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[1] M. Rußwurm - N. Courty - R. Emonet - S. Lefèvre - D. Tuia - R. Tavenard. End-to-end learned early classification of time series for in-season crop type mapping. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2023.
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[2] W. Swaileh - F. Imbert - Y. Soullard - R. Tavenard - E. Anquetil. Online Handwriting Trajectory Reconstruction from Kinematic Sensors using Temporal Convolutional Network. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 2023.
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[3] T. Vayer - R. Tavenard - L. Chapel - N. Courty - R. Flamary - Y. Soullard. Time Series Alignment with Global Invariances. Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal 2022.
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[4] R. Flamary - N. Courty - A. Gramfort - M. Zahdi Alaya - A. Boisbunon - S. Chambon - L. Chapel - A. Corenflos - K. Fatras - N. Fournier - L. Gautheron - N. T H Gayraud - H. Janati - A. Rakotomamonjy - I. Redko - A. Rolet - A. Schutz - V. Seguy - D. J Sutherland - R. Tavenard - A. Tong - T. Vayer. POT : Python Optimal Transport. Journal of Machine Learning Research 2021.
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[5] P. Gloaguen - L. Chapel - C. Friguet - R. Tavenard. Scalable clustering of segmented trajectories within a continuous time framework. Application to maritime traffic data. Machine Learning 2021.
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[6] T. Vayer - L. Chapel - R. Flamary - R. Tavenard - N. Courty. Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Distance for Structured Objects. Algorithms 2020.
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[7] R. Tavenard - J. Faouzi - G. Vandewiele - F. Divo - G. Androz - C. Holtz - M. Payne - R. Yurchak - M. Russwurm - K. Kolar - E. Woods. Tslearn, A Machine Learning Toolkit for Time Series Data. Journal of Machine Learning Research 2020.
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[8] Z. Zhang - R. Tavenard - A. Bailly - X. Tang - P. Tang - T. Corpetti. Dynamic Time Warping Under Limited Warping Path Length. Information Sciences 2017.
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[9] A. Bailly - L. Chapel - R. Tavenard - G. Camps-Valls. Nonlinear Time-Series Adaptation for Land Cover Classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2017.
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[10] R. Tavenard - L. Amsaleg. Improving the Efficiency of Traditional DTW Accelerators. Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) 2015.
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[11] R. Dupas - R. Tavenard - O. Fovet - N. Gilliet - C. Grimaldi - C. Gascuel. Identifying seasonal patterns of phosphorus storm dynamics with dynamic time warping. Water Resources Research 2015.
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[12] A. Aubert - R. Tavenard - R. Emonet - A. de Lavenne - S. Malinowski - T. Guyet - R. Quiniou - J. M. Odobez - P. Mérot - C. Gascuel. Clustering Flood Events from Water Quality Time-Series using Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model. Water Resources Research 2013.
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[13] A. Ali Salah - E. Pauwels - R. Tavenard - T. Gevers. T-Patterns Revisited: Mining for Temporal Patterns in Sensor Data. Sensors 2010.
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[14] R. Tavenard - L. Amsaleg - G. Gravier. Model-based similarity estimation of multidimensional temporal sequences. Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 2009.
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[15] F. Painblanc - L. Chapel - N. Courty - C. Friguet - C. Pelletier - R. Tavenard. Adaptation de Domaines pour des Séries Temporelles par Transport Optimal et Alignement Temporel. 55ièmes Journées de Statistique 2024.
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[16] F. Imbert - R. Tavenard - Y. Soullard - E. Anquetil. Domain adaptation for handwriting trajectory reconstruction from IMU sensors. ICDAR 2024 Workshops, ADAPDA 2024.
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[17] F. Painblanc - L. Chapel - N. Courty - C. Friguet - C. Pelletier - R. Tavenard. Match-And-Deform: Time Series Domain Adaptation through Optimal Transport and Temporal Alignment. ECML PKDD 2023 2023.
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[18] A. Serdyuk - F. Kreß - M. Hiegle - T. Harbaum - J. Becker - F. Imbert - Y. Soullard - R. Tavenard - E. Anquetil - J. Barth - P. Kämpf. Towards the on-device Handwriting Trajectory Reconstruction of the Sensor Enhanced Pen. IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things 2023.
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[19] N. Zufferey - M. Humbert - R. Tavenard - K. Huguenin. Watch your Watch: Inferring Personality Traits from Wearable Activity Trackers. USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) 2023.
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[20] F. Painblanc - L. Chapel - N. Courty - C. Friguet - C. Pelletier - R. Tavenard. MAD: Match-And-Deform for Time Series Domain Adaptation. Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique (CAp) 2022.
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[21] Y. Wang - R. Emonet - E. Fromont - S. Malinowski - R. Tavenard. Adversarial regularization for explainable-by-design time series classification. ICTAI 2020 - 32th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2020.
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[22] D. Guijo-Rubio - P. A Gutiérrez - R. Tavenard - A. Bagnall. A Hybrid Approach to Time Series Classification with Shapelets. Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning -- IDEAL 2019.
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[23] Y. Wang - R. Emonet - E. Fromont - S. Malinowski - E. Menager - L. Mosser - R. Tavenard. Classification de séries temporelles basée sur des "shapelets" interprétables par réseaux de neurones antagonistes. CAp 2019 - Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique 2019.
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[24] M. Russwurm - R. Tavenard - S. Lefèvre - M. Körner. Early Classification for Agricultural Monitoring from Satellite Time Series. AI for Social Good Workshop at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2019.
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[25] M. Guilleme - S. Malinowski - R. Tavenard - X. Renard. Localized Random Shapelets. International Workshop on Advanced Analysis and Learning on Temporal Data 2019.
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[26] T. Vayer - L. Chapel - R. Flamary - R. Tavenard - N. Courty. Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs. ICML 2019 - 36th International Conference on Machine Learning 2019.
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[27] T. Vayer - R. Flamary - R. Tavenard - L. Chapel - N. Courty. Sliced Gromov-Wasserstein. NeurIPS 2019 - Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2019.
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[28] R. Carlini Sperandio - S. Malinowski - L. Amsaleg - R. Tavenard. Time Series Retrieval using DTW-Preserving Shapelets. SISAP 2018 – 11th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications 2018.
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[29] B. Bhushan Damodaran - N. Courty - R. Tavenard. Randomized Nonlinear Component Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images. IGARSS 2017 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2017.
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[30] R. Tavenard - S. Malinowski - L. Chapel - A. Bailly - H. Sanchez - B. Bustos. Efficient Temporal Kernels between Feature Sets for Time Series Classification. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery 2017. Supplementary material
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[31] A. Lods - S. Malinowski - R. Tavenard - L. Amsaleg. Learning DTW-Preserving Shapelets. IDA 2017 - 16th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis 2017.
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[32] A. Le Guennec - S. Malinowski - R. Tavenard. Data Augmentation for Time Series Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data 2016.
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[33] R. Tavenard - S. Malinowski. Cost-Aware Early Classification of Time Series. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery 2016. Supplementary material
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[34] A. Bailly - D. Arvor - L. Chapel - R. Tavenard. Classification of MODIS Time Series with Dense Bag-of-Temporal-SIFT-Words: Application to Cropland Mapping in the Brazilian Amazon. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2016.
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[35] A. Bailly - S. Malinowski - R. Tavenard - T. Guyet - L. Chapel. Bag-of-Temporal-SIFT-Words for Time Series Classification. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data 2015.
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[36] S. Malinowski - T. Guyet - R. Quiniou - R. Tavenard. 1d-SAX : une nouvelle représentation symbolique pour les séries temporelles. Conférence Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances 2014.
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[37] R. Tavenard - R. Emonet - J. M. Odobez. Time-sensitive Topic Models For Action Recognition In Videos. ICIP - International Conference on Image Processing 2013.
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[38] S. Malinowski - T. Guyet - R. Quiniou - R. Tavenard. 1d-SAX: A Novel Symbolic Representation for Time Series. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis 2013.
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[39] H. Jégou - R. Tavenard - M. Douze - L. Amsaleg. Searching in one billion vectors: re-rank with source coding. ICASSP 2011 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2011.
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[40] R. Tavenard - H. Jégou - L. Amsaleg. Balancing clusters to reduce response time variability in large scale image search. International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2011) 2011.
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[41] V. Claveau - R. Tavenard - L. Amsaleg. Vectorisation des processus d'appariement document-requête. 7e conférence en recherche d'informations et applications, CORIA'10 2010.
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[42] E. Pauwels - A. Ali Salah - R. Tavenard. Sensor Networks for Ambient Intelligence. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing 2007.
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[43] R. Tavenard - A. Ali Salah - E. Pauwels. Searching for Temporal Patterns in AmI Sensor Data. Constructing Ambient Intelligence 2007.
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[44] R. Tavenard. Indexing feature sequences. Thesis, 2011.
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