Library parser
This file is adapted from
Defines parsing functions (especially parse_finished) and print functions (especially string_of_prog).
The development of the Imp language in Imp.v completely ignores
issues of concrete syntax -- how an ascii string that a programmer
might write gets translated into the abstract syntax trees defined
by the datatypes aexp, bexp, and com. In this file we
illustrate how the rest of the story can be filled in by building
a simple lexical analyzer and parser using Coq's functional
programming facilities.
This development is not intended to be understood in detail: the
explanations are fairly terse and there are no exercises. The
main point is simply to demonstrate that it can be done. You are
invited to look through the code -- most of it is not very
complicated, though the parser relies on some "monadic"
programming idioms that may require a little work to make out --
but most readers will probably want to just skip down to the
Examples section at the very end to get the punchline.
Defines parsing functions (especially parse_finished) and print functions (especially string_of_prog).
ImpParser: Lexing and Parsing in Coq
Require Export sflib.
Require Export prog.
Require Export set.
Require Export set_prog.
Require Import semantics3.
Require Import String.
Require Import Ascii.
Require Recdef.
Require Export List.
Export ListNotations.
Definition isWhite (c : ascii) : bool :=
let n := nat_of_ascii c in
orb (orb (beq_nat n 32)
(beq_nat n 9))
(orb (beq_nat n 10)
(beq_nat n 13)).
Definition isLowerAlpha (c : ascii) : bool :=
let n := nat_of_ascii c in
andb (97 <=? n) (n <=? 122).
Definition isAlpha (c : ascii) : bool :=
let n := nat_of_ascii c in
orb (andb (65 <=? n) (n <=? 90))
(andb (97 <=? n) (n <=? 122)).
Definition isDigit (c : ascii) : bool :=
let n := nat_of_ascii c in
andb (48 <=? n) (n <=? 57).
Definition isParenthese (c:ascii) : bool :=
let n := nat_of_ascii c in
(n =? 40) || (n =? 41).
Inductive chartype := white | alpha | digit | parenthese | other.
Definition classifyChar (c : ascii) : chartype :=
if isWhite c then
else if isAlpha c then
else if isDigit c then
else if isParenthese c then
Fixpoint list_of_string (s : string) : list ascii :=
match s with
| EmptyString ⇒ []
| String c s ⇒ c :: (list_of_string s)
Definition string_of_list (xs : list ascii) : string :=
fold_right String EmptyString xs.
Definition token := string.
Fixpoint tokenize_helper (cls : chartype) (acc xs : list ascii)
: list (list ascii) :=
let tk := match acc with [] ⇒ [] | _::_ ⇒ [rev acc] end in
match xs with
| [] ⇒ tk
| (x::xs') ⇒
match cls, classifyChar x with
| _, parenthese ⇒ tk ++ [x]::(tokenize_helper other [] xs')
| _, white ⇒ tk ++ (tokenize_helper white [] xs')
| alpha,alpha ⇒ tokenize_helper alpha (x::acc) xs'
| digit,digit ⇒ tokenize_helper digit (x::acc) xs'
| other,other ⇒ tokenize_helper other (x::acc) xs'
| _,tp ⇒ tk ++ (tokenize_helper tp [x] xs')
end %char.
Definition tokenize (s : string) : list string :=
map string_of_list (tokenize_helper white [] (list_of_string s)).
Inductive optionE (X:Type) : Type :=
| SomeE : X → optionE X
| NoneE : string → optionE X.
Implicit Arguments SomeE [[X]].
Implicit Arguments NoneE [[X]].
Notation "'DO' ( x , y ) <== e1 ; e2"
:= (match e1 with
| SomeE (x,y) ⇒ e2
| NoneE err ⇒ NoneE err
(right associativity, at level 60).
Notation "'DO' ( x , y ) <-- e1 ; e2 'OR' e3"
:= (match e1 with
| SomeE (x,y) ⇒ e2
| NoneE err ⇒ e3
(right associativity, at level 60, e2 at next level).
Fixpoint build_symtable (xs : list token) (n : nat) : (token → nat) :=
match xs with
| [] ⇒ (fun s ⇒ n)
| x::xs ⇒
if (forallb isLowerAlpha (list_of_string x))
then (fun s ⇒ if string_dec s x then n else (build_symtable xs (S n) s))
else build_symtable xs n
Open Scope string_scope.
Definition parser (T : Type) :=
list token → optionE (T × list token).
Fixpoint many_helper {T} (p : parser T) acc steps xs :=
match steps, p xs with
| 0, _ ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| _, NoneE _ ⇒ SomeE ((rev acc), xs)
| S steps', SomeE (t, xs') ⇒ many_helper p (t::acc) steps' xs'
Fixpoint many {T} (p : parser T) (steps : nat) : parser (list T) :=
many_helper p [] steps.
Definition firstExpect {T} (t : token) (p : parser T) : parser T :=
fun xs ⇒ match xs with
| x::xs' ⇒ if string_dec x t
then p xs'
else NoneE ("expected '" ++ t ++ "'.")
| [] ⇒ NoneE ("expected '" ++ t ++ "'.")
Definition expect (t : token) : parser unit :=
firstExpect t (fun xs ⇒ SomeE(tt, xs)).
Definition parseIdentifier (symtable :string→nat) (xs : list token)
: optionE (id × list token) :=
match xs with
| [] ⇒ NoneE "Expected identifier"
| x::xs' ⇒
if forallb isLowerAlpha (list_of_string x) then
SomeE (Id (symtable x), xs')
NoneE ("Illegal identifier:'" ++ x ++ "'")
Definition parseNumber (xs : list token) : optionE (nat × list token) :=
match xs with
| [] ⇒ NoneE "Expected number"
| x::xs' ⇒
if forallb isDigit (list_of_string x) then
SomeE (fold_left (fun n d ⇒
10 × n + (nat_of_ascii d - nat_of_ascii "0"%char))
(list_of_string x)
NoneE "Expected number"
Definition parseLabel (xs : list token) : optionE (nat × list token) :=
DO (l, rest) <--
parseNumber xs;
DO (_, rest') <== expect ":" rest;
SomeE (l, rest')
OR NoneE "Expected label".
Fixpoint parsePrimaryExp (steps:nat) symtable (xs : list token)
: optionE (aexp × list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (i, rest) <-- parseIdentifier symtable xs ;
SomeE (A_id i, rest)
OR DO (n, rest) <-- parseNumber xs ;
SomeE (A_num n, rest)
OR (DO (e, rest) <== firstExpect "(" (parseSumExp steps' symtable) xs;
DO (u, rest') <== expect ")" rest ;
with parseProductExp (steps:nat) symtable (xs : list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (e, rest) <==
parsePrimaryExp steps' symtable xs ;
DO (es, rest') <==
many (firstExpect "*" (parsePrimaryExp steps' symtable)) steps' rest;
SomeE (fold_left A_mult es e, rest')
with parseSumExp (steps:nat) symtable (xs : list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (e, rest) <==
parseProductExp steps' symtable xs ;
DO (es, rest') <==
many (fun xs ⇒
DO (e,rest') <--
firstExpect "+" (parseProductExp steps' symtable) xs;
SomeE ( (true, e), rest')
OR DO (e,rest') <==
firstExpect "-" (parseProductExp steps' symtable) xs;
SomeE ( (false, e), rest'))
steps' rest;
SomeE (fold_left (fun e0 term ⇒
match term with
(true, e) ⇒ A_plus e0 e
| (false, e) ⇒ A_minus e0 e
es e,
Definition parseAExp := parseSumExp.
Fixpoint parseAtomicExp (steps:nat) (symtable : string→nat) (xs : list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (u,rest) <-- expect "true" xs;
SomeE (B_true,rest)
OR DO (u,rest) <-- expect "false" xs;
SomeE (B_false,rest)
OR DO (e,rest) <-- firstExpect "not" (parseAtomicExp steps' symtable) xs;
SomeE (B_not e, rest)
OR DO (e,rest) <-- firstExpect "(" (parseConjunctionExp steps' symtable) xs;
(DO (u,rest') <== expect ")" rest; SomeE (e, rest'))
OR DO (e, rest) <== parseProductExp steps' symtable xs ;
(DO (e', rest') <--
firstExpect "==" (parseAExp steps' symtable) rest ;
SomeE (B_eq e e', rest')
OR DO (e', rest') <--
firstExpect "<=" (parseAExp steps' symtable) rest ;
SomeE (B_le e e', rest')
NoneE "Expected '==' or '<=' after arithmetic expression")
with parseConjunctionExp (steps:nat) (symtable : string→nat) (xs : list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (e, rest) <==
parseAtomicExp steps' symtable xs ;
DO (es, rest') <==
many (firstExpect "&&" (parseAtomicExp steps' symtable)) steps' rest;
SomeE (fold_left B_and es e, rest')
Definition parseBExp := parseConjunctionExp.
Fixpoint parseSimpleCommand (steps:nat) (symtable:string→nat) (xs : list token)
: optionE(stmt×list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (_,rest) <-- expect "IF" xs;
DO (l, rest') <== parseLabel rest;
DO (e, rest'') <==
parseBExp steps' symtable rest';
DO (c,rest''') <==
firstExpect "THEN" (parseProg steps' symtable) rest'';
DO (c',rest'''') <==
firstExpect "ELSE" (parseProg steps' symtable) rest''';
DO (u,rest''''') <==
expect "FI" rest'''';
SomeE(IFB << l >> e THEN c ELSE c' FI, rest''''')
OR DO (_,rest) <-- expect "WHILE" xs;
DO (l, rest') <== parseLabel rest;
DO (e, rest'') <== parseBExp steps' symtable rest';
DO (c,rest''') <==
firstExpect "DO" (parseProg steps' symtable) rest'';
DO (u,rest'''') <==
expect "END" rest''';
SomeE(WHILE << l >> e DO c END, rest'''')
OR DO (_, _) <-- parseNumber xs;
DO (l, rest) <== parseLabel xs;
DO (_, rest') <-- expect "SKIP" rest;
SomeE (SKIP << l >>, rest')
OR DO (i, rest') <--
parseIdentifier symtable rest;
DO (e, rest'') <==
firstExpect ":=" (parseAExp steps' symtable) rest';
SomeE(i ::= e << l >>, rest'')
OR DO (_, rest') <-- expect "ASSERT" rest;
DO (e, rest'') <== parseBExp steps' symtable rest';
DO (l', rest''') <==
firstExpect "=>>" parseNumber rest'';
SomeE(ASSERT << l >> e =>> l', rest''')
OR NoneE "This label is not followed by a valid statement"
OR NoneE "No stmt matched"
with parseSequencedCommand (steps:nat) (symtable:string→nat) (xs : list token)
: optionE (prog×list token) :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (_, rest) <-- expect ";" xs;
DO (c, rest') <== parseSimpleCommand steps' symtable rest;
DO (c', rest'') <== (parseSequencedCommand steps' symtable) rest';
SomeE(c ;; c', rest'')
OR SomeE ({{}}, xs)
with parseProg steps symtable xs :=
match steps with
| 0 ⇒ NoneE "Too many recursive calls"
| S steps' ⇒
DO (_, rest) <-- expect "''" xs;
SomeE ({{}}, rest)
OR DO (c, rest) <== parseSimpleCommand steps' symtable xs;
DO (c', rest') <== parseSequencedCommand steps' symtable rest;
SomeE (c;; c', rest')
Definition bignumber := 1000.
Definition parse (str : string) : optionE (prog × list token) :=
let tokens := tokenize str in
parseProg bignumber (build_symtable tokens 0) tokens.
Definition parse_finished (str:string) :=
match parse str with
| SomeE (p, []) ⇒ SomeE p
| SomeE (p, _) ⇒ NoneE "Parsing could not finished."
| NoneE m ⇒ NoneE m
Definition digit_of_nat n := ascii_of_nat (n + 48).
Function string_of_nat_aux n acc {measure (fun x ⇒ x) n} :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ acc
| _ ⇒ string_of_nat_aux (n / 10) (String (digit_of_nat (n mod 10)) acc)
intros. apply Nat.div_lt; auto with arith.
Definition string_of_nat n :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ "0"
| _ ⇒ string_of_nat_aux n EmptyString
Definition string_of_id i :=
match i with
| Id n ⇒ "x" ++ string_of_nat n
Definition enter := String "010"%char EmptyString.
Fixpoint power (n:nat) s :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ ""
| S n ⇒ s ++ (power n s)
Fixpoint string_of_aexp (a:aexp) :=
match a with
| A_num n ⇒ string_of_nat n
| A_id i ⇒ string_of_id i
| A_plus a1 a2 ⇒ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a1) ++ ")" ++ " + " ++ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a2) ++ ")"
| A_minus a1 a2 ⇒ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a1) ++ ")" ++ " - " ++ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a2) ++ ")"
| A_mult a1 a2 ⇒ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a1) ++ ")" ++ " * " ++ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a2) ++ ")"
Functional Scheme string_of_aexp_ind:=Induction for string_of_aexp Sort Prop.
Fixpoint string_of_bexp b :=
match b with
| B_true ⇒ "true"
| B_false ⇒ "false"
| B_eq a1 a2 ⇒ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a1) ++ ") == (" ++ (string_of_aexp a2) ++ ")"
| B_le a1 a2 ⇒ "(" ++ (string_of_aexp a1) ++ ") <= (" ++ (string_of_aexp a2) ++ ")"
| B_not b0 ⇒ "not (" ++ (string_of_bexp b0) ++ ")"
| B_and b1 b2 ⇒ "(" ++ (string_of_bexp b1) ++ ") && (" ++ (string_of_bexp b2) ++ ")"
Fixpoint string_of_prog_aux n (p:prog) : string :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ (power n " ") ++ "''"
| {{s}} ⇒ string_of_stmt_aux n s
| s;;q ⇒ string_of_stmt_aux n s ++ ";" ++
enter ++ string_of_prog_aux' n q
with string_of_prog_aux' n (p:prog) : string :=
match p with
| {{}} ⇒ ""
| {{s}} ⇒ string_of_stmt_aux n s
| s;;q ⇒ string_of_stmt_aux n s ++ ";" ++
enter ++ string_of_prog_aux' n q
with string_of_stmt_aux n (s:stmt) : string :=
match s with
| SKIP << l >> ⇒ (power n " ") ++ (string_of_nat l) ++ ": SKIP"
| i::=a<<l>> ⇒ (power n " ") ++
(string_of_nat l) ++ ": " ++ (string_of_id i) ++
" := " ++ (string_of_aexp a)
| IFB << l >> b THEN p1 ELSE p2 FI ⇒
(power n " ") ++
"IFB " ++ (string_of_nat l) ++ ": " ++ (string_of_bexp b) ++
" THEN" ++ enter ++ (string_of_prog_aux (S (S n)) p1) ++
enter ++ (power n " ") ++ "ELSE" ++ enter ++
(string_of_prog_aux (S (S n)) p2) ++ enter ++ (power n " ") ++ "FI"
| WHILE << l >> b DO p END ⇒
(power n " ") ++
"WHILE " ++ (string_of_nat l) ++ ": " ++ (string_of_bexp b) ++
" DO" ++ enter ++ (string_of_prog_aux (S (S n)) p) ++
enter ++ (power n " ") ++ "END"
| ASSERT << l >> b =>> l' ⇒
(power n " ") ++ (string_of_nat l) ++ ": " ++ "ASSERT " ++
(string_of_bexp b) ++ " =>> " ++ (string_of_nat l')
Definition string_of_prog := string_of_prog_aux 0.
Definition string_of_stmt := string_of_stmt_aux 0.
Definition traj_print (x:set id) (tr:traj) := map
(fun (lste:label×state_eps) ⇒ let (l, ste) := lste in
(l, match ste with
| Some st ⇒ Some (set_map (fun a ⇒ (a, st a)) x)
| None ⇒ None
end)) tr.
Definition traj_print_prog (n:nat) (ste:state_eps) (p:prog) :=
traj_print (set_of_id_prog p) (traj_prog n ste p).
Definition proj_traj_print (x:set id) (tr:partial_traj) := map
(fun (lpste:label×partial_state_eps) ⇒ let (l, pste) := lpste in
(l, match pste with
| Some pst ⇒ Some (set_map (fun a ⇒ (a, match pst a with
| Some b ⇒ b
| None ⇒ 0
(set_filter (fun a ⇒ if pst a then true else false) x))
| None ⇒ None
end)) tr.
Definition proj_traj_print_prog (n:nat) (ste:state_eps) (p:prog) (L:set label) :=
proj_traj_print (set_of_id_prog p) (proj_traj_prog n ste p L).