
Ecole Thématique Data STUE : Comment gérer les données pour les valoriser ?

Ecole Thématique Data STUE : Comment gérer les données pour les valoriser ?

Teratec Forum 2024: Reconciling Digital Sobriety and Performance: Is it Possible?

The presentations are here: https://teratec.eu/gb/forum/atelier_1.html

Journée “Outils d’IA Générative : Stratégie & Expérimentation

Le programme ici : https://www.unidivers.fr/event/journee-outils-dia-generative-strategie-experimentation-pole-numerique-rennes-beaulieu-pnrb-bat-9b-rennes-ille-et-vilaine-2024-06-12t0900000200/

NumPEx : Numérique Pour l’Exascale

NumPEx est un PEPR (Programme et Équipement Prioritaire de recherche) sur l’Exascale, le site est ici : https://numpex.org/

Des afficheurs à LED

Une nouvelle réalisation de l’équipe Logica par Emile Binot et Laurent Morin :

Ces afficheurs ont été conçus en collaboration avec EESAB et l’Hotel Pasteur dans le cadre du cours innovation “design numérique” de l’ESIR. Ils sont prévus pour être contrôlés via le réseau LoRa.

Un grand merci à la Cafet de l’Irisa pour leur aide sur cette vidéo.

Slow science

Pouvons nous repensez nos pratiques?



EXDCI-2 deliverables available online

Through the joint action of PRACE and ETP4HPC, EXDCI-2 mobilises the European HPC stakeholders. The project builds upon the achievements of EXDCI and continues its participation in the support of the European HPC Ecosystem. 

The deliverables are here: https://exdci.eu/resources/public-deliverables#https://exdci.eu/resources/public-deliverables#

EXDCI2 report: Assessment for legacy code and software modernisation

Many of today’s applications running on large HPC systems are codes, that have been in development for more than two (or even three) decades, programmed partially in “old fashioned” languages, such as Fortran, and which were not designed for scale and to parallelise for system architectures as we know them today in HPC. We refer to these codes as “legacy codes”.

In the advent of a new generation of HPC systems, the question is whether these codes are still relevant to their owners, and if yes, how these codes can be rewritten to run efficiently on the future HPC systems, and what effort this would require. This document casts a light on the European portfolio of legacy codes through the analysis of a survey that has been distributed amongst European code developers.

Author: G. Colin de Verdière, CEA

AQMO Workshop

During this workshop (conducted in French), aimed at stakeholders involved in the fields of air quality monitoring and high-performance computing, as well as at citizens and metropolitan elected officials, the partners of the AQMO consortium reflected on the actions carried out over 2 years and presented the results that have emerged from this project through a series of presentations and question-and-answer sessions.

EXDCI-2 European Extreme Data & Computing Initiative

EXDCI aimed to support the road-mappingstrategy-making and performance-monitoring activities of the eco-system, including building and maintaining relations with other international HPC activities and regions, or other communities (Big Data, IoT).

Exdci presentation