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Technical Reports and Draft Papers

  1. Marteau, P-F., On the separation of shape and temporal patterns in time series. Application to signature authentication Nov. 2019, [arxiv]
  2. Marteau, P.F., Sequence Covering Similarity for Symbolic Sequence Comparison . March 2018, [arxiv]
  3. Marteau, P.F., Soheily-Khah, S. and Béchet, N., Hybrid Isolation Forest - Application to Intrusion Detection. May 2017, [arxiv] [code]
  4. Soheily-Khah, Marteau, P.F., S. and Béchet, N., Intrusion detection in network systems through hybrid supervised and unsupervised mining process - a detailed case study on the ISCX benchmark dataset -. May 2017, [hal-01521007]
  5. Marteau, P.F., Discrete Time Elastic Vector Spaces, Draft Paper, HAL open archives, January 2011, [pdf] [Presentation pdf]
  6. Bonnel, N., Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Parallel Random Apollonian Networks, Draft Paper, HAL Open Archives, April 2009. [pdf]
  7. Marteau, P.F., Time Warp Edit Distance, Technical Report VALORIA.2008.1V1, HAL Open Archives, Feb. 2008. [pdf]
  8. Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Multiresolution Approximation of Polygonal Curves in Linear Complexity, Draft Paper, HAL open archives, may 2006. [pdf]
  9. Marteau, P.F., Monbet, V. Conditional prediction of Markov processes using non parametric Viterbi algorithm - Comparison with MLP and GRNN models, April 2004. [pdf]
International Papers
  1. Marteau P.F., Random Partitioning Forest for Point-Wise and Collective Anomaly Detection - Application to Network Intrusion Detection, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, In press, pp.1--16., Jan. 2021 [DOI:10.1109/TIFS.2021.3050605] [pdf]
  2. Marteau, P.F. , Estimating Road Segments Using Kernelized Averaging of GPS Trajectories. Journal of Applied Sciences, MDPI, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(13), 2736; [MDPI] [pdf]
  3. Soheily-Khah, Marteau, P.F. , Sparsification of the Alignment Path Search Space in Dynamic Time Warping. Journal of Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), 78: 630-640 (2019), Elsevier, [arxiv]
  4. Marteau, P.F., Times series averaging and denoising from a probabilistic interpretation of time-elastic kernel, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, De Gruyter, May 2015, accepted for publication in october 2018 [pdf] [code]
  5. Marteau P.F., Sequence Covering for Efficient Host-Based Intrusion Detection, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 994-1006, April 2019, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2018.2868614 [IEEE Xplore] [pdf]
  6. Carreno Medrano, P., Gibet, S. and Marteau, P-F., Perceptual Validation for the Generation of Expressive Movements from End-Effector Trajectories ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), doi>10.1145/3150976. [acm]
  7. Ghouaiel N., Marteau P.-F., Dupont M., Continuous pattern detection and recognition in stream - A benchmark for on-line gesture recognition International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition (IJAPR), Inderscience Ed., December 2016. [pdf]
  8. Marteau, P.F., Gibet, S., On Recursive Edit Distance Kernels with Application to Time Series Classification, IEEE Trans. on Neural Network, vol. 26, no. 6, pp.1121-1133 , June 2015. [pdf]
  9. Marteau, P.F., Bonnel N., Ménier, G., Discrete Elastic Inner Vector Spaces with Application to Time Series and Sequence Mining, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, June 2012, [pdf]
  10. Bonnel N., Marteau, P.F., LNA: Fast Protein Classification Using a Laplacian Characterization of Tertiary Structure, accepted for publication in ACM/IEEE Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformtics, April 2012, doi:10.1109/TCBB.2012.64 [pdf]
  11. Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Speeding up Simplification of Polygonal Curves using Nested Approximations", Journal of Pattern Analysis and Application, Springer Publisher, vol.12, N°4, pp.367-375, December 2009, [arXiv]
  12. Marteau P.F., Time Warp Edit Distance with Stiffness Adjustment for Time Series Matching, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 306-318, Feb., 2009, [pdf]
  13. Monbet, V., Ailliot, P., Marteau, P.F., L1 convergence of smoothing densities in non-parametric state space models , Journal of Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, Springer Netherlands,December 18, 2007, DOI10.1007/s11203-007-9020-1
  14. Monbet, V., Marteau, P.F., Non Parametric Resampling for Stationary Markov Processes: the Local Grid Bootstrap Approach, Journal of Statistic Planning and Inference, Elsevier ed., Volume 136, Issue 10, Pages 3319-3338, October 2006, <doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2004.11.014, [pdf]
  15. Gibet, S., Lebourque, T., Marteau, P.F. High level Specification and Animation of Communicative Gestures, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Academic Press Publisher, Volume 12, Number 6, pp. 657-687(31),<doi:10.1006/jvlc.2001.0202, December 2001. [pdf]
  16. de Loupy, C., El Bèze, M., Marteau, P.F., Using Semantic Classification Trees for Word Sens Disambiguiation, Journal of Computers and the Humanities (CHUM), Volume 34, Numbers 1-2 , pp. 187-192, Springer Publisher, April, 2000, <doi: 10.1023/A:1002467221920>, [pdf]
  17. Gibet, S Marteau, P.F., A self-organised model for the control, planning and learning of nonlinear multivariable systems using a sensori- feedback, Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer Publisher., vol 4, Boston, pp.337-349, 1994, <doi:10.1007/BF00872473, [pdf]
  18. Marteau, P.F. and Abarbanel, H.D.I.A, Noise reduction in chaotic time series using scaled probabilistic methods, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Springer International, 1(3) pp.313-343, 1991, <doi:10.1007/BF01238817>, [pdf]

Revised selected papers in books

  1. Nicolas Bloyet, Pierre-François Marteau, Emmanuel Frenod, Scott: A method for representing graphs as rooted trees for graph canonization, COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019, Springer, pp.578-590, 2019, Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, (10.1007/978-3-030-36687-2_48)
  2. Dupont M., Marteau P.F., Coarse-DTW for Sparse Time Series Alignment, Advanced Analysis and Learning on Temporal Data: First ECML PKDD Workshop, AALTD 2015, Porto, Portugal, September 11, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
  3. Marteau, P.-F., Gibet, S., Reverdy, C. Adaptive Down-Sampling and Dimension Reduction in Time Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures. Guillet, Fabrice and Pinaud, Bruno and Venturini, Gilles. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management: volume 6, Volume (665), Springer International Publishing, pp.39 - 59, 2016, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 978-3-319-45763-5. <10.1007/978-3-319-45763-5_3>, [pdf]
  4. Gibet, S. and Marteau, P.F. and Duarte K., Toward a Motor Theory of Sign Language Perception, In Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7206, 2012, pp 161-172 GW 2011. [pdf]
  5. Gibet, S. and Marteau, P.F., Approximation of curvature and velocity using adaptive sampling representations - application to hand gesture analysis In Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, GW 2007, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS, 2008. [pdf]
  6. Popovici, E. , Ménier, G. , Marteau, P.F., SIRIUS XML IR System at INEX 2006: Approximate Matching of Structure and Textual Content, In Comparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems, 5th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2006), Revised Selected Papers, LNCS, Volume 4518, Pages 185-199, Dagstuhl, Germany, December 2007. [pdf]
  7. Popovici, E., Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., SIRIUS: A Lightweight XML Indexing and Approximate Search System at INEX 2005, Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation: Fourth Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2005), Dagstuhl, Germany, 28-30 November 2005, (INEX 2005), Revised Selected Papers, LNCS, Vol. 3977, pp. 321-335, Springer-Verlag, 2006. [pdf]
  8. Popovici, E., Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Information Retrieval of Sequential Data in Heterogeneous XML Databases, Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: User, Context, and Feedback: Third International Workshop, AMR 2005, Glasgow, UK, July 28-29, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS, Vol. 3877, Pages 236-250, Springer-Verlag, 2006. [pdf]
  9. Marteau, P.F., Gibet, S. Adaptive Sampling of Motion Trajectories for Discrete Task-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Gesture. In Gesture In Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 3381, Pages 28-29, Vannes, France, July 2005. [pdf]
  10. Gibet, S., Marteau P.F., Julliard, F., Models with Biological Relevance to Control Anthropomorphic Limbs: A Survey, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 2298, revised selected paper, Gesture Workshop 2001, Springer Verlag, London, 2002. [pdf]
National Papers
  1. Carreno Medrano, P., Gibet, S., Marteau, P.-F., Synthèse de mouvements humains par des mé thodes basées apprentissage : un état de l'art, REFIG, Revue Electronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique, Vol. 8, Num.1, 2014
  2. Popovici, E., Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., Interprétation vague des contraintes structurelles pour la RI dans un corpus de documents XML ; Evaluation d'une méthode approchée de RI structurée, Revue Document Numérique, Recherche d'Information dans les documents structurés (Web, XML), Hermès Lavoisier Ed., Vol 10 Num. 1/2007, pages 63-88, 2007. [pdf]
  3. Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Ekamby, L., Apport de la prise en compte du contexte structurel dans les modèles bayésiens de classification de documents semi-structurés. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, numéro spàcial sur la fouille de données complexes (RNTI-E-4), pp 167-190, Cepaudes Ed.,Novembre 2005. [pdf]
  4. Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Alignement approximatif d'arbres pour la recherche d'informations en contexte dans les données XML hétérogènes - Fusion d'informations structurées et textuelles. Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, 22(7):1011-1034, 2003. [pdf]
  5. Marteau, P.F., de Loupy, C., Bellot, P., El Bèze, M., Le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel Comme Outil d'Assistance à La Fonction d'Intelligence Economique : vers une Architecture "Push-Pull" d'accès à l'information, revue Système et Sécurité, Sigre Editeur, Fevrier-Mars, Vol. 5, No.4, pp 9-41,1999. [pdf]
  6. Gibet, S., Marteau, P.F., Modèle sensori-moteur pour le contrôle et la commande de mouvement du bras, Intellectica, vol 1995/2, 21, pp.233-251, 1995. [pdf]
International conferences with scientific program comitteeand proceedings
  1. Durand de Gevigney, V. and Marteau, P.-F. and Delhay A. and Lolive D., Video Latent Code Interpolation for Anomalous Behavior Detection, IEEE SMC 2020 - International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct 2020, Toronto / Virtual, Canada, [hal-03058296]
  2. Ahmia, O. and Bechet, N. and and Marteau, P-F., Two Multilingual Corpora Extracted from the Tenders Electronic Daily for Machine Learning and Machine Translation Applications. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Miyazaki, Japan, May 2018, [ hal-01865091]
  3. Fayet, C. and Delhay, A. and Lolive, D. and Marteau, P-F., EMO&LY (EMOtion and AnomaLY) : A new corpus for anomaly detection in an audiovisual stream with emotional context. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Miyazaki, Japan, May 2018, [hal-01435197]
  4. Soheily-Khah, S. and Marteau, P-F. and Bechet, N., Intrusion Detection in Network Systems Through Hybrid Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Process: A Case Study on the ISCX Dataset. 1st International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS), South Padre Island, Texas, USA, April 2018, [IEEE-Xplore]
  5. Fayet, C. and Delhay, A. and Lolive, D. and Marteau, P-F., First Experiments to Detect Anomaly Using Personality Traits vs. Prosodic Features. 19th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM), Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Sep. 2017, [Springer-link]
  6. Fayet, C. and Delhay, A. and Lolive, D. and Marteau, P-F., Big Five vs. Prosodic Features as Cues to Detect Abnormality in SSPNET-Personality Corpus, Interspeech conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug.. 2017, [pdf]
  7. Marc Dupont, Pierre-François Marteau, Nehla Ghouaiel. Detecting Low-Quality Reference Time Series in Stream Recognition. IAPR. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Dec 2016, Cancun, Mexico. IEEE, 2016, [hal-01435197]
  8. Pamela Carreno-Medrano, Sylvie Gibet, Pierre-Francois Marteau, From Expressive End-Effector Trajectories to Expressive Bodily Motions. CASA 2016: 157-163.
  9. Marc Dupont, Pierre-Francois Marteau, Gesture control system for mobile robots. IHM 2015: 41:1-41:6
  10. Pamela Carreno-Medrano, Sylvie Gibet, Caroline Larboulette, Pierre-Francois Marteau: Corpus Creation and Perceptual Evaluation of Expressive Theatrical Gestures. IVA 2014: 109-119
  11. Hai Hieu Vu, Jeanne Villaneau, Farida Saïd, Pierre-Francois Marteau: Sentence Similarity by Combining Explicit Semantic Analysis and Overlapping N-Grams. TSD 2014: 201-208
  12. Pierre-Francois Marteau, Sylvie Gibet, Clement Reverdy. Down-Sampling coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures. IAPR. ICPR 2014, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. IEEE, ICPR 2014, 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition. August 24-28, 2014, Waterfront, Stockholm, Sweden.
  13. Guiyao Ke, Pierre-Francois Marteau, Gildas Ménier. Variations on quantitative comparability measures and their evaluations on synthetic French-English comparable corpora. LREC 2014, the 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland. The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2014, pp
  14. Guiyao Ke, Pierre-Francois Marteau. Co-clustering of bilingual datasets as a mean for assisting the construction of thematic bilingual comparable corpora. The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2014, May 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland. The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2014, pp
  15. Courty, N., Burger, T., Marteau, P.-F. Geodesic analysis on the Gaussian RKHS hypersphere, The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD 2012), Bristol, UK, September, 2012.
  16. Muhammad Fuad M.M. and Marteau, P.F., Fast Retrieval of Time Series Using a Multi-resolution Filter with Multiple Reduced Spaces, Sixth International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2010) Chongqing, LNCS, Springer Verlag pp 137-148, China, Nov. 19-21 2010. [pdf]
  17. Muhammad Fuad M.M. and Marteau, P.F., Speeding-Up the Similarity Search in Time Series Databases by Coupling Dimensionality Reduction Techniques with a Fast-and-Dirty Filter , IEEE Fourth International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC'2010, pp.101-104, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA, sept. 2010. [pdf]
  18. Muhammad Fuad M.M. and Marteau, P.F., Multi-resolution approach to time series retrieval, Fourteenth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2010), pp: 136-142, Montreal, QC, CANADA, Aug. 2010. [pdf]
  19. Muhammad Fuad M.Marwan and Marteau, P.F. ,Enhancing the Symbolic Aggregate Approximation Method Using Updated Lookup Tables,14th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information Engineering Systems , KES'2010 Cardiff, Wales, UK, Sept. 2010. [pdf]
  20. Muhammad Fuad M.Marwan and Marteau, P.F. ,Towards a Faster Symbolic Aggregate Approximation Method, 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, ICSOFT 2010, Athens, GREECE, 22-27 July 2010. [pdf]
  21. Mouton A. and Marteau, P.F., Exploiting routing information encoded into backlinks to improve topical crawling, The International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2009), IEEE, Malacca Malaysia, December 2009,
  22. Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., Tabu Split and Merge for the Simplification of Polygonal Curves IEEE International Conference onSystems, Man and Cybernetics, (SMC 2009), Texas, USA, Oct. 2009
  23. Bonnel, N., Mànier, G., Marteau, P.F.,Search in P2P Triangular Mesh by Space Filling Trees, 16th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2008), New Dehli, India, Dec. 2008.
  24. Mouton A. and Marteau, P.F., Population control for multi-agent based topical crawlers , 8th International conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2008), Taiwan, Nov. 26-28, 2008
  25. Muhammad Fuad M.Marwan and Marteau, P.F. , Extending the Edit Distance Using Frequencies of Common Characters, 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'08), Lecture Notes in computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5181/2008, pp 150-157, Turin, Italy 1-5 September 2008. [pdf]
  26. Muhammad Fuad M.Marwan and Marteau, P.F. , The Multi-resolution Extended Edit Distance Metric, Third International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems, (Infoscale, 2008), Vico Equense, Italy, June 4-6, 2008.
  27. Gibet, S. and Marteau, P.F., Analysis of human motion, based on the reduction of multidimensional captured data Application to hand gesture compression, segmentation and synthesis, Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, (AMDO 2008), Lecture Notes in computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5098/2008, pp 72-81, Springer Ed., Andratx, Mallorca, Spain. 9-11 July , 2008 [pdf]
  28. Bonnel, N., Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., Information Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Thematic Agents, Seventh International conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22-24 October, 2007.
  29. Bonnel, N., Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F.,Path Query Routing in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks, 13th European Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), 28-31 August 2007, Rennes, France, LNCS, Vol. 4641, pp. 479-488, Springer-Verlag, 2007.
  30. Popovici, E., Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G.,An Effective Method for Finding Best Entry Points in Semi-structured Documents , The 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, 23-27 July 2007, Amsterdam.
  31. Marteau, P.F., Gibet, S., Learning for the Control of Dynamical Motion Systems, Seventh International conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22-24 October, 2007. File:[pdf], Slides:[pdf]
  32. Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., Bonnel, N., Binding structural properties to node and path constraints in XML path retrieval, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet based Systems (SITIS'06), Hammamet, 17-21 December 2006. [pdf]
  33. Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Adaptive Multiresolution and Dedicated Elastic Matching in Linear Time Complexity for Time Series Data Mining, Sixth International conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2006), Jinan Shandong, China, 16-18 October, 2006. [pdf]
  34. Marteau, P.F., Ménier, G., Popovici, E., Weighted Naive Bayes Model for Semi-Structured Document Categorization, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies InSciT2006, Mérida, spain, 25-28 October 2006. [pdf], PPT
  35. G. Ménier, Marteau P.F. Approximate Semi-structured Document Retrieval in Large XML Databases. In Proc. of Visual Prolog Application and Language Conference, VIP-ALC06, p. 16-25, Faro, Portugal, Avril 2006.
  36. Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., Azarian, A., Software Prototype for Dynamic Management of Document and Data, In 18th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications, Proc2005, Volume 1, Pages 41-49, Paris, Novembre 2005.
  37. Marteau, P.F., and Gibet, S., Learning Sensory-Motor Mappings for Dynamical Control of Hand-Arm Systems Using General Regression Neural Network. In 4th WSEAS International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization, Simulation and Manufacturing Systems (SOSM '04), WSEAS, Miami, Florida, USA, avril 2004. [pdf]
  38. Marteau, P-F., and Monbet, V., Conditionnal Prediction of Markov Processes using non parametric viterbi algorithm Comparison with MLP and GRNN models. In , The fourth WSEAS Neural Networks and Application Conference (NNA'04), WSEAS, Udine, Italy, mars 2004. [pdf]
  39. Monbet, V., and Marteau, P-F., Non Parametric Modeling of Cyclo-Stationary Markovian Processes Part I : Simulation of multivariate sea state processes. In The 14th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France, mai 2004. [pdf]
  40. Marteau P-F.,and Monbet, V. Non Parametric Modeling of Cyclo-Stationary Markovian Processes. Part II : prediction of multivariate sea state processes. In The 14th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE, Toulon, France, mai 2004. [pdf]
  41. Gibet, S. and Marteau, P.F., Expressive Gesture Animation Based on Non Parametric Learning of Sensory-Motor Models, CASA '2003, Computer Animation and Social Agents, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 8-9, 2003. [pdf]
  42. Ménier, G. and Marteau, P.F., (2002), Information retrieval in heterogeneous XML knowledge bases, The 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Magement of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems , IEEE, 1-5 July, 2002, Annecy, France. [pdf]
  43. Marteau, P.F., Gibet, S., (2002), Non Parametric Learning of Sensory-Motor Mappings Using General Regression Neural Networks, 3rd WSES International Conference on Neural Networks and Application, Feb. 11-15, 2002, Interlaken, Switzerland. [pdf]
  44. Marteau, P.F., Gibet, S., Julliard, F., (2001), Non Parametric Learning of Sensori Motor Maps. Application to the Control of Multi Joint Systems, 5th WSES/IEEE International Conference on Neural, Fuzzy and Evolutionary Computation Rethymnon, CRETE (Greece) July 8-15, 2001 [pdf]
  45. Monbet, V., and Marteau, P.F., (2001), Continuous Space Discrete Time Markov Models for Multivariate Sea State Parameter Processes, 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Exhibition Stavanger, Norway, June 17-22, 2001 [ps]
  46. Le Saux, E., Marteau, P.F., and Ménier, G. (2001). Helping experts in the use of decision support systems: parameters setting automation. Abstract in Proceedings of the Eighteenth EURO Conference, July 2001, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  47. Signoret, J.P., Marteau, P.F., Valàri C., Natural language processing of unstructured incident or accident data bases, In Schueller and Kafka (ed.), Proceedings of ESREL'99 Conference, pp. 857-861. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999.
  48. de Loupy, C., Bellot, P., El-Bàze, M. and Marteau, P.F., Query Expansion and Classification of Retrieved Documents, Text Retrieval and Evaluation Conference, TREC7, 1999, 12 pages, 1999. [pdf]
  49. de Loupy, C., El Bèze, M., Marteau, P.F., Word Sense Disambiguiation using HMM tagger, in proceeding of the first International Conference on Language Ressources Evaluations (LREC); pp. 1255-1258, 1998. [pdf]
  50. Gibet, S. and Marteau, P.F., NonLinear feedback Model of sensori-motor system, International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, 1992.
  51. Gibet, S. and Marteau, P.F., Gestural control of sound synthesis, International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow, 1990.
  52. Marteau, P.F., Bailly, G., Abry, C., New algorithms for temporal decompostion of speech, Application to numerical model of coarticulation, IEEE International conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing, Glasgow. pp 508-511, 1989 [pdf]
  53. Marteau, P.F., Bailly, G., Stochastic modelling of factorial trajectories, IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition, Harriman, New York., 1988
  54. Marteau, P.F., Bailly, G., Janot Giorgetti, M.T., Stochastic modelling of diphone-like segments based on trajectory concepts, IEEE Internationnal Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal processing, New York. pp.615-618, 1988 [pdf]
  55. Marteau, P.F., Caelen, J. Janot-Giorgetti, M.T., A spectral Warping Model. A study of french nasal vowels, 11th ICPHS, Tallinn, vol2, pp.371-375, 1987.
International workshops with scientific program committee and proceedings
  1. Fayet, C. and Delhay, A. and Lolive, D. and Marteau, P-F., Unsupervised Classification of Speaker Profiles as a Point Anomaly Detection Task, ECML/PKDD International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research PMLR), Skopje Macedonia, Sep. 2017, [PMLR]
  2. P-F. Marteau. Assessing pattern recognition or labeling in streams of temporal data. 2nd ECML/PKDD Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data, Sep 2016, Riva del Garda, Italy. 2016, . [pdf]
  3. Marc Dupont, Pierre-Francois Marteau, Coarse-DTW: Exploiting Sparsity in Gesture Time Series. AALTD@PKDD/ECML 2015
  4. Muhammad Fuad M.Marwan and Marteau, P.F. ,The Extended Edit Distance Metric, Sixth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2008) 18-20th June, 2008, London, UK.
  5. Muhammad Fuad M.Marwan and Marteau, P.F. , The Prolonged Multi-Resolution Edit Distance, Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval workshop (DIR-2008), Maastricht, the Netherlands, on April 14-15, 2008.
  6. de Loupy, C., El Bèze, M., Marteau, P.F., WSD based on three short context methods, SENSEVAL Workshop ; Herstmonceux Castle, England ; 2-4 September 1998. [pdf]

National conferences or worshops with scientific program comittee and proceedings
  1. Marteau P.-F. Séparation de la forme et du temps dans les séries temporelles - application à l’authentification de signatures, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2020), EGC, Jan 2020, Bruxelles, Belgium, pp.13-24
  2. Villaneau J., Pecore S., Saïd F., Marteau P.-F., Combiner analyse syntaxique de surface et apprentissage supervisé pour la fouille d'opinion ciblée : expérimentations sur des données d'opinion concernant les livres, EGC 2019, Jan 2019, Metz, France
  3. Ahmia O., Béchet N., Marteau P-F., Garel A., Utilité d'un couplage entre Word2Vec et une analyse sémantique latente : expérimentation en catégorisation de données textuelles Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2019), Jan 2019, Metz, France. pp.129-140 [hal-02000191]
  4. Bloyet N., Marteau P-F., Frénod E., Etude lexicographique de sous-graphes pour l'élaboration de modèles structures à activité – cas de la chimie organique, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2019), EGC, Jan 2019, Metz, France. pp.303-308 [hal-02000156]
  5. Marteau P-F., Béchet N., Oussama Ahmia O., Similarité par recouvrement de séquences pour la fouille de données séquentielles et textuelles, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2019), Jan 2019, Metz, France. pp.105-116 [hal-01999965]
  6. Reverdy S., Gibet S., Caroline Larboulette C., Marteau P.-F. . Un système de synthèse et d’annotation automatique à partir de données capturées pour l’animation faciale expressive en LSF. Journées Françaises d’Informatique Graphique (AFIG 2016), Nov 2016, Grenoble, France. 2016. [hal-01490780]
  7. Marteau P.-F., Gibet S., Reverdy C.. Sous échantillonnage et machine à noyaux élastiques pour la classification de données de mouvement capturé. 14 emes journées Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2014, Jan 2014, Rennes, France. RNTI, 14 emes journées Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2014, E-26, pp. 179-190, RNTI
  8. Popovici, E., Ménier, G., Marteau, P.F., Recherche approchée d'information dans une base de documents semi-structurés, 3ème Conférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications (CORIA'06), 15 - 17 Mars 2006, Lyon, France, 2006. [pdf]
  9. Marteau, P.F., Fuad, M., Ménier, G. (2006). Echantillonnage adaptatif et classification supervisée de séries temporelles, 6èmes Journées Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances (EGC), Atelier 9 : Fouille de données temporelles, pp 51-50, Lille, Janvier 2006. [pdf]
  10. G.Ménier, P.-F Marteau, E. Le Saux, J. Revault (2001), SIRIUS : Un Moteur de Recherche d'Informations Contextuelles dans les Bases de Documents XML. Journée Applications, Apprentissage et Acquisition de Connaissances à partir de textes électroniques (A3CTE), 25-29 Juin 2001, Grenoble [pdf]
  11. V. Monbet, S. Iovleff and P.F. Marteau (2001), A non linear AR model for sea state processes and comparison with a Markovian model, 33àmes Journàes de Statistique, 14-18 Mai 2001, Nantes, France
  12. de Loupy, C., Marteau, P.F., and El-Bèze, M., Navigating in Unstructured Textual Knowledge Bases, in Proceedings of Nîmes'98 - La Lettre de l'IA; pp. 82-85; May 1998.
  13. Lannoy A., Silberberg S., Souchois T. Marteau P.F., Giorgi G. (1996), Analyse de texte libre. Application au codage et à la validation des fiches de retour d'expérience, Congrès Lamba-Mu, Saint Malo. pp. 471-488.
  14. Marteau, P.F. and Krumeich, C., Semantic anlalysis of text applied to competitive intelligence, 12ème Congrès de l'Information Documentaire et Technique (IDT), 1995.
  15. Marteau, P.F., Soler, D. and DeBeler, N. ARCHIE, noyau logiciel dédié à la fiabilisation des interaction Hommes-ordinateurs, 15ème Congrés de la SELF. pp. 676-683, 1995.
  16. Marteau, P.F., Caelen, J., Janot-Giorgetti, M.T., Extraction automatique de caractéristiques dynamiques du signal de parole, application à l'étude des voyelles nasales du franais. 16àme Journées d'études sur la parole, Hammamet, 1987