Library set_deps

Definition of mustdef_prog, maydef_prog and mayread_prog which compute respectively the set of labels that are surely assigned in a program, the set of labels that can be assigned in a program and the set of labels that can be read in a program. Thanks to these three functions, we can define set_data_prog, which computes the data dependence in a structural way. This function is proved to correctly implement the inductive relation data_depsR_prog defined in the module data (set_data_prog_correct).

Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Require Export set_prog.
Require Import label.
Require Import set2.
Require Import data.
Require Import decidable.
Require Import set_instance.
Require Import seq.

Inductive is_bounded_flatR_of_prog : prog prog Prop :=
  | IBFOP_nil : is_bounded_flatR_of_prog {{}} {{}}
  | IBFOP_cons : s p p1 p1', is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt p s
      is_bounded_flatR_of_prog p1 p1'
      is_bounded_flatR_of_prog (p+;+p1) (s;;p1')
with is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt : prog stmt Prop :=
  | IBFOS_skip : l, is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt {{SKIP << l >>}} (SKIP << l >>)
  | IBFOS_ass : i a l,
      is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt {{i ::= a << l >>}} (i ::= a << l >>)
  | IBFOS_ifb_l : l b p1 p2 q, is_bounded_flatR_of_prog q p1
      is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q)
                       (IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI)
  | IBFOS_ifb_r : l b p1 p2 q, is_bounded_flatR_of_prog q p2
      is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt ((ASSERT << l >> (B_not b) =>> l);;q)
                       (IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI)
  | IBFOS_while_loop : l b p q1 q2,
      is_bounded_flatR_of_prog q1 p is_bounded_flatR_of_prog q2 p
      is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);; q1 +;+
                         (ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);; q2 +;+
                         {{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>>l}})
                       (WHILE << l >> b DO p END)
  | IBFOS_while_end : l b p,
      is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt {{ASSERT << l >> (B_not b) =>> l}}
                       (WHILE << l >> b DO p END)
  | IBFOS_assert : l b l',
      is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt {{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l'}} (ASSERT << l >> b =>> l').

Scheme is_bounded_flatR_of_prog_mutual_ind :=
  Induction for is_bounded_flatR_of_prog Sort Prop
  with is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt_mutual_ind :=
  Induction for is_bounded_flatR_of_stmt Sort Prop.

Lemma is_bounded_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR_of : q p,
  is_bounded_flatR_of_prog q p is_flatR_of_prog q p.
  apply (is_bounded_flatR_of_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun q p His_flatR_of_prog q p)
    (fun q s His_flatR_of_stmt q s)); intros; repeat constructor; assumption.

Fixpoint mustdef_prog (p:prog) :=
  match p with
  | {{}}empty_set
  | s;;qset_union (mustdef_stmt s) (mustdef_prog q)
with mustdef_stmt (s:stmt) : set id :=
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>empty_set
  | i::= _ << _ >>set_singleton i
  | IFB << _ >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FIset_inter (mustdef_prog p1) (mustdef_prog p2)
  | WHILE << _ >> _ DO p ENDempty_set
  | ASSERT << _ >> _ =>> _empty_set

Lemma mustdef_prog_equation : p, mustdef_prog p =
  match p with
  | {{}}empty_set
  | s;;qset_union (mustdef_stmt s) (mustdef_prog q)
  intros. destruct p; reflexivity.

Lemma mustdef_stmt_equation : s, mustdef_stmt s =
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>empty_set
  | i::= _ << _ >>set_singleton i
  | IFB << _ >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FIset_inter (mustdef_prog p1) (mustdef_prog p2)
  | WHILE << _ >> _ DO p ENDempty_set
  | ASSERT << _ >> _ =>> _empty_set
  intros. destruct s; reflexivity.

Fixpoint maydef_prog (p:prog) :=
  match p with
  | {{}}empty_set
  | s;;q ⇒ (set_union (set2_diff_fst (maydef_stmt s) (mustdef_prog q)) (maydef_prog q))
with maydef_stmt (s:stmt) : set (id × label) :=
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>empty_set
  | i ::= _ << l >>set_singleton (i,l)
  | IFB << _ >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FIset_union (maydef_prog p1) (maydef_prog p2)
  | WHILE << _ >> _ DO p ENDmaydef_prog p
  | ASSERT << _ >> _ =>> _empty_set

Lemma maydef_prog_equation : p, maydef_prog p =
  match p with
  | {{}}empty_set
  | s;;q ⇒ (set_union (set2_diff_fst (maydef_stmt s) (mustdef_prog q)) (maydef_prog q))
  intros. destruct p; reflexivity.

Lemma maydef_stmt_equation : s, maydef_stmt s =
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>empty_set
  | i ::= _ << l >>set_singleton (i,l)
  | IFB << _ >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FIset_union (maydef_prog p1) (maydef_prog p2)
  | WHILE << _ >> _ DO p ENDmaydef_prog p
  | ASSERT << _ >> _ =>> _empty_set
  intros. destruct s; reflexivity.

Fixpoint mayread_prog (p:prog) :=
  match p with
  | {{}}empty_set
  | s;;qset_union (mayread_stmt s) (set2_diff_fst (mayread_prog q) (mustdef_stmt s))
with mayread_stmt (s:stmt) : set (id×label) :=
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>empty_set
  | _::=a << l >>set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_aexp a)
  | IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI
      set_union (set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_bexp b))
                (set_union (mayread_prog p1) (mayread_prog p2))
  | WHILE << l >> b DO p END
      set_union (set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_bexp b))
                (mayread_prog p)
  | ASSERT << l >> b =>> _set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_bexp b)

Lemma mayread_prog_equation : p, mayread_prog p =
  match p with
  | {{}}empty_set
  | s;;qset_union (mayread_stmt s) (set2_diff_fst (mayread_prog q) (mustdef_stmt s))
  intros. destruct p; reflexivity.

Lemma mayread_stmt_equation : s, mayread_stmt s =
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>empty_set
  | _::=a << l >>set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_aexp a)
  | IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI
      set_union (set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_bexp b))
                (set_union (mayread_prog p1) (mayread_prog p2))
  | WHILE << l >> b DO p END
      set_union (set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_bexp b))
                (mayread_prog p)
  | ASSERT << l >> b =>> _set_map (fun i(i,l)) (set_of_id_bexp b)
  intros. destruct s; reflexivity.

Lemma mustdef_prog_seq : p1 p2,
  mustdef_prog (p1+;+p2) \equiv (mustdef_prog p1) \cup (mustdef_prog p2).
  induction p1.
  - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHp1. rewrite set_union_assoc. reflexivity.

Lemma mustdef_prog_not_flat : p i,
  ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog p) q, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q)
                                  is_flatR_of_prog q p.
  split; revert p i.
  - apply (prog_mutual_ind
      (fun p i, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog p)
         q, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q)
                  is_flatR_of_prog q p)
      (fun s i, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_stmt s)
         q, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q)
                  is_flatR_of_stmt q s)); intros.
    + {{}}. split.
      × assumption.
      × constructor.
    + simpl in H1. rewrite set_union_In in H1.
      apply not_or_iff in H1. destruct H1.
      apply H in H1. apply H0 in H2.
      destruct H1 as [q1 [H3 H4]].
      destruct H2 as [q2 [H5 H6]].
      × intros contra. apply mustdef_prog_seq in contra.
        apply set_union_In in contra. destruct contra; contradiction.
      × constructor; assumption.
    + ({{SKIP << l >>}}). split.
      × assumption.
      × constructor.
    + ({{i::=a<<l>>}}). split.
      × assumption.
      × constructor.
    + simpl in H1. rewrite set_inter_In in H1.
      apply not_and_iff in H1; try (apply dec_is_decidable; apply set_In_dec).
      destruct H1.
      × apply H in H1. destruct H1 as [q [H2 H3]].
         ((ASSERT <<l >> b =>>l);;q). { split.
        - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. assumption.
        - constructor. assumption. }
      × apply H0 in H1. destruct H1 as [q [H2 H3]].
         ((ASSERT <<l >> B_not b =>>l);;q). { split.
        - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. assumption.
        - constructor. assumption. }
    + ({{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}). split.
      × assumption.
      × constructor.
    + ({{ASSERT << l >> b =>> l0}}). split.
      × assumption.
      × constructor.
  - apply (prog_mutual_ind
      (fun p i,
        ( q, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q)
                  is_flatR_of_prog q p)
        ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog p))
      (fun s i,
        ( q, ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q)
                  is_flatR_of_stmt q s)
        ¬ set_In i (mustdef_stmt s))); intros.
    + intros contra. inversion contra.
    + simpl. rewrite set_union_In.
      destruct H1 as [q [H2 H3]]. inversion H3. subst q.
      rewrite mustdef_prog_seq in H2. rewrite set_union_In in H2.
      intros contra. destruct contra.
      × { apply H with (i:=i).
        - p0. split.
          + intros contra. apply H2. left; assumption.
          + assumption.
        - assumption. }
      × { apply H0 with (i:=i).
        - p1. split.
          + intros contra. apply H2. right; assumption.
          + assumption.
        - assumption. }
    + intros contra. inversion contra.
    + destruct H as [q [H H0]].
      inversion H0; subst. assumption.
    + simpl. rewrite set_inter_In. intros contra. destruct contra.
      destruct H1 as [q [H4 H5]].
      inversion H5; subst q.
      × simpl in H4. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l in H4.
        { apply H with (i:=i).
        - q0. split; assumption.
        - assumption. }
      × simpl in H4. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l in H4.
        { apply H0 with (i:=i).
        - q0. split; assumption.
        - assumption. }
    + intros contra. inversion contra.
    + intros contra. inversion contra.

Lemma is_flatR_prog_is_flatR_of_same :
   p, is_flatR_prog p
   q, is_flatR_of_prog q p
  q = p.
  intros p H. induction H; intros.
  - inversion H. reflexivity.
  - inversion H1; subst.
    inversion H; subst; inversion H5; subst;
      rewrite IHis_flatR_prog with (q:=p1) by assumption; reflexivity.

Lemma is_flatR_prog_app_reverse : p q,
  is_flatR_prog (p+;+q) is_flatR_prog p is_flatR_prog q.
  induction p.
  - split. constructor. assumption.
  - simpl in H. inversion H. apply IHp in H3. destruct H3.
    + constructor; assumption.
    + assumption.

Lemma maydef_prog_seq : p q,
  maydef_prog (p+;+q) \equiv
  set2_diff_fst (maydef_prog p) (mustdef_prog q) \cup maydef_prog q.
  intros p. induction p; intros; simpl.
  - rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_l.
    rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. reflexivity.
  - rewrite IHp. rewrite mustdef_prog_seq.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_union_distr_r.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_union_distr_l.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_twice.
    rewrite set_union_assoc.

Lemma is_flatR_of_prog_mustdef_incl : q p,
  is_flatR_of_prog q p mustdef_prog p \subseteq mustdef_prog q.
  apply (is_flatR_of_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun q p Hmustdef_prog p \subseteq mustdef_prog q)
    (fun q s Hmustdef_stmt s \subseteq mustdef_prog q)); intros;
  try (apply set_incl_refl).
  - simpl. rewrite mustdef_prog_seq.
    intros a. rewrite 2!set_union_In. intros. destruct H1.
    + left. apply H. assumption.
    + right. apply H0. assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l.
    apply set_inter_incl. assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l.
    rewrite set_inter_comm.
    apply set_inter_incl. assumption.
  - simpl. unfold set_incl; intros. inversion H1.

Lemma is_flatR_of_prog_maydef_incl : q p,
  is_flatR_of_prog q p maydef_prog q \subseteq maydef_prog p.
  apply (is_flatR_of_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun q p Hmaydef_prog q \subseteq maydef_prog p)
    (fun q s Hmaydef_prog q \subseteq maydef_stmt s)); intros;
  try (apply set_incl_refl).
  - rewrite maydef_prog_seq. simpl.
    intros a. destruct a.
    rewrite 2!set_union_In.
    rewrite 2!set2_diff_fst_In.
    intros. destruct H1.
    + left. destruct H1. split.
      × apply H; assumption.
      × intros contra.
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_mustdef_incl with (q:=p1) in contra;
          try assumption.
    + right. apply H0; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l.
    unfold set_incl; intros. apply set_union_In.
    left; apply H; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l.
    unfold set_incl; intros. apply set_union_In.
    right; apply H; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l.
    rewrite maydef_prog_seq.
    unfold set_incl; intros. apply set_union_In in H1. destruct H1.
    + destruct a. apply set2_diff_fst_In in H1.
      apply H0. apply H1.
    + apply H; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_l, set_same_union_empty_l.
    unfold set_incl; intros. inversion H.

Lemma maydef_flat : p i l,
  set_In (i, l) (maydef_prog p)
   q q1 s q2,
    q = q1 +;+ s;; q2
    (i, l) \in maydef_stmt s
    ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q2)
    is_flatR_of_prog q p.
  split; revert p i l.
  - apply (prog_mutual_ind
      (fun p i l,
        set_In (i, l) (maydef_prog p)
         q q1 s q2,
        q = q1 +;+ s;; q2
        (i, l) \in maydef_stmt s
        ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q2)
        is_flatR_of_prog q p)
      (fun s i l,
        set_In (i, l) (maydef_stmt s)
         q q1 t q2,
        q = q1 +;+ t;; q2
        (i, l) \in maydef_stmt t
        ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q2)
        is_flatR_of_stmt q s)); intros.
    + inversion H.
    + simpl in H1. apply set_union_In in H1. destruct H1.
      × apply set2_diff_fst_In in H1.
        destruct H1. apply H in H1. decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
        apply mustdef_prog_not_flat in H2.
        destruct H2 as [q3 [H8 H9]].
         (q+;+q3), q1, t, (q2+;+q3). { repeat split.
        - rewrite H3. rewrite <- seq_assoc. reflexivity.
        - assumption.
        - rewrite mustdef_prog_seq. rewrite set_union_In.
          intros contra. destruct contra; contradiction.
        - constructor; assumption. }
      × apply H0 in H1. decompose_ex H1.
        decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
         ((flat_l_stmt s)+;+q), ((flat_l_stmt s)+;+q1), s0, q2.
        { repeat split.
        - rewrite H2. rewrite <- seq_assoc. reflexivity.
        - assumption.
        - assumption.
        - constructor.
          + apply flat_l_stmt_correct.
          + assumption. }
    + inversion H.
    + simpl in H. apply set_singleton_In in H. inversion H; subst.
       {{i::=a<<l>>}}, {{}}, (i ::= a << l >>), {{}}.
      repeat split.
      × simpl. apply set_singleton_In. reflexivity.
      × intros contra; inversion contra.
      × constructor.
    + simpl in H1. rewrite set_union_In in H1. destruct H1.
      × apply H in H1. decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
         ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q), ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q1),
          s, q2.
        { repeat split.
        - rewrite H2. reflexivity.
        - assumption.
        - assumption.
        - constructor; assumption. }
      × apply H0 in H1. decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
         ((ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l);;q), ((ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l);;q1),
          s, q2.
        { repeat split.
        - rewrite H2. reflexivity.
        - assumption.
        - assumption.
        - constructor; assumption. }
    + simpl in H0. apply H in H0. decompose_ex H0. decompose [and] H0; clear H0.
         ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q+;+{{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}),
          ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q1), s, (q2+;+{{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}).
        { repeat split.
        - rewrite H1. rewrite <- seq_assoc. reflexivity.
        - assumption.
        - intros contra. rewrite mustdef_prog_seq in contra. simpl in contra.
          rewrite 2!set_same_union_empty_r in contra. contradiction.
        - repeat constructor; assumption. }
    + inversion H.
  - intros. decompose_ex H. decompose [and] H; clear H.
    apply is_flatR_of_prog_maydef_incl with (q:=q); try assumption.
    rewrite H0.
    rewrite maydef_prog_seq. apply set_union_In. right.
    simpl. apply set_union_In. left.
    apply set2_diff_fst_In. split; assumption.

Definition set_ref (s:stmt) : set id :=
  match s with
  | SKIP << _ >>\emptyset
  | _ ::= a << _ >>set_of_id_aexp a
  | IFB << _ >> b THEN _ ELSE _ FIset_of_id_bexp b
  | WHILE << _ >> b DO _ ENDset_of_id_bexp b
  | ASSERT << _ >> b =>> _set_of_id_bexp b

Definition set_def (s:stmt) : set id :=
  match s with
  | i ::= _ << _ >>\sin i
  | _\emptyset

Lemma mayread_prog_seq : p q,
  mayread_prog (p+;+q) \equiv mayread_prog p \cup (set2_diff_fst (mayread_prog q) (mustdef_prog p)).
  intros. induction p.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_r. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l.
  - simpl. rewrite IHp.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_union_distr_r.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_union_distr_l.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_twice.
    rewrite set_union_assoc.
    rewrite set_inter_comm. reflexivity.

Lemma is_flatR_of_prog_mayread_incl : q p, is_flatR_of_prog q p
  mayread_prog q \subseteq mayread_prog p.
  apply (is_flatR_of_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun q p H
      mayread_prog q \subseteq mayread_prog p)
    (fun q s H
      mayread_prog q \subseteq mayread_stmt s)); intros; try apply set_incl_refl.
  - rewrite mayread_prog_seq. simpl.
    intros a. destruct a.
    rewrite 2!set_union_In.
    rewrite 2!set2_diff_fst_In.
    intros. destruct H1.
    + left. apply H; assumption.
    + right. destruct H1. split.
      × apply H0; assumption.
      × intros contra.
        replace (mustdef_stmt s) with (mustdef_prog {{s}}) in contra by reflexivity.
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_mustdef_incl with (q:=p) in contra.
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_single. assumption.
  - simpl. intros a. rewrite 3!set_union_In. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_r.
    destruct H0.
    + left; assumption.
    + right. left. apply H; assumption.
  - simpl. intros a. rewrite 3!set_union_In. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_r.
    destruct H0.
    + left; assumption.
    + right. right. apply H; assumption.
  - unfold set_incl; intros. simpl in H1. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_r in H1.
    rewrite mayread_prog_seq in H1.
    rewrite 2!set_union_In in H1.
    repeat destruct H1.
    + simpl. apply set_union_In; left; assumption.
    + simpl. apply set_union_In; right; apply H0; assumption.
    + destruct a. apply set2_diff_fst_In in H1. apply H. apply H1.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_r. rewrite set_same_union_empty_r.
    unfold set_incl; intros. rewrite set_union_In; left; assumption.

Lemma mayread_flat : p i l,
  set_In (i, l) (mayread_prog p)
   q q1 s q2,
    q = q1 +;+ s;; q2
    (i, l) \in mayread_stmt s
    ¬ set_In i (mustdef_prog q1)
    is_flatR_of_prog q p.
  split; revert p i l.
  - apply (prog_mutual_ind
      (fun p i l, (i, l) \in mayread_prog p
         q q1 s q2, q = q1 +;+ s;; q2 (i, l) \in mayread_stmt s
        ¬ i \in mustdef_prog q1 is_flatR_of_prog q p)
      (fun s i l, (i, l) \in mayread_stmt s
         q q1 t q2, q = q1 +;+ t;; q2 (i, l) \in mayread_stmt t
        ¬ i \in mustdef_prog q1 is_flatR_of_stmt q s));
    + inversion H.
    + simpl in H1. apply set_union_In in H1. destruct H1.
      × apply H in H1. decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
         (q+;+flat_l_prog p), q1, t, (q2+;+flat_l_prog p).
        { repeat split; try assumption.
        - rewrite H2. rewrite <- seq_assoc. reflexivity.
        - constructor. assumption. apply flat_l_prog_correct. }
      × apply set2_diff_fst_In in H1. destruct H1.
        apply H0 in H1. decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
        replace (mustdef_stmt s) with (mustdef_prog {{s}}) in H2 by reflexivity.
        apply mustdef_prog_not_flat in H2.
        inversion H2 as [q3 [H9 H10]].
         (q3+;+q), (q3+;+q1), s0, q2. { repeat split; try assumption.
        - rewrite H3. rewrite <- seq_assoc. reflexivity.
        - rewrite mustdef_prog_seq. rewrite set_union_In.
          apply not_or_iff. split; assumption.
        - constructor. apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in H10. assumption.
          assumption. }
    + inversion H.
    + simpl in H. apply set_map_In in H. inversion H as [i1 [H0 H1]].
      inversion H1; subst.
       {{i::=a<<l>>}}, {{}}, (i::=a<<l>>), {{}}. repeat split.
      × simpl. rewrite set_map_In. i1; split; assumption.
      × intros contra. inversion contra.
      × constructor.
    + simpl in H1. rewrite 2!set_union_In in H1.
      rewrite set_map_In in H1.
      decompose [or] H1; clear H1.
      × inversion H2 as [i0 [H3 H4]]. inversion H4; subst.
         ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;flat_l_prog p),
               {{}}, (ASSERT << l >> b =>> l), (flat_l_prog p).
        { repeat split.
        - simpl. rewrite set_map_In. i0; split; assumption.
        - intros contra. inversion contra.
        - constructor. apply flat_l_prog_correct. }
      × apply H in H3.
        decompose_ex H3. decompose [and] H3; clear H3.
         ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q),
               ((ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;q1), s, q2.
        { repeat split; try assumption.
        - rewrite H1. reflexivity.
        - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. assumption.
        - constructor. assumption. }
      × apply H0 in H3.
        decompose_ex H3. decompose [and] H3; clear H3.
         ((ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l);;q),
               ((ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l);;q1), s, q2.
        { repeat split; try assumption.
        - rewrite H1. reflexivity.
        - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. assumption.
        - constructor. assumption. }
    + simpl in H0. apply set_union_In in H0. rewrite set_map_In in H0.
      destruct H0.
      × inversion H0 as [i0 [H1 H2]]; clear H0. inversion H2; subst.
         {{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}, {{}}, (ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l),
        { repeat split.
        - simpl. rewrite set_map_In. i0; split; assumption.
        - intros contra. inversion contra.
        - constructor. }
      × apply H in H0. decompose_ex H0. decompose [and] H0; clear H0.
         ((ASSERT << l >> b =>>l);;q+;+{{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}),
               ((ASSERT << l >> b =>>l);;q1), s, (q2+;+{{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}).
        { repeat split; try assumption.
        - rewrite H1. rewrite <- seq_assoc. reflexivity.
        - simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_l. assumption.
        - constructor. constructor. assumption. }
    + simpl in H. apply set_map_In in H. inversion H as [i0 [H0 H1]]; clear H.
      inversion H1; subst.
       {{ASSERT << l >> b =>>l0}}, {{}}, (ASSERT << l>> b =>>l0), {{}}.
      repeat split.
      × simpl. rewrite set_map_In. i0; split; assumption.
      × intros contra; inversion contra.
      × constructor.
  - intros. decompose_ex H. decompose [and] H; clear H.
    apply is_flatR_of_prog_mayread_incl with (q:=q); try assumption.
    rewrite H0. rewrite mayread_prog_seq. rewrite set_union_In; right.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_union_distr_l. rewrite set_union_In; left.
    rewrite set2_diff_fst_In. split; assumption.

Lemma is_flatR_prog_mustdef : p,
  is_flatR_prog p
   i, (i \in mustdef_prog p ass_inR_prog p i).
  apply (is_flatR_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun p H i, i \in mustdef_prog p ass_inR_prog p i)
    (fun s H i, i \in mustdef_stmt s ass_inR_stmt s i)); intros;
  try (split; intros; inversion H; fail); simpl.
  - rewrite set_union_In. rewrite H, H0. split; intros.
    + destruct H1; [ apply AIP_here | apply AIP_after ]; assumption.
    + inversion H1; [ left | right]; assumption.
  - rewrite set_singleton_In. split; intros.
    + subst; constructor.
    + inversion H; reflexivity.

Lemma is_flatR_stmt_mustdef : s,
  is_flatR_stmt s
   i, (i \in mustdef_stmt s stmt_is_assR_id s i).
  intros. inversion H; simpl.
  - split; intros; inversion H1.
  - rewrite set_singleton_In. split; intros.
    + subst; constructor.
    + inversion H1; reflexivity.
  - split; intros; inversion H1.

Lemma is_flatR_stmt_mayread : s,
  is_flatR_stmt s
   i l,
    ((i, l) \in mayread_stmt s id_inR_ref s i stmt_get_label s = l).
  intros. destruct H.
  - split; intros.
    + inversion H.
    + destruct H. inversion H.
  - simpl. rewrite set_map_In. split; intros.
    + inversion H as [i1 [H0 H1]]; clear H.
      inversion H1; subst. split.
      × constructor. apply set_of_id_aexp_correct; assumption.
      × reflexivity.
    + destruct H. inversion H; subst.
       i. split.
      × apply set_of_id_aexp_correct; assumption.
      × reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite set_map_In. split; intros.
    + inversion H as [i1 [H0 H1]]; clear H.
      inversion H1; subst. split.
      × constructor. apply set_of_id_bexp_correct; assumption.
      × reflexivity.
    + destruct H. inversion H; subst.
       i. split.
      × apply set_of_id_bexp_correct; assumption.
      × reflexivity.

Fixpoint set_data_prog (p:prog) : set (label × label) :=
  match p with
  | {{}}\emptyset
  | s;;qset2_inner_fst (maydef_stmt s) (mayread_prog q) \cup set_data_stmt s \cup set_data_prog q
with set_data_stmt (s:stmt) : set (label×label) :=
  match s with
  | IFB << _ >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FIset_data_prog p1 \cup set_data_prog p2
  | WHILE << _ >> _ DO p END as p0
      set2_inner_fst (maydef_prog p) (mayread_stmt p0) \cup set_data_prog p
  | _\emptyset

Lemma set_data_prog_equation : p, set_data_prog p =
  match p with
  | {{}}\emptyset
  | s;;qset2_inner_fst (maydef_stmt s) (mayread_prog q) \cup set_data_stmt s \cup set_data_prog q
  intros. destruct p; reflexivity.

Lemma set_data_stmt_equation : s, set_data_stmt s =
  match s with
  | IFB << _ >> _ THEN p1 ELSE p2 FIset_data_prog p1 \cup set_data_prog p2
  | WHILE << _ >> _ DO p END as p0
      set2_inner_fst (maydef_prog p) (mayread_stmt p0) \cup set_data_prog p
  | _\emptyset
  intros. destruct s; reflexivity.

Lemma is_flatR_stmt_maydef : s,
  is_flatR_stmt s i l,
    ((i, l) \in maydef_stmt s stmt_is_assR_id s i stmt_get_label s = l).
  intros. inversion H.
  - split; intros.
    + inversion H1.
    + destruct H1. inversion H1.
  - simpl. rewrite set_singleton_In. split; intros.
    + inversion H1; subst. split. constructor. reflexivity.
    + destruct H1. inversion H1; subst. reflexivity.
  - split; intros.
    + inversion H1.
    + destruct H1. inversion H1.

Lemma ass_inR_prog_seq : p1 p2 i,
  ass_inR_prog (p1 +;+ p2) i ass_inR_prog p1 i ass_inR_prog p2 i.
  intros. induction p1.
  - simpl. split; intros.
    + right; assumption.
    + destruct H. inversion H. assumption.
  - simpl. split; intros.
    + inversion H.
      × left. apply AIP_here; assumption.
      × apply IHp1 in H3. { destruct H3.
        - left. apply AIP_after; assumption.
        - right; assumption. }
    + destruct H.
      × { inversion H.
        - apply AIP_here; assumption.
        - apply AIP_after. apply IHp1. left; assumption. }
      × apply AIP_after. apply IHp1. right; assumption.

Lemma maydef_prog_single : s,
  maydef_prog {{s}} \equiv maydef_stmt s.
  intros. simpl.
  rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_r. rewrite set_same_union_empty_r.

Lemma mayread_prog_single : s,
  mayread_prog {{s}} \equiv mayread_stmt s.
  intros. simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite set_same_union_empty_r.

Lemma set_data_prog_seq : p q,
  set_data_prog (p+;+q) \equiv
  set2_inner_fst (maydef_prog p) (mayread_prog q) \cup set_data_prog p \cup set_data_prog q.
  intros. induction p; simpl.
  - rewrite set2_inner_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite 2!set_same_union_empty_l.
  - rewrite IHp. rewrite mayread_prog_seq. rewrite set2_inner_fst_union_distr_r.
    rewrite set2_inner_fst_union_distr_l. rewrite set2_inner_fst_diff_lr.
    rewrite 4!set_union_assoc.
    rewrite set_union_comm. rewrite 4!set_union_assoc.
    rewrite set_union_comm with (x:=set_data_stmt s) (y:=set2_inner_fst _ _ \cup _).
    rewrite 3!set_union_assoc.
    rewrite set_union_comm with (x:=set_data_prog p). rewrite 2!set_union_assoc.
    rewrite set_union_comm with (x:=set_data_prog q). rewrite 2!set_union_assoc.

Lemma is_flatR_of_prog_set_data_incl : q p : prog,
  is_flatR_of_prog q p set_data_prog q \subseteq set_data_prog p.
  apply (is_flatR_of_prog_mutual_ind
    (fun q p H
      set_data_prog q \subseteq set_data_prog p)
    (fun q s H
      set_data_prog q \subseteq set_data_stmt s)); intros; try apply set_incl_refl.
  - simpl. rewrite set_data_prog_seq. intros a. destruct a.
    rewrite 4!set_union_In. rewrite 2!set2_inner_fst_In. intros.
    decompose [or] H1.
    + left. destruct H2 as [i' [H2 H3]]. i'. split.
      × rewrite <- maydef_prog_single. rewrite <- is_flatR_of_prog_single in i.
        apply (is_flatR_of_prog_maydef_incl _ _ i). assumption.
      × apply (is_flatR_of_prog_mayread_incl _ _ i0). assumption.
    + right; left. apply H; assumption.
    + right; right. apply H0; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_inner_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite 2!set_same_union_empty_l.
    unfold set_incl; intros. rewrite set_union_In. left. apply H; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_inner_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite 2!set_same_union_empty_l.
    unfold set_incl; intros. rewrite set_union_In. right. apply H; assumption.
  - unfold set_incl; intros. simpl in H1. rewrite set2_inner_fst_emptyset_l in H1.
    rewrite 2!set_same_union_empty_l in H1. rewrite set_data_prog_seq in H1.
    rewrite 2!set_union_In in H1.
    decompose [or] H1; clear H1.
    + destruct a. rewrite set2_inner_fst_In in H2. destruct H2 as [i' [H1 H2]].
      simpl set_data_stmt.
      simpl. rewrite set_union_In. left. rewrite set2_inner_fst_In.
       i'. split. apply (is_flatR_of_prog_maydef_incl _ _ i0). assumption.
      replace (_ \cup _) with (mayread_stmt (WHILE << l >> b DO p END)) by reflexivity.
      apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in i. rewrite <- mayread_prog_single.
      apply (is_flatR_of_prog_mayread_incl _ _ i). assumption.
    + simpl. rewrite set_union_In; right. apply H0. assumption.
    + apply H; assumption.
  - simpl. rewrite set2_inner_fst_emptyset_l. rewrite 2!set_same_union_empty_l.
    unfold set_incl; intros. inversion H.

Lemma set_data_prog_correct : p l l',
  (l, l') \in set_data_prog p data_depsR_prog p l l'.
  split; revert p l l'.
  - apply (prog_mutual_ind
      (fun p l l', (l, l') \in set_data_prog p data_depsR_prog p l l')
      (fun s l l', (l, l') \in set_data_stmt s data_depsR_prog {{s}} l l'));
    + inversion H.
    + simpl in H1. rewrite 2!set_union_In in H1.
      decompose [or] H1; clear H1.
      × rewrite set2_inner_fst_In in H2.
        inversion H2 as [i [H3 H4]]; clear H2.
        rewrite <- maydef_prog_single in H3.
        apply maydef_flat in H3.
        apply mayread_flat in H4.
        decompose_ex H3. decompose_ex H4.
        decompose [and] H3; clear H3. decompose [and] H4; clear H4.
        assert (is_flatR_prog q) as Ha1.
        { apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:={{s}}); assumption. }
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_single in H7.
        assert (is_flatR_prog q1 is_flatR_stmt s0 is_flatR_prog q2) as Ha2.
          repeat split.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=s0;;q2).
            rewrite <- H1. assumption.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_single.
            apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=q2).
            apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q1).
            simpl. rewrite <- H1. assumption.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q1+;+{{s0}}).
            rewrite <- seq_assoc.
            simpl. rewrite <- H1; assumption.
        assert (is_flatR_prog q0) as Ha3.
        { apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption. }
        assert (is_flatR_prog q3 is_flatR_stmt s1 is_flatR_prog q4) as Ha4.
          repeat split.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=s1;;q4).
            rewrite <- H3. assumption.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_single.
            apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=q4).
            apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q3).
            simpl. rewrite <- H3. assumption.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q3+;+{{s1}}).
            rewrite <- seq_assoc.
            simpl. rewrite <- H3; assumption.
        { apply DDP_flat with (p:=q+;+q0).
        - constructor; assumption.
        - rewrite H1, H3. rewrite <- seq_assoc.
          apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_r.
          simpl. rewrite seq_assoc.
          apply is_flatR_stmt_maydef in H5; try (apply Ha2).
          apply is_flatR_stmt_mayread in H8; try (apply Ha4).
          destruct H5, H8. subst.
          apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_m with (i:=i).
          + assumption.
          + apply FDP_here with (i:=i); assumption.
          + rewrite ass_inR_prog_seq. rewrite not_or_iff. split.
            × rewrite <- is_flatR_prog_mustdef. assumption. apply Ha2.
            × rewrite <- is_flatR_prog_mustdef. assumption. apply Ha4. }
      × apply data_depsR_prog_here. apply H; assumption.
      × apply data_depsR_prog_after. apply H0; assumption.
    + inversion H.
    + inversion H.
    + simpl in H1. rewrite set_union_In in H1. destruct H1.
      × apply H in H1. inversion H1.
        apply DDP_flat with (p:=(ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);;p1).
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_single.
        constructor. assumption.
        apply FDP_after.
      × apply H0 in H1. inversion H1.
        apply DDP_flat with (p:=(ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l);;p1).
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_single.
        constructor. assumption.
        apply FDP_after.
    + simpl in H0. rewrite set_union_In in H0. destruct H0.
      × rewrite set2_inner_fst_In in H0.
        destruct H0 as [i [H0 H1]].
        rewrite set_union_In in H1.
        apply maydef_flat in H0. decompose_ex H0. decompose [and] H0; clear H0.
        assert (is_flatR_prog q) as Ha1.
        { apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption. }
        assert (is_flatR_prog q1 is_flatR_stmt s is_flatR_prog q2) as Ha2.
          repeat split.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=s;;q2).
            rewrite <- H2. assumption.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_single.
            apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=q2).
            apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q1).
            simpl. rewrite <- H2. assumption.
          - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q1+;+{{s}}).
            rewrite <- seq_assoc.
            simpl. rewrite <- H2; assumption.
        apply is_flatR_stmt_maydef in H4; try apply Ha2.
        destruct H4.
        { destruct H1.
        - apply DDP_flat with (p:=(ASSERT <<l >> b =>> l);;q+;+{{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}).
          + apply is_flatR_of_prog_single. repeat constructor. assumption.
          + rewrite set_map_In in H1.
            destruct H1 as [i0 [H7 H8]].
            inversion H8; subst i l'.
            apply FDP_after. rewrite H2. rewrite <- seq_assoc.
            apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_r.
            apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_m with (i:=i0).
            × assumption.
            × subst l0. apply FDP_here with (i:=i0).
              assumption. do 2 constructor. apply set_of_id_bexp_correct; assumption.
            × rewrite <- is_flatR_prog_mustdef. assumption. apply Ha2.
        - apply mayread_flat in H1. decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
          assert (is_flatR_prog q0) as Ha3.
          { apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption. }
          assert (is_flatR_prog q3 is_flatR_stmt s0 is_flatR_prog q4) as Ha5.
            repeat split.
            - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=s0;;q4).
              rewrite <- H5. assumption.
            - apply is_flatR_prog_single.
              apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=q4).
              apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q3).
              simpl. rewrite <- H5. assumption.
            - apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=q3+;+{{s0}}).
              rewrite <- seq_assoc.
              simpl. rewrite <- H5; assumption.
          apply DDP_flat with (p:=(ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);; q +;+
                                  (ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);; q0 +;+
                                  {{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}).
          + apply is_flatR_of_prog_single. repeat constructor; assumption.
          + apply FDP_after. rewrite H2. rewrite <- seq_assoc.
            apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_r.
            simpl. apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_m with (i:=i).
            apply flat_data_depsR_prog_unrel with (i:=i). assumption.
            intros contra; inversion contra.
            rewrite H5. rewrite <- seq_assoc.
            apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_m with (i:=i).
            simpl. apply is_flatR_stmt_mayread in H8.
            destruct H8. subst l0 l'.
            apply FDP_here with (i:=i); assumption.
            apply Ha5. rewrite <- is_flatR_prog_mustdef. assumption.
            apply Ha5. rewrite <- is_flatR_prog_mustdef. assumption.
            apply Ha2. }
      × apply H in H0. inversion H0; subst.
        { apply DDP_flat with (p:=(ASSERT << l >> b =>> l);; p0 +;+
                                  {{ASSERT << l >> B_not b =>> l}}).
        - apply is_flatR_of_prog_single. apply IFOS_while_loop; try assumption.
          apply IFOS_while_end.
        - apply FDP_after. apply flat_data_depsR_prog_grow_l. assumption. }
    + inversion H.
  - intros. inversion H; subst.
    apply is_flatR_of_prog_set_data_incl with (q:=p0); try assumption.
    apply flat_data_depsR_prog_decomposition in H1.
    decompose_ex H1. decompose [and] H1; clear H1.
    rewrite H2. rewrite set_data_prog_seq.
    rewrite 2!set_union_In.
    right; right. simpl. rewrite set_union_In; left.
    rewrite mayread_prog_seq. simpl. rewrite set2_diff_fst_union_distr_l.
    rewrite 2!set2_inner_fst_union_distr_r. rewrite 2!set_union_In.
    right; left.
    rewrite set2_inner_fst_In. i. split.
    + rewrite is_flatR_stmt_maydef. subst l. split; try assumption; try reflexivity.
      apply is_flatR_prog_single.
      apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=p1).
      apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=p2+;+{{s2}}+;+p3).
      rewrite <- seq_assoc. simpl.
      rewrite <- H2. apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption.
    + rewrite set2_diff_fst_In. split.
      × { rewrite is_flatR_stmt_mayread.
        - subst l'. split; try assumption; try reflexivity.
        - apply is_flatR_prog_single.
          apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=p1+;+s1;;p2).
          apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=p3).
          rewrite <- 2!seq_assoc. simpl. rewrite <- H2.
          apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption. }
      × rewrite is_flatR_prog_mustdef; try assumption.
        apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (p:=p1+;+{{s1}}).
        apply is_flatR_prog_app_reverse with (q:=s2;;p3).
        rewrite <- 2!seq_assoc. simpl. rewrite <- H2.
        apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption.
    + apply is_flatR_of_prog_is_flatR with (p:=p); assumption.

Lemma mustdef_prog_exists_maydef :
   p i, i \in mustdef_prog p l, (i, l) \in maydef_prog p.
  apply (prog_mutual_ind
    (fun p i, i \in mustdef_prog p l, (i, l) \in maydef_prog p)
    (fun s i, i \in mustdef_stmt s l, (i, l) \in maydef_stmt s)); intros.
  - inversion H.
  - simpl in H1. rewrite set_union_In in H1. destruct (set_In_dec i (mustdef_prog p)).
    + apply H0 in s0. destruct s0 as [l H2].
       l. simpl. rewrite set_union_In. right. assumption.
    + destruct H1; try contradiction. apply H in H1. destruct H1 as [l H1].
       l. simpl. rewrite set_union_In. left. rewrite set2_diff_fst_In.
      split; assumption.
  - inversion H.
  - simpl in H. apply set_singleton_In in H. subst i0.
     l. apply set_singleton_In. reflexivity.
  - simpl in H1. rewrite set_inter_In in H1. destruct H1.
    apply H in H1. destruct H1 as [l' H1].
     l'. simpl. rewrite set_union_In. left; assumption.
  - inversion H0.
  - inversion H.

Lemma mustdef_prog_single : s,
  mustdef_prog {{s}} \equiv mustdef_stmt s.
  simpl. rewrite set_same_union_empty_r.