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[BBM06] | Patricia Bouyer, Thomas Brihaye et Nicolas Markey. Improved Undecidability Results on Weighted Timed Automata. Information Processing Letters 98(5):188-194. Elsevier, juin 2006. |
[LMS06] | François Laroussinie, Nicolas Markey et Philippe Schnoebelen. Efficient timed model checking for discrete-time systems. Theoretical Computer Science 353(1-3):249-271. Elsevier, mars 2006. |
[MR06] | Nicolas Markey et Jean-François Raskin. Model Checking Restricted Sets of Timed Paths. Theoretical Computer Science 358(2-3):273-292. Elsevier, août 2006. |
[MS06] | Nicolas Markey et Philippe Schnoebelen. Mu-calculus path checking. Information Processing Letters 97(6):225-230. Elsevier, mars 2006. |
[BLM+06] | Patricia Bouyer, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Nicolas Markey et Jacob Illum Rasmussen. Almost Optimal Strategies in One-Clock Priced Timed Automata. In FSTTCS'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4337, pages 345-356. Springer-Verlag, décembre 2006. |
[BMR06] | Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey et Pierre-Alain Reynier. Robust Model-Checking of Linear-Time Properties in Timed Automata. In LATIN'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3887, pages 238-249. Springer-Verlag, mars 2006. |
[LMO06] | François Laroussinie, Nicolas Markey et Ghassan Oreiby. Model-Checking Timed ATL for Durational Concurrent Game Structures. In FORMATS'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4202, pages 245-259. Springer-Verlag, septembre 2006. |
[AAD+06] | Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Zoë Diamadi, Michael J. Fischer et René Peralta. Computation in Networks of Passively Mobile Finite-State Sensors. Distributed Computing 18(4):235-253. Springer-Verlag, mars 2006. |
[AAM06] | Yasmina Abdeddaïm, Eugene Asarin et Oded Maler. Scheduling with timed automata. Theoretical Computer Science 354(2):272-300. Elsevier, mars 2006. |
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[BBF+06] | Tomáš Brázdil,
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[BBL+06] | Gerd Behrmann, Patricia Bouyer, Kim Guldstrand Larsen et Radek Pelánek. Lower and Upper Bounds in Zone-Based Abstractions of Timed Automata. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 8(3):204-215. Springer-Verlag, juin 2006. |
[BBM06] | Ramzi Ben Salah,
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[BC06] | Patricia Bouyer et
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[BDH+06] | Dietmar Berwanger, Anuj Dawar, Paul Hunter et Stephan Kreutzer. DAG-Width and Parity Games. In STACS'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3884, pages 524-536. Springer-Verlag, février 2006. |
[BDL+06] | Gerd Behrmann, Alexandre David, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, John Håkansson, Paul Pettersson, Wang Yi et Martijn Hendriks. UPPAAL 4.0. In QEST'06, pages 125-126. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, septembre 2006. |
[Bel06] | Houda Bel Mokadem. Vérification des propriétés temporisées des automates programmables industriels. Thèse de doctorat, Lab. Spécification & Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, Septembre 2006. |
[BH06] | Bernard Boigelot et Frédéric Herbreteau. The Power of Hybrid Acceleration. In CAV'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4144, pages 438-451. Springer-Verlag, juillet 2006. |
[BHR06] | Patricia Bouyer, Serge Haddad et Pierre-Alain Reynier. Timed Unfoldings for Networks of Timed Automata. In ATVA'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4218, pages 292-306. Springer-Verlag, octobre 2006. |
[BIL06] | Marius Bozga,
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[BKM+06] | Jeremy W. Bryans, Maciej Koutny, Laurent Mazaré et Peter Y. A. Ryan. Opacity generalised to transition systems. In FAST'05, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3866, pages 81-95. Springer-Verlag, 2006. |
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[CdA+06] | Krishnendu Chatterjee, Luca de Alfaro et Thomas A. Henzinger. Strategy Improvement for Concurrent Reachability Games. In QEST'06, pages 291-300. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, septembre 2006. |
[CCJ06] | Franck Cassez, Thomas Chatain et Claude Jard. Symbolic Unfoldings for Networks of Timed Automata. In ATVA'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4218, pages 307-321. Springer-Verlag, octobre 2006. |
[CDH+06] | Krishnendu Chatterjee,
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[CT06] | Thomas M. Cover et Joy A. Thomas. Elements of Information Theory. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. |
[CTV06] | Edmund M. Clarke, Muralidhar Talupur et Helmut Veith. Environment Abstraction for Parameterized Verification. In VMCAI'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3855, pages 126-141. Springer-Verlag, janvier 2006. |
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[DHL+06] | Alexandre David, John Håkansson, Kim Guldstrand Larsen et Paul Pettersson. Model Checking Timed Automata with Priorities Using DBM Subtraction. In FORMATS'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4202, pages 128-142. Springer-Verlag, septembre 2006. |
[DK06] | Conrado Daws et
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[HP06] | Thomas A. Henzinger et Nir Piterman. Solving Games without Determinization. In CSL'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4207, pages 395-410. Springer-Verlag, septembre 2006. |
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[Kop06] | Eryk Kopczynski. Half-Positional Determinacy of Infinite Games. In ICALP'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4052, pages 336-347. Springer-Verlag, juillet 2006. |
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[McM06] | Kenneth L. McMillan. Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants. In CAV'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4144, pages 123-136. Springer-Verlag, juillet 2006. |
[MNP06] | Oded Maler,
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[RLS06] | Jacob Illum Rasmussen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen et K. Subramani. On using priced timed automata to achieve optimal scheduling. Formal Methods in System Design 29(1):97-114. Springer-Verlag, juillet 2006. |
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[SKL06] | Oleg Sokolsky,
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[Tri06] | Stavros Tripakis. Folk theorems on the determinization and minimization of timed automata. Information Processing Letters 99(6):222-226. Elsevier, septembre 2006. |
[Umm06] | Michael Ummels.
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[Yap06] | Chee Yap.
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KIAS Newsletter 33.
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