Invited Speaker @ International Matheon Conference on Compressed Sensing and its Applications, Berlin, December 7-11, 2015

Schloss Dagstuhl: Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Learning Theory

Details at

Keynote @ LVA/ICA, Liberec, August 2015: Projections, Learning, and Sparsity for Efficient Data Processing.

Speaker @ Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Spatial Data, Aalborg University, June 2, 2015   

Speaker @ School of ICASSP, Brisbane, Friday April 24th 2015.

CFP – Special Issue on Structured Matrices in Signal and Data Processing, IEEE J-STSP

Special issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J ‐ STSP) on Structured Matrices in Signal and Data Processing.

Detailed call for paper at

Manuscript submission due: July 15, 2015.


Speaker @ Winter School: “Search for Latent Variables: ICA, Tensors, and NMF” in Villars de Lans, 02-04/02/2015

Postdoc position on Sparse Learning for Hybrid EEG+fMRI Brain Imaging

Joint postdoc with the VISAGES team at Inria Rennes, in the framework of the HEMISFER project.

Detailed offer (PDF)

Postdoc positions in Low-dimensional modeling for Signal Processing and Compressive Learning at Inria Rennes

The PANAMA team (Parsimony and New Algorithms for Audio & Signal Modeling) at Inria, Rennes, France is seeking highly qualified candidates for postdoctoral positions funded by the ERC (European Research Council) in the context of the project PLEASE (Projection, Learning and Sparsity for Efficient data processing). Appointments are intended to start at the beginning of 2015.

For more information, visit the announcement page:

Quelques embryons de réflexion sur la recherche reproductible en informatique, enjeux, obstacles, pistes …

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