
Pierre Allain Obelix team

Post doctoral researcher at LETG-Costel and Irisa Rennes in the Obelix team. My work currently focuses on time series classification in satellite images for crop and grassland detection.

Crowd flow characterization with optimal control theory. In Proceedings of the 9th asian conference on computer vision - volume part ii, ACCV'09, 279--290, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. , Springer-Verlag.

Analyzing the crowd dynamics from video sequences is an open challenge in computer vision. Under a high crowd density assumption, we characterize the dynamics of the crowd flow by two related information: velocity and a disturbance potential which accounts for several elements likely to disturb the flow (the density of pedestrians, their interactions with the flow and the environment). The aim of this paper to simultaneously estimate from a sequence of crowded images those two quantities. While the velocity of the flow can be observed directly from the images with traditional techniques, this disturbance potential is far more trickier to estimate. We propose here to couple, through optimal control theory, a dynamical crowd evolution model with observations from the image sequence in order to estimate at the same time those two quantities from a video sequence. For this purpose, we derive a new and original continuum formulation of the crowd dynamics which appears to be well adapted to dense crowd video sequences. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach on both synthetic and real crowd videos.


Address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
Author = {Allain, P. and Courty, N. and Corpetti, T.},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Asian conference on Computer Vision - Volume Part II},
Pages = {279--290},
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
Series = {ACCV'09},
Title = {Crowd flow characterization with optimal control theory},
Year = {2010}}