Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Center


I have been fortunate to work with many excellent students.

Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Engineers Supervised

Jad Darrous, January 2020 - August 2020

Jad is funded by the ANR KerStream project. His research focuses on dependable data processing in Clouds. Jad is now a software engineer at TALEND, France

Thomas Lambert, October 2018 - 2021.

Thomas is funded by the ANR KerStream project and (now) the Apollo connect Talent project . His research focuses on resource management and scheduling for Big Data applications in heterogeneous environments.

David Guyon, April 2019 - Septemebr 2020.

David is funded by the Connect Talent project. His research focuses on data management in distributed Clouds, Stream data processing and Energy-Efficiency in heterogeneous environments.

Amelie Chi Zhou, May 2016 - August 2017.

Amelie was working on efficient resource management for Big Data applications in the Cloud. Now Amelie is an Assistant Professor at Shenzhen University, China.

PhD Studnet Supervised

Jad Darrous, October 2016 - Decemebr 2019.

Scalable and Efficient Data Management in Distributed Clouds: Service Provisioning and Data Processing. Co-advised with Christian Perez (Inria, LIP). Jad is now a software engineer at TALEND, France

Orcun Yildiz, October 2014 - Decemebr 2017.

Efficient Big Data Processing on Large-Scale Shared Platforms: Managing I/Os and Failure. Co-advised with Gabriel Antoniu (Inria, Irisa). Orcun is now now an assistant scientist at Argonne National Lab, USA..

Tien-Dat Phan, October 2014 - November 2017.

Energy-Efficient Straggler Mitigation for Big Data Applications on the Clouds. Co-advised with Luc Bouge (ENS Rennes, Irisa). Tien-Dat is now Big Data Software Architect at Dassault Systemes.

In addition, I was co-supervisong the PhD thesis of Yacine Taleb (from August 2015 to April 2017: [ICDCS17], [EBDMA17W]) with Gabriel Antoniu (Inria, Irisa) and Toni Cortes (BSC) and Nathanael Cheriere (from September 2016 to April 2017) with Gabriel Antoniu (Inria, Irisa).

Research Visits Supervised

Radita Liem (PhD student at RWTH Aachen University), from April to November 2022.

Topic on Skew mitigation in massively distributed data analytics. The visit is funded by the ANR KerStream project.

Twinkle Jain (PhD student at Northeastern university), May to July 2019 and from February to August 2020.

Topic on stragglers mitigation in big data systems. The visit was funded by the ANR KerStream and the Apollo Connect Talent projects.

Master Internships Supervised

Assaad Abihana, March 2022 – August 2022

Accelerating the deployment of latency-critical services in shared Fog infrastructure: On the role of container Image placement.

Jad Alhajj, February 2021 – August 2021. (with Thomas Lambert and Martin Quinson)

Data Locality in Hadoop, A Systematic Analysis of the Roles of Data Placement Tasks and Job

Maryam Ahmadi, February 2021 – August 2021. (with Guillaume Pierre)

Experimental Fog Platform Deployment and Evaluation for Natural Environment Monitoring.

Asha Mubark, April 2019 - August 2019. (with Thomas Lambert and Jad Darrous)

Towards Fast Container Image Retrieval in the Edge.

Nathanael Cheriere, Feb 2015 - July 2015.

Kvasir: empowering Hadoop with knowledge.

Tien Dat Phan, Feb 2014 - June 2014.

A simulation approach to evaluate Map-Reduce performance under failure

Orcun Yildiz, Feb 2014 - July 2014.

(In-)Efficiency in energy consumption of data management on Petascale super-computers

Anh-Phuong Tran, Feb 2014 - June 2014.

Failure-aware job scheduling in Hadoop cloud data centers

Yue Li, Feb 2013 - June 2013.

Energy Measurements for Cassandra Cloud Storage System: Exploring and improving Energy-Consistency Tradeoff

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