Post-doctoral publications
International journal(s)
- Bogdan F. Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. A Framework for Efficient Performance Prediction of Distributed Applications in Heterogeneous Systems. The Journal of Supercomputing, 62(3):1609-1634, September 2012. Springer. Impact Factor in 2011: 0.578 (Journal Citation Report Thomson Reuters)
International conference
- Bogdan Florin Cornea, Anne-Cecile Orgerie, Laurent Lefevre. Studying the energy consumption of data transfers in Clouds: the Ecofen approach. In CloudNet'14, 3rd IEEE Int. Conference on Cloud Networking, October 2014. IEEE Computer Society.
- Bogdan Florin Cornea, Jaroslaw Slawinski, Julien Bourgeois, Vaidy Sunderam. Towards Adapting Parallel Programs to Different Platforms: Identifying Interaction Patterns. In HPCC'13, 15th IEEE Int. Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, November 2013. IEEE Computer Society.
- Bogdan F. Cornea, Julien Bourgeois, The Tung Nguyen, Didier El-Baz. Scalable Performance Prediction of Distributed Peer-toPeer Applications. In HPCC'12, 14th IEEE Int. Conference on High
Performance Computing and Communications, Liverpool, UK, pages 193-201, July 2012. IEEE Computer Society Press. Note: regular paper
Doctoral publications
PhD thesis
- Bogdan F. Cornea. Performance prediction of distributed computing applications executed on a peer-to-peer architecture.
University of Franche-Comté, LIFC Computer Science laboratory (currently FEMTO-ST DISC department), Montbéliard, December 8th, 2011. Note: published in French
International conferences
- Julien Bourgeois, Vaidy S. Sunderam, Jaroslaw Slawinski, Bogdan F. Cornea. Extending
Executability of Applications on Varied Target Platforms. In HPCC'11, 13th IEEE Int. Conference on High
Performance Computing and Communications, Banff, Canada, pages 253-260, September 2011. IEEE
Computer Society Press. Note: regular paper; acceptance rate 21.7%.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. Performance Prediction of Distributed Applications Using
Block Benchmarking Methods. In PDP'11, 19-th Int. Euromicro Conf. on Parallel, Distributed and
Network-Based Processing, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, pages 183-190, February 2011. IEEE Computer Society
Press. Note: regular paper.
International workshop(s)
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois, The Tung Nguyen, Didier El-Baz. Performance Prediction in a
Decentralized Environment for Peer-to-Peer Computing. In HotP2P'11, Int. Workshop on Hot Topics in
Peer-to-Peer Systems, IPDPS Workshops, Anchorage, Alaska, United States, pages 1618-1626, May
2011. IEEE Computer Society Press. Note: regular paper.
Other publications
Technical report
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. Simulation of a P2P Parallel Computing Environment -
Introducing dPerf, A Tool for Predicting the Performance of Parallel MPI or P2P-SAP Applications.
Technical report RT2010-04, LIFC, Université de Franche-Comté, March 2010. Note: published in French.
ANR CIP project delivrables, ANR-07-CIS7-011-01 contract
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. Intégration de P2PDC dans P2PPerf (dPerf). Livrable T9,
pages 1-5, février 2011.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. Modélisation et optimisation du démonstrateur pour la
résolution de problème de mathématiques financières sur l'architecture pair à pair. Livrable T10, pages
1-4, février 2011.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. dPerf (sub-project of P2PPerf) and its support for distributed
P2PDC applications. Rapport annuel 2010, pages 1-106, février 2011.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. P2PPerf using Rose. Livrable T7, pages 1-91, mars 2010.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. P2PPerf using Rose. Livrable T3, pages 1-51, juillet 2009.
Dissertation for obtaining the Engineering Diploma
- Bogdan Florin Cornea. Real Experiments of DCCP with GStreamer Under Linux. « Transilvania » University, Brasov, Romania, and FEMTO-ST/DISC at the University of Franche-Comté,Montbeliard, France. June 2008.
Talks, seminaries and posters
- Bogdan Cornea. The performance of distributed applications in various large-scale systems. Talk at the Myriads team Working Group, INRIA, IRISA, Rennes, France, February 2014.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois, Vaidy Sunderam. Performance evaluation of P2P and Cloud
computing applications. Invited talk at the 2nd Simgrid SONGS user's day, Valpré, Ecully,
France, June 2012.
- Bogdan Cornea, Julien Bourgeois. Performance prediction of distributed applications in a decentralized peer-to-peer environment. Open day at the "Portes du Jura" Campus for research laboratories, Montbeliard, June 2011. Note: poster.
- Julien Bourgeois, Bogdan Cornea. CPU modelling in SimGrid using dPerf. Invited talk at the 1st Simgrid Users' days, Cargèse, Corsica, April 2010.
- Bogdan Cornea. A pair of Java programs for intercepting the media stream over a network. Scientific communications session, « Transilvania » University, Brasov, Romania, May 2007.