Coral.Transp: name transpositions

Author: Benoît Montagu
Copyright © Inria 2020 CeCILL-B License
Synopsis: Name transpositions on terms, relations, and environments thereof.

Require Export TranspCore.
Require Import Infrastructure.
Require Import Env.
Require Import SubstEnv.
Require Import Rel.

Transpositions on terms

Definitions and basic properties

This is the definition of "transposition" that is sketched on page 9 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Fixpoint transp_term x y (t: term) : term :=
  match t with
  | Var zVar (transp_atom x y z)
  | BVar nBVar n
  | Let t1 t2Let (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)
  | Lam tLam (transp_term x y t)
  | App t1 t2App (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)
  | UnitUnit
  | Pair t1 t2Pair (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)
  | Fst tFst (transp_term x y t)
  | Snd tSnd (transp_term x y t)
  | InjL tInjL (transp_term x y t)
  | InjR tInjR (transp_term x y t)
  | Match t0 t1 t2Match (transp_term x y t0) (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2)

Lemma transp_term_size x y t:
  size (transp_term y x t) = size t.
  induction t; simpl; auto.

This is the property "Symmetry" on page 10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma transp_term_swap x y t:
  transp_term x y t = transp_term y x t.
  induction t; simpl; auto;
    try rewrite transp_atom_swap; congruence.

Lemma transp_term_fresh_eq x y t:
  x `notin` fv t
  y `notin` fv t
  transp_term x y t = t.
  intros Hx Hy.
  induction t; simpl in *; auto; f_equal;
    try rewrite transp_atom_other; auto; try rewrite IHe; auto.

This is the property "Reflexivity" on page 10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma transp_term_refl x t :
  transp_term x x t = t.
  induction t; simpl; auto; f_equal;
    try rewrite transp_atom_refl; auto.

This is the property "Transitivity" on page 10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma transp_term_trans x1 x2 x3 t:
  x1 `notin` fv t
  x2 `notin` fv t
  transp_term x1 x2 (transp_term x2 x3 t) = transp_term x1 x3 t.
  intros H1 H2.
  induction t; simpl in *; auto; f_equal;
    try rewrite transp_atom_trans; auto;
      try rewrite IHe; auto.

This is the property "Involution" on page 10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma transp_term_involution x y t:
  transp_term x y (transp_term x y t) = t.
  induction t; simpl; auto; f_equal;
    try rewrite transp_atom_involution; auto.

This is the property "Composition" on page 10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma transp_term_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 t:
  transp_term x1 x2 (transp_term y1 y2 t) =
    (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
    (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
    (transp_term x1 x2 t).
  induction t; simpl; auto; f_equal;
    try rewrite transp_atom_compose; auto.

Lemma transp_term_freshL_is_subst x y t:
  x `notin` fv t
  transp_term x y t = subst (Var x) y t.
  intro Hx. induction t; simpl in *; f_equal; auto.
  - destruct (x0 == y); subst.
    + rewrite transp_atom_thisR. reflexivity.
    + rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.

Lemma transp_term_freshR_is_subst x y t:
  y `notin` fv t
  transp_term x y t = subst (Var y) x t.
  intro Hx. rewrite transp_term_swap.
  apply transp_term_freshL_is_subst; auto.

Equivariance results

Lemma fv_equivariant x y t:
  transp_atoms x y (fv t) [=] fv (transp_term x y t).
  induction t; simpl; auto using empty_equivariant, singleton_equivariant;
    try solve
        [ rewrite union_equivariant; rewrite IHt1; rewrite IHt2; reflexivity
        | repeat rewrite union_equivariant; rewrite IHt1; rewrite IHt2; rewrite IHt3; reflexivity

Lemma open_rec_equivariant x y n t1 t2:
  transp_term x y (open_rec n t1 t2) = open_rec n (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2).
  revert n. induction t2; intros; simpl in *; f_equal; auto.
  - destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec n n0); simpl; auto.
    destruct s; simpl; auto.

Lemma open_equivariant x y t1 t2:
  transp_term x y (open t1 t2) = open (transp_term x y t1) (transp_term x y t2).
  unfold open. apply open_rec_equivariant.

Lemma close_rec_equivariant x y n z t:
  transp_term x y (close_rec n z t) = close_rec n (transp_atom x y z) (transp_term x y t).
  revert n. induction t; intros; simpl in *; f_equal; auto.
  - destruct (lt_ge_dec n n0); simpl; auto.
  - destruct (z == x0); subst; simpl; auto.
    + destruct (transp_atom x y x0 == transp_atom x y x0); congruence.
    + destruct (transp_atom x y z == transp_atom x y x0); try congruence.
      exfalso. apply n0. clear n0.
      rewrite <- (transp_atom_involution x y z).
      rewrite <- (transp_atom_involution x y x0).

Lemma close_equivariant x y z t:
  transp_term x y (close z t) = close (transp_atom x y z) (transp_term x y t).
  unfold close. apply close_rec_equivariant.

Lemma close_inverse x1 t1 x2 t2:
  close x1 t1 = close x2 t2
  transp_term x1 x2 t1 = t2.
  intro H.
  destruct (x1 == x2); subst.
  - apply close_inj in H. rewrite transp_term_refl. assumption.
  - rewrite transp_term_freshR_is_subst.
    + rewrite subst_spec. rewrite H. apply open_close.
    + assert (x2 `notin` fv (close x2 t2)) as Hx2.
      { rewrite fv_close. auto. }
      rewrite <- H in Hx2. rewrite fv_close in Hx2. fsetdec.

Lemma close_rename x1 x2 t:
  (x1 = x2 x2 `notin` fv t)
  close x1 t = close x2 (transp_term x1 x2 t).
  intros [Heq | Hfresh].
  - subst. rewrite transp_term_refl. reflexivity.
  - rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq x1 x2 (close x1 t)).
    + rewrite (close_equivariant x1 x2 x1 t).
      rewrite transp_atom_thisL. reflexivity.
    + rewrite fv_close. auto.
    + rewrite fv_close. auto.

Lemma subst_equivariant x y t1 z t2:
  transp_term x y (subst t1 z t2) = subst (transp_term x y t1) (transp_atom x y z) (transp_term x y t2).
  induction t2; simpl; f_equal; auto.
  - destruct (x0 == z); subst.
    + destruct (transp_atom x y z == transp_atom x y z); congruence.
    + simpl. destruct (y == x0); subst.
      × { rewrite transp_atom_thisR. destruct (x == z); subst.
          - rewrite transp_atom_thisL. destruct (z == x0); congruence.
          - rewrite transp_atom_other; auto. destruct (x == z); congruence.
      × { destruct (x == x0); subst.
          - rewrite transp_atom_thisL. destruct (y == z); subst.
            + rewrite transp_atom_thisR. destruct (z == x0); congruence.
            + rewrite transp_atom_other; auto. destruct (y == z); congruence.
          - rewrite transp_atom_other; auto. destruct (x == z); [| destruct (y == z)]; subst.
            + rewrite transp_atom_thisL. destruct (x0 == y); congruence.
            + rewrite transp_atom_thisR. destruct (x0 == x); congruence.
            + rewrite transp_atom_other; auto. destruct (x0 == z); congruence.

Properties about free variables

Lemma fv_transp_term_newL x y t:
  x `notin` fv t
  y `in` fv t
  fv (transp_term x y t) [=] add x (remove y (fv t)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  rewrite <- fv_equivariant.
  rewrite transp_atoms_swap.
  apply transp_atoms_freshR; assumption.

Lemma fv_transp_term_newR x y t:
  x `in` fv t
  y `notin` fv t
  fv (transp_term x y t) [=] add y (remove x (fv t)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  rewrite <- fv_equivariant.
  rewrite transp_atoms_swap.
  apply transp_atoms_freshL; assumption.

Lemma fv_transp_term_not_new x y t:
  x `in` fv t
  y `in` fv t
  fv (transp_term x y t) [=] fv t.
  intros Hx Hy.
  rewrite <- fv_equivariant.
  apply transp_atoms_not_new_eq; assumption.

Support for terms

This is Definition 3.1 "Supporting set" page 11 of the ICFP'20 paper, that is specialized on terms.
Definition supported_term (S: atoms) (t: term) : Prop :=
   x y, x `notin` S y `notin` S transp_term x y t = t.

supported_term is covariant in its first argument.
Lemma supported_term_subset S1 S2 t:
  S1 [<=] S2
  supported_term S1 t
  supported_term S2 t.
  intros Hincl Hsupp x y Hx Hy.
  apply Hsupp; fsetdec.

The support of a term are its free variables. This is Lemma 3.2 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma supported_term_fv S t:
  supported_term S t fv t [<=] S.
  split; intro H.
  - intros x Hx.
    assert (x `in` S x `notin` S) as [HxS|HxS] by fsetdec; [ assumption |].
    pick fresh y for (add x S `union` fv t).
    assert (x `in` fv (transp_term x y t)) as Hx2 by (rewrite (H x y); auto).
    rewrite fv_transp_term_newR in Hx2; auto.
  - intros x y Hx Hy.
    apply transp_term_fresh_eq; auto.

Transpositions on environments of terms

Definitions and basic properties

Definition transp_env_term x y (e: env term) : env term :=
  map (transp_term x y) (transp_dom x y e).

Lemma transp_env_term_app y x (e1 e2: env term) :
  transp_env_term y x (e1 ++ e2) = transp_env_term y x e1 ++ transp_env_term y x e2.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite transp_dom_app. rewrite map_app. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_term_one y x z t:
  transp_env_term y x (z ¬ t) = (transp_atom y x z ¬ transp_term y x t).

Lemma transp_env_term_length y x (e: env term) :
  length (transp_env_term y x e) = length e.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  unfold map. rewrite map_length. rewrite transp_dom_length. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_term_swap x y (e: env term):
  transp_env_term x y e = transp_env_term y x e.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite (transp_dom_swap x y).
  unfold map. apply map_ext.
  intros [z t]. rewrite transp_term_swap. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_term_fresh_eq x y (e: env term):
  all_env (fun tfv t [<=] empty) e
  x `notin` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
  transp_env_term x y e = e.
  intros He Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite (transp_dom_fresh_eq x y); auto.
  unfold map. rewrite <- map_id. apply map_ext_in.
  intros [z t] Hin.
  assert (fv t [<=] empty).
  { rewrite all_env_in in He. eapply He; eauto. }
  rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto; fsetdec.

Lemma transp_env_term_refl x (e: env term) :
  transp_env_term x x e = e.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite transp_dom_refl.
  unfold map. rewrite <- map_id. apply map_ext.
  intros [y t]. rewrite transp_term_refl. auto.

Lemma transp_env_term_trans x1 x2 x3 (e: env term) :
  all_env (fun tfv t [<=] empty) e
  x1 `notin` dom e
  x2 `notin` dom e
  transp_env_term x1 x2 (transp_env_term x2 x3 e) = transp_env_term x1 x3 e.
  intros He H1 H2.
  unfold transp_env_term. rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  rewrite transp_dom_trans; auto.
  unfold map. rewrite map_map. apply map_ext_in.
  intros [y t] Hy.
  assert (fv t [<=] empty).
  { rewrite transp_dom_swap in Hy.
    rewrite <- (transp_atom_involution x3 x1 y) in Hy.
    apply in_transp_dom in Hy; auto.
    rewrite all_env_in in He. eapply He; eauto.
  rewrite transp_term_trans; auto.
  - fsetdec.
  - fsetdec.

Lemma transp_env_term_involution x y (e: env term):
  transp_env_term x y (transp_env_term x y e) = e.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  rewrite transp_dom_involution.
  unfold map. rewrite map_map.
  rewrite <- map_id. apply map_ext.
  intros [z t]. rewrite transp_term_involution. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_term_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 (e: env term):
  transp_env_term x1 x2 (transp_env_term y1 y2 e) =
    (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
    (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
    (transp_env_term x1 x2 e).
  unfold transp_env_term.
  repeat rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  unfold map. repeat rewrite map_map.
  rewrite transp_dom_compose.
  apply map_ext.
  intros [z t]. rewrite transp_term_compose. reflexivity.

Properties of get

Lemma get_transp_env_term_equivariant x y z (e: env term):
  option_map (transp_term x y) (get z e) = get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_term x y e).
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite <- get_transp_dom_equivariant.

Lemma get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y z t (e: env term):
  get z e = Some t get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_term x y e) = Some (transp_term x y t).
  rewrite <- get_transp_env_term_equivariant.
  split; intro H.
  - rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - case_eq (get z e); intros.
    + f_equal.
      rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H.
      inversion H; subst.
      rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y t0).
      rewrite H2. rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H. discriminate.

Lemma get_transp_env_term_None_equivariant x y z (e: env term):
  get z e = None get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_term x y e) = None.
  rewrite <- get_transp_env_term_equivariant.
  split; intro H.
  - rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - case_eq (get z e); intros.
    + rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H. discriminate.
    + reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_term_this x y (e: env term):
  all_env (fun tfv t [<=] empty) e
  y `notin` dom e
  get y (transp_env_term x y e) = get x e.
  intros He Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite get_map.
  rewrite get_transp_dom_this; auto.
  case_eq (get x e); intros; auto.
  assert (fv t [<=] empty) by (eapply all_env_get in He; eauto).
  rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto; fsetdec.

Lemma get_transp_env_term_old x y (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  get x (transp_env_term x y e) = get y e.
  intros Hy Hneq.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom_old; auto.
  case_eq (get y e); intros; auto.
  apply get_in_dom in H. fsetdec.

Lemma get_transp_env_term_old_removed x y (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  get x (transp_env_term x y e) = None.
  intros Hy Hneq.
  rewrite get_transp_env_term_old; auto.
  apply get_notin_dom. auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_term_other z x y (e: env term):
  z y
  z x
  get z (transp_env_term x y e) = option_map (transp_term x y) (get z e).
  intros Hz1 Hz2.
  unfold transp_env_term, option_map.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom_other; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_term x y z (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_term x y e) = option_map (transp_term x y) (get z e).
  intro Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term, option_map.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom; auto.

Properties of In

Lemma in_transp_env_term_this x y a (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  In (y, a) (transp_env_term x y e) In (x, transp_term x y a) e.
  intro Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  unfold map. rewrite in_map_iff.
  - intros [[z t] [Heq H]]. inversion Heq; subst. clear Heq.
    rewrite in_transp_dom_this in H; auto.
    rewrite transp_term_involution. assumption.
  - intro H.
     (y, transp_term x y a). split.
    + rewrite transp_term_involution. reflexivity.
    + rewrite in_transp_dom_this; auto.

Lemma in_transp_env_term_old x y a (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  In (x, a) (transp_env_term x y e) In (y, transp_term x y a) e.
  intros Hy Hneq.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  unfold map. rewrite in_map_iff.
  - intros [[z t] [Heq H]].
    inversion Heq; subst. clear Heq.
    rewrite in_transp_dom_old in H; auto.
    rewrite transp_term_involution. assumption.
  - intro H.
     (x, transp_term x y a). split.
    + rewrite transp_term_involution. reflexivity.
    + rewrite in_transp_dom_old; auto.

Lemma in_transp_env_term_old_removed x y a (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  ¬ In (x, a) (transp_env_term x y e).
  intros Hy Hneq.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  unfold map. rewrite in_map_iff.
  intros [[z t] [Heq H]].
  inversion Heq; subst. clear Heq.
  eapply in_transp_dom_old_removed; eauto.

Lemma in_transp_env_term_other z x y a (e: env term):
  z y
  z x
  In (z, a) (transp_env_term x y e) In (z, transp_term x y a) e.
  intros Hz1 Hz2.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  unfold map. rewrite in_map_iff.
  - intros [[z' t] [Heq H]].
    inversion Heq; subst. clear Heq.
    rewrite in_transp_dom_other in H; auto.
    rewrite transp_term_involution. assumption.
  - intro H. (z, transp_term x y a). split.
    + rewrite transp_term_involution. reflexivity.
    + rewrite in_transp_dom_other; auto.

Lemma in_transp_env_term x y z a (e: env term):
  y `notin` dom e
  In (transp_atom x y z, transp_term x y a) (transp_env_term x y e) In (z, a) e.
  intro Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  unfold map. rewrite in_map_iff.
  - intros [[z' t] [Heq H]].
    inversion Heq; subst. clear Heq.
    assert (t = a); subst.
    { rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y t).
      rewrite <- (transp_term_involution x y a).
    apply in_transp_dom in H; auto.
  - intro H. (transp_atom x y z, a). split; auto.
    apply in_transp_dom; auto.

Properties of dom

Lemma dom_equivariant_term x y (e: env term):
  transp_atoms x y (dom e) [=] dom (transp_env_term x y e).
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_equivariant.

Lemma dom_transp_env_term_fresh_eq x y (e: env term):
  x `notin` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
 dom (transp_env_term x y e) [=] dom e.
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_fresh_eq; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_term_newL x y (e: env term):
  x `notin` dom e
  y `in` dom e
 dom (transp_env_term x y e) [=] add x (remove y (dom e)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_newL; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_term_newR x y (e: env term):
  x `in` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
 dom (transp_env_term x y e) [=] add y (remove x (dom e)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_newR; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_term_not_new x y (e: env term):
  x `in` dom e
  y `in` dom e
 dom (transp_env_term x y e) [=] dom e.
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_term.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_not_new; auto.

Equivariance results

Lemma subst_env_equivariant x y e t:
  transp_term x y (subst_env e t) = subst_env (transp_env_term x y e) (transp_term x y t).
  revert t. env induction e; intros; simpl; auto.
  rewrite IHe. rewrite subst_equivariant. reflexivity.

Transpositions and support on relations between environments of terms and terms

Definitions and basic properties

This is the definition of transposition on relations that is "sketched" on page 10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Definition transp_rel x y (R: rel (env term) term) : rel (env term) term :=
  Rel _ _
      (fun e vin_rel R (transp_env_term x y e) (transp_term x y v)).

This is Definition 3.1 "Supporting set" page 11 of the ICFP'20 paper, that is specialized on relations.
Definition supported_rel (S: atoms) (R: rel (env term) term) : Prop :=
   x y, x `notin` S y `notin` S RelEquiv (transp_rel x y R) R.

Lemma supported_rel_subset (S1 S2: atoms) R:
  S1 [<=] S2
  supported_rel S1 R
  supported_rel S2 R.
  intros HS H1 x y Hx Hy.
  apply (H1 x y); auto.

Lemma transp_rel_swap x y R:
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y R) (transp_rel y x R).
  intros e v.
  split; intro H; simpl in *;
    rewrite transp_env_term_swap; rewrite transp_term_swap; assumption.

Lemma transp_rel_fresh_eq S x y R:
  supported_rel S R
  x `notin` S
  y `notin` S
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y R) R.
  intros HS Hx Hy. eauto.

Lemma transp_rel_refl x R :
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x x R) R.
  intros e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_env_term_refl in H. rewrite transp_term_refl in H. assumption.
  - rewrite transp_env_term_refl. rewrite transp_term_refl. assumption.

Lemma transp_rel_trans S x1 x2 x3 R:
  supported_rel S R
  x1 `notin` S
  x2 `notin` S
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x1 x2 (transp_rel x2 x3 R)) (transp_rel x1 x3 R).
  intros HS H1 H2.
  destruct (x1 == x2); subst.
  - rewrite transp_rel_refl. reflexivity.
  - intros e v; split; intro Hev; simpl in ×.
    + destruct (x1 == x3); [| destruct (x2 == x3)]; subst.
      × rewrite (transp_env_term_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite transp_env_term_refl.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
      × rewrite transp_env_term_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
      × apply (HS x1 x2) in Hev; auto.
        simpl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_env_term_compose in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_compose in Hev.
        rewrite transp_atom_thisR in Hev.
        rewrite transp_atom_other in Hev; auto.
        rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
    + destruct (x1 == x3); [| destruct (x2 == x3)]; subst.
      × rewrite (transp_env_term_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
        rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_term_involution.
        rewrite transp_env_term_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
      × rewrite transp_env_term_refl.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
      × apply (HS x1 x2); auto.
        rewrite transp_env_term_compose.
        rewrite transp_term_compose.
        rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
        rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
        rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
        rewrite transp_term_involution.

Lemma transp_rel_involution x y R:
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y (transp_rel x y R)) R.
  intros e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H. rewrite transp_term_involution in H. assumption.
  - rewrite transp_env_term_involution. rewrite transp_term_involution. assumption.

Lemma transp_rel_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 R:
    (transp_rel x1 x2 (transp_rel y1 y2 R))
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
       (transp_rel x1 x2 R)).
  intros e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_env_term_compose. rewrite transp_term_compose.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution.
  - rewrite transp_env_term_compose in H. rewrite transp_term_compose in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.

Equivariance results

Lemma RelEquiv_equivariant x y R1 R2:
  RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2).
  revert R1 R2.
  assert ( R1 R2, RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  { intros R1 R2 H12 e v. split; intro H; simpl in *; apply H12; auto. }
  intros R1 R2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  repeat rewrite transp_rel_involution in H12.

Lemma RelIncl_equivariant x y R1 R2:
  RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2).
  revert R1 R2.
  assert ( R1 R2, RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (transp_rel x y R1) (transp_rel x y R2)).
  { intros R1 R2 H12 e v H; simpl in *; apply H12; auto. }
  intros R1 R2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  repeat rewrite transp_rel_involution in H12.

Lemma in_rel_equivariant x y R e v:
  in_rel R e v in_rel (transp_rel x y R) (transp_env_term x y e) (transp_term x y v).
  rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
  rewrite transp_term_involution.

Add Parametric Morphism: transp_rel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> RelEquiv ==> RelEquiv
      as transp_rel_morphism_eq.
  intros x y R1 R2 HR.
  intros e v. split; intro Hev; simpl in *; apply HR; assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism: transp_rel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> RelIncl ==> RelIncl
      as transp_rel_morphism_incl.
  intros x y R1 R2 HR.
  intros e v Hev; simpl in ×.
  apply HR. assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism: supported_rel
    with signature AtomSetImpl.Equal ==> RelEquiv ==> iff
      as supported_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros S1 S2 HS R1 R2 HR.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- HR. rewrite <- HS in Hx. rewrite <- HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.
  - rewrite HR. rewrite HS in Hx. rewrite HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.

Lemma supported_rel_equivariant x y S R:
  supported_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_rel x y R) supported_rel S R.
  revert S R.
  assert ( S R, supported_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_rel x y R)
                 supported_rel S R).
  { intros S R H.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    apply (RelEquiv_equivariant x y).
    rewrite transp_rel_compose.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz1.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz2.
    apply (H _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
  intros S R; split; intro H'; auto.
  rewrite <- (transp_atoms_involution x y) in H'.
  rewrite <- (transp_rel_involution x y) in H'.
  apply H in H'.

Transpositions and support on atom-indexed families of relations

Definitions and basic properties

Definition transp_family_rel x y (R: atom rel (env term) term) : atom rel (env term) term :=
  fun ztransp_rel x y (R (transp_atom x y z)).

Lemma transp_family_rel_swap x y S R:
  FamilyRelEquiv S (transp_family_rel x y R) (transp_family_rel y x R).
  intros z Hz e v.
  split; intro H; simpl in *;
    rewrite transp_atom_swap;
    rewrite transp_env_term_swap;
    rewrite transp_term_swap;

Definition supported_family_rel (S: atoms) (R: atom rel (env term) term) : Prop :=
   x y, x `notin` S y `notin` S FamilyRelEquiv S (transp_family_rel x y R) R.

Lemma supported_family_rel_subset (S1 S2: atoms) R:
  S1 [<=] S2
  supported_family_rel S1 R
  supported_family_rel S2 R.
  intros HS H1 x y Hx Hy.
  eapply FamilyRelEquiv_subset; eauto.
  apply (H1 x y); auto.

Lemma transp_family_rel_fresh_eq S x y R:
  supported_family_rel S R
  x `notin` S
  y `notin` S
  FamilyRelEquiv S (transp_family_rel x y R) R.
  intros HS Hx Hy. eauto.

Lemma transp_family_rel_refl x S R :
  FamilyRelEquiv S (transp_family_rel x x R) R.
  intros z Hz e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_atom_refl in H.
    rewrite transp_env_term_refl in H.
    rewrite transp_term_refl in H.
  - rewrite transp_atom_refl.
    rewrite transp_env_term_refl.
    rewrite transp_term_refl.

Lemma transp_family_rel_trans S x1 x2 x3 R:
  supported_family_rel S R
  x1 `notin` S
  x2 `notin` S
  x3 `notin` S
  FamilyRelEquiv S
    (transp_family_rel x1 x2 (transp_family_rel x2 x3 R))
    (transp_family_rel x1 x3 R).
  intros HS H1 H2 H3.
  destruct (x1 == x2); subst.
  - rewrite transp_family_rel_refl. reflexivity.
  - intros z Hz e v; split; intro Hev; simpl in ×.
    + destruct (x1 == x3); [| destruct (x2 == x3)]; subst.
      × rewrite (transp_atom_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_atom_involution in Hev.
        rewrite (transp_env_term_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite transp_atom_refl.
        rewrite transp_env_term_refl.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
      × rewrite transp_atom_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_env_term_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
      × { apply (HS x1 x2) in Hev; auto.
          - simpl in Hev.
            rewrite transp_atom_compose in Hev.
            rewrite transp_env_term_compose in Hev.
            rewrite transp_term_compose in Hev.
            rewrite transp_atom_thisR in Hev.
            rewrite (transp_atom_other x1 x2 x3) in Hev; auto.
            rewrite transp_atom_involution in Hev.
            rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hev.
            rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
          - destruct (z == x1); [| destruct (z == x2)]; subst.
            + repeat rewrite transp_atom_thisL. assumption.
            + rewrite transp_atom_thisR. rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
            + rewrite (transp_atom_other x1 x2); auto.
              destruct (x3 == z); subst.
              × rewrite transp_atom_thisR. assumption.
              × rewrite (transp_atom_other x2 x3); auto.
    + destruct (x1 == x3); [| destruct (x2 == x3)]; subst.
      × rewrite (transp_atom_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_atom_involution.
        rewrite (transp_env_term_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
        rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_term_involution.
        rewrite transp_atom_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_env_term_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
      × rewrite transp_atom_refl.
        rewrite transp_env_term_refl.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
      × { apply (HS x1 x2); auto.
          - destruct (z == x1); [| destruct (z == x2)]; subst.
            + repeat rewrite transp_atom_thisL. assumption.
            + rewrite transp_atom_thisR. rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
            + rewrite (transp_atom_other x1 x2); auto.
              destruct (x3 == z); subst.
              × rewrite transp_atom_thisR. assumption.
              × rewrite (transp_atom_other x2 x3); auto.
          - simpl.
            rewrite transp_atom_compose.
            rewrite transp_env_term_compose.
            rewrite transp_term_compose.
            rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
            rewrite (transp_atom_other x1 x2 x3); auto.
            rewrite transp_atom_involution.
            rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
            rewrite transp_term_involution.

Lemma transp_family_rel_involution x y S R:
  FamilyRelEquiv S (transp_family_rel x y (transp_family_rel x y R)) R.
  intros z Hz e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H.
    rewrite transp_term_involution in H.
  - rewrite transp_atom_involution.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
    rewrite transp_term_involution.

Lemma transp_family_rel_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 S R:
  FamilyRelEquiv S
    (transp_family_rel x1 x2 (transp_family_rel y1 y2 R))
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
       (transp_family_rel x1 x2 R)).
  intros z Hz e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_atom_compose.
    rewrite transp_env_term_compose.
    rewrite transp_term_compose.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution.
  - rewrite transp_atom_compose in H.
    rewrite transp_env_term_compose in H.
    rewrite transp_term_compose in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.

Parametric families

Definition parametric_family_rel S R : Prop :=
   x y,
    x `notin` S
    y `notin` S
    RelEquiv (transp_rel x y (R x)) (R y).

Lemma supported_family_rel_intro S R:
  ( z, z `notin` S supported_rel (add z S) (R z))
  parametric_family_rel S R
  supported_family_rel S R.
  intros H Hrename x y Hx Hy.
  destruct (x == y); subst.
  - rewrite transp_family_rel_refl. reflexivity.
  - intros z Hz e v. simpl.
    destruct (x == z); [| destruct (y == z)]; subst.
    + rewrite transp_atom_thisL.
      rewrite <- (Hrename y z); auto.
      rewrite (transp_rel_swap y z).
      rewrite (in_rel_equivariant z y).
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
      rewrite <- (Hrename x z); auto.
      rewrite (in_rel_equivariant x z).
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
    + rewrite <- (H z Hz x y); auto.
      rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.

Lemma supported_family_parametric S R:
  supported_family_rel S R
  parametric_family_rel S R.
  intros H x y Hx Hy e v. simpl.
  transitivity (in_rel (transp_family_rel x y R y) e v).
  - simpl. rewrite transp_atom_thisR. reflexivity.
  - rewrite (H x y Hx Hy y); auto.

Lemma supported_family_instantiate S R:
  supported_family_rel S R
  ( z, z `notin` S supported_rel (add z S) (R z)).
  intros H z Hz x y Hx Hy e v. simpl.
  transitivity (in_rel (transp_family_rel x y R (transp_atom x y z)) e v).
  - simpl. rewrite transp_atom_involution. reflexivity.
  - assert (x `notin` S) as Hx2 by fsetdec.
    assert (y `notin` S) as Hy2 by fsetdec.
    rewrite (H x y Hx2 Hy2 (transp_atom x y z)); auto.
    + rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
    + rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.

Lemma supported_family_iff S R:
  supported_family_rel S R
   (parametric_family_rel S R ( z, z `notin` S supported_rel (add z S) (R z))).
  split; intro.
  - split.
    + apply supported_family_parametric. assumption.
    + apply supported_family_instantiate. assumption.
  - apply supported_family_rel_intro; tauto.

Lemma parametric_family_rel_subset S1 S2 R:
  S1 [<=] S2
  parametric_family_rel S1 R
  parametric_family_rel S2 R.
  intros HS H x y Hx Hy. apply H; fsetdec.

Name abstraction

Definition lambda_rel (x: atom) (R: rel (env term) term) : atom rel (env term) term :=
  fun ytransp_rel y x R.

Add Parametric Morphism : lambda_rel
    with signature eq ==> RelEquiv ==> pointwise RelEquiv
      as lambda_rel_morphism_pointwise_equiv.
  intros x R1 R2 HR.
  intros y.
  intros e v. split; intro Hev; simpl in *; apply HR; assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism : lambda_rel
    with signature eq ==> RelEquiv ==> eq ==> RelEquiv
      as lambda_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros x R1 R2 HR. apply lambda_rel_morphism_pointwise_equiv; auto.

Add Parametric Morphism S: lambda_rel
    with signature eq ==> RelEquiv ==> (FamilyRelEquiv S)
      as lambda_rel_morphism_family_equiv.
  intros x R1 R2 HR.
  rewrite HR. reflexivity.

Add Parametric Morphism : lambda_rel
    with signature eq ==> RelIncl ==> pointwise RelIncl
      as lambda_rel_morphism_pointwise_incl.
  intros x R1 R2 HR.
  intros y.
  intros e v. intro Hev; simpl in *; apply HR; assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism : lambda_rel
    with signature eq ==> RelIncl ==> eq ==> RelIncl
      as lambda_rel_morphism_incl.
  intros x R1 R2 HR. apply lambda_rel_morphism_pointwise_incl; auto.

Lemma parametric_family_rel_lambda_rel S x R:
  supported_rel (add x S) R
  parametric_family_rel S (lambda_rel x R).
  intros Hsupp y z Hy Hz.
  unfold lambda_rel.
  destruct (x == y); [| destruct (x == z)]; subst.
  - rewrite transp_rel_refl. rewrite transp_rel_swap. reflexivity.
  - rewrite transp_rel_involution. rewrite transp_rel_refl. reflexivity.
  - rewrite (transp_rel_swap y z).
    rewrite transp_rel_trans; eauto.

Lemma lambda_rel_self x R:
  RelEquiv (lambda_rel x R x) R.
  unfold lambda_rel. rewrite transp_rel_refl. reflexivity.

Lemma lambda_rel_ext S x R:
  x `notin` S
  parametric_family_rel S R
  FamilyRelEquiv S (lambda_rel x (R x)) R.
  intros Hx H z Hz z1 z2. unfold lambda_rel.
  rewrite transp_rel_swap.
  rewrite (H x z); auto.

Lemma lambda_rel_equivariant S x y z R:
  FamilyRelEquiv S
                 (transp_family_rel x y (lambda_rel z R))
                 (lambda_rel (transp_atom x y z) (transp_rel x y R)).
  intros z' Hz' t1 t2.
  rewrite (transp_env_term_compose x y).
  rewrite transp_atom_involution.
  rewrite (transp_term_compose x y).
  rewrite transp_atom_involution.

Morphism results

Add Parametric Morphism x y S: (transp_family_rel x y)
    with signature FamilyRelEquiv S ==> FamilyRelEquiv (transp_atoms x y S)
      as transp_family_rel_morphism_eq.
  intros R1 R2 HR.
  intros z Hz e v. simpl.
  apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz.
  rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hz.
  rewrite (HR _ Hz).

Add Parametric Morphism S: (supported_family_rel S)
    with signature FamilyRelEquiv S ==> iff
      as supported_family_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros R1 R2 HR.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy z Hz e v.
  - simpl.
    specialize (H _ _ Hx Hy _ Hz e v).
    simpl in H.
    rewrite (HR (transp_atom x y z)) in H.
    + rewrite (HR z) in H; auto.
    + destruct (z == x); [| destruct (z == y)]; subst.
      × rewrite transp_atom_thisL. assumption.
      × rewrite transp_atom_thisR. assumption.
      × rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
  - simpl.
    specialize (H _ _ Hx Hy _ Hz e v).
    simpl in H.
    rewrite (HR (transp_atom x y z)).
    + rewrite (HR z); auto.
    + destruct (z == x); [| destruct (z == y)]; subst.
      × rewrite transp_atom_thisL. assumption.
      × rewrite transp_atom_thisR. assumption.
      × rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.

Add Parametric Morphism: supported_family_rel
    with signature AtomSetImpl.Equal ==> eq ==> iff
      as supported_family_rel_morphism_equiv_set.
  intros S1 S2 HS R.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- HS. rewrite <- HS in Hx. rewrite <- HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.
  - rewrite HS. rewrite HS in Hx. rewrite HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.

Add Parametric Morphism S: (parametric_family_rel S)
    with signature FamilyRelEquiv S ==> iff
      as parametric_family_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros R1 R2 HR.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- (HR x); auto. rewrite <- (HR y); auto.
  - rewrite (HR x); auto. rewrite (HR y); auto.

Add Parametric Morphism: parametric_family_rel
    with signature AtomSetImpl.Equal ==> eq ==> iff
      as parametric_family_rel_morphism_equiv_set.
  intros S1 S2 HS R.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- HS in Hx. rewrite <- HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.
  - rewrite HS in Hx. rewrite HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.

Equivariance results

Lemma FamilyRelEquiv_equivariant x y S R1 R2:
  FamilyRelEquiv S R1 R2 FamilyRelEquiv (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R1) (transp_family_rel x y R2).
  revert S R1 R2.
  assert ( S R1 R2, FamilyRelEquiv S R1 R2 FamilyRelEquiv (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R1) (transp_family_rel x y R2)).
  { intros S R1 R2 H12 z Hz e v.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz.
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hz.
    split; intro H; simpl in *; apply H12; auto.
  intros S R1 R2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  rewrite transp_atoms_involution in H12.
  repeat rewrite transp_family_rel_involution in H12.

Lemma supported_family_rel_equivariant x y S R:
  supported_family_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R) supported_family_rel S R.
  split; intros H z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
  - apply (FamilyRelEquiv_equivariant x y).
    rewrite transp_family_rel_compose.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz1.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz2.
    apply (H _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
  - apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz1.
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hz1.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz2.
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hz2.
    specialize (H _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    intros z Hz.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz.
    rewrite transp_atoms_involution in Hz.
    specialize (H _ Hz).
    intros e v.
    specialize (H (transp_env_term x y e) (transp_term x y v)).
    simpl in H.
    rewrite transp_atom_compose.
    rewrite transp_env_term_compose.
    rewrite transp_term_compose.

Lemma parametric_family_rel_equivariant x y S R:
  parametric_family_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R) parametric_family_rel S R.
  revert S R.
  assert ( S R, parametric_family_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_family_rel x y R)
                 parametric_family_rel S R).
  { intros S R H.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    unfold parametric_family_rel in H.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz1.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz2.
    specialize (H _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    apply (RelEquiv_equivariant x y) in H.
    rewrite transp_rel_compose in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.
    intros e v.
    specialize (H e v).
    simpl in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_term_involution in H.
    rewrite <- H.
  intros S R; split; intro H'; auto.
  rewrite <- (transp_atoms_involution x y) in H'.
  rewrite <- (transp_family_rel_involution x y) in H'.
  apply H in H'.

Transpositions on relations between terms

Definitions and basic properties

Definition transp_vrel x y (R: rel term term) : rel term term :=
  Rel _ _
      (fun v1 v2in_rel R (transp_term x y v1) (transp_term x y v2)).

Definition supported_vrel (S: atoms) (R: rel term term) : Prop :=
   x y, x `notin` S y `notin` S RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y R) R.

Lemma supported_vrel_subset (S1 S2: atoms) R:
  S1 [<=] S2
  supported_vrel S1 R
  supported_vrel S2 R.
  intros HS H1 x y Hx Hy.
  apply (H1 x y); auto.

Lemma transp_vrel_swap x y R:
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y R) (transp_vrel y x R).
  intros e v.
  split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - repeat rewrite (transp_term_swap y x). assumption.
  - repeat rewrite (transp_term_swap x y). assumption.

Lemma transp_vrel_fresh_eq S x y R:
  supported_vrel S R
  x `notin` S
  y `notin` S
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y R) R.
  intros HS Hx Hy. eauto.

Lemma transp_vrel_refl x R :
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x x R) R.
  intros e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_term_refl in H. rewrite transp_term_refl in H. assumption.
  - rewrite transp_term_refl. rewrite transp_term_refl. assumption.

Lemma transp_vrel_trans S x1 x2 x3 R:
  supported_vrel S R
  x1 `notin` S
  x2 `notin` S
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x1 x2 (transp_vrel x2 x3 R)) (transp_vrel x1 x3 R).
  intros HS H1 H2.
  destruct (x1 == x2); subst.
  - rewrite transp_vrel_refl. reflexivity.
  - intros e v; split; intro Hev; simpl in ×.
    + destruct (x1 == x3); [| destruct (x2 == x3)]; subst.
      × rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
      × rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
      × apply (HS x1 x2) in Hev; auto.
        simpl in Hev.
        rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2 x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2 x2 x3) in Hev.
        rewrite transp_atom_thisR in Hev.
        rewrite transp_atom_other in Hev; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_involution in Hev.
    + destruct (x1 == x3); [| destruct (x2 == x3)]; subst.
      × rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_term_involution.
        rewrite (transp_term_swap x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_term_involution.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
        rewrite transp_term_refl in Hev.
      × rewrite transp_term_refl.
        rewrite transp_term_refl.
      × apply (HS x1 x2); auto.
        rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2 x2 x3).
        rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2 x2 x3).
        rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
        rewrite transp_atom_other; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_involution.
        rewrite transp_term_involution.

Lemma transp_vrel_involution x y R:
  RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y (transp_vrel x y R)) R.
  intros e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite transp_term_involution in H. rewrite transp_term_involution in H. assumption.
  - rewrite transp_term_involution. rewrite transp_term_involution. assumption.

Lemma transp_vrel_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 R:
    (transp_vrel x1 x2 (transp_vrel y1 y2 R))
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
       (transp_vrel x1 x2 R)).
  intros e v. split; intro H; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2).
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution.
    rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2).
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution.
  - rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2) in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.
    rewrite (transp_term_compose x1 x2) in H.
    repeat rewrite transp_atom_involution in H.

Equivariance results

Lemma RelEquiv_equivariant_vrel x y R1 R2:
  RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2).
  revert R1 R2.
  assert ( R1 R2, RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (transp_vrel x y R1) (transp_vrel x y R2)).
  { intros R1 R2 H12 e v. split; intro H; simpl in *; apply H12; auto. }
  intros R1 R2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  repeat rewrite transp_vrel_involution in H12.

Lemma in_vrel_equivariant x y R v1 v2:
  in_rel R v1 v2 in_rel (transp_vrel x y R) (transp_term x y v1) (transp_term x y v2).
  rewrite transp_term_involution.
  rewrite transp_term_involution.

Add Parametric Morphism: transp_vrel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> RelEquiv ==> RelEquiv
      as transp_vrel_morphism_eq.
  intros x y R1 R2 HR.
  intros e v. split; intro Hev; simpl in *; apply HR; assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism: transp_vrel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> RelIncl ==> RelIncl
      as transp_vrel_morphism_incl.
  intros x y R1 R2 HR.
  intros e v Hev; simpl in ×.
  apply HR. assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism: supported_vrel
    with signature AtomSetImpl.Equal ==> RelEquiv ==> iff
      as supported_vrel_morphism_equiv.
  intros S1 S2 HS R1 R2 HR.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- HR. rewrite <- HS in Hx. rewrite <- HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.
  - rewrite HR. rewrite HS in Hx. rewrite HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.

Equivalent environments of relations

Definitions and basic properties

Fixpoint env_rel_equiv {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)) { struct e1 } : Prop :=
  match e1, e2 with
  | nil, nilTrue
  | _ :: _, nil | nil, _ :: _False
  | (x1, R1) :: e1, (x2, R2) :: e2
    x1 = x2 RelEquiv R1 R2 env_rel_equiv e1 e2

Lemma env_rel_equiv_refl {A B} (e: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_equiv e e.
  env induction e; simpl; auto.
  split; [| split]; auto.

Lemma env_rel_equiv_sym {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  env_rel_equiv e2 e1.
  revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros; (destruct e2; [| destruct p]); simpl in *; auto.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]; subst.
  split; [| split]; auto.
  symmetry. assumption.

Lemma env_rel_equiv_trans {A B} (e1 e2 e3: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  env_rel_equiv e2 e3
  env_rel_equiv e1 e3.
  revert e2 e3.
  env induction e1; intros;
    (destruct e2 as [| p2 e2]; [| destruct p2]);
    (destruct e3 as [| p3 e3]; [| destruct p3]);
    simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]].
  destruct H0 as [? [? ?]].
  split; [| split]; eauto.
  etransitivity; eassumption.

Properties of get

Lemma env_rel_equiv_get {A B} x (R1 R2: rel A B) e1 e2:
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  get x e1 = Some R1
  get x e2 = Some R2
  RelEquiv R1 R2.
  revert R1 e2 R2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [y Ry] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try discriminate.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  destruct (x == y); subst.
  - inversion H0; subst. clear H0. inversion H1; subst. clear H1.
  - eauto.

Lemma env_rel_equiv_get_None {A B} x (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  get x e1 = None get x e2 = None.
  revert x e1 e2.
  assert ( x (e1 e2: env (rel A B)),
             env_rel_equiv e1 e2 get x e1 = None get x e2 = None).
  { intros x e1.
    env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [y Ry] e2]; simpl in *;
      auto; try contradiction.
    destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
    destruct (x == y); subst; try discriminate.
  intros x e1 e2 H12. split; intro Hx; eauto.
  apply env_rel_equiv_sym in H12. eauto.

Properties of map

Lemma env_rel_equiv_map_in {A B C D}
      (f1: rel A B rel C D) e1 (f2: rel A B rel C D) e2:
  ( x R1 R2, In (x, R1) e1 RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (f1 R1) (f2 R2))
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  env_rel_equiv (map f1 e1) (map f2 e2).
  intro Hf. revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [x2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  split; [| split]; auto.
  - eapply Hf; eauto.
  - eauto.

Lemma env_rel_equiv_map {A B C D}
      (f1: rel A B rel C D) e1 (f2: rel A B rel C D) e2:
  ( R1 R2, RelEquiv R1 R2 RelEquiv (f1 R1) (f2 R2))
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  env_rel_equiv (map f1 e1) (map f2 e2).
  intro Hf. revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [x2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  split; [| split]; auto.

Properties of dom

Lemma env_rel_equiv_dom {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  dom e1 [=] dom e2.
  intros H x. split; intro Hx.
  - case_eq (get x e2); intros; eauto using get_in_dom.
    rewrite <- env_rel_equiv_get_None in H0; eauto.
    apply get_notin_dom in H0. fsetdec.
  - case_eq (get x e1); intros; eauto using get_in_dom.
    rewrite env_rel_equiv_get_None in H0; eauto.
    apply get_notin_dom in H0. fsetdec.

Morphism results

Add Parametric Relation A B: (env (rel A B)) (@env_rel_equiv A B)
    reflexivity proved by env_rel_equiv_refl
    symmetry proved by env_rel_equiv_sym
    transitivity proved by env_rel_equiv_trans
      as env_rel_equiv_rel.

Add Parametric Morphism : (@app (atom × rel (env term) term))
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> env_rel_equiv ==> env_rel_equiv
      as app_morphism_env_rel_equiv.
  intros e1 e3 H13 e2 e4 H24.
  revert e3 H13 e2 e4 H24.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e3 as [| [y Ry] e3]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H13 as [? [? ?]]. subst. split; [| split]; auto.

Add Parametric Morphism A B: (@dom (rel A B))
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> AtomSetImpl.Equal
      as dom_morphism_env_rel_equiv.
  exact env_rel_equiv_dom.

Add Parametric Morphism : RelGather
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> RelEquiv
      as RelGather_morphism_equiv.
  intros E1 E2 H.
  intros e v; split; intros [Hegood [Hvgood Hev]]; (split; [| split]); auto.
  - intros x R Hx.
    case_eq (get x E1); intros.
    + specialize (Hev _ _ H0). destruct Hev as [v' [Hget Hr]].
       v'. split; auto.
      assert (RelEquiv r R) as Heq by eauto using env_rel_equiv_get.
      rewrite <- Heq. assumption.
    + rewrite (env_rel_equiv_get_None x E1 E2) in H0; auto. congruence.
  - intros x R Hx.
    case_eq (get x E2); intros.
    + specialize (Hev _ _ H0). destruct Hev as [v' [Hget Hr]].
       v'. split; auto.
      assert (RelEquiv R r) as Heq by eauto using env_rel_equiv_get.
      rewrite Heq. assumption.
    + rewrite <- (env_rel_equiv_get_None x E1 E2) in H0; auto. congruence.

Add Parametric Morphism A B: (@uniq (rel A B))
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> iff
      as uniq_morphism_equiv.
  intros e1.
  env induction e1; intros [| [y R2] e2] Hequiv; simpl in Hequiv; try contradiction.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct Hequiv as [Heq [HRelEquiv HEnvEquiv]]. subst y.
    simpl. specialize (IHe1 _ HEnvEquiv).
    split; intro H; inversion H; subst; apply IHe1 in H2.
    + rewrite HEnvEquiv in H4. auto.
    + rewrite <- HEnvEquiv in H4. auto.

Add Parametric Morphism A B (P: rel A B Prop)
    (HPmorphism: R1 R2, RelEquiv R1 R2 P R1 P R2):
  (all_env P)
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> iff
      as all_env_morphism_env_rel_equiv.
  intros E1.
  env induction E1; intros [| [x2 R2] E2] HequivE; simpl in *; try tauto.
  destruct HequivE as [Heqx [HequivR HequivE]]. subst x2.
  rewrite (HPmorphism _ _ HequivR).
  rewrite (IHE1 _ HequivE).

Included environments of relations

Definitions and basic properties

Fixpoint env_rel_incl {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)) { struct e1 } : Prop :=
  match e1, e2 with
  | nil, nilTrue
  | _ :: _, nil | nil, _ :: _False
  | (x1, R1) :: e1, (x2, R2) :: e2
    x1 = x2 RelIncl R1 R2 env_rel_incl e1 e2

Lemma env_rel_incl_refl_equiv {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2
  env_rel_incl e1 e2.
  revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros e2 H; simpl; auto.
  destruct e2 as [| [x2 a2]]; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]].
  split; [| split]; auto.

Lemma env_rel_incl_refl {A B} (e: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_incl e e.
  apply env_rel_incl_refl_equiv. reflexivity.

Lemma env_rel_incl_antisym {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  env_rel_incl e2 e1
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2.
  revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros;
    (destruct e2 as [| p2 e2]; [| destruct p2]);
    simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]].
  destruct H0 as [? [? ?]].
  split; [| split]; eauto using RelIncl_antisym.

Lemma env_rel_incl_trans {A B} (e1 e2 e3: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  env_rel_incl e2 e3
  env_rel_incl e1 e3.
  revert e2 e3.
  env induction e1; intros;
    (destruct e2 as [| p2 e2]; [| destruct p2]);
    (destruct e3 as [| p3 e3]; [| destruct p3]);
    simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]].
  destruct H0 as [? [? ?]].
  split; [| split]; eauto.
  etransitivity; eassumption.

Properties of get

Lemma env_rel_incl_get {A B} x R1 R2 (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  get x e1 = Some R1
  get x e2 = Some R2
  RelIncl R1 R2.
  revert R1 e2 R2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [y Ry] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try discriminate.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  destruct (x == y); subst.
  - inversion H0; subst. clear H0. inversion H1; subst. clear H1.
  - eauto.

Lemma env_rel_incl_get_None {A B} x (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  get x e1 = None get x e2 = None.
  revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [y Ry] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try tauto.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  destruct (x == y); subst.
  - split; intro; discriminate.
  - eauto.

Properties of map

Lemma env_rel_incl_map_in {A B C D}
      (f1: rel A B rel C D) e1 (f2: rel A B rel C D) e2:
  ( x R1 R2, In (x, R1) e1 RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (f1 R1) (f2 R2))
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  env_rel_incl (map f1 e1) (map f2 e2).
  intro Hf. revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [x2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  split; [| split]; auto.
  - eapply Hf; eauto.
  - eauto.

Lemma env_rel_incl_map {A B C D}
      (f1: rel A B rel C D) e1 (f2: rel A B rel C D) e2:
  ( R1 R2, RelIncl R1 R2 RelIncl (f1 R1) (f2 R2))
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  env_rel_incl (map f1 e1) (map f2 e2).
  intro Hf. revert e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [x2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  split; [| split]; auto.

Properties of dom

Lemma env_rel_incl_dom {A B} (e1 e2: env (rel A B)):
  env_rel_incl e1 e2
  dom e1 [=] dom e2.
  intros H x. split; intro Hx.
  - case_eq (get x e2); intros; eauto using get_in_dom.
    rewrite <- env_rel_incl_get_None in H0; eauto.
    apply get_notin_dom in H0. fsetdec.
  - case_eq (get x e1); intros; eauto using get_in_dom.
    rewrite env_rel_incl_get_None in H0; eauto.
    apply get_notin_dom in H0. fsetdec.

Morphism results

Add Parametric Relation A B: (env (rel A B)) (@env_rel_incl A B)
    reflexivity proved by env_rel_incl_refl
    transitivity proved by env_rel_incl_trans
      as env_rel_incl_rel.

Add Parametric Morphism A B: (@env_rel_incl A B)
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> env_rel_equiv ==> iff
      as env_rel_incl_morphism_env_rel_equiv.
  intros e1 e2 H12 e3 e4 H34. split; intro H.
  - transitivity e1.
    + symmetry in H12. apply env_rel_incl_refl_equiv in H12. assumption.
    + transitivity e3; [ assumption |].
      apply env_rel_incl_refl_equiv in H34. assumption.
  - transitivity e2.
    + apply env_rel_incl_refl_equiv in H12. assumption.
    + transitivity e4; [ assumption |].
      symmetry in H34. apply env_rel_incl_refl_equiv in H34. assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism : (@app (atom × rel (env term) term))
    with signature env_rel_incl ==> env_rel_incl ==> env_rel_incl
      as app_morphism_env_rel_incl.
  intros e1 e3 H13 e2 e4 H24.
  revert e3 H13 e2 e4 H24.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e3 as [| [y Ry] e3]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H13 as [? [? ?]]. subst. split; [| split]; auto.

Add Parametric Morphism A B: (@dom (rel A B))
    with signature env_rel_incl ==> AtomSetImpl.Equal
      as dom_morphism_env_rel_incl.
  exact env_rel_incl_dom.

Add Parametric Morphism : RelGather
    with signature env_rel_incl ==> RelIncl
      as RelGather_morphism_incl.
  intros E1 E2 H.
  intros e v [Hegood [Hvgood Hev]]; (split; [| split]); auto.
  - intros x R Hx.
    case_eq (get x E1); intros.
    + specialize (Hev _ _ H0). destruct Hev as [v' [Hget Hr]].
       v'. split; auto.
      assert (RelIncl r R) as Hincl by eauto using env_rel_incl_get.
      apply Hincl. assumption.
    + rewrite (env_rel_incl_get_None x E1 E2) in H0; auto. congruence.

Add Parametric Morphism A B: (@uniq (rel A B))
    with signature env_rel_incl ==> iff
      as uniq_morphism_incl.
  intros e1.
  env induction e1; intros [| [y R2] e2] Hincl; simpl in Hincl; try contradiction.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct Hincl as [Heq [HRelIncl HEnvIncl]]. subst y.
    simpl. specialize (IHe1 _ HEnvIncl).
    split; intro H; inversion H; subst; apply IHe1 in H2.
    + rewrite HEnvIncl in H4. auto.
    + rewrite <- HEnvIncl in H4. auto.

Add Parametric Morphism A B (P: rel A B Prop)
    (HPmorphism: R1 R2, RelIncl R1 R2 P R1 P R2):
  (all_env P)
    with signature env_rel_incl ==> impl
      as all_env_morphism_env_rel_incl.
  intros E1.
  env induction E1; intros [| [x2 R2] E2] HinclE; simpl in *; try tauto.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct HinclE as [Heqx [HinclR HinclE]]. subst x2.
    intros [HR HE].
    apply (HPmorphism _ _ HinclR) in HR.
    apply (IHE1 _ HinclE) in HE.

Transpositions and suppport on environments of relations between environments of terms and terms

Definitions and basic properties

Definition transp_env_rel x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)) : env (rel (env term) term) :=
  map (transp_rel x y) (transp_dom x y e).

Definition supported_env_rel (S: atoms) (e: env (rel (env term) term)) : Prop :=
   x y, x `notin` S y `notin` S env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x y e) e.

Lemma supported_env_rel_subset (S1 S2: atoms) R:
  S1 [<=] S2
  supported_env_rel S1 R
  supported_env_rel S2 R.
  intros HS H1 x y Hx Hy.
  apply (H1 x y); auto.

Lemma supported_env_rel_in_rel S e x Rx:
  supported_env_rel S e
  In (x, Rx) e
  supported_rel S Rx.
  intros HS Hx. env induction e; simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct Hx as [Hx | Hx].
  - inversion Hx; subst.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.
  - apply IHe; auto.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.

Lemma supported_env_rel_in_atom S e x Rx:
  supported_env_rel S e
  In (x, Rx) e
   z1 z2, z1 `notin` S z2 `notin` S transp_atom z1 z2 x = x.
  intros HS Hx. env induction e; simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct Hx as [Hx | Hx].
  - inversion Hx; subst.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.
  - apply IHe; auto.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.

Lemma supported_env_rel_contains_dom S e:
  supported_env_rel S e
  dom e [<=] S.
  intros HS x Hx.
  assert (x `in` S x `notin` S) as [HxS|HxS] by fsetdec; auto.
  case_eq (get x e); intros.
  - apply get_Some_in in H.
    pick fresh y for ({{x}} `union` S).
    assert (y `notin` S) as HyS by fsetdec.
    specialize (supported_env_rel_in_atom _ _ _ _ HS H x y HxS HyS); auto.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisL. fsetdec.
  - apply get_notin_dom in H. fsetdec.

Lemma supported_env_rel_cons S z R E:
  supported_env_rel S (z ¬ R ++ E)
   (z `in` S supported_rel S R supported_env_rel S E).
  - intro. split; [| split].
    + apply supported_env_rel_contains_dom in H.
      simpl in H. fsetdec.
    + assert (In (z, R) (z ¬ R ++ E)).
      { left. reflexivity. }
      eapply supported_env_rel_in_rel; eauto.
    + intros x y Hx Hy.
      specialize (H _ _ Hx Hy).
      simpl in H.
  - intros [Hz [HR HE]].
    intros x y Hx Hy. simpl. split; [| split]; auto.
    + rewrite transp_atom_other; congruence.
    + apply (HE x y Hx Hy).

Lemma transp_env_rel_app y x (e1 e2: env (rel (env term) term)) :
  transp_env_rel y x (e1 ++ e2) = transp_env_rel y x e1 ++ transp_env_rel y x e2.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite transp_dom_app. rewrite map_app. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_rel_one y x z R:
  transp_env_rel y x (z ¬ R) = (transp_atom y x z ¬ transp_rel y x R).

Lemma transp_env_rel_length y x (e: env (rel (env term) term)) :
  length (transp_env_rel y x e) = length e.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  unfold map. rewrite map_length. rewrite transp_dom_length. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_rel_swap x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
    (transp_env_rel x y e)
    (transp_env_rel y x e).
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  apply env_rel_equiv_map.
  - intros R1 R2 H.
    rewrite transp_rel_swap.
    apply transp_rel_morphism_eq; auto.
  - rewrite (transp_dom_swap x y). apply env_rel_equiv_refl.

Lemma transp_env_rel_fresh_eq S x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  supported_env_rel S e
  x `notin` S
  y `notin` S
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x y e) e.
  intros HS Hx Hy. eauto.

Lemma transp_env_rel_refl x (e: env (rel (env term) term)) :
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x x e) e.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite transp_dom_refl.
  transitivity (map id e).
  - apply env_rel_equiv_map.
    + intros R1 R2 H. rewrite transp_rel_refl. assumption.
    + reflexivity.
  - unfold map. rewrite <- map_id.
    rewrite (map_ext _ id).
    + reflexivity.
    + intros [? ?]. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_rel_trans S x1 x2 x3 e:
  supported_env_rel S e
  x1 `notin` S
  x2 `notin` S
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x1 x2 (transp_env_rel x2 x3 e)) (transp_env_rel x1 x3 e).
  intros HS H1 H2.
  destruct (x1 == x2); subst.
  - rewrite transp_env_rel_refl. reflexivity.
  - unfold transp_env_rel.
    rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
    rewrite map_map'.
    apply env_rel_equiv_map_in.
    + intros x R1 R2 Hx HR.
      rewrite (transp_rel_trans S); auto.
      × rewrite HR. reflexivity.
      × apply (in_transp_dom_equivariant x1 x2) in Hx.
        rewrite transp_dom_involution in Hx.
        apply (in_transp_dom_equivariant x2 x3) in Hx.
        rewrite transp_dom_involution in Hx.
        eapply supported_env_rel_in_rel; eauto.
    + apply supported_env_rel_contains_dom in HS.
      rewrite transp_dom_trans.
      × reflexivity.
      × fsetdec.
      × fsetdec.

Lemma transp_env_rel_involution x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x y (transp_env_rel x y e)) e.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  rewrite transp_dom_involution.
  rewrite map_map'.
  rewrite <- map_id'.
  apply env_rel_equiv_map.
  - intros ? ? ?. rewrite transp_rel_involution. assumption.
  - reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_rel_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
    (transp_env_rel x1 x2 (transp_env_rel y1 y2 e))
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
       (transp_env_rel x1 x2 e)).
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  repeat rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  repeat rewrite map_map'.
  rewrite transp_dom_compose.
  apply env_rel_equiv_map.
  - intros R1 R2 H. rewrite transp_rel_compose. rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

Properties of get

Lemma supported_env_rel_get S e x Rx:
  supported_env_rel S e
  get x e = Some Rx
  supported_rel S Rx.
  intros HS Hx.
  apply get_Some_in in Hx.
  eapply supported_env_rel_in_rel; eauto.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_equivariant x y z (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  option_map (transp_rel x y) (get z e) = get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_rel x y e).
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite <- get_transp_dom_equivariant.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_Some_equivariant x y z R (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  get z e = Some R get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_rel x y e) = Some (transp_rel x y R).
  rewrite <- get_transp_env_rel_equivariant.
  intro H. rewrite H. reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_Some_equivariant_inv x y z R (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  get z (transp_env_rel x y e) = Some R
   R', get (transp_atom x y z) e = Some R' RelEquiv R' (transp_rel x y R).
  intro H.
  env induction e; simpl in ×.
  - discriminate.
  - destruct (z == transp_atom x y x0); subst.
    + inversion H; subst.
       a. split.
      × rewrite transp_atom_involution.
        destruct (x0 == x0); congruence.
      × rewrite transp_rel_involution. reflexivity.
    + apply IHe in H. clear IHe.
      destruct H as [R' [Hget Hequiv]].
       R'. split; auto.
      destruct (transp_atom x y z == x0); subst.
      × rewrite transp_atom_involution in n. contradiction.
      × assumption.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_None_equivariant x y z (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  get z e = None get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_rel x y e) = None.
  rewrite <- get_transp_env_rel_equivariant.
  split; intro H.
  - rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - case_eq (get z e); intros.
    + rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H. discriminate.
    + reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_this x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  get y (transp_env_rel x y e) = option_map (transp_rel x y) (get x e).
  intros Hy.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite get_map.
  rewrite get_transp_dom_this; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_old x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  get x (transp_env_rel x y e) = option_map (transp_rel x y) (get y e).
  intros Hy Hneq.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom_old; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_old_removed x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  get x (transp_env_rel x y e) = None.
  intros Hy Hneq.
  rewrite get_transp_env_rel_old; auto.
  apply get_notin_dom in Hy. rewrite Hy. reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel_other z x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  z y
  z x
  get z (transp_env_rel x y e) = option_map (transp_rel x y) (get z e).
  intros Hz1 Hz2.
  unfold transp_env_rel, option_map.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom_other; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_rel x y z (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_rel x y e) = option_map (transp_rel x y) (get z e).
  intro Hy.
  unfold transp_env_rel, option_map.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom; auto.

Properties of dom

Lemma dom_equivariant_rel x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  transp_atoms x y (dom e) [=] dom (transp_env_rel x y e).
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_equivariant.

Lemma dom_transp_env_rel_fresh_eq x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  x `notin` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
 dom (transp_env_rel x y e) [=] dom e.
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_fresh_eq; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_rel_newL x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  x `notin` dom e
  y `in` dom e
 dom (transp_env_rel x y e) [=] add x (remove y (dom e)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_newL; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_rel_newR x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  x `in` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
 dom (transp_env_rel x y e) [=] add y (remove x (dom e)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_newR; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_rel_not_new x y (e: env (rel (env term) term)):
  x `in` dom e
  y `in` dom e
 dom (transp_env_rel x y e) [=] dom e.
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_rel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_not_new; auto.

Morphism results

Add Parametric Morphism A B: (@dom (rel A B))
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> AtomSetImpl.Equal
      as dom_morphism_rel_env_equiv.
  intros e1 e2 He. revert e2 He.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [y Ry] e2];
    simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct He as [Heq [Hy He]]. subst.
    rewrite (IHe1 _ He); auto.

Add Parametric Morphism : transp_env_rel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> env_rel_equiv ==> env_rel_equiv
      as transp_env_rel_morphism_env_rel_equiv.
  intros x y e1 e2 H.
  generalize dependent e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [z2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]; subst.
  split; [| split]; eauto.
  apply RelEquiv_equivariant. auto.

Add Parametric Morphism : transp_env_rel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> env_rel_incl ==> env_rel_incl
      as transp_env_rel_morphism_env_rel_incl.
  intros x y e1 e2 H.
  generalize dependent e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [z2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]; subst.
  split; [| split]; eauto.
  apply RelIncl_equivariant. auto.

Add Parametric Morphism: supported_env_rel
    with signature AtomSetImpl.Equal ==> env_rel_equiv ==> iff
      as supported_env_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros S1 S2 HS e1 e2 He.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- He. rewrite <- HS in Hx. rewrite <- HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.
  - rewrite He. rewrite HS in Hx. rewrite HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.

Equivariance results

Lemma env_rel_equiv_equivariant x y e1 e2:
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2 env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x y e1) (transp_env_rel x y e2).
  revert e1 e2.
  assert ( e1 e2, env_rel_equiv e1 e2 env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel x y e1) (transp_env_rel x y e2)).
  { intros e1 e2 H12. rewrite H12. reflexivity. }
  intros e1 e2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H12.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H12.

Lemma env_rel_incl_equivariant x y e1 e2:
  env_rel_incl e1 e2 env_rel_incl (transp_env_rel x y e1) (transp_env_rel x y e2).
  revert e1 e2.
  assert ( e1 e2, env_rel_incl e1 e2 env_rel_incl (transp_env_rel x y e1) (transp_env_rel x y e2)).
  { intros e1 e2 H12. rewrite H12. reflexivity. }
  intros e1 e2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H12.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H12.

Lemma supported_env_rel_equivariant x y S e:
  supported_env_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_env_rel x y e) supported_env_rel S e.
  revert S e.
  assert ( S e, supported_env_rel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_env_rel x y e)
                 supported_env_rel S e).
  { intros S e H.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    apply (env_rel_equiv_equivariant x y).
    rewrite transp_env_rel_compose.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz1.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz2.
    apply (H _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
  intros S e; split; intro H'; auto.
  rewrite <- (transp_atoms_involution x y) in H'.
  rewrite <- (transp_env_rel_involution x y) in H'.
  apply H in H'.

Lemma uniq_rel_equivariant x y e:
  uniq (transp_env_rel x y e) uniq e.
  env induction e.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite transp_env_rel_app. rewrite transp_env_rel_one.
    split; intro H; inversion H; subst.
    + rewrite <- dom_equivariant_rel in H4.
      apply notin_equivariant in H4.
      apply IHe in H2.
    + apply (notin_equivariant x y) in H4.
      rewrite dom_equivariant_rel in H4.
      apply IHe in H2.

Transpositions and support on environments of relations between terms

Definitions and basic properties

Definition transp_env_vrel x y (e: env (rel term term)) : env (rel term term) :=
  map (transp_vrel x y) (transp_dom x y e).

Definition supported_env_vrel (S: atoms) (e: env (rel term term)) : Prop :=
   x y, x `notin` S y `notin` S env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x y e) e.

Lemma supported_env_vrel_subset (S1 S2: atoms) R:
  S1 [<=] S2
  supported_env_vrel S1 R
  supported_env_vrel S2 R.
  intros HS H1 x y Hx Hy.
  apply (H1 x y); auto.

Lemma supported_env_vrel_in_rel S e x Rx:
  supported_env_vrel S e
  In (x, Rx) e
  supported_vrel S Rx.
  intros HS Hx. env induction e; simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct Hx as [Hx | Hx].
  - inversion Hx; subst.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.
  - apply IHe; auto.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.

Lemma supported_env_vrel_in_atom S e x Rx:
  supported_env_vrel S e
  In (x, Rx) e
   z1 z2, z1 `notin` S z2 `notin` S transp_atom z1 z2 x = x.
  intros HS Hx. env induction e; simpl in *; auto; try contradiction.
  destruct Hx as [Hx | Hx].
  - inversion Hx; subst.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.
  - apply IHe; auto.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    specialize (HS _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
    simpl in HS. tauto.

Lemma supported_env_vrel_contains_dom S e:
  supported_env_vrel S e
  dom e [<=] S.
  intros HS x Hx.
  assert (x `in` S x `notin` S) as [HxS|HxS] by fsetdec; auto.
  case_eq (get x e); intros.
  - apply get_Some_in in H.
    pick fresh y for ({{x}} `union` S).
    assert (y `notin` S) as HyS by fsetdec.
    specialize (supported_env_vrel_in_atom _ _ _ _ HS H x y HxS HyS); auto.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisL. fsetdec.
  - apply get_notin_dom in H. fsetdec.

Lemma supported_env_vrel_cons S z R E:
  supported_env_vrel S (z ¬ R ++ E)
   (z `in` S supported_vrel S R supported_env_vrel S E).
  - intro. split; [| split].
    + apply supported_env_vrel_contains_dom in H.
      simpl in H. fsetdec.
    + assert (In (z, R) (z ¬ R ++ E)).
      { left. reflexivity. }
      eapply supported_env_vrel_in_rel; eauto.
    + intros x y Hx Hy.
      specialize (H _ _ Hx Hy).
      simpl in H.
  - intros [Hz [HR HE]].
    intros x y Hx Hy. simpl. split; [| split]; auto.
    + rewrite transp_atom_other; congruence.
    + apply (HE x y Hx Hy).

Lemma transp_env_vrel_app y x (e1 e2: env (rel term term)) :
  transp_env_vrel y x (e1 ++ e2) = transp_env_vrel y x e1 ++ transp_env_vrel y x e2.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite transp_dom_app. rewrite map_app. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_one y x z R:
  transp_env_vrel y x (z ¬ R) = (transp_atom y x z ¬ transp_vrel y x R).

Lemma transp_env_vrel_length y x (e: env (rel term term)) :
  length (transp_env_vrel y x e) = length e.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  unfold map. rewrite map_length. rewrite transp_dom_length. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_swap x y (e: env (rel term term)):
    (transp_env_vrel x y e)
    (transp_env_vrel y x e).
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  apply env_rel_equiv_map.
  - intros R1 R2 H.
    rewrite transp_vrel_swap.
    apply transp_vrel_morphism_eq; auto.
  - rewrite (transp_dom_swap x y). apply env_rel_equiv_refl.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_fresh_eq S x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  supported_env_vrel S e
  x `notin` S
  y `notin` S
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x y e) e.
  intros HS Hx Hy. eauto.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_refl x (e: env (rel term term)) :
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x x e) e.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite transp_dom_refl.
  transitivity (map id e).
  - apply env_rel_equiv_map.
    + intros R1 R2 H. rewrite transp_vrel_refl. assumption.
    + reflexivity.
  - unfold map. rewrite <- map_id.
    rewrite (map_ext _ id).
    + reflexivity.
    + intros [? ?]. reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_trans S x1 x2 x3 e:
  supported_env_vrel S e
  x1 `notin` S
  x2 `notin` S
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x1 x2 (transp_env_vrel x2 x3 e)) (transp_env_vrel x1 x3 e).
  intros HS H1 H2.
  destruct (x1 == x2); subst.
  - rewrite transp_env_vrel_refl. reflexivity.
  - unfold transp_env_vrel.
    rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
    rewrite map_map'.
    apply env_rel_equiv_map_in.
    + intros x R1 R2 Hx HR.
      rewrite (transp_vrel_trans S); auto.
      × rewrite HR. reflexivity.
      × apply (in_transp_dom_equivariant x1 x2) in Hx.
        rewrite transp_dom_involution in Hx.
        apply (in_transp_dom_equivariant x2 x3) in Hx.
        rewrite transp_dom_involution in Hx.
        eapply supported_env_vrel_in_rel; eauto.
    + apply supported_env_vrel_contains_dom in HS.
      rewrite transp_dom_trans.
      × reflexivity.
      × fsetdec.
      × fsetdec.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_involution x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x y (transp_env_vrel x y e)) e.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  rewrite transp_dom_involution.
  rewrite map_map'.
  rewrite <- map_id'.
  apply env_rel_equiv_map.
  - intros ? ? ?. rewrite transp_vrel_involution. assumption.
  - reflexivity.

Lemma transp_env_vrel_compose x1 x2 y1 y2 (e: env (rel term term)):
    (transp_env_vrel x1 x2 (transp_env_vrel y1 y2 e))
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y1)
       (transp_atom x1 x2 y2)
       (transp_env_vrel x1 x2 e)).
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  repeat rewrite <- transp_dom_map.
  repeat rewrite map_map'.
  rewrite transp_dom_compose.
  apply env_rel_equiv_map.
  - intros R1 R2 H. rewrite transp_vrel_compose. rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

Properties of get

Lemma supported_env_vrel_get S e x Rx:
  supported_env_vrel S e
  get x e = Some Rx
  supported_vrel S Rx.
  intros HS Hx.
  apply get_Some_in in Hx.
  eapply supported_env_vrel_in_rel; eauto.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_equivariant x y z (e: env (rel term term)):
  option_map (transp_vrel x y) (get z e) = get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_vrel x y e).
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite <- get_transp_dom_equivariant.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_Some_equivariant x y z R (e: env (rel term term)):
  get z e = Some R get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_vrel x y e) = Some (transp_vrel x y R).
  rewrite <- get_transp_env_vrel_equivariant.
  intro H. rewrite H. reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_Some_equivariant_inv x y z R (e: env (rel term term)):
  get z (transp_env_vrel x y e) = Some R
   R', get (transp_atom x y z) e = Some R' RelEquiv R' (transp_vrel x y R).
  intro H.
  env induction e; simpl in ×.
  - discriminate.
  - destruct (z == transp_atom x y x0); subst.
    + inversion H; subst.
       a. split.
      × rewrite transp_atom_involution.
        destruct (x0 == x0); congruence.
      × rewrite transp_vrel_involution. reflexivity.
    + apply IHe in H. clear IHe.
      destruct H as [R' [Hget Hequiv]].
       R'. split; auto.
      destruct (transp_atom x y z == x0); subst.
      × rewrite transp_atom_involution in n. contradiction.
      × assumption.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_None_equivariant x y z (e: env (rel term term)):
  get z e = None get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_vrel x y e) = None.
  rewrite <- get_transp_env_vrel_equivariant.
  split; intro H.
  - rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - case_eq (get z e); intros.
    + rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H. discriminate.
    + reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_this x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  get y (transp_env_vrel x y e) = option_map (transp_vrel x y) (get x e).
  intros Hy.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite get_map.
  rewrite get_transp_dom_this; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_old x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  get x (transp_env_vrel x y e) = option_map (transp_vrel x y) (get y e).
  intros Hy Hneq.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom_old; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_old_removed x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  y x
  get x (transp_env_vrel x y e) = None.
  intros Hy Hneq.
  rewrite get_transp_env_vrel_old; auto.
  apply get_notin_dom in Hy. rewrite Hy. reflexivity.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel_other z x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  z y
  z x
  get z (transp_env_vrel x y e) = option_map (transp_vrel x y) (get z e).
  intros Hz1 Hz2.
  unfold transp_env_vrel, option_map.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom_other; auto.

Lemma get_transp_env_vrel x y z (e: env (rel term term)):
  y `notin` dom e
  get (transp_atom x y z) (transp_env_vrel x y e) = option_map (transp_vrel x y) (get z e).
  intro Hy.
  unfold transp_env_vrel, option_map.
  rewrite get_map. rewrite get_transp_dom; auto.

Properties of dom

Lemma dom_equivariant_vrel x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  transp_atoms x y (dom e) [=] dom (transp_env_vrel x y e).
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_equivariant.

Lemma dom_transp_env_vrel_fresh_eq x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  x `notin` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
 dom (transp_env_vrel x y e) [=] dom e.
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_fresh_eq; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_vrel_newL x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  x `notin` dom e
  y `in` dom e
 dom (transp_env_vrel x y e) [=] add x (remove y (dom e)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_newL; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_vrel_newR x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  x `in` dom e
  y `notin` dom e
 dom (transp_env_vrel x y e) [=] add y (remove x (dom e)).
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_newR; auto.

Lemma dom_transp_env_vrel_not_new x y (e: env (rel term term)):
  x `in` dom e
  y `in` dom e
 dom (transp_env_vrel x y e) [=] dom e.
  intros Hx Hy.
  unfold transp_env_vrel.
  rewrite dom_map.
  apply dom_transp_dom_not_new; auto.

Morphism results

Add Parametric Morphism : transp_env_vrel
    with signature eq ==> eq ==> env_rel_equiv ==> env_rel_equiv
      as transp_env_vrel_morphism_env_rel_equiv.
  intros x y e1 e2 H.
  generalize dependent e2.
  env induction e1; intros; destruct e2 as [| [z2 R2] e2]; simpl in *;
    auto; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [? [? ?]]; subst.
  split; [| split]; eauto.
  apply RelEquiv_equivariant_vrel. auto.

Add Parametric Morphism: supported_env_vrel
    with signature AtomSetImpl.Equal ==> env_rel_equiv ==> iff
      as supported_env_vrel_morphism_equiv.
  intros S1 S2 HS e1 e2 He.
  split; intros H x y Hx Hy.
  - rewrite <- He. rewrite <- HS in Hx. rewrite <- HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.
  - rewrite He. rewrite HS in Hx. rewrite HS in Hy. apply (H x y); auto.

Equivariance results

Lemma env_rel_equiv_equivariant_vrel x y e1 e2:
  env_rel_equiv e1 e2 env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x y e1) (transp_env_vrel x y e2).
  revert e1 e2.
  assert ( e1 e2, env_rel_equiv e1 e2 env_rel_equiv (transp_env_vrel x y e1) (transp_env_vrel x y e2)).
  { intros e1 e2 H12. rewrite H12. reflexivity. }
  intros e1 e2; split; intro H12; auto.
  apply H in H12.
  rewrite transp_env_vrel_involution in H12.
  rewrite transp_env_vrel_involution in H12.

Lemma supported_env_vrel_equivariant x y S e:
  supported_env_vrel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_env_vrel x y e) supported_env_vrel S e.
  revert S e.
  assert ( S e, supported_env_vrel (transp_atoms x y S) (transp_env_vrel x y e)
                 supported_env_vrel S e).
  { intros S e H.
    intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2.
    apply (env_rel_equiv_equivariant_vrel x y).
    rewrite transp_env_vrel_compose.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz1.
    apply (notin_equivariant x y) in Hz2.
    apply (H _ _ Hz1 Hz2).
  intros S e; split; intro H'; auto.
  rewrite <- (transp_atoms_involution x y) in H'.
  rewrite <- (transp_env_vrel_involution x y) in H'.
  apply H in H'.