EUSIPCO 2014 Best Student Paper Award

Our paper entitled “A Dynamic Screening Principle for the Lasso” (by A. Bonnefoy, V. Emiya, L. Ralaivola, R. Gribonval) won a EUSIPCO 2014 Best Student Paper Award.

Congratulations to Antoine Bonnefoy for this achievement!

Our new preprint “Sparse and spurious: dictionary learning with noise and outliers” is out, at last!

@RemiGribonval tutorial speaker at #mlsp2014

The slides are here

Session “Mathématiques pour l’Image” @ SMAI-MODE 2014, Rennes

J’organise une session thématique “Mathématiques pour l’Image” lors des journées du groupe SMAI-MODE 2014 à Rennes, en mars 2014.

IEEE fellow, class of 2014

Rémi Gribonval élevé au grade de IEEE Fellow

Mini-symposium @ Curves & Surfaces 2014, Paris

I am organizing a mini-symposium on Dictionary Learning and Applications at the upcoming Curves & Surfaces conference in Paris, June 2014.

Spotlight at NIPS ’13

“Reconciling ‘priors’ & ‘priors’ without prejudice?” (R. Gribonval and P. Machart) got accepted (with a spotlight talk) at NIPS ’13.

You can find an extended research report on HAL for more details.

Invited talk at the MATHEON workshop, Berlin, December 9-13 2013

Invited Talk at the Computational Mathematics and Applications Seminar, University of Oxford, November 21 2013

Exposé invité à la journée “Formes et Géométrie Numérique” de la Fédération Charles Hermite, Université de Lorraine, le mardi 1er octobre 2013