More information and (free but mandatory) registration at:
More information and (free but mandatory) registration at:
New preprint “Abide by the Law and Follow the Flow: Conservation Laws for Gradient Flows” w. @SibylleMarcotte and @GabrielPeyre, we define and study “conservation laws” for the optimization of over-parameterized models.
Invited talk at the workshop “A Multiscale tour of Harmonic Analysis and Machine Learning” – celebrating Stéphane Mallat’s 60th birthday – @Institut_IHES, “Rapture of the deep : Highs and lows of Sparsity in a world of depth”, April 21st 2023
Seminar at the Data-Science Colloquium of the @ENS Paris “Rapture of the deep : Highs and lows of Sparsity in a world of depth”, February 2nd 2023,
Seminar @ENSEEIHT “Rapture of the deep : Highs and lows of Sparsity in a world of depth”,
Seminar – September 12th, 2022 / 13:45pm “Rapture of the deep : Highs and lows of Sparsity in a world of depth”, Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG), Montpellier
La notion de parcimonie joue un rôle transverse en TSI puisqu’elle permet d’aborder des tâches en apparence aussi diverses que la compression, le débruitage, la séparation de sources, l’acquisition compressée, et plus généralement les problèmes inverses.
Lire plus sur le site du GRETSI