Category: Video

EPIT 2022: videos are online

Les vidéos de la rencontre « Ecole de printemps d’informatique théorique : Apprentissage automatique » sont désormais en ligne sur la Bibliothèque mathématique audiovisuelle : The videos made during the event « Theoretical Computer Science Spring School: Machine Learning » are now online on CIRM’s Audiovisual Mathematics Library: Machine learning on graphs – Vandergheynst, Pierre Machine learning in …

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EUSIPCO 2021 Keynote video available

The video of my EUSIPCO 2021 keynote is now available

Keynote @ virtual EUSIPCO 2021, Dublin, August 2021

Sparsity, a swiss-knife from inverse problems to deep learning ?

Panel session @ GRETSI2019 on Signal Processing & AI

Videos and slides from the Conference on Deep Learning: from Theory to Applications

The videos of most talks of the conference are now available at, as well as slides from clickable titles of the program (

Talk #brainhackorg IRISA, April 25th 2018 “Reproducible research — is it worth the effort, and how to ease it? “”>

Talk @AudioAnalytic, Cambridge, Nov 2

Speaker at the Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numériques (video), April 17th 2013

Speaker at the Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numériques (video), April 17th 2013

Invited speaker at the Schlumberger Workshop on Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis (videos), Bures sur Yvette, June 14-15 2012.

Invited speaker at the Schlumberger Workshop on Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis (videos), Bures sur Yvette, June 14-15 2012.

Tutorial speaker at MLSS2011.

Tutorial speaker at MLSS2011. Here is the video.