Exposé invité à la journée “Avancées récentes autour des problèmes inverses” du groupe SIERRA, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, jeudi 26 septembre 2013


Speaker at the Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numériques (video), April 17th 2013

Speaker at the Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numériques (video), April 17th 2013

Seminar at CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, on Sparse Dictionary Learning, February 12th 2013

Invited speaker at the International biomedical and astronomical signal processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, January 27 – February 1 2013

Invited speaker at the International biomedical and astronomical signal processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, January 27 – February 1 2013

Opening for a Master 2 internship on “Etude d’une nouvelle forme d’onde multi-porteuses”, jointly with J. Palicot (Supelec)

Opening for a Master 2 internship on “Etude d’une nouvelle forme d’onde multi-porteuses”, jointly with J. Palicot (Supelec)

Opening for a Master 2 internship on “acoustic source localization behind an obstacle”.

Opening for a Master 2 internship on “acoustic source localization behind an obstacle“.

Ngoc Q.K. Duong receives the 2012 Young Author Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Ngoc Q.K. Duong receives the 2012 Young Author Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society for the paper:

Ngoc Q. K. Duong, Emmanuel Vincent and Rémi Gribonval, “Under-Determined Reverberant Audio Source Separation Using a Full-Rank Spatial Covariance Model”, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume: 18, No. 7, September 2010

Invited speaker at the Workshop “Sparse Representation of Functions: Analytic and Computational Aspect”, Berlin, December 10 – December 14, 2012

Invited speaker at the Workshop “Sparse Representation of Functions: Analytic and Computational Aspect“, Berlin, December 10 – December 14, 2012

Workshop on Analysis Operator Learning vs. Dictionary Learning: Fraternal Twins in Sparse Modeling @NIPS 2012, Lake Tahoe, December 2012

Workshop on Analysis Operator Learning vs. Dictionary Learning: Fraternal Twins in Sparse Modeling @NIPS 2012, Lake Tahoe, December 2012

One-day meeting on sparse representations, compressive sensing and medical imaging, funded by GDR ISIS (CNRS), November 16th 2012 at Telecom Paristech.

One-day meeting on sparse representations, compressive sensing and medical imaging. I co-organized a one-day meeting funded by GDR ISIS (CNRS), November 16th 2012 at Telecom Paristech.