Category: Talk

Invited Talk at the Computational Mathematics and Applications Seminar, University of Oxford, November 21 2013

Exposé invité à la journée “Formes et Géométrie Numérique” de la Fédération Charles Hermite, Université de Lorraine, le mardi 1er octobre 2013

Exposé invité à la journée “Avancées récentes autour des problèmes inverses” du groupe SIERRA, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, jeudi 26 septembre 2013

Speaker at the Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numériques (video), April 17th 2013

Speaker at the Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numériques (video), April 17th 2013

Seminar at CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, on Sparse Dictionary Learning, February 12th 2013

Invited speaker at the International biomedical and astronomical signal processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, January 27 – February 1 2013

Invited speaker at the International biomedical and astronomical signal processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, January 27 – February 1 2013

Invited speaker at the Workshop “Sparse Representation of Functions: Analytic and Computational Aspect”, Berlin, December 10 – December 14, 2012

Invited speaker at the Workshop “Sparse Representation of Functions: Analytic and Computational Aspect“, Berlin, December 10 – December 14, 2012

Keynote speaker at the Workshop on Sparsity, Compressed Sensing and Applications, Queen Mary University of London, November 5 2012 (video)

Keynote speaker at the Workshop on Sparsity, Compressed Sensing and Applications, Queen Mary University of London, November 5 2012 (video)

Invited speaker at the SMALL-UnlocX Workshop on Sparsity, Localization and Dictionary Learning, London, June 26-27 2012.

Invited speaker at the SMALL-UnlocX Workshop on Sparsity, Localization and Dictionary Learning, London, June 26-27 2012.

Invited speaker at the Schlumberger Workshop on Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis (videos), Bures sur Yvette, June 14-15 2012.

Invited speaker at the Schlumberger Workshop on Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis (videos), Bures sur Yvette, June 14-15 2012.