
Pierre Allain Obelix team

Post doctoral researcher at LETG-Costel and Irisa Rennes in the Obelix team. My work currently focuses on time series classification in satellite images for crop and grassland detection.

This work has been done during a previous post-doc with Charles Kervrann. We aimed at reproducing the dynamics of the microtubule in cells in order to improve image analysis using data assimilation.

Continuum dependency

Under the assumption that microtubules growing depends on GTP-tubulin concentration, we propose a simple model of catastrophe and rescue. While in growing phase, the end point of microtubules absorbs the tubulin. When the concentration of tubulin at the end point goes below a low limit value, catastrophe is tirggered. While collapsing, the microtubules release the tubulin they absorbed. The rescue occurs when the local concentration goes above a high limit value.


Using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, we propose a 3D dynamic model of microtubule rigidity. This modeling aims at providing a physical basis to cytoskeleton simulation. The used parameters allow to directly use microtubules' properties as input of simulation, and eventually as output of analysis.

Related references :

  1. Nedelec, F. and Foethke, D. (2007). Collective Langevin dynamics of flexible cytoskeletal fibers, New Journal of Physics, 9(11), 427