19 mars 2019 au CNRS, rue Michel-Ange, Paris.
Voir ici: http://orap.irisa.fr/?page_id=1073
19 mars 2019 au CNRS, rue Michel-Ange, Paris.
Voir ici: http://orap.irisa.fr/?page_id=1073
November 28 to November 30, 2018
Although the“Big Data” revolution first came to public prominence (circa 2010) in on-line enterprises like Google, Amazon and Facebook, it is now widely recognized as the initial phase of a watershed transformaton that modern society generally, and scientific and engineering research in particular, are in the process of undergoing. Responding to this disruptive wave of change, over the past four years the Big Data and Exascale Computing (BDEC) project organized a series of five international workshops that aimed to explore the ways in which the new forms data-centric discovery introduced by this revolution might be integrated with the established, simulation-centric paradigm of the high performance computing (HPC) community…
Read more at http://www.exascale.org/bdec/
“Radical changes in computing are foreseen for the next decade. The US IEEE society wants to “reboot computing” and the HiPEAC Vision 2017 sees the time to “re-invent computing”, both by challenging its basic assumptions. This document presents the “EuroLab-4-HPC Long-Term Vision on High-Performance Computing” of August 2017, a road mapping effort within the EC CSA1 Eurolab-4-HPC that targets potential changes in hardware, software, and applications in High-Performance Computing (HPC)…”
Available here: https://www.eurolab4hpc.eu/static/deliverables/D2-2–final-vision.3718a25ff0dd.pdf
European HPC Summit Week 2017: EXDCI Workshop: https://exdci.eu/events/european-hpc-summit-week-2017-exdci-workshop
Overview of EXDCI Activities: the presentation.
Les présentations faites pendant l’atelier sont disponibles ici http://www.teratec.eu/forum/atelier_4.html
The slides are available at http://www.exascale.org/bdec/agenda/china
Il aura lieu le mardi 28 mars 2017 au CNRS, rue Michel-Ange, Paris.
Le programme est ici : http://orap.irisa.fr/?page_id=696
The program: https://exdci.eu/events/hpc-summit-week-exdci-workshop
The presentations are available here: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/EXDCI-workshop-agenda-HPCSW16.pdf (pointers to the presentations are embedded in the pdf)
More information here.
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