PhD Students

  • Mansour Tchénégnon started his PhD in October 2020 (co-advisor Thibaut Le Naour and Willy Allègre).
  • Clémence Mertz started her PhD in November 2019 (co-advisors Vincent Barreaud, Damien Lolive and Thibaut Le Naour).
  • Tiago Brizolara da Rosa started his PhD in November 2018 (co-advisor Caroline Larboulette).

Past PhD Students

  • Lucie Naert defended her PhD in July 2020 (co-advisor Caroline Larboulette).
  • Clément Reverdy defended his PhD in January 2020 (co-advisor Caroline Larboulette).
  • Lei Chen started her PhD in October 2014 (co-advisor Marcelo Wanderley, McGill University).
  • Pamela Carreno-Medrano defended her PhD in November 2016 (co-advisor Pierre-Francois Marteau).
  • Thibaut Le Naour defended his PhD in December 2013 (co-advisor Nicolas Courty).
  • Kyle Duarte defended his PhD in June 2012.
  • Charly Awad defended his PhD in February 2011 (co-advisor Nicolas Courty).
  • Alexandre Bouenard defended his PhD in December 2009 (co-advisor Marcelo Wanderley, McGill University).
  • Alexis Héloir defended his PhD in January 2008 (co-advisors Nicolas Courty and Franck Multon).
  • Matthieu Aubry defended his PhD in July 2009, University Bretagne Ouest (co-advisors Frédéric Julliard and Pierre de Loor).
  • Frédéric Julliard defended his PhD at LIMSI in January 2001 (co-director Joseph Mariani, University of Paris Sud).
  • Thierry Lebourque defended his PhD at LIMSI in July 1998 (co-director Gerard Ligozat, University of Paris Sud).