
Arnaud Blouin

PhD, habilitation

Associate Professor of Software Engineering

Univ Rennes, INSA Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Rennes, France
Member of the DiverSE research group
mail: arnaud.blouin at_

Software Engineering Interests

  • Human-computer interaction engineering
  • Software maintenance and validation
  • Domain-specific languages and their IDE
  • Model-driven engineering
  • Making software engineers work simpler

Associate professor (with habilitation) at INSA Rennes doing research in the DiverSE research group, in the IRISA/Inria lab (Rennes, France).

Developing software systems is a hard job with the numerous concerns software engineers have to deal with (usability, security, reliability, etc.). I develop a research activity in the field of software engineering. My research activity aims at making software engineers work simpler. This goes by inventing techniques and approaches at the right level of abstraction so that engineers can work efficiently. Two recent examples:

We proposed Interacto, a modern user interaction processing model. With Interacto engineers handle user interactions (DnD, drag-lock, double-click, button click, pan, multi-touch, etc.) instead of low-level UI events. Engineers configure how to turn a selected user interaction into a (undoable) UI command using a fluent API. With Interacto, engineers develop a front-end at a correct level of abstraction (user interaction, commands).

We proposed HyperAST, a novel technique for representing several ASTs of a same software (different branches, releases, commits, or clones) in a single place. With HyperAST, engineers can write temporal code analyses on their software systems with adapted abstractions (the HyperAST).

Recent major publications (see my publications page for the links)

HyperDiff: Computing Source Code Diffs at Scale, Quentin Le Dilavrec et al., Proc. of FSE 2023

Learning Input-aware Performance Models of Configurable Systems: An Empirical Evaluation, Luc Lesoil et al., JSS, 2023

Input Sensitivity on the Performance of Configurable Systems: An Empirical Study, Luc Lesoil et al., JSS, 2023

HyperAST: Enabling Efficient Analysis of Software Histories at Scale. Quentin Le Dilavrec et al., Proc. of ASE 2022

Interacto: A Modern User Interaction Processing Model. Arnaud Blouin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2021

Untangling Spaghetti of Evolutions in Software Histories to Identify Code and Test Co-evolutions. Quentin Le Dilavrec et al., Proc. of ICMSE 2021

Available positions (some of them in french only)

PhD positions

Next generation of development environments -- DSL, HCI, development environment

Large scale code history analysis for improving software stability -- empirical software engineering, code analysis, software security, empirical study, code repository, code history

Web front-end testing: large scale analysis and techniques improvement -- Web front-end, software testing, code analysis, software code history, empirical study, software security, test generation, test amplification, UI coverage

Handling Evolution for Polyglot and Live Programming -- DSL, programming environment, HCI, code analysis

DevOps et IHM pour l'ingénierie des systèmes complexes -- DSL, DevOps, HCI, development environment

Software engineering and virtual reality: towards better development of VR applications -- software engineering, virtual reality, variability, DSL, software testing, HCI

Internship positions

Implementation, visualisation et démonstration d'algorithmes d'undo/redo

Développement d'un outil pour l'étude de l'apparition de failles de sécurité dans du code Java