I am currently a Post-doc Researcher at INRIA Rennes -- Brittany Atlantic research center.
My research interest is on the energy consumption of computing nodes and of network devices in large-scale systems.
This research is done toghether with
Dr. Anne-Cecile Orgerie (CNRS, IRISA, Rennes, France) and with
Dr. Laurent Lefevre (INRIA, LIP laboratory, ENS Lyon, Univ. of Lyon, France), funded as part of the
Hemera project.
Before joining the INRIA Myriads research team at IRISA Institute in France, I had a Post-doctoral Fellowship at Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA), working together with
Dr. Vaidy Sunderam on methods for extending the executability of HPC applications to Cloud systems, as well as predicting the performance of scientific applications on highly heterogeneous distributed systems.
Prior to this, I was a Research and Teaching Assistant at FEMTO-ST (DISC department) and IUT of Belfort-Montbeliard and, at the same time, a Post-doctoral Scholar at Emory University, working with
Prof. Julien Bourgeois and Prof. Vaidy Sunderam on the adaptability of HPC code to execution on Cloud platforms.
Please find more details in the
Teaching, or
Research sections.
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