Post doctoral researcher at LETG-Costel and Irisa Rennes in the Obelix team. My work currently focuses on time series classification in satellite images for crop and grassland detection.
Conference papers
P. Allain and C. Kervrann. Physical modeling of microtubules network. In 4th international workshop on new computational methods for inverse problems (NCMIP 2014), volume to appear, 2014.
P. Allain, N. Courty, and T. Corpetti. AGORASET: a dataset for crowd video analysis. In 1st icpr international workshop on pattern recognition and crowd analysis, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012.
P. Allain, N. Courty, and T. Corpetti. Continuous control of lagrangian data. In Tianbiao Zhang, editors, Mechanical engineering and technology, volume 125, page 307-310. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
P. Allain, N. Courty, and T. Corpetti. Crowd flow characterization with optimal control theory. In Proceedings of the 9th asian conference on computer vision - volume part ii, ACCV'09, 279--290, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. , Springer-Verlag.
Journal papers
Nicolas Courty, Pierre Allain, Clement Creusot, and Thomas Corpetti. Using the agoraset dataset: assessing for the quality of crowd video analysis methods. Pattern Recognition Letters, 44(0):161 - 170, 2014.
Pierre Allain, Nicolas Courty, and Thomas Corpetti. Optimal crowd editing. Graphical Models, 76(1):1 - 16, 2014.
P. Allain, N. Courty, and T. Corpetti. Particle swarm control. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, to appear, 2013.
PhD thesis
P. Allain. Analyse et synthèse de mouvements de foules par contrôle optimal. PhD thesis, Université de Bretagne Sud, Jan 2012.