒
if (beval st b) then
if l \in? L then
S (index_proj n' (Some st) q L N1 )
S (index_proj (S n') (Some st) q L N1 )
else 0
| None ⇒ 0
Functional Scheme index_proj_ind := Induction for index_proj Sort Prop.
Lemma proj_equal_bis :
∀ p q (L:set label),
set_stable (control_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (data_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (assert_depsR_prog p) L →
q = keep_L_prog p L →
∀ N0 ste,
length (traj_prog N0 ste p) < N0 →
last_state (traj_prog N0 ste p) ste ≠ None →
∀ n,
proj_traj_prog (index_proj n ste p L N0) ste p L = proj_traj_prog n ste q L.
intros. revert n ste p L N0 q H H0 H1 H2 H3 H4.
apply (index_proj_ind
(fun n ste p L N0 ptr ⇒ ∀ q,
set_stable (control_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (data_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (assert_depsR_prog p) L →
q = keep_L_prog p L →
length (traj_prog N0 ste p) < N0 →
last_state (traj_prog N0 ste p) ste ≠ None →
proj_traj_prog ptr ste p L = proj_traj_prog n ste q L));
- inversion H3.
- reflexivity.
- simpl in H2. subst q. reflexivity.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4.
apply f_equal. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{SKIP << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
+ simpl in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{SKIP << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
+ simpl in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4.
apply f_equal. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{i::=a << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
+ simpl in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e4 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4.
rewrite <- ass_not_preserved_proj_equal_ok with (a:=a) (l:=l) (i:=i) (k:=aeval st a);
try assumption;
[| apply set_mem_complete_iff in e4; assumption].
apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6. apply DDP_flat with (p:={{i::=a << l >>}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. constructor. assumption. simpl. apply FDP_after.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H2. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADP_after. assumption.
+ simpl in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4, e5.
apply f_equal. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H7. inversion H7 as [q3 [q4 [H12 [H13 H14]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_l; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H12. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. reflexivity.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4, e5. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H7. inversion H7 as [q3 [q4 [H12 [H13 H14]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_l; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H12. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_l. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. replace (keep_L_prog p1 L) with {{}}.
reflexivity. symmetry.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply ifb_not_preserved_stable_not_preserved_l with (l:=l) (b:=b) (p2:=p2);
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4, e5.
apply f_equal. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H7. inversion H7 as [q3 [q4 [H12 [H13 H14]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_r; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H12. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. reflexivity.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4, e5. apply H.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H7. inversion H7 as [q3 [q4 [H12 [H13 H14]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+q3)+;+q4).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply IFOS_ifb_r; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- H12. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_ifb_r. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. replace (keep_L_prog p2 L) with {{}}.
reflexivity. symmetry.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply ifb_not_preserved_stable_not_preserved_r with (l:=l) (b:=b) (p1:=p1);
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4, e5.
apply f_equal. apply H.
+ pose proof H0. apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H7. inversion H7 as [q3 [q4 [H12 [H13 H14]]]].
replace ((WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END);; q)
with ({{WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END}}+;+ q) in H14
by reflexivity.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H14. inversion H14 as [q5 [q6 [H15 [H16 H17]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3+;+q5)+;+q6).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in H16.
apply IFOS_while_loop; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- seq_assoc. rewrite <- H15.
rewrite <- H12. assumption.
+ pose proof H2. apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. simpl. rewrite e5. reflexivity.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4, e5. apply H.
+ pose proof H0. apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H0. intros. apply H0 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply CDS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H7. inversion H7 as [q3 [q4 [H12 [H13 H14]]]].
replace ((WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END);; q)
with ({{WHILE << l >> b DO p0 END}}+;+ q) in H14
by reflexivity.
apply is_flatR_of_prog_intro in H14. inversion H14 as [q5 [q6 [H15 [H16 H17]]]].
apply DDP_flat with (p:=({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l}}+;+q3+;+q5)+;+q6).
apply IFOP_cons. simpl. apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in H16.
apply IFOS_while_loop; assumption. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. rewrite <- seq_assoc. rewrite <- H15.
rewrite <- H12. assumption.
+ pose proof H2. apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. destruct H2.
apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_app. split.
× unfold set_stable. unfold set_stable in H2. intros. apply H2 with (l':=l').
assumption. apply ADS_while. assumption.
× assumption.
+ rewrite keep_L_prog_app. simpl. rewrite e5.
replace (keep_L_prog p0 L) with {{}}.
reflexivity. symmetry.
apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. destruct H0.
apply while_not_preserved_stable_not_preserved with (l:=l) (b:=b) (p:=p0);
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4, e5.
apply f_equal. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+p1).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_while_end. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4, e5. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}+;+p1).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_while_end. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl. rewrite e4, e5.
apply f_equal. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> b =>> _x}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_assert. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H3. rewrite e5 in H3. subst q0. simpl proj_traj_prog at 1.
rewrite e4, e5. apply H; try reflexivity.
+ apply control_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold set_stable. intros. unfold set_stable in H1. apply H1 with (l':=l').
assumption. inversion H6.
apply DDP_flat with (p:={{ASSERT << l >> b =>> _x}}+;+p0).
apply IFOP_cons. apply IFOS_assert. assumption.
simpl. apply FDP_after. assumption.
+ apply assert_depsR_prog_stable_cons in H2. apply H2.
+ simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. apply le_S_n in H4. assumption.
+ simpl traj_prog in H5. rewrite e4 in H5.
rewrite last_state_cons_change_default in H5. assumption.
- simpl in H4. rewrite e4 in H4. contradiction H4. reflexivity.
- simpl in H4. contradiction H4. reflexivity.
Lemma index_proj_bounded : ∀ n ste p L N0,
index_proj n ste p L N0 ≤ N0.
intros. functional induction (index_proj n ste p L N0);
try apply le_0_n; try (apply le_n_S; assumption).
Lemma proj_equal :
∀ p q (L:set label),
set_stable (control_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (data_depsR_prog p) L →
set_stable (assert_depsR_prog p) L →
q = keep_L_prog p L →
∀ N0 ste,
length (traj_prog N0 ste p) < N0 →
last_state (traj_prog N0 ste p) ste ≠ None →
length (traj_prog N0 ste q) < N0 ∧
last_state (traj_prog N0 ste q) ste ≠ None ∧
proj_traj_prog N0 ste p L = proj_traj_prog N0 ste q L.
pose proof (proj_equal_bis p q L H H0 H1 H2 N0 ste H3 H4 N0).
assert (proj_traj_prog N0 ste p L = proj_traj_prog N0 ste q L).
{ apply prefix_irrefl.
- apply proj_prefix; assumption.
- rewrite <- H5. apply proj_traj_prog_prefix. apply index_proj_bounded.
assert (set_of_labels_prog q \subseteq L).
{ rewrite H2. rewrite keep_L_prog_label with (d:=control_depsR_prog p).
- unfold set_incl; intros. rewrite set_inter_In in H7; apply H7.
- assumption.
- unfold inclusion; intros; assumption.
repeat split; try assumption.
- rewrite <- map_length with (f:=pair_proj).
rewrite <- proj_traj_prog_map_set_incl with (L:=L) by assumption.
rewrite map_length. rewrite <- H6.
apply Nat.le_lt_trans with (m:=length (traj_prog N0 ste p)).
+ apply proj_traj_prog_shorter.
+ assumption.
- destruct ste.
+ apply traj_prog_not_none_iff; [discriminate |].
rewrite proj_traj_prog_not_none_set_incl with (L:=L) by assumption.
rewrite <- H6. apply proj_traj_prog_not_none.
apply Forall_impl with (P:=fun x⇒ snd x ≠ None); [intros; assumption |].
apply traj_prog_not_none. assumption.
+ destruct N0.
× inversion H3.
× simpl in H4. contradiction H4. reflexivity.