Since 2012 UBS (University of South Brittany, Lorient, Vannes, France) - Graduate

Master Web, Multimedia, Reseaux (Web, Multimedia, Networks):
UFR SSI - INF2344: Animation et Synthese d'Images M2 WMR - Computer Animation and Rendering (M2) - Fall 15
UFR SSI - INF2344a: Animation M2 WMR - Computer Animation (M2) - Fall 13
UFR SSI - INF2344a: Animation M2 WMR - Character Animation (M2) - Fall 12
ENSIBS (Computer Science Engineering Degree):
ENSIBS - INFE302: Programmation Objet Avancee (C++) - Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (C++) (A2) - Fall 15
ENSIBS - Projets Informatique - Semester Projects (A3) - Fall 12

Since 2012 UBS (University of South Brittany, Lorient, Vannes, France) - Undergraduate

UFR SSI - INF1604: Logique - Logic (L3) - Spring 14, Spring 16
UFR SSI - INF1202: Logique et Bases de Donnees - Logic and Databases (L1) - Spring 14
UFR SSI - INF1508: Programmation en C et C++ - C/C++ Programming (L3) - Fall 13
ENSIBS - INFE201 - Programmation Orientée Objet - Object-Oriented Programming (A1) - Spring 13
ENSIBS - TP Algorithmique Hamonisation - Algorithms / Programming in C++ (A1) - Fall 12
ENSIBS - TP Algorithmique - Algorithms / Programming in C++ (A1) - Fall 12
ENSIBS - INFE101 - Bases de Données - Databases (A1) - Fall 12

2007-2010 URJC (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) - Graduate

Master of Computer Graphics, Games and Virtual Reality:
MCP (Modelado y Comportamiento de Personajes - Character Animation) - Fall 10
MDP (Modelado de Personajes - Character Animation) - Fall 07, Fall 08, Fall 09, Fall 10
AC (Animacion por Computador - Computer Animation) - Fall 10
APO (Animacion por Ordinator - Computer Animation) - Spring 07, Spring 08, Spring 09, Spring 10
Seminarios 2009-2010 (Master IGJRV) - Fall 09, Spring 10

2007-2010 URJC (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) - Undergraduate

FFI (Fundamentos Fisicos de la Informatica - Physics for Computer Science) - Fall 09 Mostoles, Fall 09 Vicalvaro
FFC (Fundamentos Fisicos de los Computadores - Physics for Computer Science) - Fall 09
FCII (Computer Fundamentals II - Computer Architecture) - Spring 08, Spring 09
IBP (Informatica Basica - Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Frontpage & Powerpoint) - Fall 07, Fall 08