Coral.EquivarianceFacts: various equivariance results

Author: Benoît Montagu
Copyright © Inria 2020 CeCILL-B License
Synopsis: Equivariance results of various properties and functions.

Require Import Transp.
Require Import Infrastructure.
Require Import Env.
Require Import SubstEnv.
Require Import Rel.
Require Import RelGood.
Require Import RelStable.

Equivariance of properties

Lemma all_env_term_equivariant (P: term Prop):
  ( x y t, P (transp_term x y t) P t)
   x y e, all_env P (transp_env_term x y e) all_env P e.
  intros HP x y e. env induction e; simpl in ×.
  - tauto.
  - rewrite HP; auto. rewrite IHe. reflexivity.

Lemma all_env_rel_equivariant (P: rel (env term) term Prop):
  ( x y t, P (transp_rel x y t) P t)
   x y e, all_env P (transp_env_rel x y e) all_env P e.
  intros HP x y e. env induction e; simpl in ×.
  - tauto.
  - rewrite HP; auto. rewrite IHe. reflexivity.

Lemma lc_equivariant x y t:
  lc (transp_term x y t) lc t.
  revert t.
  assert ( t, lc t lc (transp_term x y t)).
  { intros t H. induction H; simpl; auto.
    - constructor; auto. intro z.
      specialize (H1 (transp_atom x y z)).
      rewrite open_equivariant in H1. simpl in H1.
      rewrite transp_atom_involution in H1. assumption.
    - constructor; auto. intro z.
      specialize (H0 (transp_atom x y z)).
      rewrite open_equivariant in H0. simpl in H0.
      rewrite transp_atom_involution in H0. assumption.
    - constructor; auto.
      + intro z.
        specialize (H1 (transp_atom x y z)).
        rewrite open_equivariant in H1. simpl in H1.
        rewrite transp_atom_involution in H1. assumption.
      + intro z.
        specialize (H3 (transp_atom x y z)).
        rewrite open_equivariant in H3. simpl in H3.
        rewrite transp_atom_involution in H3. assumption.
  intro t; split; intro Ht; auto.
  apply H in Ht. rewrite transp_term_involution in Ht. assumption.

Lemma is_value_equivariant x y t:
  is_value (transp_term x y t) is_value t.
  induction t; simpl; tauto.

Lemma is_extended_value_equivariant x y t:
  is_extended_value (transp_term x y t) is_extended_value t.
  induction t; simpl; tauto.

Lemma closed_term_equivariant x y t:
  fv (transp_term x y t) [<=] empty fv t [<=] empty.
  rewrite (atoms_incl_equivariant x y).
  rewrite fv_equivariant. rewrite transp_term_involution. rewrite empty_equivariant.

Lemma good_value_equivariant x y t:
  good_value (transp_term x y t) good_value t.
  split; intros [Hlc [Hvalue Hclosed]]; (split; [| split]);
    try solve [ eapply lc_equivariant; eauto
              | eapply is_value_equivariant; eauto
              | eapply closed_term_equivariant; eauto

Lemma leq_env_equivariant x y e1 e2:
  leq_env e1 e2 leq_env (transp_env_term x y e1) (transp_env_term x y e2).
  revert e1 e2.
  assert ( e1 e2, leq_env e1 e2 leq_env (transp_env_term x y e1) (transp_env_term x y e2)).
  { intros e1 e2 H z v Hzv.
    assert (get (transp_atom x y z) e1 = Some (transp_term x y v)).
    { rewrite (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y) in Hzv.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hzv.
    apply H in H0.
    rewrite (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y) in H0.
    rewrite transp_atom_involution in H0.
    rewrite transp_term_involution in H0.
  intros e1 e2. split; intro H'; auto.
  apply H in H'. repeat rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H'. assumption.

Lemma good_rel_equivariant x y R:
  good_rel R good_rel (transp_rel x y R).
  revert R.
  assert ( R, good_rel R good_rel (transp_rel x y R)).
  { intros R H e v Hev.
    apply H in Hev. destruct Hev as [Hegood Hvgood].
    apply all_env_term_equivariant in Hegood; auto using good_value_equivariant.
    apply good_value_equivariant in Hvgood.
  intro R; split; intro HR; auto.
  apply H in HR. rewrite transp_rel_involution in HR.

Lemma stable_equivariant x y R:
  stable_rel R stable_rel (transp_rel x y R).
  revert R.
  assert ( R, stable_rel R stable_rel (transp_rel x y R)).
  { intros R H e v Hev.
    apply H in Hev.
    intros e' Hgood' Hleq. simpl.
    apply Hev.
    - apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
    - apply leq_env_equivariant; auto.
  intro R; split; intro HR; auto.
  apply H in HR. rewrite transp_rel_involution in HR.

Lemma dom_rel_equivariant_rel x y S (R: rel (env term) term) :
  dom_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_rel x y R) dom_rel S R.
  revert S R.
  assert ( (S : atoms) (R : rel (env term) term),
             dom_rel S R dom_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_rel x y R)) as H.
  { intros S R H. intros e v Hev.
    apply (atoms_incl_equivariant x y).
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution.
    rewrite dom_equivariant_term.
    simpl in Hev.
    eapply H; eauto.
  intros S R. split; intro H0; auto.
  apply H in H0.
  rewrite transp_atoms_involution in H0.
  rewrite transp_rel_involution in H0.

Equivariance of evaluation the relations

Lemma step_equivariant x y t1 t2:
  step t1 t2 step (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2).
  revert t1 t2.
  assert ( t1 t2, step t1 t2 step (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)).
  { intros t1 t2 H.
    induction H; simpl;
      try solve [ try rewrite open_equivariant;
                  constructor; auto;
                  try solve [ apply is_value_equivariant; auto ] ].
  intros t1 t2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12. repeat rewrite transp_term_involution in H12. assumption.

Lemma steps_equivariant x y t1 t2:
  steps t1 t2 steps (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2).
  revert t1 t2.
  assert ( t1 t2, steps t1 t2 steps (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)).
  { intros t1 t2 H.
    induction H.
    - constructor.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite <- step_equivariant. assumption.
  intros t1 t2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12. repeat rewrite transp_term_involution in H12. assumption.

Lemma eval_equivariant x y t1 t2:
  eval t1 t2 eval (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2).
  revert t1 t2.
  assert ( t1 t2, eval t1 t2 eval (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)).
  { intros t1 t2 [Hsteps Hval]. split.
    - rewrite <- steps_equivariant. assumption.
    - apply is_value_equivariant. assumption.
  intros t1 t2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12. repeat rewrite transp_term_involution in H12. assumption.

Equivariance of relations between relations

Lemma RelIncl_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
  RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2).
  revert R1 R2.
  assert ( R1 R2, RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  { intros R1 R2 H12 e v H. simpl in ×. apply H12. assumption. }
  intros R1 R2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  repeat rewrite transp_rel_involution in H12.

Lemma RelIncl_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
  RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2).
  revert R1 R2.
  assert ( R1 R2, RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  { intros R1 R2 H12 e v H. simpl in ×. apply H12. assumption. }
  intros R1 R2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  repeat rewrite transp_vrel_involution in H12.

Lemma RelEquiv_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
  RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2).
  split; intro; apply RelIncl_antisym.
  - rewrite <- (RelIncl_rel_equivariant x y); auto.
  - rewrite <- (RelIncl_rel_equivariant x y); auto.
  - apply (RelIncl_rel_equivariant x y); auto.
  - apply (RelIncl_rel_equivariant x y); auto.

Lemma RelEquiv_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
  RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2).
  split; intro; apply RelIncl_antisym.
  - rewrite <- (RelIncl_vrel_equivariant x y); auto.
  - rewrite <- (RelIncl_vrel_equivariant x y); auto.
  - apply (RelIncl_vrel_equivariant x y); auto.
  - apply (RelIncl_vrel_equivariant x y); auto.

Equivariance of relational combinators

Lemma RelBot_rel_equivariant x y:
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y RelBot) RelBot.
  intros e v. simpl. tauto.

Lemma RelBot_vrel_equivariant x y:
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y RelBot) RelBot.
  intros v1 v2. simpl. tauto.

Lemma RelTopEnvVal_rel_equivariant x y:
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y RelTopEnvVal) RelTopEnvVal.
  intros e v; split; intros [Hegood Hvgood]; split.
  - rewrite all_env_term_equivariant in Hegood; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in Hvgood; auto.
  - rewrite all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant; auto.

Lemma RelTopVal_vrel_equivariant x y:
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y RelTopVal) RelTopVal.
  intros v1 v2; split; intros [H1 H2]; split.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in H1; auto.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in H2; auto.
  - apply good_value_equivariant; auto.
  - apply good_value_equivariant; auto.

Lemma RelEqVal_vrel_equivariant x y:
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y RelEqVal) RelEqVal.
  intros v1 v2; split; intros [H1 H2]; split.
  - rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y v1). rewrite H1.
    rewrite transp_term_involution. reflexivity.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in H2; auto.
  - congruence.
  - apply good_value_equivariant; auto.

Lemma RelInter_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (RelInter R1 R2))
    (RelInter (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros e v. reflexivity.

Lemma RelInter_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelInter R1 R2))
    (RelInter (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros e v. reflexivity.

Lemma RelUnion_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (RelUnion R1 R2))
    (RelUnion (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros e v. reflexivity.

Lemma RelUnion_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelUnion R1 R2))
    (RelUnion (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros e v. reflexivity.

Lemma RelCompose_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (RelCompose R1 R2))
    (RelCompose (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros e v; split; intros [v' [Hev' Hv'v]]; simpl in ×.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split; rewrite transp_term_involution; assumption.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split; assumption.

Lemma RelCompose_RelInv_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelCompose (RelInv R1) R2))
    (RelCompose (RelInv (transp_rel x y R1)) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros v1 v2; split; intros [e [Hv1e Hev2]]; simpl in ×.
  - (transp_env_term x y e). split; rewrite transp_env_term_involution; assumption.
  - (transp_env_term x y e). split; assumption.

Lemma RelCompose_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelCompose R1 R2))
    (RelCompose (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros e v; split; intros [v' [Hev' Hv'v]]; simpl in ×.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split; rewrite transp_term_involution; assumption.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split; assumption.

Lemma RelUnitR_rel_equivariant x y:
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y RelUnitR) RelUnitR.
  intros e v; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  - eapply all_env_term_equivariant; eauto using good_value_equivariant.
  - eapply all_env_term_equivariant; eauto using good_value_equivariant.

Lemma RelPairR_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (RelPairR R1 R2))
    (RelPairR (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros e v; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v; simpl in *; tauto.

Lemma RelPairR_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelPairR R1 R2))
    (RelPairR (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros v1 v2; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v2; simpl in *; tauto.

Lemma RelPairL_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelPairL R1 R2))
    (RelPairL (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros v1 v2; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v1; simpl in *; tauto.

Lemma RelSumR_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (RelSumR R1 R2))
    (RelSumR (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros e v; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v; simpl in *; tauto.

Lemma RelSumR_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelSumR R1 R2))
    (RelSumR (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros v1 v2; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v2; simpl in *; tauto.

Lemma RelSumL_vrel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_vrel x y (RelSumL R1 R2))
    (RelSumL (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  intros v1 v2; split; intro Hev; simpl in *; destruct v1; simpl in *; tauto.

Lemma RelGather_rel_equivariant x y E:
    (transp_rel x y (RelGather E))
    (RelGather (transp_env_rel x y E)).
  intros e v. split; intros [Hall [Hgood Hself]]; (split; [| split ]).
  - eapply all_env_term_equivariant; eauto using good_value_equivariant.
  - eapply good_value_equivariant; eauto.
  - intros z R Hz.
    apply get_transp_env_rel_Some_equivariant_inv in Hz.
    destruct Hz as [R' [Hz Hequiv]].
    apply Hself in Hz.
    destruct Hz as [v' [Hz Hv']].
     (transp_term x y v'). split.
    + apply (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y) in Hz.
      rewrite transp_atom_involution in Hz.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hz.
    + rewrite Hequiv in Hv'.
      simpl in Hv'. rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hv'.
  - eapply all_env_term_equivariant; eauto using good_value_equivariant.
  - eapply good_value_equivariant; eauto.
  - intros z R Hz.
    apply (get_transp_env_rel_Some_equivariant x y) in Hz.
    apply Hself in Hz.
    destruct Hz as [v' [Hz' HR]].
     (transp_term x y v'). split.
    + apply (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y) in Hz'.
      rewrite transp_atom_involution in Hz'. assumption.
    + assumption.

Lemma RelSelf_rel_equivariant x y t:
    (transp_rel x y (RelSelf t))
    (RelSelf (transp_term x y t)).
  intros e v. split; intros [Hsubst [Hfv [Hegood Hvgood]]]; (split; [| split; [| split ]]).
  - rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y v).
    rewrite <- Hsubst.
    rewrite subst_env_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
  - rewrite (atoms_incl_equivariant x y) in Hfv.
    rewrite fv_equivariant in Hfv. rewrite dom_equivariant_term in Hfv.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hfv. assumption.
  - eapply all_env_term_equivariant; eauto using good_value_equivariant.
  - eapply good_value_equivariant; eauto.
  - rewrite <- Hsubst.
    rewrite <- (transp_env_term_involution x y e).
    rewrite subst_env_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_term_involution.
  - rewrite (atoms_incl_equivariant x y) in Hfv.
    rewrite fv_equivariant in Hfv. rewrite dom_equivariant_term in Hfv.
    rewrite transp_term_involution in Hfv. assumption.
  - eapply all_env_term_equivariant; eauto using good_value_equivariant.
  - eapply good_value_equivariant; eauto.

Lemma FUN_rel_equivariant x y S R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (FUN S R1 R2))
    (FUN (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros e v; split; intros [Hedom [Hegood [Hvgood H]]]; (split; [| split; [| split]]).
  - apply (atoms_incl_equivariant x y) in Hedom.
    rewrite dom_equivariant_term in Hedom. rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hedom.
  - apply all_env_term_equivariant in Hegood; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in Hvgood; auto.
  - intros e' Hleq v1 H' v2 Heval.
    simpl in ×.
    apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in Hleq.
    apply (eval_equivariant x y) in Heval.
    simpl in Heval.
  - apply (atoms_incl_equivariant x y) in Hedom.
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hedom. rewrite dom_equivariant_term in Hedom.
  - apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant; auto.
  - intros e' Hleq v1 H' v2 Heval.
    simpl in ×.
    rewrite <- (transp_env_term_involution x y e').
    rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y).
    apply H with (v1 := transp_term x y v1); auto.
    + apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in Hleq.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hleq.
    + rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + apply (eval_equivariant x y) in Heval. simpl in Heval.
      rewrite transp_term_involution in Heval.

Lemma APP_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (APP R1 R2))
    (APP (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros e v; split; intros [e' [v1 [v2 [Hleq [H1 [H2 Heval]]]]]]; simpl in ×.
  - (transp_env_term x y e'), (transp_term x y v1), (transp_term x y v2).
    split; [| split; [| split]].
    + apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in Hleq.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hleq.
    + rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + apply (eval_equivariant x y) in Heval. simpl in Heval.
      rewrite transp_term_involution in Heval.
  - (transp_env_term x y e'), (transp_term x y v1), (transp_term x y v2).
    split; [| split; [| split]].
    + apply leq_env_equivariant; auto.
    + assumption.
    + assumption.
    + apply (eval_equivariant x y) in Heval; assumption.

Lemma depFUN_rel_equivariant x y S R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (depFUN S R1 R2))
    (depFUN (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_rel x y R1) (fun vtransp_rel x y (R2 (transp_term x y v)))).
  intros e v; split; intros [Hedom [Hegood [Hvgood H]]]; (split; [| split; [| split]]).
  - apply (atoms_incl_equivariant x y) in Hedom.
    rewrite dom_equivariant_term in Hedom. rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hedom.
  - apply all_env_term_equivariant in Hegood; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in Hvgood; auto.
  - intros e' Hleq v1 H' v2 Heval.
    simpl in ×.
    apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in Hleq.
    apply (eval_equivariant x y) in Heval.
    simpl in Heval.
  - apply (atoms_incl_equivariant x y) in Hedom.
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hedom. rewrite dom_equivariant_term in Hedom.
  - apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant; auto.
  - intros e' Hleq v1 H' v2 Heval.
    simpl in ×.
    rewrite <- (transp_env_term_involution x y e').
    rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y v1).
    rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y v2).
    apply H with (v1 := transp_term x y v1); auto.
    + apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in Hleq.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hleq.
    + rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + apply (eval_equivariant x y) in Heval. simpl in Heval.
      rewrite transp_term_involution in Heval.

Lemma RelLet0_strong_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2 S:
  FamilyRelEquiv S
    (transp_family_rel x y (RelLet0_strong R1 R2))
    (RelLet0_strong (transp_family_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  intros z Hz e v. split; intros [v' [H2 H1]]; simpl in ×.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split.
    + rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + unfold transp_env_term. simpl.
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split.
    + assumption.
    + unfold transp_env_term in H1. simpl in H1.

Lemma RelClose_rel_equivariant x y S R:
    (transp_rel x y (RelClose S R))
    (RelClose (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R)).
  intros e v. split; intros [z [HS Hz]]; simpl in ×.
  - (transp_atom x y z). split.
    + apply notin_equivariant. assumption.
    + rewrite transp_atom_involution. assumption.
  - (transp_atom x y z). split.
    + apply (notin_equivariant x y) in HS. rewrite transp_atoms_involution in HS.
    + assumption.

Lemma RelLet_strong_rel_equivariant x y S R1 R2:
    (transp_rel x y (RelLet_strong S R1 R2))
    (RelLet_strong (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  unfold RelLet_strong.
  rewrite RelClose_rel_equivariant.
  rewrite RelLet0_strong_rel_equivariant.

Lemma RelRemove_rel_equivariant x y R1 R2 z :
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y (RelRemove R1 R2 z))
           (RelRemove (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2) (transp_atom x y z)).
  intros e v; split; intros [v' [H2 H1]]; simpl in *; simpl_env in ×.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split.
    + rewrite transp_term_involution. assumption.
    + simpl_env. rewrite transp_env_term_app. rewrite transp_env_term_one.
      rewrite transp_atom_involution. rewrite transp_term_involution.
  - (transp_term x y v'). split.
    + assumption.
    + rewrite transp_env_term_app in H1. rewrite transp_env_term_one in H1.
      rewrite transp_atom_involution in H1.

Lemma RelCompose_RelPush_equivariant x y R1 z v R2 :
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y (RelCompose (RelPush R1 z v) R2))
           (RelCompose (RelPush (transp_rel x y R1)
                                (transp_atom x y z)
                                (transp_term x y v)
                       (transp_rel x y R2)
  revert R1 z v R2.
  assert ( R1 z v R2,
             RelIncl (transp_rel x y (RelCompose (RelPush R1 z v) R2))
                     (RelCompose (RelPush (transp_rel x y R1)
                                          (transp_atom x y z)
                                          (transp_term x y v)
                                 (transp_rel x y R2)
  { intros R1 z v R2 e v' [v1 [[Heq H1] H2]]. subst.
    apply (in_rel_equivariant x y) in H1.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H1.
    apply (in_rel_equivariant x y) in H2.
    rewrite transp_env_term_app in H2.
    rewrite transp_env_term_one in H2.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H2.
    rewrite transp_term_involution in H2.
     ((transp_atom x y z) ¬ (transp_term x y v) ++ e).
    - split; [ reflexivity | assumption ].
    - assumption.
  intros R1 z v R2 e v'. split; intro H0; auto.
  - apply H. assumption.
  - apply (in_rel_equivariant x y) in H0.
    apply H in H0.
    repeat rewrite transp_rel_involution in H0.
    rewrite transp_atom_involution in H0.
    repeat rewrite transp_term_involution in H0.

Additional equivariance results

Lemma remove_all_equivariant_term x y z e:
  transp_env_term x y (remove_all z e) =
  remove_all (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_term x y e).
  env induction e; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct (x0 == z); subst.
    + destruct (transp_atom x y z == transp_atom x y z); [ | contradiction ].
    + destruct (transp_atom x y x0 == transp_atom x y z).
      × exfalso. apply n. clear n.
        rewrite <- (transp_atom_involution x y x0).
        rewrite e. apply transp_atom_involution.
      × simpl_env. rewrite transp_env_term_app. rewrite transp_env_term_one.
        rewrite IHe. reflexivity.

Additional results about leq_env

Lemma leq_env_transp_present_bindings1 x1 v1 x2 v2 e:
  all_env (fun vfv v [<=] empty) e
  leq_env (x1 ¬ v1 ++ x2 ¬ v2 ++ e)
          (x1 ¬ v1 ++ x2 ¬ v2 ++ transp_env_term x1 x2 e).
  intros He x3 v3 Hget.
  simpl in Hget. simpl.
  destruct (x3 == x1); try subst x3; auto.
  destruct (x3 == x2); try subst x3; auto.
  assert (fv v3 [<=] empty) as Hfv3.
  { apply (all_env_get _ _ _ _ He) in Hget; auto. }
  apply (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x1 x2) in Hget.
  rewrite transp_atom_other in Hget; auto.
  rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Hget.
  - assumption.
  - rewrite Hfv3. auto.
  - rewrite Hfv3. auto.

Lemma leq_env_transp_present_bindings2 x1 v1 x2 v2 e:
  all_env (fun vfv v [<=] empty) e
  leq_env (x1 ¬ v1 ++ x2 ¬ v2 ++ transp_env_term x1 x2 e)
          (x1 ¬ v1 ++ x2 ¬ v2 ++ e).
  intros He x3 v3 Hget.
  simpl in Hget. simpl.
  destruct (x3 == x1); try subst x3; auto.
  destruct (x3 == x2); try subst x3; auto.
  assert (fv v3 [<=] empty) as Hfv3.
  { eapply (all_env_term_equivariant _ closed_term_equivariant x1 x2) in He.
    apply (all_env_get _ _ _ _ He) in Hget; auto.
  apply (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x1 x2).
  rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
  rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq.
  - assumption.
  - rewrite Hfv3. auto.
  - rewrite Hfv3. auto.