SHARP project (2023-2027), funded by the France 2030 program, managed by the French ANR, in the context of the PEPR IA
- AllegroAssai project (2020-2025), funded by the ANR Chaire IA program, on Algorithms, Approximations, Sparsity and Sketching for AI
- PLEASE project (2012-2016), funded by an ERC Starting Grant, on Projections, Learning and Sparsity for Efficient Data-Processing
- ECHANGE project (2009-2011), funded by the French ANR, on Compressed Sensing of Acoustic Fields
- SMALL project (2009-2011), funded by the EU FP7 FET-Open program, on Sparse Models, Algorithms and Learning for Large-Scale Data
- INRIA-EPFL « Équipe associée » (2007-2009). SPARS: efficient sparse representations for high dimensional signal processing
- HASSIP EU network Harmonic Analysis and Statistics in Signal and Image Processing: Mailing list, HASSIP local page
- MathSTIC CNRS project Sparse and structured approximations for audio signal processing
- GDR ISIS workgroup on resources for audio source separation:Discussion list, Workgroup home page, ADTS group at IRCCyN, Analysis-synthesis group at IRCAM