Library control
Defines control depence as an inductive type control_depsR_prog.
Also defines keep_L_prog, the function computing the slice.
Require Export prog.
Require Export label.
Require Export set_prog.
Require Import quotient.
Require Import seq.
Require Import set_relation.
Require Import set_instance.
Inductive control_depsR_prog : prog → relation label :=
| CDP_here : ∀ s p l l', control_depsR_stmt s l l' →
control_depsR_prog (s;;p) l l'
| CDP_after : ∀ s p l l', control_depsR_prog p l l' →
control_depsR_prog (s;;p) l l'
with control_depsR_stmt : stmt → relation label :=
| CDS_ifb_l : ∀ l b p1 p2 l' l'', control_depsR_prog p1 l' l'' →
control_depsR_stmt (IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI) l' l''
| CDS_ifb_r : ∀ l b p1 p2 l' l'', control_depsR_prog p2 l' l'' →
control_depsR_stmt (IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI) l' l''
| CDS_ifb_cond_l : ∀ l l' b p1 p2, label_first_inR_prog p1 l' →
(IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI) l l'
| CDS_ifb_cond_r : ∀ l l' b p1 p2, label_first_inR_prog p2 l' →
(IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI) l l'
| CDS_while : ∀ l b p l' l'', control_depsR_prog p l' l'' →
control_depsR_stmt (WHILE << l >> b DO p END) l' l''
| CDS_while_cond : ∀ l l' b p, label_first_inR_prog p l' →
(WHILE << l >> b DO p END) l l'.
Scheme control_depsR_prog_mutual_ind :=
Induction for control_depsR_prog Sort Prop
with control_depsR_stmt_mutual_ind :=
Induction for control_depsR_stmt Sort Prop.
Fixpoint keep_L_prog (p:prog) (L:set label) :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ {{}}
| s;;q ⇒ if set_mem (stmt_get_label s) L then
keep_L_stmt s L;;keep_L_prog q L
else keep_L_prog q L
with keep_L_stmt (s:stmt) (L:set label) :=
match s with
| SKIP << l >> ⇒ SKIP << l >>
| i::=a << l >> ⇒ i ::= a << l >>
| IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI ⇒ IFB << l >> b THEN (keep_L_prog p1 L)
ELSE (keep_L_prog p2 L) FI
| WHILE << l >> b DO p END ⇒ WHILE << l >> b DO (keep_L_prog p L) END
| ASSERT << l >> b =>> l' ⇒ ASSERT << l >> b =>> l'
Lemma keep_L_prog_quotient : ∀ (p:prog) (L:set label),
is_quotientR_prog p (keep_L_prog p L).
intros p L. revert p.
prog_cases (apply (prog_mutual_ind
(fun p ⇒ is_quotientR_prog p (keep_L_prog p L))
(fun s ⇒ is_quotientR_stmt s (keep_L_stmt s L)))) Case; intros;
try now constructor.
- Case "P_cons". simpl. destruct (set_mem (stmt_get_label s) L).
+ apply IQP_stmt; assumption.
+ apply IQP_remove; assumption.
Lemma include_rt : ∀ {A:Type} R R',
inclusion A R R' → inclusion A (clos_refl_trans A R) (clos_refl_trans A R').
Proof. unfold inclusion.
intros. induction H0.
- apply rt_step. apply H; assumption.
- apply rt_refl.
- apply rt_trans with (y:=y); assumption.
Lemma control_ifb : ∀ s l',
label_inR_stmt s l' →
clos_refl_trans label
(control_depsR_stmt s) (stmt_get_label s) l'.
prog_cases (apply (stmt_mutual_ind
(fun p ⇒ ∀ l', label_inR_prog p l' → ∃ s,
label_first_inR_prog p (stmt_get_label s) ∧
clos_refl_trans label (control_depsR_prog p) (stmt_get_label s) l')
(fun s ⇒ ∀ l' : label, label_inR_stmt s l' →
clos_refl_trans label (control_depsR_stmt s) (stmt_get_label s) l')))
Case; intros.
- inversion H.
- inversion H1.
+ ∃ s. apply H in H5. split.
× apply LFP_here.
× apply include_rt with (R':=control_depsR_prog (s;; p)) in H5.
assumption. unfold inclusion; apply CDP_here.
+ apply H0 in H5. inversion H5 as [s2 H6]. ∃ s2. destruct H6. split.
× apply LFP_after. assumption.
× apply include_rt with (R':=control_depsR_prog (s;;p)) in H7. assumption.
unfold inclusion; apply CDP_after.
- inversion H. apply rt_refl.
- inversion H. apply rt_refl.
- inversion H1.
+ subst. apply rt_refl.
+ apply H in H7. inversion H7 as [s2 H8]. destruct H8.
apply include_rt with
(R':=control_depsR_stmt (IFB << l >> b THEN p ELSE p0 FI)) in H9.
apply rt_trans with (y:=stmt_get_label s2). apply rt_step.
apply CDS_ifb_cond_l. assumption.
unfold inclusion; apply CDS_ifb_l.
+ apply H0 in H7. inversion H7 as [s2 H8]. destruct H8.
apply include_rt with
(R':=control_depsR_stmt (IFB << l >> b THEN p ELSE p0 FI)) in H9.
apply rt_trans with (y:=stmt_get_label s2). apply rt_step.
apply CDS_ifb_cond_r. assumption.
unfold inclusion; apply CDS_ifb_r.
- inversion H0.
+ subst. apply rt_refl.
+ apply H in H5. inversion H5 as [s2 H6]. destruct H6.
apply include_rt with
(R':=control_depsR_stmt (WHILE << l >> b DO p END)) in H7.
apply rt_trans with (y:=stmt_get_label s2). apply rt_step.
apply CDS_while_cond. assumption.
unfold inclusion; apply CDS_while.
- inversion H. apply rt_refl.
Lemma set_stable_clos : ∀ L d,
set_stable d L → set_stable (clos_refl_trans label d) L.
unfold set_stable.
induction H1.
- apply H in H1; assumption.
- assumption.
- apply IHclos_refl_trans1. apply IHclos_refl_trans2. assumption.
Lemma control_stmt_get_label : ∀ s d L,
set_stable d L →
inclusion label (control_depsR_stmt s) d →
set_mem (stmt_get_label s) L = false →
set_same (set_inter (set_of_labels_stmt s) L) empty_set.
destruct s.
- simpl in H1. simpl. apply set_inter_not_mem_empty. apply set_mem_complete1.
- simpl in H1. simpl. apply set_inter_not_mem_empty. apply set_mem_complete1.
- simpl in H1. simpl. unfold set_same. split.
+ unfold set_incl. intros.
apply set_inter_elim in H2. destruct H2.
apply set_stable_clos in H.
assert (set_In l L).
{ unfold set_stable in H. apply H with (l':=a). assumption.
apply include_rt in H0. apply H0.
apply control_ifb.
apply set_add_elim in H2. destruct H2.
subst. apply LIS_ifb_cond.
apply set_union_elim in H2.
destruct H2. apply LIS_ifb_l.
apply <- label_inR_prog_iff_in_set_of_labels.
assumption. apply LIS_ifb_r.
apply <- label_inR_prog_iff_in_set_of_labels. assumption.
apply set_mem_correct2 in H4.
rewrite H1 in H4. inversion H4.
+ unfold set_incl. intros. inversion H2.
- simpl in H1. simpl. unfold set_same. split.
+ unfold set_incl. intros.
apply set_inter_elim in H2. destruct H2.
apply set_stable_clos in H.
assert (set_In l L).
{ unfold set_stable in H. apply H with (l':=a). assumption.
apply include_rt in H0. apply H0.
apply control_ifb.
apply set_add_elim in H2. destruct H2.
subst. apply LIS_while_cond. apply LIS_while_body.
apply <- label_inR_prog_iff_in_set_of_labels.
apply set_mem_correct2 in H4.
rewrite H1 in H4. inversion H4.
+ unfold set_incl. intros. inversion H2.
- simpl in H1. simpl. apply set_inter_not_mem_empty. apply set_mem_complete1.
Lemma keep_L_prog_label : ∀ (p:prog) (L:set label) d,
set_stable d L →
inclusion label (control_depsR_prog p) d →
set_same (set_of_labels_prog (keep_L_prog p L)) (set_inter (set_of_labels_prog p) L).
intros p L d H. revert p.
prog_cases (apply (prog_mutual_ind
(fun p ⇒ inclusion label (control_depsR_prog p) d →
set_same (set_of_labels_prog (keep_L_prog p L)) (set_inter (set_of_labels_prog p) L))
(fun s ⇒ inclusion label (control_depsR_stmt s) d →
set_same (set_of_labels_prog (keep_L_prog {{s}} L)) (set_inter (set_of_labels_stmt s) L))))
Case; intros.
- Case "P_nil". simpl. reflexivity.
- Case "P_cons". simpl. destruct (set_mem (stmt_get_label s) L) eqn:Heqmem.
rewrite set_inter_union_distr_l.
simpl. apply set_same_union. simpl in H0. rewrite Heqmem in H0. apply H0. unfold inclusion.
intros. apply H2. apply CDP_here; assumption.
apply H1. unfold inclusion.
intros. apply H2. apply CDP_after; assumption.
rewrite set_inter_union_distr_l.
assert (set_same (set_inter (set_of_labels_stmt s) L) empty_set).
{ apply control_stmt_get_label with (d:=d).
assumption. unfold inclusion; intros. apply H2. apply CDP_here; assumption.
(set_union empty_set (set_inter (set_of_labels_prog p) L)).
symmetry. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. symmetry.
apply H1. unfold inclusion; intros; apply H2; apply CDP_after; assumption.
apply set_same_union. symmetry; assumption.
- Case "S_skip". simpl. destruct (set_mem l L) eqn:Heqmem.
+ transitivity (set_singleton l). reflexivity.
symmetry. apply set_inter_mem_singleton.
apply set_mem_correct1; assumption.
+ simpl. symmetry. apply set_inter_not_mem_empty.
apply set_mem_complete1; assumption.
- Case "S_ass". simpl. destruct (set_mem l L) eqn:Heqmem.
+ transitivity (set_singleton l). reflexivity.
symmetry. apply set_inter_mem_singleton.
apply set_mem_correct1; assumption.
+ simpl. symmetry. apply set_inter_not_mem_empty.
apply set_mem_complete1; assumption.
- Case "S_ifb". simpl. destruct (set_mem l L) eqn:Heqmem.
+ simpl.
rewrite set_same_union_empty_r.
rewrite <- 2!set_same_union_add_singleton.
rewrite 2!set_inter_union_distr_l.
apply set_same_union.
symmetry. apply set_inter_mem_singleton.
apply set_mem_correct1; assumption.
apply set_same_union.
apply H0. unfold inclusion; intros. apply H2. apply CDS_ifb_l; assumption.
apply H1. unfold inclusion; intros. apply H2. apply CDS_ifb_r; assumption.
+ simpl.
remember (IFB << l >> b THEN p ELSE p0 FI) as s.
assert (set_same (set_inter (set_of_labels_stmt s) L) empty_set).
apply control_stmt_get_label with (d:=d).
rewrite Heqs. assumption.
rewrite Heqs in H3. simpl in H3.
symmetry. assumption.
- Case "S_while". simpl. destruct (set_mem l L) eqn:Heqmem.
+ simpl. rewrite <- 2!set_same_union_add_singleton.
rewrite set_inter_union_distr_l.
rewrite set_same_union_empty_r.
apply set_same_union.
symmetry. apply set_inter_mem_singleton.
apply set_mem_correct1; assumption.
apply H0. unfold inclusion; intros. apply H1. apply CDS_while; assumption.
+ remember (WHILE << l >> b DO p END) as s.
assert (set_same (set_inter (set_of_labels_stmt s) L) empty_set).
apply control_stmt_get_label with (d:=d).
rewrite Heqs. assumption.
rewrite Heqs in H2. simpl in H2.
symmetry. assumption.
- Case "S_assert". simpl. destruct (set_mem l L) eqn:Heqmem.
+ transitivity (set_singleton l). reflexivity.
symmetry. apply set_inter_mem_singleton.
apply set_mem_correct1; assumption.
+ simpl. symmetry. apply set_inter_not_mem_empty.
apply set_mem_complete1; assumption.
Lemma control_depsR_label_inR_prog : ∀ p l l',
control_depsR_prog p l l' →
label_inR_prog p l' ∧
label_inR_prog p l.
apply (control_depsR_prog_mutual_ind
(fun p l l' H ⇒ label_inR_prog p l' ∧ label_inR_prog p l)
(fun s l l' H ⇒ label_inR_stmt s l' ∧ label_inR_stmt s l)); intros.
- destruct H. split; apply LIP_here; assumption.
- destruct H. split; apply LIP_after; assumption.
- destruct H. split; apply LIS_ifb_l; assumption.
- destruct H. split; apply LIS_ifb_r; assumption.
- split.
+ apply LIS_ifb_l. apply label_first_label_inR_prog. assumption.
+ apply LIS_ifb_cond.
- split.
+ apply LIS_ifb_r. apply label_first_label_inR_prog. assumption.
+ apply LIS_ifb_cond.
- destruct H. split; apply LIS_while_body; assumption.
- split.
+ apply LIS_while_body. apply label_first_label_inR_prog. assumption.
+ apply LIS_while_cond.
Lemma trans_control_depsR_label_inR_prog : ∀ p l l',
clos_refl_trans label (control_depsR_prog p) l l' →
label_inR_prog p l' →
label_inR_prog p l.
intros. induction H as [l l'|l|l l' l''].
- apply control_depsR_label_inR_prog in H. destruct H; assumption.
- assumption.
- apply IHclos_refl_trans1. apply IHclos_refl_trans2.
Lemma control_depsR_prog_stable : ∀ p,
set_stable (control_depsR_prog p) (set_of_labels_prog p).
Proof. unfold set_stable.
intros. apply label_inR_prog_iff_in_set_of_labels.
apply control_depsR_label_inR_prog with (l':=l'). assumption.
Fixpoint set_label_first_prog (p:prog) :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ \emptyset
| s;;q ⇒ set_add (stmt_get_label s) (set_label_first_prog q)
Lemma set_label_first_prog_correct : ∀ p l,
l \in set_label_first_prog p ↔ label_first_inR_prog p l.
intros p. induction p; intros.
- simpl. split; intros; inversion H.
- simpl. split; intros.
+ apply set_add_elim in H. destruct H.
× subst l. apply LFP_here.
× apply LFP_after. apply IHp. assumption.
+ inversion H.
× apply set_add_intro2. reflexivity.
× apply set_add_intro1. apply IHp. assumption.
Fixpoint set_control_prog (p:prog) : set(label×label) :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ \emptyset
| s;;q ⇒ set_control_stmt s \cup set_control_prog q
with set_control_stmt (s:stmt) : set(label×label) :=
match s with
| SKIP << _ >> ⇒ \emptyset
| _ ::= _ << _ >> ⇒ \emptyset
| IFB << l >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI ⇒
set_map (fun l' ⇒ (l, l')) (set_label_first_prog p1 \cup set_label_first_prog p2)
\cup set_control_prog p1 \cup set_control_prog p2
| WHILE << l >> _ DO p END ⇒
set_map (fun l' ⇒ (l, l')) (set_label_first_prog p) \cup set_control_prog p
| ASSERT << _ >> _ =>> _ ⇒ \emptyset
Lemma set_control_prog_correct : ∀ p l l',
(l, l') \in set_control_prog p ↔ control_depsR_prog p l l'.
apply (prog_mutual_ind
(fun p ⇒ ∀ l l', (l, l') \in set_control_prog p ↔ control_depsR_prog p l l')
(fun s ⇒ ∀ l l', (l, l') \in set_control_stmt s ↔ control_depsR_stmt s l l'));
intros; simpl; try (split; intros; inversion H; fail).
- rewrite set_union_In. rewrite H, H0. split; intros.
+ destruct H1.
× apply CDP_here; assumption.
× apply CDP_after; assumption.
+ inversion H1.
× left; assumption.
× right; assumption.
- rewrite 2!set_union_In. rewrite H, H0. split; intros.
+ decompose [or] H1; clear H1.
× rewrite set_map_In in H2. destruct H2 as [a [H2 H3]]. inversion H3; subst.
rewrite set_union_In in H2. { destruct H2.
- apply CDS_ifb_cond_l. apply set_label_first_prog_correct. assumption.
- apply CDS_ifb_cond_r. apply set_label_first_prog_correct. assumption. }
× apply CDS_ifb_l; assumption.
× apply CDS_ifb_r; assumption.
+ inversion H1; subst.
× right; left. assumption.
× right; right. assumption.
× left. rewrite set_map_In. ∃ l'. split; try reflexivity.
rewrite set_union_In. left. apply set_label_first_prog_correct; assumption.
× left. rewrite set_map_In. ∃ l'. split; try reflexivity.
rewrite set_union_In. right. apply set_label_first_prog_correct; assumption.
- rewrite set_union_In. rewrite H. split; intros.
+ destruct H0.
× rewrite set_map_In in H0. destruct H0 as [l'' [H0 H1]].
inversion H1; subst. apply CDS_while_cond.
apply set_label_first_prog_correct; assumption.
× apply CDS_while; assumption.
+ inversion H0; subst.
× right. assumption.
× left. rewrite set_map_In. ∃ l'. split; try reflexivity.
apply set_label_first_prog_correct; assumption.