Vincent Claveau, Pascale Sébillot,
Apprentissage semi-supervisé de patrons d'extraction de couples nom-verbe,
TAL (traitement automatique des langues), Hermès, Vol. 45, No. 1,
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In the Generative Lexicon (GL) framework [PUS95], some semantic properties
of nouns are expressed with the help of verbs. These noun-verb
pairs are relevant in various domains, such as Information Retrieval.
Their corpus-based acquisition is thus an interesting issue; moreover,
discovering the contextual patterns in which these pairs occur can help
to understand the GL model.
This paper presents two related and fully automated techniques that allow us
to acquire from a corpus both noun-verb pairs, and semantic and morpho-syntactic
patterns. These techniques combine two different acquisition approaches---the
statistical one and the symbolic one---and keep advantages of each
approach: robustness and automation of statistical methods, quality
of the results and expressiveness of symbolic ones. |