Pierrette Bouillon and Vincent Claveau and
Fabre and Pascale Sébillot
Using Part-of-Speech and Semantic Tagging for the
Corpus-Based Learning of Qualia Structure Elements,
First international workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon
(GL'2001), Geneva, Switzerland, April 2001,
Document (ps) |
Abstract This paper
the implementation and results of a machine learning method, developed
within the inductive logic programming (ILP) framework [Muggleton 94],
to automatically extract, from a corpus tagged with parts of speech
(POS) and semantic classes, noun-verb pairs whose components are bound
by one of the relations defined in the qualia structure in the
Generative Lexicon [Pustejovsky 95]. We demonstrate that the semantic
tagging of the corpus improves the quality of the learning, both on a
theoretical and an empirical point of view. We also show that a set of
the rules learnt by our ILP method have a linguistic significance
regarding the detection of the clues that distinguish, in terms of POS
and semantic surrounding context, noun-verb pairs that are linked by
one qualia role from others that are not semantically related. |