
Research interests

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Incremental Learning, Clustering, Classification
  • E-education, Digital Learning
  • 2D and 3D Gesture Recognition
  • Pen-based Interaction
  • Fuzzy logic, Evolving Fuzzy Classifiers
  • On-line Handwriting Recognition: Isolated Character, Symbol, Word and Sentence Recognition
  • On-line Hand-drawn Structured Document Recognition, Drawing Recognition.

Current PhD students

  • Isalam BARCHOUCH, (ANR – Sketch), supervised in collaboration with Nathalie Girard (UR1).
    Topic: “Intelligent tutorial system for sketch-based learning”
  • Florent IMBERT, (ANR French-German (KIHT)), supervised in collaboration with R. Tavernard et Y. Soullard  (UR2)
    Topic: “Design of a deep neural network architecture dedicated to handwriting synthesis from kinematic sensors of a digital pen”
  • William MOCAËR,  (EUR DIGIsport), supervised in collaboration with Richard Kulpa (UR2)
    Topic : Spatio-Temporal Convolution Neural Networks for the analysis and early recognition of actions and gestures.
  • Simon Corbillé, supervised in collaboration with Elisa Fromont (UR1).
    Topic: “Transparent” and “Deep Learning” AI approach coupling for automated analysis of student handwritten  productions in the context of education.
  • Arnaud LODS, supervised in collaboration with Sébastien Macé CIFRE founding – Learn&Go society
    Topic: On-line analysis of handwritten arithmetic operation on digital tablet: Design of an innovative educational solution to improve learning arithmetic calculations in elementary school

Former PhD students

  • Clément Leroy, supervised in collaboration with Nathalie Girard (UR1).
    Topic: Incremental learning and evolutive recognition system: for on-the-fly handwritten symbols and gestures recognition
  • Omar KRICHEN, supervised in collaboration with Nathalie Girard (UR1)
    Topic: Real-time interpretation of geometrical sketches production for e-feedback generation in digital learning.
  • Yacine BOULAHIA, (received his PHD in 2018)
    supervised in collaboration with Richard Kulpa (UR1))
    Topic: « Transversal approach for the analysis and recognition of 2D and 3D gestures »
  • Zhao Xin CHEN, (received his PHD in 2017)
    supervised in collaboration with Prof. C. Viard-Gaudin (Univ. of Nantes)
    Topic: Recognition and interpretation of structured documents with multi-touch interactions
  • Manuel BOUILLON (received his PHD in 2016)
    Topic: Incremental Learning and forgetting Of Evolving Fuzzy Inference Systems
  • PeiYu Li
    Topic: Interactive gestural commands
  • Achraf GHORBEL [received his PHD in 2012, Insa/Projet ANR Mobiskecth]
    Topic: Interactive Interpretation of handwritten sketches
  • Adrien DELAYE (received his PHD in 2011)
    Topic: Méta-modèles de positionnement spatial pour la reconnaissance de tracés manuscrits.
  • Abdulla ALMAKSOUR (received his PHD in 2011)
    Topic: Incremental Learning Of Evolving Fuzzy Inference Systems: Application To Handwritten Gesture Recognition.
  • Francois BOUTERUCHE (received his PHD in 2009)
    Topic: Fuzzy Point of View Combination for Contextual Shape Recognition: Application to On-line Graphic Gesture Recognition
  • Sébastien MACE (received his PHD in 2008)
    Topic: Modeling of syntaxical and structural knowledge for the incremental composition of on-line hand-drawn structured documents
  • Harold MOUCHERE (received his PHD in 2007)
    Topic: Studies of Writer Style Adaptation and Reject Option for classifier optimization: Application to On-line Handwriting Recognition
  • Solen QUINIOU (received her PHD in 2007)
    Topic: Statistical Language Models for On-line Handwritten Sentence Recognition
  • Laetitia ROUSSEAU (received her PHD in 2007)
    Topic: Off-line handwriting recognition by recovering the drawing order
  • Sabine CARBONNEL (received her PHD in 2005)
    Topic: Statistical Language Models for On-line Handwritten Word Recognition
  • Nicolas RAGOT (received his PHD in 2003)
    Topic: MÉLIDIS: Pattern recognition by intrinsic/discriminant dual modeling based on a hierarchical organization of fuzzy inference systems

A couple of former and on-going research project

  • KIHT: Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher – French/German bilateral ANR research project: Project leader for the french part (2021-2024)

  • ANR(e-Fran) TRIANGLE : Working with Intelligent Feedback from a Digital Geometry Application for Student Engagement, Head of the AI Research (2022-2024)
  • Script&Labs/ANR joint Laboratory (LabCom): On-line handwriting and drawing recognition and interpretation for active Learning in e- education. Project leader (2017-2021)
  • Actif: Active Learning and Collaboration with Tablet Computer, Interactions and Feedbacks
    (e-Fran – National Innovative BPI   Project) (2017-2020)
  • eFil:  e-Feedback  for Interactive Lecture – Labex CominLabs project (2017-2019)
    The aim of eFIL project is to go beyond ‘classical’ active learning methods to improve learning in higher education using and evaluating a new digital learning environment on KASSIS software.
  • IntuiScript: Scientific leadership of the IntuiScript Project (2015-2018); National Innovative BPI Project;
    Conception of a digital workbook to help teachers and children during the handwriting learning process at school by using tablet and tactile digital devices;
  • Evolve :Leadership of the Evolve Project (FEDER – SATT / 2012-2014) : Incremental learning and evolving fuzzy classifiers to design adaptive and customizable graphical gesture or symbol recognition.
    European and US Patents on “Evolve Touch” technology – N° 2995704 / 14/429,649;
  • MobiSketch: Leadership of the ANR project MobiSketch (; ends in 2013.
    Interactive document analysis of complex handwritten documents (diagrams, sketches, architectural plans, historical documents, etc.).

National and International Research Collaborations

Industrials Partners


Board, Committees…

  • Former member of the board of GRCE: Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite (french-speaking association on handwriting recognition and document analysis)
  • Former Member of steering committee of LOUSTIC Laboratory
  • Program chair of IGS 2015 and ICFHR 2010
  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue:
    • IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS): « Drawing and Handwriting Processing for User-Centered Systems »
    • On Frontiers in Handwriting Processing of the Pattern Recognition Letters Journal.
  • Member of organization committee of IWFHR 2006, JIM 2010
  • Member of Program committees of: ICPR, ICDAR, ICFHR, IGS …
  • Reviewer of International Journals: IEEE Pami, PR, PRL, IJDAR, IJIG, THMS…

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