Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Center

Honors and Awards

Major Awards in Research

2020 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career Researcher) for contributions on scalable and efficient data management in large-scale distributed systems. The IEEE TCSC Middle Career Researcher Award IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career Researcher) recognizes individuals (4 winners in 2020) who have made distinguished, influential, and on-going yet towards long-lasting contributions in the field of scalable computing with applications within 5 to 15 years of receiving their Ph.D. degree

IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award as General Chair of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data as a part of the 2020 IEEE Cybermatics Congress (Blockchain/CPSCom/GreenCom/ iThings/SmartData-2020), 4-6 November 2020.

IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award as program chair of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Data (SmartData-2019), Atlanta, USA, 14-17 July 2019.

Best paper finalist at the Supercomputing Asia 2018 conference. More can be found here

Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine 2018: I was selected for the "Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine" award.

Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine 2017: I was one of the 12 researchers selected for the "Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine" award (12 out of 54 applicants).

Outstanding Leadership Award as program chair of the 17th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2017), Helsinki, Finland, 21-23 August 2017..

Selected among 300 young scientists to participate in the Global Young Scientists Summit @ one-north (GYSS@one-north 2014), from 19 to 24 January 2014, Singapore.

GYSS@one-north provides a unique opportunity to interact with over 300 of your peers and over 17 eminent speakers, ranging from Nobel Laureates, Fields Medallists, Millennium Technology Award and Turing Award winners, and IEEE Medal of Honor recipient.

Best presentation award at the Grid’5000 winter school: "Harmony: Towards Automated Self-Adaptive Consistency in Cloud Storage", Nantes, Dec 2012.

Inria Postdoctoral research fellowship (2012).

Advised Student Honors

Third Award at the ACM Graduate Student Research Competition for Nathanael Cheriere (PhD student was co-supervised by me from September 2016 to April 2017). The competition was organized with the ACM/EEE SC16 conference.


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