
I personally contributed to the software and resources below. See more software and resources from the PANAMA team


Name License Supported OS Description
BSS Oracle GPL All Matlab toolbox to compute oracle estimators for source separation
BSS_EVAL GPL All Matlab toolbox for the measurement of source separation performance
LastWave GPL Unix, MacOS, Cygwin Signal processing software (wavelets, matching pursuit, …)
MPTK GPL Unix, MacOS, Cygwin Library for fast Matching Pursuit
NACHOS GPL All Nearfield acoustic holography with sparse regularization
SMALLbox GPL 3 All Matlab toolbox for processing signals using adaptive sparse structured representations
AGLA package GPL 3 All Matlab toolbox for Analysis Greedy Like Algorithms, to reproduce the results of this paper

Other Resources

Name Type of resource Description
BASS-dB Database Database for the evaluation of audio source separation algorithms
NACHOSDB Database Database for nearfield acoustic holography