Some Talks
- Presentation of the Spicy team, D1 Day, IRISA, France, January
2024. (Slides)
- Talk at CORGIS (Spicy Working Group), IRISA, France, January 2024. (Slides)
- Talk at FPS, Bordeaux, France, December 2023. (Slides)
- Talk at CSF, Dubrovnik, Croatia, July 2023. (Slides)
- Invited talk at GT-MFS, Roscoff, France, March 2023. (Slides)
- Invited talk at Colloquium Polaris, Lille, France, March 2023. (Slides)
- Talk at CORGIS (Spicy Working Group), IRISA, France, February 2023. (Slides)
- Invited talk in honour of Véronique Cortier,
January 2023. (Slides)
- Invited talk at CSF (Floc), Haifa, Israel, August 2022. (Slides)
- Talk at CSF (Floc), Haifa, Israel, August 2022. (Slides)
- Invited talk in honour of Hubert Comon-Lundh (ANR Tecap meeting),
June 2022. (Slides)
- Talk for the general public (stagiaire de 3ème), January
2022. (Slides)
- Talk at CORGIS (Spicy Working Group), IRISA, France, June 2021. (Slides)
- Seminar at Surrey University, October 2019. (Slides)
- Invited talk at Luxembourg University, May 2019. (Slides)
- Security Days at IRISA, Rennes, January 2019. (Slides)
- Invited talk at FSCD (Floc), Oxford, UK, July 2018. (Slides)
- Lecture at EJCP summer school, Lyon, France, June 2018. (Slides Part 1, Slides Part
- Invited talk at FutureDB - Distance-bounding: past, present,
future, Azore, Portugal, April
2018. (Slides)
- Lecture at FOSAD, Bertinoro,
Italy, September 2017. (Part 1, Part 2, Practical
Session, File nspk.pv)
- Lecture at EJCP summer school, Toulouse, France, June 2017. (Slides)
- Lecture at the 6th Summer School on Formal Techniques, Menlo
College, CA, USA, May 2017. (Slides
Part 1, Slides Part 2)
- Lecture at the spring school on Security & Correctness in the IoT, Graz, Austria, May 2017. (Slides)
- Seminar at SoSysec, Rennes, France, March 2017. (Slides)
- Invited talk at the Colloquium Sécurité informatique: mythes et
réalité, Paris, France, December 2016.
- Les rencontres du numérique de l'ANR, Paris, France,
November 2016.
- Invited talk at ENS Rennes, Bruz, France, September 2016.
- Talk at Security day of the CominLabs, Rennes, France, September
2016. (Slides)
- Lecture at EJCP summer school, Lille, France, June 2016. (Slides)
- Invited talk for the last round of the Alkindi competition, Hotel des Invalides, Paris, May 2016. (Slides)
- Seminar at Collège de France,
Paris, April 2016.
- Lecture at Regards Croisés (Level L3), ENS Cachan, France, November 2015. (Slides)
- Lecture at VTSA summer school, Koblenz, Germany, August 2015.(Slides
Part 1, Slides Part 2)
- Invited talk at the Sasefor meeting, Cachan, France, April 2015. (Slides)
- Seminar at Deducteam (Inria Rocquencourt), Paris, France, March
2015. (Slides)
- Seminar at GREYC laboratory, Caen, France, January 2015. (Slides)
- Lecture at Regards Croisés (Level L3), ENS Cachan,
France, November 2014. (Slides)
- Invited talk at TREND (satellite event of CONCUR
2014), Roma, Italy, September 2014. (Slides)
- Focus talk at MOVEP summer school, Nantes, France,
July 2014. (Slides)
- Seminar at the plenary session of INS2I, Paris,
France, June 2014. (Slides)
- Invited talk at Lycée Corot, Savigny-sur-Orge,
France, March 2014. ( Slides)
- Invited talk at the CAPPRIS meeting, Paris, France,
March 2014. (Slides)
- Lecture at Regards Croisés (Level L3), ENS Cachan, France, October
2013. (Slides)
- Talk during the Open Day of LSV, ENS Cachan, France, September 2013. (Slides)
- Talk at the SECSI Working Group, ENS Cachan, France, June
2013. (Slides)
- Lecture at Regards Croisés (Level L3), ENS Cachan,
France, November 2012. (Slides)
- Talk at the SECSI Working Group, ENS Cachan, France,
October 2012. ( Slides)
- Seminar (conférence de rentrée), ENS Cachan, France, September
2012. (Slides)
- Talk at the CAPPRIS meeting, Paris, France, March 2012. (Slides)
- Invited talk at the regional annual day of the APMEP, Rouen, France, April 2012. (Slides)
- Talk at the SECSI Working Group, ENS Cachan, France,
January 2012. (Slides)
- Lecture at Regards Croisés (Level L3), ENS Cachan,
France, November 2011. (Slides)
- Invited talk at Unithé ou Café?, Parc Orsay
Université, France, November 2011. (Slides)
- Invited talk at the national annual days of the
APMEP, Grenoble, France, October 2011. (Slides)
- Seminar at Dagstuhl, Germany, August 2011. (Slides)
- Seminar at the Verimag laboratory, Grenoble, France,
June 2011. (Slides)
- Talk at the SECSI Working Group, ENS Cachan, France,
June 2011. (Slides)
- Defense of my Habilitation, ENS Cachan, France, March 2011. (Slides)
- Talk at the SECSI Working Group, ENS Cachan,
September 2010. (Slides)
- Lecture at SecVote (joint
lecture with S. Kremer), Bertinoro,
Italy, September 2010. (Slides)
- Seminar at the Unviersity of Trier, Germany, January 2009. (Slides)
- Invited talk for the ceremony of awards "Olympiades de
Mathématiques", Cachan, France, May 2008. (Slides)
- Invited talk at the French-Japanese Workshop, Nancy, France,
March 2008. (Slides)
- Seminar at UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, February 2008. (Slides)
- Invited talk at the Workshop VETO'07, Tunis, Tunisia,
April 2007. (Slides)
- Seminar at LORIA, Nancy, France, March 2007. (Slides)
- Seminar at LIAFA, University Paris 7, France,
December 2006. (Slides)
- Computer Security Lecture, School of Computer
Science, University of Birmingham, UK, November 2006. (Slides)
- Computer Security Reading Group, School of Computer
Science, University of Birmingham, UK, October 2006. (Slides)
- Seminar at LACL, University of Créteil, France, March
2006. (Slides)
- Seminar at LIAFA, University Paris 7, France,
February 2006. (Slides)
- Seminar at Clarkson University, Postdam, USA, August
2005. (Slides
- Seminar at the LMNO/GREYC laboratory, Caen, France,
December 2004. (Slides)
- Seminar at the MAPS/AMS laboratory, France Telecom,
Plemeur-Bodou, France, December 2004. (Slides)
- Seminar at France Télécom R&D, Lannion, France,
August 2003. (Slides)