[ACJ+96] Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Kārlis Čerāns, Bengt Jonsson, and Yih-Kuen Tsay. General Decidability Theorems for Infinite-State Systems. In LICS'96, pages 313-321. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, July 1996.
  author =              {Abdulla, Parosh Aziz and {\v{C}}er{\={a}}ns,
                         K{\={a}}rlis and Jonsson, Bengt and Tsay, Yih-Kuen},
  title =               {General Decidability Theorems for Infinite-State
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 11th {A}nnual {S}ymposium on
                         {L}ogic in {C}omputer {S}cience ({LICS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{LICS}'96},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {313-321},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[AFH96] Rajeev Alur, Tómas Feder, and Thomas A. Henzinger. The Benefits of Relaxing Punctuality. Journal of the ACM 43(1):116-146. ACM Press, January 1996.
  author =              {Alur, Rajeev and Feder, T{\'o}mas and Henzinger,
                         Thomas A.},
  title =               {The Benefits of Relaxing Punctuality},
  publisher =           {ACM Press},
  journal =             {Journal of the~ACM},
  volume =              {43},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {116-146},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jan,
[AHH96] Rajeev Alur, Thomas A. Henzinger, and Pei-Hsin Ho. Automatic Symbolic Verification of Embedded Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 22(3):181-201. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, March 1996.
  author =              {Alur, Rajeev and Henzinger, Thomas A. and Ho,
  title =               {Automatic Symbolic Verification of Embedded Systems},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  journal =             {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
  volume =              {22},
  number =              {3},
  pages =               {181-201},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               mar,
[AJ96] Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson. Verifying Programs with Unreliable Channels. Information and Computation 127(2):91-101. Academic Press, June 1996.
  author =              {Abdulla, Parosh Aziz and Jonsson, Bengt},
  title =               {Verifying Programs with Unreliable Channels},
  publisher =           {Academic Press},
  journal =             {Information and Computation},
  volume =              {127},
  number =              {2},
  pages =               {91-101},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jun,
  doi =                 {10.1006/inco.1996.0053},
[AO96] Eric Allender and Mitsunori Ogihara. Relationships Among PL, #;L, and the Determinant. RAIRO – Theoretical Informatics and Applications 30(1):1-21. EDP Sciences, 1996.
  author =              {Allender, Eric and Ogihara, Mitsunori},
  title =               {Relationships Among {PL}, {\#L}, and the
  publisher =           {EDP Sciences},
  journal =             {RAIRO~-- Theoretical Informatics and Applications},
  volume =              {30},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {1-21},
  year =                {1996},
[AT96] Rajeev Alur and Gadi Taubenfeld. Fast Timing-based Algorithms. Distributed Computing 10:1-10. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
  author =              {Alur, Rajeev and Taubenfeld, Gadi},
  title =               {Fast Timing-based Algorithms},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  journal =             {Distributed Computing},
  volume =              {10},
  pages =               {1-10},
  year =                {1996},
[BEM96] Julian C. Bradfield, Javier Esparza, and Angelika Mader. An effective tableau system for the linear time mu-calculus. In ICALP'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1099, pages 98-109. Springer-Verlag, July 1996.
  author =              {Bradfield, Julian C. and Esparza, Javier and Mader,
  title =               {An effective tableau system for the linear time
  editor =              {Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm and Monien, Burkhard},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 23rd {I}nternational
                         {C}olloquium on {A}utomata, {L}anguages and
                         {P}rogramming ({ICALP}'96)},
  acronym =             {{ICALP}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1099},
  pages =               {98-109},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[BGK+96] Johan Bengtsson, W. O. David Griffioen, Kåre J. Kristoffersen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Fredrik Larsson, Paul Pettersson, and Wang Yi. Verification of an Audio Protocol with Bus Collision Using Uppaal. In CAV'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1102, pages 244-256. Springer-Verlag, July 1996.
  author =              {Bengtsson, Johan and Griffioen, W. O. David and
                         Kristoffersen, K{\aa}re J. and Larsen, Kim
                         Guldstrand and Larsson, Fredrik and Pettersson, Paul
                         and Yi, Wang},
  title =               {Verification of an Audio Protocol with Bus Collision
                         Using {\scshape {U}ppaal}},
  editor =              {Alur, Rajeev and Henzinger, Thomas A.},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 8th {I}nternational
                         {C}onference on {C}omputer {A}ided {V}erification
  acronym =             {{CAV}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1102},
  pages =               {244-256},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[BGP96] Béatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, and Antoine Petit. Timed Automata with non Observable Actions: Expressive power and refinement. In STACS'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1046, pages 257-268. Springer-Verlag, February 1996.
  author =              {B{\'e}rard, B{\'e}atrice and Gastin, Paul and Petit,
  title =               {Timed Automata with non Observable Actions:
                         Expressive power and refinement},
  editor =              {Puech, Claude and Reischuk, R{\"u}diger},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 13th {S}ymposium on
                         {T}heoretical {A}spects of {C}omputer {S}cience
  acronym =             {{STACS}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1046},
  pages =               {257-268},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               feb,
[Bod96] Hans L. Bodlaender. A linear-time algorithm for finding tree-decompositions of small treewidth. SIAM Journal on Computing 25(6):1305-1317. Society for Industrial and Applied Math., December 1996.
  author =              {Bodlaender, Hans L.},
  title =               {A~linear-time algorithm for finding
                         tree-decompositions of small treewidth},
  publisher =           {Society for Industrial and Applied Math.},
  journal =             {SIAM Journal on Computing},
  volume =              {25},
  number =              {6},
  pages =               {1305-1317},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               dec,
  doi =                 {10.1137/S0097539793251219},
[BT96] Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis. Neuro-Dynamic Programming. Anthropological Field Studies 3. Athena Scientific, 1996.
  author =              {Bertsekas, Dimitri P. and Tsitsiklis, John N.},
  title =               {Neuro-Dynamic Programming},
  publisher =           {Athena Scientific},
  series =              {Anthropological Field Studies},
  volume =              {3},
  year =                {1996},
[CFP+96] Gérard Cécé, Alain Finkel, and S. Purushothaman Iyer. Unreliable Channels are Easier to Verify Than Perfect Channels. Information and Computation 124(1):20-31. Academic Press, January 1996.
  author =              {C{\'e}c{\'e}, G{\'e}rard and Finkel, Alain and
                         Purushothaman Iyer, S.},
  title =               {Unreliable Channels are Easier to Verify Than
                         Perfect Channels},
  publisher =           {Academic Press},
  journal =             {Information and Computation},
  volume =              {124},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {20-31},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jan,
[CG96] Boris V. Cherkassky and Andrew V. Goldberg. Negative-Cycle Detection Algorithm. In ESA'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1136, pages 349-363. Springer-Verlag, September 1996.
  author =              {Cherkassky, Boris V. and Goldberg, Andrew V.},
  title =               {Negative-Cycle Detection Algorithm},
  editor =              {D{\'\i}az, Josep and Serna, Maria J.},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 4th {A}nnual {E}uropean
                         {S}ymposium on {A}lgorithms ({ESA}'96)},
  acronym =             {{ESA}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1136},
  pages =               {349-363},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               sep,
[DOT+96] Conrado Daws, Alfredo Olivero, Stavros Tripakis, and Sergio Yovine. The tool Kronos. In HSCC'95, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1066, pages 208-219. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
  author =              {Daws, Conrado and Olivero, Alfredo and Tripakis,
                         Stavros and Yovine, Sergio},
  title =               {The tool {\scshape {K}ronos}},
  editor =              {Alur, Rajeev and Henzinger, Thomas A. and Sontag,
                         Eduardo D.},
  booktitle =           {{H}ybrid {S}ystems~{III}: {V}erification and
                         {C}ontrol ({HSCC}'95)},
  acronym =             {{HSCC}'95},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1066},
  pages =               {208-219},
  year =                {1996},
  confyear =            {1995},
  confmonth =           {10},
[Eme96] E. Allen Emerson. Automated Temporal Reasoning about Reactive Systems. In Banff'94, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1043, pages 41-101. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
  author =              {Emerson, E. Allen},
  title =               {Automated Temporal Reasoning about Reactive Systems},
  editor =              {Moller, Faron and Birtwistle, Graham M.},
  booktitle =           {{L}ogics for {C}oncurrency, {S}tructure versus
                         {A}utomata: {P}roceedings of the 8th {B}anff
                         {H}igher {O}rder {W}orkshop ({B}anff'94)},
  acronym =             {{B}anff'94},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1043},
  pages =               {41-101},
  year =                {1996},
  confyear =            {1994},
  confmonth =           {8-9},
[Eme96] E. Allen Emerson. Model Checking and the Mu-calculus. In Neil Immerman and Phokion G. Kolaitis (eds.), Descriptive Complexity and Finite Models, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 31, pages 185-214. American Mathematical Society, 1996.
  author =              {Emerson, E. Allen},
  title =               {Model Checking and the Mu-calculus},
  editor =              {Immerman, Neil and Kolaitis, Phokion G.},
  booktitle =           {Descriptive Complexity and Finite Models},
  publisher =           {American Mathematical Society},
  series =              {DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and
                         Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume =              {31},
  pages =               {185-214},
  year =                {1996},
[ES96] E. Allen Emerson and A. Prasad Sistla. Symmetry and model checking. Formal Methods in System Design 9(1-2):105-131. Kluwer Academic, August 1996.
  author =              {Emerson, E. Allen and Sistla, A. Prasad},
  title =               {Symmetry and model checking},
  publisher =           {Kluwer Academic},
  journal =             {Formal Methods in System Design},
  volume =              {9},
  number =              {1-2},
  pages =               {105-131},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               aug,
  doi =                 {10.1007/BF00625970},
[ET96] E. Allen Emerson and Richard J. Trefler. Generalized Quantitative Temporal Reasoning. Technical Report 96-20, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 1996.
  author =              {Emerson, E. Allen and Trefler, Richard J.},
  title =               {Generalized Quantitative Temporal Reasoning},
  number =              {96-20},
  year =                {1996},
  institution =         {Department of Computer Science, University of Texas
                         at Austin, USA},
  type =                {Technical Report},
[EW96] Kousha Etessami and Thomas Wilke. An Until Hierarchy for Temporal Logic. In LICS'96, pages 108-117. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, July 1996.
  author =              {Etessami, Kousha and Wilke, Thomas},
  title =               {An Until Hierarchy for Temporal Logic},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 11th {A}nnual {S}ymposium on
                         {L}ogic in {C}omputer {S}cience ({LICS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{LICS}'96},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {108-117},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[FHM+96] Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses, and Moshe Y. Vardi. Common Knowledge Revisited. In TARK'96, pages 283-298. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, March 1996.
  author =              {Fagin, Ronald and Halpern, Joseph Y. and Moses,
                         Yoram and Vardi, Moshe Y.},
  title =               {Common Knowledge Revisited},
  editor =              {Shoham, Yoav},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 6th {C}onference on
                         {T}heoretical {A}spects of {R}ationality and
                         {K}nowledge ({TARK}'96)},
  acronym =             {{TARK}'96},
  publisher =           {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
  pages =               {283-298},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               mar,
[FKG96] Jürgen Frößl, Thomas Kropf, and Joachim Gerlach. An Efficient Algorithm for Real-Time Symbolic Model Checking. In ED&TC'96, pages 15-20. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, March 1996.
  author =              {Fr{\"o}{\ss}l, J{\"u}rgen and Kropf, {\relax Th}omas
                         and Gerlach, Joachim},
  title =               {An Efficient Algorithm for Real-Time Symbolic Model
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 1996 {E}uropean {D}esign and
                         {T}est {C}onference ({ED\&TC}'96)},
  acronym =             {{ED\&TC}'96},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {15-20},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               mar,
[GKP+96] Leszek Gąsieniec, Marek Karpinski, Wojciech Plandowski, and Wojciech Rytter. Efficient Algorithms for Lempel-Ziv Encoding (Extended Abstract). In SWAT'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1097, pages 392-403. Springer-Verlag, July 1996.
  author =              {G{\k a}sieniec, Leszek and Karpinski, Marek and
                         Plandowski, Wojciech and Rytter, Wojciech},
  title =               {Efficient Algorithms for {L}empel-{Z}iv Encoding
                         (Extended Abstract)},
  editor =              {Karlsson, Rolf G. and Lingas, Andrzej},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 5th {S}candinavian {W}orkshop
                         on {A}lgorithm {T}heory ({SWAT}'96)},
  acronym =             {{SWAT}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1097},
  pages =               {392-403},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[Gor96] Valentin Goranko. Hierarchies of Modal and Temporal Logics with Reference Pointers. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5(1):1-24. Kluwer Academic, April 1996.
  author =              {Goranko, Valentin},
  title =               {Hierarchies of Modal and Temporal Logics with
                         Reference Pointers},
  publisher =           {Kluwer Academic},
  journal =             {Journal of Logic, Language and Information},
  volume =              {5},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {1-24},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               apr,
[GPV+96] Rob Gerth, Doron A. Peled, Moshe Y. Vardi, and Pierre Wolper. Simple On-the-fly Automatic Verification of Linear Temporal Logic. In PSTV'95, IFIP Conference Proceedings 38, pages 3-18. Chapman & Hall, 1996.
  author =              {Gerth, Rob and Peled, Doron A. and Vardi, Moshe Y.
                         and Wolper, Pierre},
  title =               {Simple On-the-fly Automatic Verification of Linear
                         Temporal Logic},
  editor =              {Dembinski, Piotr and Sredniawa, Marek},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 15th {I}nternational
                         {S}ymposium on {P}rotocol {S}pecification, {T}esting
                         and {V}erification ({PSTV}'95)},
  acronym =             {{PSTV}'95},
  publisher =           {Chapman \& Hall},
  series =              {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
  volume =              {38},
  pages =               {3-18},
  year =                {1996},
  confyear =            {1995},
  confmonth =           {6},
[GRS+96] Dora Giammarresi, Antonio Restivo, Sebastian Seibert, and Wolfgang Thomas. Monadic Second-Order Logic over Rectangular Pictures and Recognizability by Tiling Systems. Information and Computation 125(1):32-45. Academic Press, February 1996.
  author =              {Giammarresi, Dora and Restivo, Antonio and Seibert,
                         Sebastian and Thomas, Wolfgang},
  title =               {Monadic Second-Order Logic over Rectangular Pictures
                         and Recognizability by Tiling Systems},
  publisher =           {Academic Press},
  journal =             {Information and Computation},
  volume =              {125},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {32-45},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               feb,
  doi =                 {10.1006/inco.1996.0018},
[Hen96] Thomas A. Henzinger. The Theory of Hybrid Automata. In LICS'96, pages 278-292. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, July 1996.
  author =              {Henzinger, Thomas A.},
  title =               {The Theory of Hybrid Automata},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 11th {A}nnual {S}ymposium on
                         {L}ogic in {C}omputer {S}cience ({LICS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{LICS}'96},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {278-292},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[HJ96] Dang Van Hung and Wang Ji. On the Design of Hybrid Control Systems Using Automata Models. In FSTTCS'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1180, pages 156-176. Springer-Verlag, December 1996.
  author =              {Hung, Dang Van and Ji, Wang},
  title =               {On the Design of Hybrid Control Systems Using
                         Automata Models},
  editor =              {Chandru, Vijay and Vinay, V.},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 16th {C}onference on
                         {F}oundations of {S}oftware {T}echnology and
                         {T}heoretical {C}omputer {S}cience ({FSTTCS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{FSTTCS}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1180},
  pages =               {156-176},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               dec,
[HKV96] Thomas A. Henzinger, Orna Kupferman, and Moshe Y. Vardi. A Space-Efficient On-the-fly Algorithm for Real-Time Model Checking. In CONCUR'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1119, pages 514-529. Springer-Verlag, August 1996.
  author =              {Henzinger, Thomas A. and Kupferman, Orna and Vardi,
                         Moshe Y.},
  title =               {A Space-Efficient On-the-fly Algorithm for Real-Time
                         Model Checking},
  editor =              {Montanari, Ugo and Sassone, Vladimiro},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 7th {I}nternational
                         {C}onference on {C}oncurrency {T}heory
  acronym =             {{CONCUR}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1119},
  pages =               {514-529},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               aug,
[HS96] Klaus Havelund and Natarajan Shankar. Experiments in Theorem Proving and Model Checking for Protocol Verification. In FME'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1051, pages 662-681. Springer-Verlag, March 1996.
  author =              {Havelund, Klaus and Shankar, Natarajan},
  title =               {Experiments in Theorem Proving and Model Checking
                         for Protocol Verification},
  editor =              {Gaudel, Marie-Claude and Woodcock, Jim},
  booktitle =           {Industrial Benefit and Advances in Formal
                         Methods~--- {P}roceedings of the 3rd {I}nternational
                         {S}ymposium of {F}ormal {M}ethods {E}urope
  acronym =             {{FME}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1051},
  pages =               {662-681},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               mar,
[JW96] David Janin and Igor Walukiewicz. On the Expressive Completeness of the Propositional Mu-Calculus With Respect to Monadic Second Order Logic. In CONCUR'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1119, pages 263-277. Springer-Verlag, August 1996.
  author =              {Janin, David and Walukiewicz, Igor},
  title =               {On the Expressive Completeness of the Propositional
                         Mu-Calculus With Respect to Monadic Second Order
  editor =              {Montanari, Ugo and Sassone, Vladimiro},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 7th {I}nternational
                         {C}onference on {C}oncurrency {T}heory
  acronym =             {{CONCUR}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1119},
  pages =               {263-277},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               aug,
[KG96] Orna Kupferman and Orna Grumberg. Buy One, Get One Free!!!. Journal of Logic and Computation 6(4):523-539. Oxford University Press, August 1996.
  author =              {Kupferman, Orna and Grumberg, Orna},
  title =               {Buy One, Get One Free!!!},
  publisher =           {Oxford University Press},
  journal =             {Journal of Logic and Computation},
  volume =              {6},
  number =              {4},
  pages =               {523-539},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               aug,
[KG96] Orna Kupferman and Orna Grumberg. Branching Time Temporal Logic and Tree Automata. Information and Computation 125(1):62-69. Academic Press, February 1996.
  author =              {Kupferman, Orna and Grumberg, Orna},
  title =               {Branching Time Temporal Logic and Tree Automata},
  publisher =           {Academic Press},
  journal =             {Information and Computation},
  volume =              {125},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {62-69},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               feb,
[KSV96] Orna Kupferman, Shmuel Safra, and Moshe Y. Vardi. Relating Word and Tree Automata. In LICS'96, pages 322-332. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, July 1996.
  author =              {Kupferman, Orna and Safra, Shmuel and Vardi, Moshe
  title =               {Relating Word and Tree Automata},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 11th {A}nnual {S}ymposium on
                         {L}ogic in {C}omputer {S}cience ({LICS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{LICS}'96},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {322-332},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
  doi =                 {10.1109/LICS.1996.561360},
[Moo96] Cristopher Moore. Recursion Theory on the Reals and Continuous-Time Computation. Theoretical Computer Science 162(1):23-44. Elsevier, August 1996.
  author =              {Moore, Cristopher},
  title =               {Recursion Theory on the Reals and Continuous-Time
  publisher =           {Elsevier},
  journal =             {Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume =              {162},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {23-44},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               aug,
[MS96] Dov Monderer and Lloyd S. Shapley. Potential Games. Games and Economic Behavior 14(1):124-143. May 1996.
  author =              {Monderer, Dov and Shapley, Lloyd S.},
  title =               {Potential Games},
  journal =             {Games and Economic Behavior},
  volume =              {14},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {124-143},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               may,
  doi =                 {10.1006/game.1996.0044},
[Pin96] Jean-Éric Pin. Logic, Semigroups and Automata on Words. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 16:343-384. Kluwer Academic, 1996.
  author =              {Pin, Jean-{\'E}ric},
  title =               {Logic, Semigroups and Automata on Words},
  publisher =           {Kluwer Academic},
  journal =             {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
  volume =              {16},
  pages =               {343-384},
  year =                {1996},
[SSL+96] Meera Sampath, Raja Sengupta, Stéphane Lafortune, Kasim Sinnamohideen, and Demosthenis Teneketzis. Failure diagnosis using discrete-event models. IEEE Transactions on Computers 35(1):105-124. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, January 1996.
  author =              {Sampath, Meera and Sengupta, Raja and Lafortune,
                         St{\'e}phane and Sinnamohideen, Kasim and
                         Teneketzis, Demosthenis},
  title =               {Failure diagnosis using discrete-event models},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  journal =             {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  volume =              {35},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {105-124},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jan,
  doi =                 {10.1109/87.486338},
[TAK+96] Serdar Taşiran, Rajeev Alur, Robert P. Kurshan, and Robert K. Brayton. Verifying Abstractions of Timed Systems. In CONCUR'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1119, pages 546-562. Springer-Verlag, August 1996.
  author =              {Ta{\c s}iran, Serdar and Alur, Rajeev and Kurshan,
                         Robert P. and Brayton, Robert K.},
  title =               {Verifying Abstractions of Timed Systems},
  editor =              {Montanari, Ugo and Sassone, Vladimiro},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 7th {I}nternational
                         {C}onference on {C}oncurrency {T}heory
  acronym =             {{CONCUR}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1119},
  pages =               {546-562},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               aug,
[Tho96] Wolfgang Thomas. Languages, Automata and Logics. Technical Report 9607, Institut für Informatik und Praktische Mathematik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, May 1996.
  author =              {Thomas, Wolfgang},
  title =               {Languages, Automata and Logics},
  number =              {9607},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               may,
  institution =         {Institut f{\"u}r Informatik und Praktische
                         Mathematik, Christian-Albrechts-Universit{\"a}t,
                         Kiel, Germany},
  type =                {Technical Report},
[Tre96] Jan Tretmans. Test Generation with Inputs, Outputs, and Quiescence. In TACAS'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1055, pages 127-146. Springer-Verlag, March 1996.
  author =              {Tretmans, Jan},
  title =               {Test Generation with Inputs, Outputs, and
  editor =              {Margaria, Tiziana and Steffen, Bernhard},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 2nd {I}nternational {W}orkshop
                         on {T}ools and {A}lgorithms for {C}onstruction and
                         {A}nalysis of {S}ystems ({TACAS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{TACAS}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1055},
  pages =               {127-146},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               mar,
  doi =                 {10.1007/3-540-61042-1_42},
[Tre96] Jan Tretmans. Conformance Testing with Labelled Transition Systems: Implementation Relations and Test Generation. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29(1):49-79. Elsevier, 1996.
  author =              {Tretmans, Jan},
  title =               {Conformance Testing with Labelled Transition
                         Systems: Implementation Relations and Test
  publisher =           {Elsevier},
  journal =             {Computer Networks and {ISDN} Systems},
  volume =              {29},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {49-79},
  year =                {1996},
  doi =                 {10.1016/S0169-7552(96)00017-7},
[TW96] Denis Thérien and Thomas Wilke. Temporal Logic and Semidirect Products: an Effective Characterization of the Until Hierarchy. In FOCS'96, pages 256-263. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, October 1996.
  author =              {Th{\'e}rien, Denis and Wilke, Thomas},
  title =               {Temporal Logic and Semidirect Products: an Effective
                         Characterization of the Until Hierarchy},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 37th {A}nnual {S}ymposium on
                         {F}oundations of {C}omputer {S}cience ({FOCS}'96)},
  acronym =             {{FOCS}'96},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {256-263},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               oct,
[Var96] Moshe Y. Vardi. An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Linear Temporal Logic. In Banff'94, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1043, pages 238-266. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
  author =              {Vardi, Moshe Y.},
  title =               {An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Linear Temporal
  editor =              {Moller, Faron and Birtwistle, Graham M.},
  booktitle =           {{L}ogics for {C}oncurrency, {S}tructure versus
                         {A}utomata: {P}roceedings of the 8th {B}anff
                         {H}igher {O}rder {W}orkshop ({B}anff'94)},
  acronym =             {{B}anff'94},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1043},
  pages =               {238-266},
  year =                {1996},
  confyear =            {1994},
  confmonth =           {8-9},
[Wal96] Igor Walukiewicz. Pushdown Processes: Games and Model Checking. In CAV'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1102, pages 234-263. Springer-Verlag, July 1996.
  author =              {Walukiewicz, Igor},
  title =               {Pushdown Processes: Games and Model Checking},
  editor =              {Alur, Rajeev and Henzinger, Thomas A.},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 8th {I}nternational
                         {C}onference on {C}omputer {A}ided {V}erification
  acronym =             {{CAV}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1102},
  pages =               {234-263},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               jul,
[Wal96] Igor Walukiewicz. Monadic second order logic on tree-like structures. In STACS'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1046, pages 401-413. Springer-Verlag, February 1996.
  author =              {Walukiewicz, Igor},
  title =               {Monadic second order logic on tree-like structures},
  editor =              {Puech, Claude and Reischuk, R{\"u}diger},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 13th {S}ymposium on
                         {T}heoretical {A}spects of {C}omputer {S}cience
  acronym =             {{STACS}'96},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1046},
  pages =               {401-413},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               feb,
  doi =                 {10.1007/3-540-60922-9_33},
[ZP96] Uri Zwick and Mike Paterson. The Complexity of Mean Payoff Games on Graphs. Theoretical Computer Science 158(1-2):343-359. Elsevier, May 1996.
  author =              {Zwick, Uri and Paterson, Mike},
  title =               {The Complexity of Mean Payoff Games on Graphs},
  publisher =           {Elsevier},
  journal =             {Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume =              {158},
  number =              {1-2},
  pages =               {343-359},
  year =                {1996},
  month =               may,
  doi =                 {10.1016/0304-3975(95)00188-3},
List of authors