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Anne-Cécile Orgerie

CNRS Research Scientist

OFFICE: IRISA - F 225, Rennes

Anne-Cécile Orgerie Anne-Cécile Orgerie logo


Full papers are freely available on HAL.

Theses    Journals    Conferences    Book chapters    Workshops    Invited papers    Reports   


HDR “From Understanding to Greening the Energy Consumption of Distributed Systems”
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, 20th November 2020, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes - France, .
PhD “An Energy-Efficient Reservation Framework for Large-Scale Distributed Systems”
Doctorat, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, 27th September 2011, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - France, .

Journal articles

TSUSC 2024 “Renewable Energy in Data Centers: the Dilemma of Electrical Grid Dependency and Autonomy Costs”
Wedan Emmanuel Gnibga, Anne Blavette and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, IEEE, volume 9, issue 3, pages 315-328, May 2024, .
IJHPCA 2023 “Modeling, evaluating and orchestrating heterogeneous environmental leverages for large scale data centers management”
Vladimir Ostapenco, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Benjamin Fichel
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, SAGE, volume 37, issue 3-4, pages 328-350, July 2023, .
TSUSC 2022 “Estimating Energy Consumption of Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing Infrastructures”
Ehsan Ahvar, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Adrien Lebre
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, IEEE, volume 7, issue 2, pages 277-288, April 2022, .
CCPE 2022 “Thermal design power and vectorized instructions behavior”
Amina Guermouche and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley, volume 34, issue 2, pages 1-18, January 2022, .
JOCS 2020 “Characterizing, Modeling, and Accurately Simulating Power and Energy Consumption of I/O-intensive Scientific Workflows”
Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Henri Casanova, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Ryan Tanaka, Ewa Deelman and Frédéric Suter
Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier, volume 44, pages 1-14, July 2020, .
IJGUC 2019 “Involving Users in Energy Conservation: A Case Study in Scientific Clouds”
David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Christine Morin and Deb Agarwal
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), Inderscience, volume 10, no. 3, pages 272-282, May 2019, .
FGCS 2018 “End-to-end Energy Models for Edge Cloud-based IoT Platforms: Application to Data Stream Analysis in IoT”
Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Ivan Rodero, Betsegaw Lemma Amersho, Manish Parashar and Jean-Marc Menaud
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier, volume 87, pages 667-678, October 2018, .
CCPE 2018 “Quantifying the Impact of Shutdown Techniques for Energy-Efficient Data Centers”
Issam Rais, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson and Laurent Lefèvre
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), Wiley, volume 30, issue 17, September 2018, .
SUSCOM 2018 “Energy-proportional Profiling and Accounting in Heterogeneous Virtualized Environments”
Mascha Kurpicz, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Anita Sobe and Pascal Felber
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier, volume 18, pages 175-185, June 2018, .
SUSCOM 2018 “An experiment-driven energy consumption model for virtual machine management systems”
Mar Callau-Zori, Lavinia Samoila, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Guillaume Pierre
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier, volume 18, pages 163-174, June 2018, .
SUSCOM 2018 “Energy Monitoring as an Essential Building Block Towards Sustainable Ultrascale Systems”
Francisco Almeida, Marcos Dias de Assunção, Jorge Barbosa, Vicente Blanco, Ivona Brandic, Georges Da Costa, Manuel F. Dolz, Anne C. Elster, Mateusz Jarus, Helen Karatza, Laurent Lefèvre, Ilias Mavridis, Ariel Oleksiak, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Jean-Marc Pierson
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier, volume 17, pages 27-42, March 2018, .
IJHPCA 2018 “Reducing the energy consumption of large scale computing systems through combined shutdown policies with multiple constraints”
Anne Benoit, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Issam Raïs
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, SAGE, volume 32, issue 1, pages 176-188, January 2018, .
Computing 2017 “Towards energy-proportional Clouds partially powered by renewable energy”
Nicolas Beldiceanu, Barbara Dumas Feris, Philippe Gravey, Sabbir Hasan, Claude Jard, Thomas Ledoux, Yunbo Li, Didier Lime, Gilles Madi-Wamba, Jean-Marc Menaud, Pascal Morel, Michel Morvan, Marie-Laure Moulinard, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jean-Louis Pazat, Olivier Roux and Ammar Sharaiha
Computing, Springer, volume 99, issue 1, pages 3-22, January 2017, .
FGCS 2016 “On the Energy Footprint of I/O Management in Exascale HPC Systems”
Matthieu Dorier, Orçun Yildiz, Shadi Ibrahim, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, and Gabriel Antoniu
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier, volume 62, pages 17-28, September 2016, .
SuperFri 2015 “Energy Efficiency for Ultrascale Systems: Challenges and Trends from Nesus Project”
Michel Bagein, Jorge Barbosa, Vicente Blanco, Ivona Brandic, Samuel Cremer, Sebastien Fremal, Helen Karatza, Laurent Lefevre, Toni Mastelic, Ariel Oleksiak, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Georgios L. Stavrinides, and Sebastien Varrette
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, volume 2, issue 2, pages 105-131, September 2015, .
IRJCS 2015 “PetaFlow: a global computing-networking-visualisation unit with social impact”
Alexandre Ancel, Ingo Assenmacher, Ken-ichi Baba, Julien Cisonni, Yo Fujiso, Paulo Gonçalves, Matthieu Imbert, Koji Koyamada, Pierre Neyron, Nozaki Kazunori, Ohsaki Hiroyuki, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Xavier Pelorson, Bruno Raffin, Naohisa Sakamoto, Eisaku Sakane, Shigeo Wada, Shinji Shimojo, and Annemie Van Hirtum
International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS), volume 2, issue 4, pages 1-7, April 2015, .
CSUR 2014 “A Survey on Techniques for Improving the Energy Efficiency of Large Scale Distributed Systems”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Marcos Dias de Assunção and Laurent Lefèvre
ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, volume 46, issue 4, pages 47:1-47:31, April 2014, .
JSC 2012 “Energy-Efficient Bandwidth Reservation for Bulk Data Transfers in Dedicated Wired Networks”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre and Isabelle Guérin-Lassous
Journal of SuperComputing, Springer, 62(3):1139-1166, December 2012, .
PPL 2011 “ERIDIS: Energy-efficient Reservation Infrastructure for large-scale DIstributed Systems”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
Parallel Processing Letters, World Scientific, 21(2):133-154, June 2011, .
TSI 2011 “Étudier l’usage pour économiser l’énergie dans les systèmes distribués à grande échelle : l’approche EARI”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre and Jean-Patrick Gelas
TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, volume 30 - n° 5/2011, pages 515-538, May 2011, .
JSC 2010 “Designing and Evaluating an Energy Efficient Cloud”
Laurent Lefèvre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Journal of SuperComputing, Springer, 51(3):352-373, March 2010, .
PPL 2009 “Towards Energy Aware Reservation Infrastructure for Large-Scale Experimental Distributed Systems”
Laurent Lefèvre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Parallel Processing Letters, World Scientific, 19(3):419-433, September 2009, .

Conference papers

IGSC 2024 “Local Peak Shaving for Electric Vehicles: A ready-to-deploy Smart Charging Solution”
Matthieu Silard, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Nicolas Montavont, Georgios Z. Papadopoulos
IGSC: International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, Austin, USA, pages 80-86, November 2024, .
IGSC 2024 “Energy-related impact of redefining self-consumption for distributed edge datacenters”
Wedan Emmanuel Gnibga, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie
IGSC: International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, Austin, USA, pages 7-13, November 2024, .
ICA3PP 2024 “Exploring RAPL as a Power Capping Leverage for Power-Constrained Infrastructures”
Vladimir Ostapenco, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, and Benjamin Fichel
short paper in ICA3PP: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Macau SAR, China, pages 1-10, October 2024.
GreenCom 2024 “PowerHeat: A Non-Intrusive Approach for Estimating the Power Consumption of Bare Metal Water-Cooled Servers”
Maxime Agusti, Eddy Caron, Benjamin Fichel, Laurent Lefèvre, Olivier Nicol, Anne-Cécile Orgerie
GreenCom: IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 415-421, August 2024, .
ISCC 2024 “Studying the end-to-end performance, energy consumption and carbon footprint of fog applications”
Clément Courageux-Sudan, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson
ISCC: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Paris, France, pages 1-7, June 2024, .
e-Energy 2024 “FlexCoolDC: Datacenter Cooling Flexibility for Harmonizing Water, Energy, Carbon, and Cost Trade-offs”
Wedan Emmanuel Gnibga, Andrew A Chien, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie
e-Energy: ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems, Singapore, pages 108-122, June 2024, .
ICPADS 2023 “Latency, Energy and Carbon Aware Collaborative Resource Allocation with Consolidation and QoS Degradation Strategies in Edge Computing”
Wedan Emmanuel Gnibga, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie
ICPADS: IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Ocean Flower Island, China, pages 2630-2639, December 2023, , Outstanding Paper Award.
WoWMoM 2023 “A Wi-Fi Energy Model for Scalable Simulation”
Clément Courageux-Sudan, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson
WoWMoM: IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Boston, USA, pages 232-241, June 2023, .
CCGrid 2023 “An experimental comparison of software-based power meters: focus on CPU and GPU”
Mathilde Jay, Vladimir Ostapenco, Laurent Lefèvre, Denis Trystram, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Benjamin Fichel
CCGrid: IEEE/ACMInternational Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, Bangalore, India, pages 106-118, May 2023, .
MSWiM 2022 “A flow-level Wi-Fi model for large scale network simulation”
Clément Courageux-Sudan, Loic Guegan, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson
MSWiM: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, (virtually) Montreal, Canada, pages 111-119, October 2022, .
GreenCom 2022 “Influence of Communication Technologies in Smart Grid Power Congestion Management”
Adrien Gougeon, François Lemercier, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie
GreenCom: IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Espoo, Finland, pages 212-221, August 2022, Best Paper Award, .
ISCC 2022 “Modeling the End-to-End Energy Consumption of a Nation-Wide Smart Metering Infrastructure”
Adrien Gougeon, François Lemercier, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie
ISCC: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Rhodes Island, Greece, pages 1-7, June 2022, .
MASCOTS 2021 “Automated performance prediction of microservice applications using simulation”
Clément Courageux-Sudan, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson
MASCOTS: International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, (virtually) Houston, USA, pages 1-8, November 2021, .
ISCC 2021 “Experimental Workflow for Energy and Temperature Profiling on HPC Systems”
Kameswar Rao Vaddina, Laurent Lefèvre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
ISCC: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, (virtually) Athens, Greece, pages 1-7, September 2021, .
CCGrid 2021 “WSGP: A Windows-based Streaming Graph Partitioning Approach”
Yunbo Li, Chuanyou Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Philippe Raipin
CCGrid: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, (virtually) Melbourne, Australia, pages 586-595, May 2021, .
IM 2021 “Impact of wired telecommunication network latency on demand-side management in Smart Grids”
Adrien Gougeon, Benjamin Camus, Anne Blavette and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
IM: IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, (virtually) Bordeaux, France, pages 295-303, May 2021, .
SBAC-PAD 2020 “Predicting the Energy consumption of CUDA kernels using SimGrid”
Dorra Boughzala, Laurent Lefèvre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
SBAC-PAD: IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, (virtually) Porto, Portugal, pages 191-198, September 2020, .
SBAC-PAD 2020 “Optimizing Green Energy Consumption of Fog Computing Architectures”
Adrien Gougeon, Benjamin Camus and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
SBAC-PAD: IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, (virtually) Porto, Portugal, pages 75-82, September 2020, .
CCNC 2020 “Co-simulation of an electrical distribution network and its supervision communication network”
Benjamin Camus, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Jean-Baptiste Blanc-Rouchossé
CCNC: IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pages 1-6, January 2020, .
CloudCom 2019 “Estimating the end-to-end energy consumption of low-bandwidth IoT applications for WiFi devices”
Loic Guegan and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
CloudCom: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Sydney, Australia, pages 287-294, December 2019, .
HPCS 2019 “Leveraging energy-efficient non-lossy compression for data-intensive applications”
Issam Raïs, Daniel Balouek-Thomert, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre and Manish Parashar
HPCS: International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Dublin, Ireland, pages 463-469, July 2019 .
ICCS 2019 “Accurately Simulating Energy Consumption of I/O-intensive Scientific Workflows”
Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Henri Casanova, Ryan Tanaka, Ewa Deelman and Frédéric Suter
ICCS: International Conference on Computational Science, Faro, Portugal, pages 138-152, June 2019, .
AINA 2019 “A Large-Scale Wired Network Energy Model for Flow-Level Simulations”
Loic Guegan, Betsegaw Amersho, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson
AINA: International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Matsue, Japan, pages 1047-1058, March 2019, .
PDP 2019 “Energy Analysis of a Solver Stack for Frequency-Domain Electromagnetics”
Emmanuel Agullo, Luc Giraud, Stéphane Lanteri, Gilles Marait, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Louis Poirel
PDP: Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Pavia, Italy, pages 385-391, February 2019, .
ICA3PP 2018 “Exploiting the Table of Energy and Power Leverages”
Issam Raïs, Anne Benoit, Laurent Lefèvre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
ICA3PP: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Guangzhou, China, pages 175-185, November 2018, .
ISGT 2018 “Harnessing the geographical flexibility of distributed computing clouds for cooperative self-consumption”
Benjamin Camus, Anne Blavette, Fanny Dufossé and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
ISGT Europe: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pages 1-6, October 2018, .
SBAC-PAD 2018 “Energy-Efficient IaaS-PaaS Co-design for Flexible Cloud Deployment of Scientific Applications”
David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
SBAC-PAD: International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Lyon, France, pages 69-76, September 2018, .
SBAC-PAD 2018 “Network-aware energy-efficient virtual machine management in distributed Cloud infrastructures with on-site photovoltaic production”
Benjamin Camus, Fanny Dufossé, Anne Blavette, Martin Quinson and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
SBAC-PAD: International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Lyon, France, pages 85-92, September 2018, .
Cluster 2018 “Self-Consumption Optimization of Renewable Energy Production in Distributed Clouds”
Benjamin Camus, Anne Blavette, Fanny Dufossé and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Cluster: IEEE Cluster Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom, pages 359-369, September 2018, .
HPCS 2018 “Building the Table of Energy and Power Leverages for Energy Efficient Large Scale Systems”
Issam Raïs, Mathilde Boutigny, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Anne Benoit
HPCS: International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Orléans, France, pages 284-291, July 2018, .
PADS 2018 “Co-simulation of FMUs and Distributed Applications with SimGrid”
Benjamin Camus, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson
PADS: ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, Roma, Italy, pages 145-156, May 2018, .
IC2E 2018 “An Experimental Analysis of PaaS Users Parameters on Applications Energy Consumption”
David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
short paper in IC2E: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, Orlando, USA, pages 170-176, April 2018, .
ICPADS 2017 “Green energy aware scheduling problem in virtualized datacenters”
Gilles Madi Wamba, Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Nicolas Beldiceanu and Jean-Marc Menaud
ICPADS: IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shenzhen, China, pages 648-655, December 2017, .
CNSM 2017 “Simulation toolbox for studying energy scenarios in wired networks”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Betsegaw Lemma Amersho, Timothée Haudebourg, Martin Quinson, Myriana Rifai, Dino Lopez Pacheco, and Laurent Lefèvre
short paper in CNSM: International Conference on Network and Service Management, Tokyo, Japan, pages 1-5, November 2017, .
SBAC-PAD 2017 “Cloud workload prediction and generation models”
Gilles Madi Wamba, Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Nicolas Beldiceanu and Jean-Marc Menaud
SBAC-PAD: International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Campinas, Brazil, pages 89-96, October 2017, .
SoftCOM 2017 “Comparative Experimental Analysis of the Quality-of-Service and Energy-Efficiency of VMs and Containers’ Consolidation for Cloud Applications”
Ismael Cuadrado Cordero, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Jean-Marc Menaud
SoftCOM: International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia, pages 1-6, September 2017, .
Cluster 2017 “Predicting the Energy-Consumption of MPI Applications at Scale Using Only a Single Node”
Franz C. Heinrich, Tom Cornebize, Augustin Degomme, Arnaud Legrand, Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Sascha Hunold, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson
IEEE Cluster Conference, Hawaii, USA, pages 92-102, September 2017, .
EuroPar 2017 “Shutdown policies with power capping for large scale computing systems”
Anne Benoit, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Issam Rais
Euro-Par: International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, pages 134-146, August 2017, .
ICA3PP 2017 “On the Energy Efficiency of Sleeping and Rate Adaptation for Network Devices”
Timothée Haudebourg and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
ICA3PP: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Helsinki, Finland, pages 132-146, August 2017, .
Best Paper Award.
CCGrid 2017 “Leveraging Renewable Energy in Edge Clouds for Data Stream Analysis in IoT”
Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Ivan Rodero, Manish Parashar and Jean-Marc Menaud
CCGrid: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Madrid, Spain, pages 186-195, May 2017, .
Smartgreens 2017 “A stochastic approach for optimizing green energy consumption in distributed clouds”
Benjamin Camus, Fanny Dufossé and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
SMARTGREENS: International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, Porto, Portugal, pages 47-58, April 2017, .
Smartgreens 2017 “A CO2 emissions accounting framework with market-based incentives for Cloud infrastructures”
David Margery, David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Christine Morin, Gareth Francis, Charaka Palansuriya and Kostas Kavoussanakis
short paper in SMARTGREENS: International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, Porto, Portugal, pages 299-304, April 2017, .
PDP 2017 “Balancing the use of batteries and opportunistic scheduling policies for maximizing renewable energy consumption in a Cloud data center”
Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Jean-Marc Menaud
PDP: Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pages 408-415, March 2017, .
PDP 2017 “How Much Energy can Green HPC Cloud Users Save?”
David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Christine Morin and Deb Agarwal
short paper in PDP: Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pages 416-420, March 2017, .
ICA3PP 2016 “Microcities: a Platform based on Microclouds for Neighborhood Services”
Ismael Cuadrado Cordero, Felix Cuadrado, Chris Phillips, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
short paper in ICA3PP: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Granada, Spain, pages 192-202, December 2016, .
ICA3PP 2016 “Impact of Shutdown Techniques for Energy-Efficient Cloud Data Centers”
Issam Rais, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson
short paper in ICA3PP: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Granada, Spain, pages 203-210, December 2016, .
CloudNet 2016 “Incentives for Mobile Cloud Environments through P2P Auctions”
Ismael Cuadrado Cordero, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
CloudNet: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, Pisa, Italy, pages 248-253, October 2016, .
PDP 2016 “How much does a VM cost? Energy-proportional Accounting in VM-based Environments”
Mascha Kurpicz, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Anita Sobe
PDP: Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion, Greece, pages 651-658, February 2016, .
GreenCom 2015 “GRaNADA: A Network-Aware and Energy-Efficient PaaS Cloud Architecture”
Ismael Cuadrado Cordero, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
GreenCom: IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Sydney, Australia, pages 412-419, December 2015, .
GreenCom 2015 “Opportunistic Scheduling in Clouds Partially Powered by Green Energy”
Yunbo Li, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Jean-Marc Menaud
GreenCom: IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Sydney, Australia, pages 448-455, December 2015, .
GreenCom 2015 “Energy-efficient User-oriented Cloud Elasticity for Data-driven Applications”
David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
GreenCom: IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Sydney, Australia, pages 376-383, December 2015, .
Smartgreens 2015 “The EPOC project: Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system”
Nicolas Beldiceanu, Barbara Dumas Feris, Philippe Gravey, Sabbir Hasan, Claude Jard, Thomas Ledoux, Yunbo Li, Didier Lime, Gilles Madi-Wamba, Jean-Marc Menaud, Pascal Morel, Michel Morvan, Marie-Laure Moulinard, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jean-Louis Pazat, Olivier Roux and Ammar Sharaiha
SMARTGREENS: International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, pages 1-7, May 2015, .
Smartgreens 2015 “Interconnecting Smart Grids and Clouds to Save Energy”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie
short paper in SMARTGREENS: International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, pages 1-6, May 2015, .
CloudNet 2014 “Studying the energy consumption of data transfers in Clouds: the Ecofen approach”
Bogdan Cornea, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
CloudNet: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pages 143-148, October 2014, .
Smartgreens 2014 “Towards Energy-Aware IaaS-PaaS Co-design”
Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Djawida Dib, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Guillaume Pierre
SMARTGREENS: International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Barcelona, Spain, pages 203-208, April 2014, .
UCC 2013 “Experimental Study on the Energy Consumption in IaaS Cloud Environments”
Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Dresden, Germany, pages 42-49, December 2013, .
ISPCS 2012 “An IEEE-1588 Compatible RADclock”
Matthew Davis, Benjamin Villain, Julien Ridoux, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Darryl Veitch
International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS), San Francisco, USA, pages 1-6, September 2012, .
CGC 2011 “Energy consumption side-channel attack at Virtual Machines in a Cloud”
Helmut Hlavacs, Thomas Treutner, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Laurent Lefèvre and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC 2011), Sydney, Australia, pages 605-612, December 2011, .
Globecom 2011 “On the Energy Efficiency of Centralized and Decentralized Management for Reservation-Based Networks”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre and Isabelle Guérin-Lassous
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, USA, pages 1-5, December 2011, .
ICON 2011 “Energy-Efficient Overlay for Data Transfers in Private Networks”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2011), Singapore, pages 153-158, December 2011, .
ISPA 2011 “Energy-Efficient Framework for Networks of Large-Scale Distributed Systems”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2011), Busan, Korea, pages 250-255, May 2011, .
GreenCom 2010 “An Analysis of Power Consumption Logs from a Monitored Grid Site”
Marcos Dias de Assunção, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, and Laurent Lefèvre
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2010), Hangzhou, China, pages 61-68, December 2010, .
Ingrid 2010 “The Green Grid’5000: Instrumenting a Grid with Energy Sensors”
Marcos Dias de Assunção, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Laurent Lefèvre, and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Instrumenting the Grid (INGRID), Poznan, Poland, pages 25-42, May 2010, (proceedings published in Remote Instrumentation for eScience and Related Aspects, Springer, volume XI, pages 25-42, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4614-0507-8), online, .
e-Energy 2010 “Multi-Facet Approach to Reduce Energy Consumption in Clouds and Grids: The GREEN-NET Framework”
Georges Da Costa, Marcos Dias de Assunção, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Yiannis Georgiou, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jean-Marc Pierson, Olivier Richard, and Amal Sayah
International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking (e-Energy), Passau, Germany, pages 95-104, April 2010, .
ParCo 2010 “When Clouds become Green: the Green Open Cloud Architecture”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo), Lyon, France, pages 228-237, September 2009, (proceedings published in Advances in Parallel Computing, IOS Press, Volume 19, pages 228-237, 2010, ISBN 978-1-60750-529-7) online, .
ICPADS 2008 “Save Watts in your Grid: Green Strategies for Energy-Aware Framework in Large Scale Distributed Systems”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Jean-Patrick Gelas
IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Melbourne, Australia, pages 171-178, December 2008, .
PDCAT 2008 “Chasing Gaps between Bursts : Towards Energy Efficient Large Scale Experimental Grids”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Jean-Patrick Gelas
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), Dunedin, New Zealand, pages 381-389, December 2008, .

Book chapters

book "Energy aware ultrascale systems"
Ariel Oleksiak, Laurent Lefèvre, Pedro Alonso, Georges Da Costa, Vincenzo De Maio, Neki Frasheri, Victor M. Garcia, Joel Guerrero, Sébastien Lafond, Alexey Lastovetsky, Ravi Reddy Manumachu, Benson Muite, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Wojciech Piatek, Jean-Marc Pierson, Radu Prodan, Patricia Stolf, Enida Sheme, Sébastien Varrette
chapter in Ultrascale Computing Systems, pages 127-188, IET (ISBN 978-1-785-61834-5), January 2019, .
book "The SAGITTA approach for optimizing solar energy consumption in distributed clouds with stochastic modeling"
Benjamin Camus, Fanny Dufossé, and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
chapter in Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems, pages 52-76, Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-02906-7), December 2018, .
book "Green Wired Networks"
Alfonso Gazo Cervero, Michele Chincoli, Lars Dittmann, Andreas Fischer, Alberto Garcia, Jaime Galan-Jimenez, Laurent Lefèvre, Hermann de Meer, Thierry Monteil, Paolo Monti, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Louis-Francois Pau, Chris Phillips, Sergio Ricciardi, Rémi Sharrock, Patricia Stolf, Tuan Trinh, and Luca Valcarenghi
chapter in Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Energy Efficiency: A Holistic View, pages 41-80, Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN 978-1-118-86463-0), April 2015, .
book "Beyond the Clouds: How Should Next Generation Utility Computing Infrastructures Be Designed?"
Marin Bertier, Frédéric Desprez, Gilles Fedak, Adrien Lebre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jonathan Pastor, Flavien Quesnel, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, and Cédric Tedeschi
chapter in Cloud Computing - Challenges, Limitations and R&D Solutions, pages 325-345, Springer(ISBN 978-3-319-10529-1), November 2014, .
book "Energy-Efficient Reservation Infrastructure for Grids, Clouds and Networks"
Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
chapter in Energy Efficient Distributed Computing Systems, pages 133-162, Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN: 978-0-470-90875-4), August 2012, .
book "Energy-efficient data transfers in large-scale distributed systems"
Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
chapter in Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing, pages 965-982, Chapman & Hall (ISBN: 978-1-43985-040-4), February 2012, .
book "Energy Aware Clouds"
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Marcos Dias de Assunção and Laurent Lefèvre
chapter in Grids, Clouds and Virtualization, pages 143-166, Springer (ISBN: 978-0-85729-048-9), September 2010, .

Workshop papers and posters

JRES 2024 “Méthodologies de calculs de l’empreinte carbone sur une plateforme de calcul - L’exemple du site de Rennes de Grid’5000
Matthieu Simonin and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
journées réseaux de l’enseignement et de la recherche (JRES), Rennes, France, pages 1-14, Decembre 2024, .
IM 2021 “Co-Simulation of Power Systems and Computing Systems using the FMI Standard”
Adrien Gougeon, Benjamin Camus, François Lemercier, Martin Quinson, Anne Blavette and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Demo paper in IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), (virtually) Bordeaux, France, pages 730-731, May 2021, .
E2DC 2017 “GLENDA: Green Label towards Energy proportioNality for IaaS DAta centers”
David Guyon, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC), in conjunction with ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Hong Kong, pages 302-308, May 2017, .
OPTIM 2016 “An analysis of the feasibility of energy harvesting with thermoelectric generators on petascale and exascale systems”
Issam Rais, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne Benoit, and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
International Workshop on Optimization of Energy Efficient HPC & Distributed Systems (OPTIM), in conjunction with International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Innsbruck, Austria, pages 808-813, July 2016, .
Intercloud 2016 “Deploying Distributed Cloud Infrastructures: Who and at What Cost?”
Adrien Lebre, Anthony Simonet and Anne-Cécile Orgerie
Workshop on Cloud Computing Interclouds, Multiclouds, Federations, and Interoperability (Intercloud), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Berlin, Germany, pages 178-183, April 2016, .
GreenCom 2015Energy-Aware Massively Distributed Cloud Facilities: the DISCOVERY Initiative
Frédéric Desprez, Shadi Ibrahim, Adrien Lebre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jonathan Pastor and Anthony Simonet
Short paper and poster in GreenCom 2015, Sydney, Australia, pages 476-477, December 2015, .
HSNCE 2013 “PetaFlow - an example of communication and computational technologies with social impact”
Alexandre Ancel, Ingo Assenmacher, Ken-ichi Baba, Julien Cisonni, Yo Fujiso, Paulo Gonçalves, Matthieu Imbert, Koji Koyamada, Pierre Neyron, Kazunori Nozaki, Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Xavier Pelorson, Bruno Raffin, Naohisa Sakamoto, Eisaku Sakane, Shinji Shimojo, Annemie Van Hirtum and Shigeo Wada
IEEE International Workshop on High-Speed Network and Computing Environment, in conjunction with Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Kyoto, Japan, pages 703-708, July 2013, .
CCGrid 2013 “An Autonomic and Scalable Management System for Private Clouds”
Matthieu Simonin, Eugen Feller, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Yvon Jégou and Christine Morin
Short paper and poster in CCGrid 2013, Delft, the Netherlands, pages 198-199, May 2013, .
HSNCE 2012 “Survey of network metrology platforms”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Paulo Gonçalves, Matthieu Imbert, Julien Ridoux and Darryl Veitch
Workshop on High Speed Network and Computing Environments (HSNCE), in conjunction with SAINT: IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, Izmir, Turkey, pages 220-225, July 2012, .
Sustainet 2011 “ECOFEN: an End-to-end energy Cost mOdel and simulator For Evaluating power consumption in large-scale Networks”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous and Dino Lopez Pacheco
Sustainet: First International Workshop on Sustainable Internet and Internet for Sustainability, in conjunction with WoWMoM: IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Lucca, Italy, pages 1-6, June 2011, .
WIPGC 2010 “Demystifying Energy Consumption in Grids and Clouds”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Jean-Patrick Gelas
Work in Progress in Green Computing (WIPGC) Workshop, in conjunction with the International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), Chicago, USA, pages 335-342, August 2010, .
HPPAC 2009 “The GREEN-NET Framework: Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems”
Georges Da-Costa, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Yiannis Georgiou, Kamal Sharma, Laurent Lefèvre, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Jean-Marc Pierson, and Olivier Richard
High Performance Power Aware Computing Workshop (HPPAC) in conjunction with IPDPS: IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium , Rome, Italy, pages 1-8, May 2009, .

Invited papers


  • Pour une science de la Transition Énergétique au Service de la Société
    Xavier Arnauld de Sartre, Frédéric Wurtz, Christophe Bouneau, Freddy Bouchet, Gilles Debizet, Louis de Fontenelle, Lise Desvallées, Marie Forget, Nathalie Kroichvili, Sandrine Mathy, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Dominique Pecaud, Gilles Lepesant, Jacques Py, Olivier Vidal, Sébastien Velut, Rapport du groupe interdisciplinaire ARPEGES CNRS pour la Transition énergétique, 18 pages, 2023, .
  • Experimental analysis of vectorized instructions impact on energy and power consumption under thermal design power constraints
    Amina Guermouche and Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Research Report, 11 pages, 2019, .
  • Predicting the Performance and the Power Consumption of MPI Applications With SimGrid
    Christian Heinrich, Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Augustin Degomme, Sascha Hunold, Arnaud Legrand, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson
    Research Report, 12 pages, 2017, .
  • Potentiel de contribution du numérique à la réduction des impacts environnementaux : état des lieux et enjeux pour la prospective
    Benoît Tinetti, Pierre-Alexis Duvernois, Yannick Le Guern, Françoise Berthoud, Carole Charbuillet, Cédric Gossart, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Laurent Lefèvre, François de Jouvenel, Cécile Desaunay and Pascale Hébel
    ADEME Report, 145 pages, December 2016, .
  • Microcities: a Platform based on Microclouds for Neighborhood Services
    Ismael Cuadrado-Cordero, Felix Cuadrado, Chris Phillips, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Christine Morin
    Research Report RR-8885, 18 pages, 2016, .
  • An experiment-driven energy consumption model for virtual machine management system
    Mar Callau-Zori, Lavinia Samoila, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Guillaume Pierre
    Research Report RR-8844, 26 pages, 2016, .
  • Snooze: A Scalable and Autonomic Cloud Management System
    Eugen Feller, Matthieu Simonin, Yvon Jégou, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, David Margery and Christine Morin
    Research Report RR-8649, 28 pages, 2014, .
  • Energy-Efficient Advance Bandwidth Reservation for Bulk Data Transfers in Dedicated Networks
    Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
    Proceedings of the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems - 2nd Year, pages 72-76, 2011, .
  • A year in the life of a large-scale experimental distributed system: the Grid’5000 platform in 2008
    Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
    Research Report RR-7481, 33 pages, 2010, .
  • Greening the Clouds!
    Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
    Proceedings of the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems - 1st Year, pages 59-62, 2010, .
  • A year in the life of a large-scale experimental distributed system: usage of the Grid’5000 platform in 2007
    Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
    Research Report RR-6965, 32 pages, 2009, .