Library quotient

Definition of the relation "contains this as quotient" as is_quotientR_prog. It is proved to be an order relation

Require Export prog.
Require Import label.

Inductive is_quotientR_prog : prog prog Prop :=
  | IQP_nil : is_quotientR_prog {{}} {{}}
  | IQP_remove : s p q, is_quotientR_prog p q is_quotientR_prog (s;;p) q
  | IQP_stmt : s s' p q, is_quotientR_prog p q is_quotientR_stmt s s'
      is_quotientR_prog (s;;p) (s';;q)
with is_quotientR_stmt : stmt stmt Prop :=
  | IQS_skip : l, is_quotientR_stmt (SKIP << l >>) (SKIP << l >>)
  | IQS_ass : i a l, is_quotientR_stmt (i ::= a << l >>)
                                              (i ::= a << l >>)
  | IQS_ifb : l b p1 q1 p2 q2,
      is_quotientR_prog p1 q1 is_quotientR_prog p2 q2
      is_quotientR_stmt (IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI)
                        (IFB << l >> b THEN q1 ELSE q2 FI)
  | IQS_while : l b p q, is_quotientR_prog p q
      is_quotientR_stmt (WHILE << l >> b DO p END)
                        (WHILE << l >> b DO q END)
  | IQS_assert : l b l', is_quotientR_stmt (ASSERT << l >> b =>> l')
                                                  (ASSERT << l >> b =>> l').

Scheme is_quotientR_prog_mutual_ind := Induction for is_quotientR_prog Sort Prop
  with is_quotientR_stmt_mutual_ind := Induction for is_quotientR_stmt Sort Prop.

Tactic Notation "is_quotientR_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "IQP_nil" | Case_aux c "IQP_remove" | Case_aux c "IQP_stmt"
  | Case_aux c "IQS_skip" | Case_aux c "IQS_ass" | Case_aux c "IQS_ifb"
  | Case_aux c "IQS_while" | Case_aux c "IQS_assert" ].

Theorem is_quotientR_refl : p,
  is_quotientR_prog p p.
  intros p.
  prog_cases (apply (prog_mutual_ind
    (fun pis_quotientR_prog p p)
    (fun sis_quotientR_stmt s s))) Case; intros;
  try (constructor; fail).
  - Case "P_cons". apply IQP_stmt; assumption.
  - Case "S_ifb". apply IQS_ifb; assumption.
  - Case "S_while". apply IQS_while; assumption.

Lemma is_quotientR_prog_num_lab : p q,
  is_quotientR_prog p q num_lab_prog q num_lab_prog p.
  is_quotientR_cases (apply (is_quotientR_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun p q Hnum_lab_prog q num_lab_prog p)
    (fun s t Hnum_lab_stmt t num_lab_stmt s))) Case; intros;
  simpl; omega.

Lemma is_quotientR_stmt_num_lab : p q,
  is_quotientR_stmt p q num_lab_stmt q num_lab_stmt p.
  is_quotientR_cases (apply (is_quotientR_stmt_mutual_ind
    (fun p q Hnum_lab_prog q num_lab_prog p)
    (fun s t Hnum_lab_stmt t num_lab_stmt s))) Case; intros;
  simpl; omega.

Theorem is_quotientR_prog_same_num : p q,
  is_quotientR_prog p q num_lab_prog p = num_lab_prog q
  p = q.
  apply (is_quotientR_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun p q Hnum_lab_prog p = num_lab_prog q p = q)
    (fun s t Hnum_lab_stmt s = num_lab_stmt t s = t)); intros.
  apply is_quotientR_prog_num_lab in i. simpl in H0.
  assert (num_lab_stmt s > 0) by (apply num_lab_stmt_lt). omega.
  apply is_quotientR_prog_num_lab in i.
  apply is_quotientR_stmt_num_lab in i0.
  simpl in H1. assert (num_lab_stmt s = num_lab_stmt s'). omega.
  assert (num_lab_prog p = num_lab_prog q). omega. intuition. subst. reflexivity.
  reflexivity. reflexivity.
  simpl in H1. apply is_quotientR_prog_num_lab in i.
  apply is_quotientR_prog_num_lab in i0.
  assert (num_lab_prog p1 = num_lab_prog q1). omega.
  assert (num_lab_prog p2 = num_lab_prog q2). omega.
  intuition; subst; reflexivity. simpl in H0. inversion H0.
  apply H in H2. subst; reflexivity.

Theorem is_quotientR_antisym : p q,
  is_quotientR_prog p q is_quotientR_prog q p p = q.
  apply is_quotientR_prog_same_num.
  - assumption.
  - apply is_quotientR_prog_num_lab in H.
  apply is_quotientR_prog_num_lab in H0. omega.

Theorem is_quotientR_trans : p q r,
  is_quotientR_prog p q is_quotientR_prog q r is_quotientR_prog p r.
  intros p q r H.
  generalize dependent r. generalize dependent q.
  generalize dependent p.
  apply (is_quotientR_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun p q H r, is_quotientR_prog q r is_quotientR_prog p r)
    (fun s t H u, is_quotientR_stmt t u is_quotientR_stmt s u)); intros.
  constructor. apply H. assumption.
  inversion H1; subst. constructor. apply H. assumption.
  apply IQP_stmt. apply H. assumption.
  apply H0. assumption.
  inversion H1; subst. constructor. apply H. assumption.
  apply H0. assumption.
  inversion H0; subst. constructor. apply H. assumption.

Theorem is_quotientR_in_seq : p p' q q',
  is_quotientR_prog p p' is_quotientR_prog q q' is_quotientR_prog (p+;+q) (p'+;+q').
  intros. induction H.
  simpl. assumption.
  simpl. constructor. assumption.
  simpl. apply IQP_stmt; assumption.

Theorem is_quotientR_prog_single : s s',
  is_quotientR_stmt s s' is_quotientR_prog {{s}} {{s'}}.
  Case "->". intros. apply IQP_stmt. constructor. assumption.
  Case "<-". intros. inversion H. inversion H3. assumption.