Tutorial speaker at MLSS2011.

Tutorial speaker at MLSS2011. Here is the video.

Workshop @ FOCM 2011 (Foundations of Computational Mathematics), Budapest, July 4-6 2011.

Plenary speaker at SPARS11.

Plenary speaker at SPARS11. Here is the video.

2011 Blaise Pascal Award of the GAMNI-SMAI, awarded by the French Academy of Sciences

2011 Blaise Pascal Award of the GAMNI-SMAI, awarded by the French Academy of Sciences. An interview. A one-day event at INRIA. The videos

One-day meeting on multiresolution geometric transforms, funded by GDR ISIS (CNRS), April 1st, 2011 at Telecom Paristech.

One-day meeting on multiresolution geometric transforms. Together with Caroline Chaux, I co-organized a one-day meeting funded by GDR ISIS (CNRS), to be held on April 1st, 2011 at Telecom Paristech.

One-day meeting on Sparsity and statistical learning, funded by GDR ISIS (CNRS), November 10, 2010 at Telecom Paristech.

One-day meeting on Sparsity and statistical learning. Together with Francis Bach, I co-organized a one-day meeting funded by GDR ISIS (CNRS), held on November 10, 2010 at Telecom Paristech.

LVA/ICA 2010, (9th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, formerly the International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation) was held in Saint-Malo, France, September 27-30 2010.

LVA/ICA 2010, (9th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, formerly the International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation) was held in Saint-Malo, France, September 27-30 2010.

Special issue of EURASIP Signal Processing on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation.

Special issue of EURASIP Signal Processing on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. I was one of the guest editors. Here is the call for paper.

SPARS’09 (Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse/Structured Representations) was held in Saint-Malo, France, April 6-9 2009.

SPARS’09 (Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse/Structured Representations) was held in Saint-Malo, France, April 6-9 2009.

A special issue on Sparse Approximations in Signal and Image Processing was published in EURASIP Signal Processing Journal in July 2006

A special issue on Sparse Approximations in Signal and Image Processing was published in EURASIP Signal Processing Journal in July 2006 (the call for paper was here)