Library set_prog
Defines functions related to sets and programs, in particular
set_of_labels_prog and set_of_id_prog.
Require Export prog.
Require Export set.
Require Import label.
Require Import set_instance.
Section label.
Fixpoint set_of_labels_prog (p : prog) : set label :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ empty_set
| s ;; q ⇒ set_union (set_of_labels_stmt s) (set_of_labels_prog q)
with set_of_labels_stmt (s : stmt) : set label :=
match s with
| SKIP << l >> ⇒ \sin l
| _ ::= _ << l >> ⇒ \sin l
| IFB << l >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI ⇒
l \oplus
set_of_labels_prog p1 \cup set_of_labels_prog p2
| WHILE << l >> _ DO p1 END ⇒ l \oplus set_of_labels_prog p1
| ASSERT << l >> _ =>> _ ⇒ set_singleton l
Lemma set_of_labels_prog_seq : ∀ p q,
set_of_labels_prog (p+;+q) \equiv set_of_labels_prog p \cup set_of_labels_prog q.
intros p. induction p; intros.
- simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHp. rewrite set_union_assoc. reflexivity.
Lemma label_inR_prog_iff_in_set_of_labels : ∀ p l,
label_inR_prog p l ↔ set_In l (set_of_labels_prog p).
intros. revert p.
prog_cases (apply (prog_mutual_ind
(fun p ⇒ label_inR_prog p l ↔ set_In l (set_of_labels_prog p))
(fun s ⇒ label_inR_stmt s l ↔ set_In l (set_of_labels_stmt s))))
Case; intros; simpl.
- split; intros; inversion H.
- split; intros.
+ inversion H1.
apply set_union_intro1. apply H. assumption.
apply set_union_intro2. apply H0. assumption.
+ apply set_union_elim in H1.
destruct H1. apply LIP_here; apply H; assumption.
apply LIP_after; apply H0; assumption.
- split; intros. left. inversion H. reflexivity.
destruct H. rewrite H. apply LIS_skip. inversion H.
- split; intros. left. inversion H. reflexivity.
destruct H. rewrite H. apply LIS_ass. inversion H.
- split; intros.
+ apply set_add_intro. inversion H1. left; reflexivity.
right. apply set_union_intro1. apply H; assumption.
right. apply set_union_intro2. apply H0; assumption.
+ apply set_add_elim in H1. destruct H1.
rewrite H1. apply LIS_ifb_cond.
apply set_union_elim in H1.
rewrite <- H in H1. rewrite <- H0 in H1.
destruct H1.
apply LIS_ifb_l; assumption. apply LIS_ifb_r; assumption.
- split; intros.
+ apply set_add_intro.
inversion H0. left; reflexivity.
right; apply H; assumption.
+ apply set_add_elim in H0. destruct H0.
rewrite H0. apply LIS_while_cond.
rewrite <- H in H0. apply LIS_while_body; assumption.
- split; intros. left. inversion H. reflexivity.
destruct H. rewrite H. apply LIS_assert. inversion H.
End label.
Section id.
Fixpoint set_of_id_aexp a :=
match a with
| A_num n ⇒ empty_set
| A_id i ⇒ set_singleton i
| A_plus a1 a2 ⇒ set_union (set_of_id_aexp a1) (set_of_id_aexp a2)
| A_minus a1 a2 ⇒ set_union (set_of_id_aexp a1) (set_of_id_aexp a2)
| A_mult a1 a2 ⇒ set_union (set_of_id_aexp a1) (set_of_id_aexp a2)
Fixpoint set_of_id_bexp b :=
match b with
| B_true ⇒ empty_set
| B_false ⇒ empty_set
| B_eq a1 a2 ⇒ set_union (set_of_id_aexp a1) (set_of_id_aexp a2)
| B_le a1 a2 ⇒ set_union (set_of_id_aexp a1) (set_of_id_aexp a2)
| B_not b0 ⇒ set_of_id_bexp b0
| B_and b1 b2 ⇒ set_union (set_of_id_bexp b1) (set_of_id_bexp b2)
Lemma set_of_id_aexp_correct : ∀ a i,
set_In i (set_of_id_aexp a) ↔ id_inR_aexp a i.
split; intros.
- induction a; simpl in H.
+ inversion H.
+ apply set_singleton_In in H; subst; constructor.
+ apply set_union_elim in H. destruct H.
× apply IIA_plus_l. apply IHa1; assumption.
× apply IIA_plus_r. apply IHa2; assumption.
+ apply set_union_elim in H. destruct H.
× apply IIA_minus_l. apply IHa1; assumption.
× apply IIA_minus_r. apply IHa2; assumption.
+ apply set_union_elim in H. destruct H.
× apply IIA_mult_l. apply IHa1; assumption.
× apply IIA_mult_r. apply IHa2; assumption.
- induction H; simpl;
try (apply set_union_intro1; assumption);
try (apply set_union_intro2; assumption).
+ apply set_singleton_In. reflexivity.
Lemma set_of_id_bexp_correct : ∀ b i,
set_In i (set_of_id_bexp b) ↔ id_inR_bexp b i.
split; intros.
- induction b; simpl in H.
+ inversion H.
+ inversion H.
+ apply set_union_elim in H. destruct H.
× apply IIB_eq_l. apply set_of_id_aexp_correct. assumption.
× apply IIB_eq_r. apply set_of_id_aexp_correct. assumption.
+ apply set_union_elim in H. destruct H.
× apply IIB_le_l. apply set_of_id_aexp_correct. assumption.
× apply IIB_le_r. apply set_of_id_aexp_correct. assumption.
+ apply IIB_not. apply IHb. assumption.
+ apply set_union_elim in H. destruct H.
× apply IIB_and_l. apply IHb1; assumption.
× apply IIB_and_r. apply IHb2; assumption.
- induction H; simpl; try apply set_of_id_aexp_correct in H;
try (apply set_union_intro1; assumption);
try (apply set_union_intro2; assumption).
+ assumption.
Fixpoint set_of_id_prog (p:prog) :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ \emptyset
| s;;q ⇒ set_of_id_stmt s \cup set_of_id_prog q
with set_of_id_stmt (s:stmt) :=
match s with
| SKIP << _ >> ⇒ \emptyset
| i ::= a << _ >> ⇒ i \oplus set_of_id_aexp a
| IFB << _ >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI ⇒
set_of_id_bexp b \cup set_of_id_prog p1 \cup set_of_id_prog p2
| WHILE << _ >> b DO p END ⇒
set_of_id_bexp b \cup set_of_id_prog p
| ASSERT << _ >> b =>> _ ⇒ set_of_id_bexp b
End id.